£ Guard shines Oregon offensive guard Gary Zimmerman, a pre season Sporting News All-America selection, now has another laurel to add to his list. Zimmerman was named Pac-10 Conference offen sive player of the week for his efforts in Oregon's 279 yards rushing and 24-17 win against California last Saturday. After the Ducks beat Cal, Oregon coach Rich Brooks called Zimmerman, "the best offensive linemen I've ever coached." Wednesday, Brooks maintained that he still feels that way. "He is a great football player who is having a great year," said Brooks. Besides his duties as a guard on the offensive line, Zimmerman also serves as Oregon's snappier for punts and field goals. "He had one bad snap (on a Kevin Hicks blocked punt), but other than that, his snaps have been right on the money this season," said Brooks. Boddicker silences 'Wheeze Kids' From Associated Press reports Rookie Mike Boddicker pitched a three-hitter and drove in a run in only his second major league at-bat as the Baltimore Orioles evened the 1983 World Series at one game apiece Wednesday night with a 4-1 victory over the Philadelphia Phillies in Baltimore. The Orioles scored their first three runs in a fifth-inning surge ignited by John Lowenstein's leadoff homer and fueled by the bottom of the lineup, which until then had collected only four hits in postseason play. Lowenstein also had a double and a single in the game. Boddicker, a right-hander throwing a "fosh ball” — a combination forkball changeup — allowed only an infield single by Joe Morgan in the fourth inn ing, a two-out single by Gary Matthews in the seventh and a bloop single by Bo Diaz in the eighth. Facing only three more batters than the minimum 27, he struck out three of the first four batters he faced and Orioles' outfielders were called upon for only four putouts. As a topper, Boddicker struck out Mike Schmidt, the Phillies' slugging first baseman, to end the game. Boddicker walked no one — the se cond night successive night Orioles pit chers issued no free passes. The Phillies' only run was unearned, the result of an error by first baseman Eddie Murray in the fourth inning. Baltimore's victory, on a Memorial Stadium field soaked by an all-day rain, sent the two teams to Philadelphia for Friday's third game even at 1-1 in the best-of-seven series. The Orioles will pitch left-hander Mike Flanagan, while the Phillies go with 300-game winner Steve Carlton. Boddicker and Philadelphia's Charles Hudson were locked in a duel of rookie pitchers, only the fifth such meeting in World Series history, when Lowenstein struck in the fifth inning. Before the inning was over, Boddicker had collected his first major-league RBI — batting in a year when the designated htitter is banned from the Series — Rich Dauer had broken an 0-for-18 postseason slump, some questionable fielding had let the Phillies down, and the Orioles had sent nine men to the plate. After Lowenstein's homer to near straightaway center, 400 feet from home plate on a 2-0 pitch from Hudson — his second of three hits — Dauer came up as the Orioles’ No. 6 hitter. et al. MEETINGS SUAB meets today at HO p.m. in Room 337 EMU. OREGON'S INVOtUNTARY COMMITTMENT PRO CEDURE is the subject of the "Save A Mind, Inc ' monthly meeting at the lar West federal Savings building, % I. Broadway Ave.. tonight at 7:10 p.m. Guest speaker will be Rep. Mary Alice ford from the 8th District. I he* public is welc ome UNIVERSITY CAMPUS CHAPTER of Amne**v International will meet today at 12:30 p.m. in 202 EMU. I EC MEETS TODAY al I 10 p.m. in EMU Century Room A The agenda is expected to include Students in Neuros cience, Constitution Court, Jewish Student Union and resolutions. THE POLITICAL SCIENCE STUDENT UNION meets tonight at 7 p.m in EMU Century Room A Discussion will me lude the Moc k Convention, so this will be a very impor tant meeting. Interested students in all majors are en touraged to attend. MORTAR BOARD meet*, tonight at S: >0 p.m. in (MU Cen tury Room C All members please attend. "ITT