\ N€W II ! TOSH At the movies Never see 'Never' again James Bond is back — again. And this time it’s Sean Connery playing the dashingly dangerous British Secret Ser vice agent out to save the world in the latest Bond film, "Never Say Never Again.” What do you expect from a Bond thriller? The audience sees the same old things — and that's part of the problem. We get gadgets like a watch with a laser in it, an exploding pen, a flying motorcycle and a deadly urine specimen. We get villians out to blow up the world with two cruise missiles pilfered from the United States. We get the the savage — beautiful — murderess Fatima Blush (Barbara Carrera) and the blonde bombshell Domino (Kim Basinger). We get an underwater shark scene. We get an action packed one-man jungle attack. We get exotic locations and beautiful people. We get a nasty villian (Klaus Maria Brandauer). But it’s been done before. The movie is predictably Bon dish, and so has few surprises. Connery does a good job of playing Bond, but that's to be expected — for many, he is 007. All nostalgia aside, however, Connery — and Bond — are getting old. It's tough to believe in an aging Secret Service agent swinging in through glass windows, leaping over castle walls, beating up the bad guys and leaping into and out of bed with various voluptuous women. Yet even with its faults, it's still a James Bond movie. And that means action. Director Irvin Kershner ("The Empire Strikes Back") keeps the action rolling and adds the touches of humor and satire people expect in a Bond movie. The supporting cast turn in generally strong perfor mances, with the exception of Edward Fox as "M," who turns in a too-hysterical performance as Bond's boss. An especially good job is done by Austrian Brandauer ( Mephisto") in his first English-language starring role. As the arch-villian Largo, Brandauer comes across with just the right cross between paranoia, hysteria and malice. And the scene where Bond and Largo play the ultimate video game, "Domination," should give the video addicts something to look forward to and the rest of us something to avoid. All good things must come to an end, and it looks like this should be the end of the trail for lames Bond. But if the pro ducers do succumb to the urge to make just one more Bond film, it will have to start off with a senile Bond fighting his way past nurses in an attempt to escape from his new home at the retirement center. Frank Shaw et at. MEETINGS APS RETURNEE CIUS meeting today at 7 p m in the I MU fishbowl Returnees, host brothers and sisters and anyone interested are invited lor more information call Karen at 4HVIVM THE COMMITTEE POR A PEACE studies program at the University will meet Wednesday. (Xt. 12, at V U) p.m at the kmnonia Center, 1414 Kincaid St Interested students and tac ultv are welc ome ASK1EPIADS are meeting tonight at 7 p m at the < hi Psi trafernify. ID 18 Hilyard St. ALBERTO SALAZAR will speak at the C ampus Crusade s Friday, CXt. 14. meeting at 7:10 pm., not at the (Xt II meeting as previously announced. AN INPORMAL DISCUSSION and slide show explaining the many outdoor events sponsored by the Outdoor Pro gram tonight at 7 p.m. at the Outdoor Program. COME TO OSPIRG'S general interest meeting tonight at 7 p.m in the I MU lorum Room and get involved! Speakers will address toxic waste projects, consumer hotline. AIM Divestiture and consumer research. GALA WILL HOLD a business meeting today at \ K) p.m in Suite 118 EMU. Everyone welcome. For more information c all Mh-1360 THE ASIAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION will hold a general meeting today at S p.m in the second lloor lounge of I nendlv Hall. All interested students and faculty arc* welc ome THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION meets wry luesday at b : K) p.m in the I MU to share* testimonies oi healing through individual prayer. OPEU CLERICAL COMMITTEE meets today at S: IS to 6 M) p.m. in EMU