et aL MEETINGS EUGENE AREA WOMEN are planning to join others in the Northwest in opposition to the nuclear arms race. A meeting to plan details will he held Sunday. Oct. 1b. at 7 p.m. at the Unitarian Church, 40th Street and Donald Avenue, for more information call b8 Prices negotiable 345-2493 145-5646 «M7 Pad* Id, Section A HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS small ap pliances Sola small formica (able utensils, bedding 344 9495 10 14 FOR SALE: Rhodes 73 electric piano Excellent condition Colleen 3450400 or 683 138410-17 HUFFY ULTIMA bike Excellent condi lion Seldom ridden $90 Olympus SLR camera. *80 Call 342-6700 10-14 Garage Sales MOVING SALE Bed couch, washer/dryer. *25 each Antique sew mg machine high chair, trunk 9x12 rug. baby swing, inlautl.oddler clothes Singer sewing machine, door window household items galore 865 E 24th ( block oil Alder) Fri & Sat 14th & 15th 819 10 14 BACK YARD SALE Saturday October 15th 10 3. 36 East 15th10 14 SATURDAY OCT. IS guitar turntable receiver and speakers skis, lurniture. misc This is not spare change Stull Time 10-4 Alley; 1452Vj E 18th 10-14 MENS BEAVERSKIN COAT Pendleton shirts sweaters suit camera proiec tor screen tennis rackets, records, books etc 746 8195 10-14 Buy & Sell DIXIE'S NEW 6 USED Buy Sell Trade 2050 W 6th 686 2768 810:11-1 Used vacuums *10 and up SHARON'S VACUUMS 7410596 ___692 11 7 CASH lor used records and cassettes Guaranteed highet prices paid in Eugene' 342-6245 686 HF THE BUY 6 SELL CENTER Buy Sell Trade New Takamine guitars always discounted 361 West 5th Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses reports, resumes Free pick up/de hvery 345-6165 334 tin TYPING: 15 years experience papers dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectnc Pick up and delivery Call Carole at 668 3963 514 Un ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast Guaranteed Accurate Pickup/delivery available 464-1646 TYPING/EOITING Call Sara 6660739 FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Setae trie Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 464 9405 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Selectnc Call Patrice 342 5236 WORD PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed, typed 6/or edited iheses/dissadations papers tables diagrams Resume Composition Fast Service Reasonable Rata* CINOY 464 5454 602 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Slalislical specialist IBM Con Set Grad approv ed Near campus 3440759 513 Itn ll quality >s what you want TYPING UNLIMITED IS THE- TYPING SERVICE to use Guaranteed. Orad School approved BARBARA LANO 346-1414 523 Itn " PRO TVPtNQTCOfTING Expert at mesas and dissertations Jinntftf 6B3HFM 9VN AM 1C T V P IN a S C R VICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup 6 delivery available 466-3914 563 tin PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectric Call Barbara 345 0 747 366MWF BRANDY'S TYPING * WORD PROCESSING Fast and professional Editing available 484-6044 621 tin TIC All levels academic 687 9326 622 MWF TYPING Free on campus pickup and delivery Call Connie Smith. 7466 738 789 tin QUALITY TYPING Electronic, self correcting equipment Editing available JOYCE 344 9966 10 14 Opportunities Seniors The Peace Corps needs your skills NOW! Peace Corps area representatives will be on campus Oct. 17-21 INFO TABLE EMU Oct. 17-19 9 am-3 pm Group Meeting Oct. 17 w 12:30 pm Forum Room FILM Oct. 18, 3:30 pm Forum Room 7 pm Eugene Public Library Interviews Oct. 20-21 246 Susan Campbell Advance sign up and completed application required. Call 686-3235 for information. Instruction BATIK WORKSHOP Ocl IS & 16 10 am 2 pm. $15 All materials provided In to registration. 688-4052 10 14 Services EDITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Oualilied editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes slat analysis and typing. Tele 1 223-8491 (Portland) 12 7 CHEZ 8 CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra tion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 875110 21 T-SHIRTS Custom printed Latter Silkscreen, 343 2306. 342 1927 Call lor brochure 737 10 14 WOMEN'S RESOURCE and Referral Service is sponsering a 6 week Personal Growth Workshop entitled Women. Food and Sell-Esteem For more into and to sign up. call 686-3327 or 345 6769 825 10 14 Instruments REPAIR SERVICE PAAYS on all stringed instruments Handbuilt acoustic and electric guitars STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS 141716 OLIVE 484-0615 10-15 Sound Systems IT'S A $1,200 stereo system lor $750 It's Technics. JVC. Evolution and ex Iras This student needs cash Dan 687 2599 10 14 Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Peart Street 343 7683 Monday thru Friday 96 pm Saturday 9 1 pm Books 60.