THE PI OP 11 CO," a press conference, will bo held today to protest Soviet emigration polities at him in in the I MU C ourtyard. All are welcome PACIFIC NORTHWEST PERSONNEL Managers Assoc la lion meeting today at I.TO p.m in Rcxim 111 IMU. Cues! speaker will be lack Steward, University personnel director, lletlions tor some offices to be held, and lime lor future meetings will be voted on. CAMPUS CHAPTER OE AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL meets today at 12:30 p.m. in Rcxim 202 IMU LECTURES "THE SPIRITUAL NATURE OE DREAMS," a tree mtroduc lory lecture sponsored by LCKANKAR, will be held tonight at 7:30 p.m. in EMU Century Room E. BIOLOGY SEMINAR on the natural history and haruspit ation of the c holee ystokinin family ol regulatory peptides" will be held today at 4 p.m. in Room HI S< iente II lealurfd speaker will l>e Dr. Steven Vigna. University biology department. MISCELLANEOUS THE COLLEGE REPUBLICANS will hold a demonstration and press conference today in the EMU Courtyard as part of the national "Let The People Go" campaign callmg-upon the Soviet government to allow tree emigration from that country. All are welcome to attend. INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP invites all in lerested students to an evangelism workshop tonight at 8 p.m in the* I MU Forum Room, (earn how to share your laith more eifee tively! BIBLE STUDY sponsored by the United Methodist Cam pus Ministry will be held today at 12:30 p.m. at the Wesley Center, 1236 Kincaid St. Bring a sack lunch it desired. WESLEY FOUNDATION will hold a time ol meditation and worship today at M) p.m. at the Weslev ( enter. 12t6 Knuaid St. I his is an open invitation lor all to participate ( all 686-4694 tor more information. "PREPARING FOR LAW SCHOOL" is jT the title of a workshop being held today at 3:30 p.m. in Room 164 Oregon Hall. Discussion will me lude how to prepare tor the LSAT. what maiors, courses and grades are going to make admission to law schools more likely and which fields ol law hold the best job opportunities. COUPLES INTERESTEDin improving relationship skills, mntlKt resolution and problem solving are being seen by the Oregon Marital studies Program. Department ol Psychology. It interested in couples' counseling or a couple's group, please contact Kandt tireenwald at 686-49s4 tor further information. Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE. 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA/MASTERCARD DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by l pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear in Monday's paper must be in by 1 pm Friday The ODE cannot be responsible for more than one day’s Incorrect advertis ing insertion The OOE's liability lor typographical errors, incorrect inser tions. or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges for such por lion of space occupied by the error If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before t pm for correction in the next day s issue RATES: Rates are IS cents per word for the first day and 12 cents per word (or consecutive days the ad is run without change SI.SO minimum for the first Insertion $1.20 minimum for consecutive insertions THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AD CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT: All ads must be paid tor in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available at the ODE office 300 EMU Emerald Classifieds 686-4343 Small investment BIG RETURNS! Clothing HALLOWEEN COSTUMES and vintage clothing Picadiliy Flea Market. Lane County Fairgrounds Sunday. October 16 10 am 4 pm 840:10-14 For Sale to PRICE SALE OCT. 1322 on ail red tag items A great selection of household items featuring near and/or used items that will brighten your decor Excellent selection of clothing for the entire family Bank cards accepted THRIFT A GIFT SHOP 2838 Willamette 3433681 10 am-4 pm Mon-Sal m ioi3 tO" QUASAR color TV. only been used 10 hours like new $300 Call 683 1520 76310-13 CHAMPION 683-8425 