jlmu Food Service Fountain Court Cafe MEXICAN FIESTA! Mexican line featuring: Burrito Supremes, Taco Salads, and much more! inter/national From Anocijl«d Pmt reports Navy sails toward gulf WASHINGTON — A Navy am phibious group carrying some 2,000 Marines is en route to the In dian Ocean amid Iranian threats to close the Persian Gulf and cut off the movement of oil tankers, it was learned Tuesday. Pentagon sources said the am phibious group headed by the 40,000-ton amphibious assault ship Tarawa passed through the Suez Canal on Tuesday under orders to sail into the Indian Ocean. It was not immediately clear whether the move was linked to the new Iranian threats. The Pentagon sources, who ask ed not to be identified, suggested the amphibious force and its Marine complement have been detached from the Beirut region because the cease-fire in the Lebanese civil war appeared to be holding, and as a result, danger to the 1,600 Marines ashore in the Beirut area seems to have diminished. Officials were unable to say how long the Marine amphibious unit will remain in the Indian Ocean. It was told to go there and await fur ther orders, sources said. New rule for utility shutoff SALEM — Oregon Public Utility Commissioner |ohn Lobdell has adopted new rules that further restrict when a utility can shut off a customer's service for non payment of bills. The rules involving gas and elec tric companies had to be changed because of a bill passed by the Oregon Legislature this year, Lobdell's office said. The new rules allow utility customers to avoid having their service shut off at any time of the year if they obtain a medical cer tificate saying such a shutoff would endanger their health. Previous rules limited the use of medical certificates to between Oct. 1 and April 1. Under the new rules, a customer who has to pay a Bill Glass Author, Football Star will be speaking today at 12:15 in the EMU Courtyard All new GUITARS in stock are % PRICE with this coupon Case must be purchased with most guitars. Layaways, but no trades Coupon eip(n I0/2S»/>.S 1 With this coupon you can buy a set of GUITAR STRINGS for Vi PRICE Limited to 4 sets per customer Coupon cipire* 10/29/83 Limited to slock 345-8289 M-F 10-7 (Closed noon hour) Sat. until 4 LTD “Fox Hollow’’ Bus Park at our from door 380 E 40th. Eugene eu mi deposit amounting to one month of service will have 60 days to make payment, in three in stallments. Customers who have to pay a deposit equaling two months' service will have 90 days to pay, in four installments. Previous rules allowed a max imum of 45 days to pay deposits. Soviets set talks limit WASHINGTON — The Soviet Union has threatened to suspend negotiations on limiting medium range nuclear weapons if agree ment is not reached by December to block deployment of new U.S. Pershing and cruise missiles in Western Europe, a U.S. official said Tuesday. "We would hope they don't walk out and we intend to keep pushing for continued negotia tions," said the official, who talk ed only on the condition that his name not be used. He said the Soviet position in the slow-moving talks in Geneva, Switzerland, should become clearer Wednesday when a response to President Reagan's latest proposal for an agreement is expected. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is scheduled to deploy nine U.S. Pershing 2 missiles in West Germany in December and 16 U.S. cruise missiles in Britain and Italy. They will be targeted on Soviet ter ritory. Eventually, 572 missiles are due to be installed in the three countries, Belgium and the Netherlands. The United States, with the sup port of its allies, has pledged to try to keep the talks going if an agree ment is not reached by December. According to Reagan and other top U.S. officials, the Soviets will bargain seriously only when they are faced with the American deployment. St. Helens erupts anew VANCOUVER — A change predicted in the eruption on Mount St. Helens' lava dome has quietly begun, the U.S. Geological Survey said today. "Lava is emerging from a new source near the head and south margin of... the May 1983 lobe on the east side of the dome," said a release from the USGS and the University of Washington seismic center. The new extrusion probably began last week, but was confirm ed by ground observation on Monday, said Thom Corcoran, spokesman with the Mount St. Helens information center. He said other portions of the lobe, which began forming last May, continued to grow, but at a slower rate. Seismicity remains slightly elevated, and gas and ash emis sions were continuing to occur, sometimes several times a day, said Corcoran. He said that while the dangers in the crater, where the dome is located, were increased, there was no increased hazard elsewhere. Punk rock'n' Rolls Royce BRISTOL, England — An 18-year old punk rocker, fired by Rolls Royce on grounds that the four inch spikes of his hairdo en dangered the eyes of his co workers, lost an appeal against the decision Tuesday. Peter Mortiboy, whose usual dress included 18 earrings, a stud ded dog collar, steel armlets and a stud through his nose, was repeatedly warned by Rolls that his appearance was not up to company standards, an industrial tribunal in this west coast port was told. The luxury car maker dismissed him from the Rolls Royce Technical College and his $120-a week job as an apprentice techni cian when he began sporting spikes in June, training manager Howard Parry testified. "His hairstyle represented a safety hazard," Parry said. "The spikes projected from the surface of his head for some distance and an accidental movement could have injured a supervisor leaning over him." Mortiboy, who said he used in dustrial adhesive and glue to mold his black nair into stiff, vertical spikes, denied that the spikes were dangerous. "They would be if they were three feet long," he said. Portland Gay Mens Chorus Presents “Design For October” Featuring Special Guest Artist David Smith, Pianist Featuring Classics by Casals, Schumann, DeBussey, Wagner, Brahms Hult Center • Soreng Theatre 2 p.m. • October 16th All Tickets cost *6.00 and are available at Hult Center Ticket Outlets Also in Portland 8 p.m. • October 22nd Westminster Presbyterian Church N.E. 17th & Schuyler S