UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy Westmoreland 2 bedroom furnished al t140/m out h: Westmoreland 1 bedroom furnished al $111/month. Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished al $116/ month Anticipate future openings in all areas Contact UO Housing Dept 686 4277 787 tin 1 BEDROOM $200 huge apartment with extra full sized room fo' study or office Safeway 2 blocks Carpets drapes, parking, laundry, unfurnished 344 2469. 345 7987805:ttn FOR RENT A unique 1 bedroom duplex |ust 3 blocks to campus Applianced fireplace vaulted ceilings and nice yard 683-7722 evenings 1577 Mill $ 2 7 5 A 1 bedroom aprtment in tri plex Fur nished applianced and on-site laundry facilities 6 blocks to campus 1155 Mill $175. Jennings • Co. Propery Management Inc. 683 2271 720 MWF m. Real Estate FOR SALE BY OWNER Lovely six year old home on 59 acres, in quiet wooded area Three bedrooms plus sewing room/study Cedar siding. 2146 square feet plus 20 x 20 bonus room over dou ble garage Sunken living room with vaulted ceiling Formal dining room, spacious country kitchen. IT* bath cozy family room with woodstove Ap pliances Creative financing $98,000 Call for appt 342 4164 Open house 1-5 pm Saturday and Sunday 1190 Barber Drive Eugene 792 10-14 Quads THE BROWN DERBY Super special Spring/summer rates now in effect 441 East 17th 151 tfn CLASSY QUADS 430 E 15th Handy to campus or town $139 includes utilities Manager. 485 2130 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST 485 8252 962 tfn HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Quads and get your weekly cleaning included in the rent along with cable TV. utilities, private bath linen service and lots ol other goodies CALL TODAY! CAMPUS COURT OUADS 1544 Alder 686-1075 025:tfn LARGE QUAD 485-8859 $99 month 76i:tfn Dorm Contracts FEMALE MULTIPLE CONTRACT for sale Will pay deposit Contact Deidre 105 Sweetser. leave message 10-14 DORM CONTRACT for sale Will pay deposit Contact Robby/Shabaz at 345 9430 10 19 Lost/Found LOST: Female long haired Siamese cat near the vicinity of 15th and High Reward offered 345-5293 806 10-17 FOUND: Black and white male cat. around campus, has flea collar 344-4189 10-17 LOST: WILSON "EXTRA" tennis racket Please call 683-8367 if found 10-18 Market Basket Hi energy BEE POLLEN HONEY on tap 79Mb Beautiful candles & gifts 128 E. 11th HONEY HEAVEN 344-5939 591 F EVENTS CINLA47 ST-mS, BY POPULAR DEMAND THRU OCTOBER 9 The rousing films of gospel music and gospel life SAY AMEN, SOMEBODY Thurs-Sat at 7:30 & 9:30 pm Sun-Wed at 7 & 8:55 pm All shows Sunday reduced admission with 2 pm matinee FRI A SAT MIDNITE - XXX Marilyn Chamber's newest UP AND COMING with John C. Holmes Over 18. re quires separate admission. 836:10-19 DICK LUKE LIVE SATURDAY NITE Be There Downtown in the Atrium 99 Weal 10th 803:10-12 LOGO CONTEST # tor the JEWISH STUDENT UNION DEADLINE IS OCT. 25 Win lame, gratitude and a small prize! SUBMIT ENTRY JSU. EMU SUITE 5 TAJ MAHAL “Keeping The Music Alive” Fri., Oct. 21, 8 pm EMU Ballroom Tickets $5 50 UO students. $6 50 day ol show $6 50 advance/general public $7 50 day ol show 10-21 EMU CULTURAL FORUM invites you to OSLUND a CO.'S FESTIVAL OF NEW WORK Monday, Oct. 17 7:30 pm SORENG THEATRE Special student prices $4 25 advance $4 75 day ol show _ 846 10 17 Presenting Scotland s Traditional/Political FolKsinger DICK GAUGHAN In Concert With Ireland's Kevin Burke Micheal O Domhnaill Joe Burke Wed., Oct. 19 7:30 pm SORENG