a -r.; Madison Avenue hits Eugene The latest in advertising ploys — mini-billboards — have made their way to the Universi ty. Electronic advertising screens now light up the EMU and the University Bookstore. The new screens are similar to the ones in banks which flash the interest rates, temperature and other information. But this is a case of something for nothing. The University pays nothing for the units. Guaranteed Sales Inc. provides the $4,000 units and uses advertising from national com panies such as AT&T and General Foods to cover costs. Each machine is able to keep 18 messages in its memory. "The screens are a good way to keep students informed of upcoming events and ac tivities,” says Frank Geltner, EMU assistant director. Two more signs are expected to be installed in the library and the Fish Bowl restaurant. Photo by Dave Kao TV drama helps locate missing kids NEW PALTZ, N.Y. (AP) — An agency looking for lost children got more than 2,000 calls follow ing a nationally televised movie about a boy who was kidnapped and slain, and at least one teen age girl returned to her family, an agency representative said Tuesday. Child Find Inc. on Monday night combined its efforts with the mass appeal of network television in hopes of reuniting with their families some of the thousands of children reported missing each year. At the end of the two-hour film “Adam," the photographs of 55 missing children were shown. They are among the 2,000 registered with Child Fund. Kristin Brown, information director for the agency, said Tues day that more than 2,000 calls had been received and they were con tinuing at the rate of 150 an hour. "The calls are piggy backed. As soon as we hang up, another is waiting," she said. Brown said as many as five descriptions of missing children had been reported in several cities by more than one caller. lanette Demenkoff, head of registration, location and recovery for the agency, said a call came Tuesday morning from a teacher in "a Southern city," who had recognized one of the pictures. Police agencies were checking the lead, Demenkoff said. WILDERNESS • FIELD STUDIES EARN COLLEGE CREDIT Natural history, field ecology, wilderness history and management, wilderness instructors school. Courses for 1984 in the Pacific NW, Sierra Nevada, Utah, Hawaii. Spr ing/Summer/Fall quarters. For information, write or call: Sierra Institute, Box C Carriage House UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ, CA (408) 429-2761 Only Special Lunch $J95 A variety of Lunch Specials And Try Us for Dinner CHINA BLUE Restaurant 879 E. 13th 4m 343-2832 UOBookstore. INTRODUCES (software) a new standard m quality software The library of Software' for your personal computer offering these important features HIGH QUALITY. DEPENDABLE PROGRAMS FOR MOST MAJOR PERSONAL COMPUTERS SIMPLIFIED. EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND DOCUMENTATION FOR EACH PROGRAM AN "80CT NUMBER FOR COMPLETE CUSTOMER SERVICE SOFTSMITH offers programs In Ihe following key software categories: □ Education □ Home Management □ Small Business □ Games & Entertainment □ Woid Processing □ Data Base Management □ Communications □ Utilities COME IN AND SEE HOW SOFTSMITH Is setting a new standard in quality software. OVER 175 TITLES NOW AVAILABLE We Now Carry maxell. FLOPPY DISKS THE BOOKSTORE now has SOFTWARE for • IBM • Apple • Commodore • Texas Instruments • Timex maxe/f Mw-noppy 06k MD2 a uo BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid Mon. - Fri. 7:30 - 5:30 Sat. 10:00 • 3:00 Supplies 686-4331 r $20,000 Scholarships: The Fast Track To Responsibility. Two-year NROTC scholarships are one way to get early responsibility as a Navy officer. This highly competitive program offers tuition and other finan cial benefits worth as much as $20,000 to qualified sophomores. All these benefits are provided for one purpose: to educate and train qualified young men and women to serve as commissioned officers in the Navy. In fact, NROTC Scholarships are the largest source of regular Navy officers. During college, the Navy pays tuition, cost of text books, instructional fees, and an allowance of $100 a month for up to 20 months during your last two years of college. Upon graduation and completion of requirements, you become a Navy officer, with important decision-making responsibilities. Call your Navy representative for more information on this challenging program. 1-800-452-3872 toll free _Navy Officers Get Responsibility Fast._ v.