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% oil list prices New Books-Text Books Chit Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 362 tin Bicycles MEN'S 23“ 10-speed Ventura, excellent condition $90 Manual portable typewriter wfcorrection 2 years old. $40 344 2680 __1914 S-SPEED UNIVEGA large tire mountain Bike $150 74) 1378 Michael 10 14 10 SPEED VOLKCYCLE $90 or best oiler New wheel and rims, tenders M 21 frame Great commuting bike Jessica 484606710-17 MEN'S LE MANS CENTURION 10 speed 21 frame, with tenders $100 or best offer Call 343-7011 after 6 pm 1918 Cars & Cycles 1668 PEUGEOT 404 sedan It blue, sun root $750 7466096 1918 ‘77 RED VESPA 150 Only 1.500 miles, fully equipped plus helmet Great con dilion $1 OOOfbest 683 4290 794 10 14 73 BMW R60/5 Cycle 17.000 original miles, excellent condi lion Ready to go to N Y and back tomorrow $1950 683 8475 eves. 345 5556 Howard10 14 1971 KARMANN GHIA Coupe Ex cellenl condition S3800/otfer Call 345 9807 838 10-14 HONDA 750E re built with extras, ex cellent running order $1275/olfer Call Matthew 683 7650 _10 18 1974 HONDA 360 Motorcycle $350 344 6759 10-14 1979 280ZX 5 speed, fully loaded, great condition. $8000 Days 461 2093 Eves 344 9498_ 10-14 MOPED LIKE NEW 1.600 miles Wind shield baskets and many extras $500 Ask lor Keith 485-9639 10-19 WANTED HOUSE FOR TRADE lor Eugene house. Sacramento, near CSUS 343-5704 10 18 ROOM IN EXCHANGE lor housekeep mg or childcare II interested please leave message lor Edye X3327 or 336 EMU 10-14 A A Cash paid lor gold class rings and gofd or silver jewelry One ounce class rings brings $103 ACE BUYERS 3690 Franklin 726-1735 Watch for Nowrscenl signs on left •Ms A _A Help Wanted LEGITIMATE FEMALE Figure photography lor publication $25/hr and expenses 1 503 472 5668 collect 10 24 HELP WANTED The U ol O Survival Center is accepting applications lor Wrldlite Coordinator We are looking lor a qualified concerned student who is willing lo work in a group setting the protection ot wildlife Excellent oppor tumty to gain practical experience while working lor a balance between human interest and ecological diversi ty Work study available Applications in Suite 1 EMU 686 4356 Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer 774:10-14 SUN VALLEY, WORK ANO SKI) Enjoy winter term al world-famous Sun Valley. Idaho ski reson Into and details, write Duncan Lewis. Box 1463. Sun Valley. ID 83353__10-28 The Student University Affairs Board is accepting applications for 3 posi lions representing 2 Education Graduate and Undergraduate: 14 - AAA/PPPM 15--Human Development and Pertormance/Recreation If you are interested in representing student's in terests in matters ol University legisla tion academics, student grievances and lobbying then apply with SUAB in Suite 3 EMU 686-3720 Applications are due Friday OCt 14 Affirmative ac tion/equal opportunity employer 614 10-14 MICRO-COMPUTER LAB assistants needed Work study preferred Ex perience with personal computers helpful Call the Continuation Center. 686 4231 822:10-14 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round Europe S Amer Australia. Asia All lields $500 $1200 monthly Sightsee ing Free info Write IJC Box 52-OR-3 Corona Del Mar CA 92625 _1F4 OVER 5,000 SUMMER JOBS in 21 Na tional Parks Detailed Report $5 Park Report. 651 2nd Ave WN. Kalispell MT 599011F3 BOOKKEEPER/BUSINESS CONSUL TANT needed for Parr Tower Coop Part-time Wage negotiable Bring resumes to 1648 Alder as soon as possi ble10-14 EASY CASH Men, ages 21-25 Non smokers and non-exercisers for the past month needed for research study tl you re willing to take a daily nutrient supplement for one month and give a tablespoon ot blood once a week for 5 weeks please phone Prof Bob Hackman 686-3830 $15 cash given! 10-18 HELP WANTED Houseboys tor a sorori ty 343 0643 10-17 TEMPORARY PART-TIME EMPLOY MENT with software company Must be excellent typist and responsible employee Call 484-4472 for more intor mation10-17 WANTED: STUDENT TRAINER tor research protect with severely han dicapped high school students Qualifications 1) Have own transporta tion 2) Available between 10:30-12:30 pm Monday through Friday 3) Teaching experience with severely handicapped individuals preferred Responsibilities 1) Provide daily training to 2 severely handicapped high school students in classroom and community settings 2) Assist in the administration of 6 ex perimental probes in 3 local grocery stores Interested parlies should con tact John McDonnell. Specialized Train mg Program 686-5311859 10 19 WORK STUDY POSITION with the SATURDAY MARKET Organizational assistant with strong office skills. Ex citing. fun filled position with much public contact Call 686-8885 Tues-Fri 10 am 4 pm 853:10-17 Apts, for Rent FURNISHEO ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty632:tfn 614 LAWRENCE 3 bedroom, in wonder lul old house covered porch, large :iv mg room separate dining room $225 Elliott Assoc 683-2160 _ 325:tfn GREAT LOCATION 1414 E 18th two bedrooms, unlurmsh ed covered parking, laundry. $235 Call Sabin 683 2160 Elliott Assoc 558 Hn 1/2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS The Emerald Apts Are Renting TWO BEDROOM Fully carpeted & applianced apart menls Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of m-apartment storage & all at convenient campus location. $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 or DROP BY AT 1877 EMERALD _ 677 tin FURNISHEO AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus. $195 to $275 485 0062, 344 1625 332 tfn 6165 STUDIO Furnished studio 1 Vi blocks from cam pus Laundry facilities Call 345-7496 744:tfn Friday, October 14, 1983