THEATRE HULT CENTER. EUGENE Ticket into. 687 5000 783 10 19 EMU Cultural Forum presents Or. Benjamin Spock Dr. Spock. co-chairman of the Na tional Committee for a Safe Nuclear Policy feels a need to suport a test ban treaty to protect children from radiation fallout. He is also a spokesman for the Peace Movement. Combining his intrests in child health and psychology, the Vietnam War and personal and political behavior with concern for nuclear policy. “Raising Children in the Nuclear Age” should prove a provocative and informative lecture topic Saturday, October 15th 8 pm EMU Ballroom $1 UO student. $2 general public Tickets will be sold at the door Free childcare through UO Childcare Center will be available Please call for reservations at 686 4384 or EMU Cultural Forum at 686 4373 795 10 14 SBA, National Lawyer’s Guild and ASUO present Legal Reform in Nicaragua Mariano Barrahona Supreme Court Judge Umberto Obregon Appellate Judge 1 pm Friday October 14 Law School Room 221 813:10-14 Anti Solomon Rally 12:15 pm Friday EMU Courtyard Is Financial Aid Worth Fighting For? Speakers from ASUO ASLCC. SORD. CORD and CISCAP will be discussing topics and issues centering around Registration, the Draft, and war Come show your support for people in solidarity against growing re militarization 12:15 music by Steve Shim and Eike Fischr 12:30-1:30 speeches 10-14 Korean Student Union Picnic will be held at Alton Baker Park (10-15-83. Saturday. 11 30 am) Come and have tun! For more information Sue 485 9625 10 14 THE HULT PRESENTS: Studio I Cabaret with UP TOWN PROJECT 6 piece Funk 4 Top 40 dance band 9 30-2 pm Enter thru patio, over 21 please S3 includes patron user tee 10-14 LAST DAY For The Art Print Sale In The EMU ‘til 5 pm ■ 10 14 Entertainment THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 686BIJU STUDENT ADMISSION $2.50 Anyiime. with ID & lee card WE OF THE NEVER NEVER Nominated for six Australian Academy Awards "We Ol The Never Never" is the story ol Jeannie Gunn, first civilized woman in the wilds of Australia SUNDAY THURSDAY 6:15 & 8:45 PM FRIDAY SATURDAY 7:15 & 9:45 PM Sat-Sun Mat 3:30 pm MISER MONDAY ALL SEATS $2.50 KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATE NIGHT Emmanuelle Joys Of A Woman Wednesday & Thursday 11:15 pm $1 96 Friday & Saturday 12:15 am S2 50 Chamber Music Chamber music series Tickets now available at student discount SEVEN GREAT CONCERTS For $30 or $19 First concert Oct. 15 Concord String Quartet All seats reserved For info call: G86 5678 Sponsored by the Committee for Musical Arts 801 10-14 Dan Siegel Band in their farewell to Eugene concert Saturday. October 15th. Soreng Theatre. Hull Center-for the Performing Arts Special guests, the Don Latarski Trio Tickets available at the EMU and other Hull Center outlets $5 50fad vance $6 50 day of show 10-19 Artichoke Music I Cultural Forum presents India's Master Sarod Artist Ali Akbar Khan With Table accompanist Swapan Chaudhuri An absolute genius the greatest musician in the world " -Yehudi Menuhin " Ali Akbar Khan is con sidered by most lovers of Indian music to be fhe greatest instrumen talist tcoay."-Times of India Sun. Oct. 16, 8 pm EMU Ballroom Tickets: $7.50 advance. $6.50 day of show. $6 50 for U of O students. 818:10-14 STUDENTS! SAVE 46% University Theatre Season Tickets On Sale Now! See: DRACULA CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF DANCE 84 SAINT JOAN WEST SIDE STORY Only season ticket buyers: Save money Have the best seats Get one ticket to the performance ot your choice Have your ticket guaranteed it lost or stolen Order now at Robinson Theatre Box Ottice. Vtllard Hall Mon Sat 12 4 pm or call 6M-4191. 