346-5SS8 $100 like new 1014 can 344- ; cassette recorder, and kitchen ID 13 SONY CASSETTE DECK Excellent recorder. WSO/effer Also TV. typewriter and waferBed Priced in sen (tea Matthew 883- TWO 10-18 PING-PONG TABLE good condition $50 or best otter Galt 485-6142 or 484-6015 820:10-14 KING SIZE WATERBED Good deal Heater.frame liner $75 687 1868 10 13 MONOA 4S0cc Excellent condition New tires, carb,brakes.lights Yours lor $450 343 0401 475 E 12th10 14 DYNAKIT PAT 4 stereo Preamp $50 Rich 686 4547 or 687 9665 10-14 Tl COMPUTER model 99/4A Like new Asking $60 or best otter Call 345 2039 10 17 FISH TANK 40 gal with light. stand and complete undergravel filter 344 4189 10-19 Garage Sales MOVING SALE Bed couch, washer/dryer. $25 each Antique sew mg machine, high chair, trunk. 9x12 rug. baby swing, infant/toddler clothes. Singer sewing machine, door, window, household items galore 865 E 24th ( block ott Alder) Fri & Sat 14th & 15th 819 10 14 BACK YARD SALE Saturday October 15th 10-3, 36 East 15lh10 14 SATURDAY OCT. 15 guitar, turntable receiver and speakers, skis, furniture, mi sc This is not spare change stuff Time 10-4 Alley. 1452V*» E 18th 10-14 MENS BEAVERSKIN COAT Pendleton shirts, sweaters, suit camera, protec tor. screen, tennis rackets, records, books, etc 746-8195 10-14 Buy & Sell DIXIE'S NEW A USED Buy-Sell Trade 2050 W. 6th 666 2766 '._810 111 Used vacuums $10 and up SHARON S VACUUMS 7410506 692 11 7 Instruction BATIK WORKSHOP Oct 15 A 16. 10 am 2 pm. $15 All materials provided In fo registration. 6884052 10-14 Services EDITING RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, slat analysis and typing Tale 12238491 (Portland) 12-7 T-SHIRTS Custom printed letter SMS screen. 343-2306 342 1*27 Call tor brochure __737 10-14 PROBLEM! Photography students without laboratory Solution Cliff C4>te » Custom processing AH BIW films rated normally or pushed Over mcpit 6868219 or H no answer 4850701 ..1013 WOMEN'S 'RESOURCE and Referral Service is soonaenog e 6 wees Personal Growth Workshop entitled Women Pood end Sett Esteem Pot more into and to sign up caM 688 3337 or 34S4788 825MH4 CHEZ * CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra tion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 8751 1021 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickupldetivery 345-6165. 334 tin TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick up and delivery Call Carole at 688 3963 514 tin ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast Guaranteed Accurate Pickup/delivery available 484-1646 748ttn FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paule Oemong 484-8405 658 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342-5238. 144 tin WORD PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed, typed. 4/or edited theses/disseriations. papers, tables, diagrams Resume Composition Fast Service Reasonable Rates CINDY 484-5454 602 Itn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Set Grad approv ed Near campus 3444)758 513 tin If quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED is "THE" TYPING SERVICE lo use Guaranteed. Grad School approved BARBARA LAND 345-3414 523 tin PRO TV PINO/EDITING Expen at theses and dissertations Jennifer 485 3883 _ ____M3 HFM DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup A delivery available 4853914 583 tin TYPING GUARANTEED 345-5814 Ruth 345-5614 BRANDY'S TYPING* WORO PROCESSING Fast and professional Editing available 484-8044 _621 tin WELL EXPERIENCED TYPISrOo quali ty work Correcting Selectric II Various type elements Graduate School Ap proved Call Oorts 484 1084 WHF 10-28 TYPING Free on-campus pickup and delivery Call Connie Smith 7486738 788ttn QUALITY TYPING Electronic, sell correcting equipment Editing available JOYCE 344 8856 10 14 Instruments | RCPAIR-SCRVICI-PARTS on all stringed instruments Hand built acoustic and electric guitars STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS I4I7W OLIVE 484-0815 Sound Systems OHM WALSH-2 speakers Terrific' Two weeks old SMO