738 10-14 I___ EMU Cultural Forum Where can you go dressed in your zaniest baseball uniform and get a corn dog. a pitcher of beer, and watch the World Series? To the World Series “Zaniest Baseball Uniform Contest” (prizes awarded) Beer Garden Friday, Oct. 14th in the EMU Dining Room Starts at 4 pm Alternative beverages and food available I D required. Two big screens Free Free Free 829 10-13 Friday, Oct. 14th “No Nukes” A dazzling concert film with Jackson Browne Bruce Springsteen Carly Simon James Taylor Crusby. Stills and Nash Doobie Brothers Bonnie Raitt 180 PLC 7 pm & 9:15 pm $1 50/51 Presented by SNUFF 10-14 MAX’S Presents MILKMEN Sat. Oct. 15th 9:30 pm 550 E. 13th 844:10 14 Watch tor the CHINA FILM FESTIVAL coming Oct 22-Nov 20 827 10-14 JAZZ/BLUES Records Books CAT’S MEOW JAZZ A BLUES CORNER Special order specialists Fitthpearl Bldg A Pearl 839 HFsl20 On Tour From New York The Yippies Bring You Rock Against Reagan Skinner’s Butte Park Sunday Noon-5 Stick Against Stone (From Pittsburgh) The Hoodlums Willie Dee & Partners Poison Idea (From Portland) E-13 Speakers: Hans Georg Behr (German Green Party) Kevin Kouns, ASUO Sherry Franklin, Survival Center Olive Bowers Sponsored by Eugene Direct Action 865 10 14 Amanda Marga Presents THE ROSE Has ben cancelled tor Saturday, Oct 15, 7 and 9:30 pm 860:10-14 Personals MAKE MONEY! Recyclin ; Your Clothes RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women. For appt.: 344-7039 3«0 E. 11th 0UWF FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion I he procedure the cost, and local referral call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free 1 800 223 0618 7 am 3 pm MF 468 MWF Get Fast Dependable Service at Siegmund's Cleaners 821 E 13th Ave PLANNED PARENTHOOD has^Aft^ pregnancy test that is 99% accurate Call for appt 344 9411HF IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy, call Birthright Free testing 687 8651 327 F FOR YOUR NEXT PARTY use an Emerald Personal to spread the word Hn COLLEGE SWEATSHIRTS! Harvard (grey)Yale ( w h 11 e) • P r i n c e t o n (navy) Darmouth (kelly) North Carolina (It biue)-USC (white)-others $12 50 each postpaid S M-L-XL Send check to IMg Bo* 317 Brookhave MS 39601 COD orders call 1-601 835 1085 10-17 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES (Convenient, quality typeset resumes are done a; ODE Graphic Services We can give your job search a professional edge Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with cur rent IO. 212 THE OREGON MARITAL STUDIES Pro gram Department onl Psychology, has openings tor couples wishing to im prove their relationship skills. A wide vareity of services are offered, in cluding communication training, pro blem solving and conflict resolving skills, in individual couples session or in couples groups Please contact Ran di Greenwald al 686 4954 828:10-18 GIVE BLOOD The UO Fall Blood Drive is Tuesday. October 18 and Wednesday. October 19 in Room 167 EMU Come help out area hospital patients and be eligible for a $10 gift certificate at the U of O Bookstore Walk-in donors welcome or appointments may be made by call ing 686-3085 848 10-19 EMU REC CENTER SPECIALS Weekdays 2-4 pm Bowling $2/hr Thurs only 4-11 pm Billiards $1/hr Sat and Sun Bowling 7^/frame Shoes free Billiards $1.50/hr Table Tennis 60$/hr Shuffleboard 831 10 14 TODAY IS YOUR LAST chance to sign up for INFORMAL SORORITY RUSH until Spring term Why wait? Sign up now at the EMU. suite 5 or 364 Oregon Hall 10 14 THETA KIM We can't wait to have you as our newest member Love. Kim 10 14 Kim Dewaese Big i s almost over, it's sure been fun Now your pledgeship will soon be done Tonight's the big night. I can hardly wait Welcome to THETA, we all think you're great! Love. Sara 10-14 NEED A LOCKER ON CAMPUS $1/term $2 Refundable Key Deposit. See EMU Rec. Center Desk. THERE'S STILL TIME TO SIGN UP FOR AN ACADEMIC SPEED READING WORKSHOP Two workshops will be beginning on Tuesday. October 19: 1. TuesfThurs 12:30 1:50 2. Tubs Evenings 7-9 Why spend $500 on a commercial speed reading course when the University's is only $30& To enroll, call or stopy by the Learning Resources Center. 5 Friendly Hall 686 3226 862 10-18 JABBERWQCKY CARDS • GIFTS •Over 2800 designs of cards and postcards • A great selection of posters • Wind-up toys •Stationery • Address & blank books • Memo boards • Slickers • Party favors Decorations • All kinds of crazy, in expensive things • Novelty candy • Picture frames • Mugs • Stuffed toys • Gift wrap •HALLOWEEN CARDS. MASK. PAR TY FAVORS AND DECORATIONS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY. MON-FRI 10.5:30 1305 HILYARD SAT 10-5 484-0530 KIMBERLY KEYS.Meet me at Beet Garden at 4 30 Madly passionately yours. Dave_ PUTNEY THIS IS IT GOOD LUCK TONIGHT CONGRATULATIONS LOVE YOUR BIG SIS NANCY DIANE Your time has come! Good luck and congratulations. Lova your big sis. Cyndie 856 10-14 MAURA THIS IS IT! If you make it through tonight, you will deserve your membership! Have fun! Love your big sis, Kim. AX INITIATES Have fun & welcome to the bond! Love, The Members 854 10-14 ntincc rOCKLEin ICE CREAM - w OPEN FRI & SAT TILL MIDNIGHT 13th t Hilyard 619F Bill The Cat Memorial Services Tonight. 8 pm Contact Tom or Bob. 344 4167 The Church Of Hedonistic Desires 10 14 The Ladies o> Alpha Chi Omega invite the gentlemen of the University of Oregon to the 1983-84 Big Brother Court tryouts Monday October 17 1983 850 E 15th 7:30 pm Call 686 4088 for more informa tion10-17 DG Robyn I’m so excited to have you as my little sis! You re the greatest Love, YOUR BIG SIS P S Thanks for the Surprise. DG Terry You re almost there kiddo lonight you will be a member Good luck! I Love, YOURBIGSIS « 10-14 Happy 19th AARON SIENKIEWICZ 10-14 KEVIN AMMON: Happy 22nd bilhday You re not getting better |usl older ROOMIE" 10 14 GAMMA PHIS A PHI OELTS: Jimmy Buffet Gel excited!! 10-14 (Aipercutr is now open Sunday for your convenience 2526 Willamette 683-1405 Mon-Fri 10 am-7 pm Sat 9 am-7 pm Sunday 10 am-3 pm _ _565:9-19 ANDREW: I understand everything, and I don’t hurt anymore Some say friends can be lovers What do you think? LOVE, PIGLET XO10 14 MICHELE EMERT: Thanks for being such a wonderful person I'm looking forward to a special last year with you I’m really glad I met you LOVE, YOUR BUDOY10 14 AX CAROLYN: Tonight is it! Can't wait to have you as a member!! LOVE, YOUR IAS10 14 LAURA COOPER: Thanks for sharing your time and life with me I love you SHAWNY BEAR10-14 LaMAR HURD: Looking forward to some real nice times with you Have a nice day ANITA10-14 DG TRISH WILLS: To the greatest little sis around Welcome aboard! LOVE. YOUR BIG SIS LISA 10 14 3-BfiRS SLEEVLESS T-SHIRTS LONG SWEATSHIRS Hot colors - great prices 1233 ALDER