Century Room E. IEWISH STUDENT UNION meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in C entury Room F FMU. Hillel Board Members please meet at h p.m For more information tall bflfv-Hbb LECTURES PEOPLE'S LAW SCHOOL will teat h a t lass on child custody and support on Wednesday, Oct 12. from 7 to S p m at Lincoln School, bSO W 12th St For more informa tion contact Sue at T42-60Sb "BEYOND WAR: A NEW MODE OF THINKING" is the topic c»t this week's Brown Bag Forum with a member ot C reative Initiative, Wednesday, Oct 12 at 12 U) p.m in the I MU Forum Room Sponsored by ASUO and ( ampus Inter laith Ministry STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL MEDITATION SOCIETY is hosting an introductory lecture on the* transcendental meditation and TM-SIDHl programs this Wednesday at 8 p.m TF>e lec ture will be F>eld at S I M S, new address, E. ISth St For more information call the Transc endental Meditation Program at b6b»1178. SHOULD UNDERGRADUATES be allowed to teach courses? IFh* controversy over the SI ARC F4 program is the topic ot this week's ASUO-sponsored Open Mike, Wednes day. Oct 12, at II K) a m in the* FMU Courtyard INTERVIEWS SPEND AN AFTERNOON on the job at the Eugene Hilton. fn|<>y an on-site visit and learn about career opportunities in the held ol Marketing/Sales/Management in Ihe hospitality industry on Thursday, Oct. I T, trom I:t0to4:l0 p.m Sign up today in Room 246 Susan C ampbell Hall Space IS limited transportation is provided. SIGN UP AT 7:30 A.M. on Wednesday, Oct 12. in Room 246 Susan Campbell Hall lor the I ol lowing ret ruilers: (t het k in Career Planning and Plac emenl lor qualilu ations) OCT. 17 — Meier & Frank.Group Orientation Session at 7 p.m. in Dad's Room. IMU OCT. 17 — U S. National Security Agency (tor Computer Sc lentist/Mathematic ian/1 mguist). OCT. 17 — University ol Southern C alilornia ludic lal Ad ministrative Program (tor graduate school). OCT. 17 — Upiohn C ompany (lor Pharmac euht al Sales Representative). OCT. 17-21 — Peace Corps (tor Peace Corps Volunteer). Group meeting Oct. 17 al 12:30 p.m., EMU Forum Room, FMU: Film Oct 18 at 1:10 p.m., Forum Room, EMU. Com 5>leted applic alums required at interviews OCT. 18 IBM Corporation (lor Marketing Represen tative or Systems tngineer). Minimum GPA t o OCT. 18 — Idaho first National Bank (tor Management Irainee Program). OCT. 18 — Minihan, kernutt. Stokes 8 Company (lor En try level Stall Accountant) Minimum CPA t.O OCT. 18 - Washington State University. Tice Graduate Sc hcKil (lor graduate sc hoot). Croup meetings al 9 and 10:10 am. Century Room A. IMU. OCT. IS — Hogan. Met ham. Kit hardson \ ( umponv (lor iunmr Accountant). OCT. IS — U S Army Audit Agency (lor Auditor) OCT. 20 — Pli/er. lot.. (It»r Pharmac eulit al Sales Representative). Croup meeting CXI. IS at 7. K) p.m.. 112 IMU. (Attendanie required to interview). OCT. 20 — U.S. Coast Guard (for Commissioned Oilicer). OCT. 20 — U.S. Marine Corps (tor Oftuer). OCT. 20 — Xerox Corporation (lor Sales Representative). OCT. 21 — Arthur Young A C ompany (tor Attounlanl and lax stall). OCT. 21 — loote. Cone & Belding/Honig (lor Genera! Development Program I MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSOR OT THE MONTH nomination lorms are now available near the retereme desk in the library. Deadline is CXI. IS. Sponsored by Mortar Board. ON DISPIAY through Nov. I al Oregon Art Supple C om panv are various works by talented lot al artists. I hey in tlude: lil>er by Barb Guthrie, pen and inks by Mark logan. walertolors by Robert Hugo Paapenen. and oil by lanette Hopper, for more information call b8l-ARTS. THE ENVIRONMENTAL FILM SERIES, sponsored by the Survival Center, begin todays at 4 p.m. The series, located in Room 14b Straub Hall, will continue throughout the term, lath showing will lotus on a topic ol environmental tonvern. this week's topic: Ihe Northwest, for more* infor mation. call httb-aisb or drop into the Survival Center in Suite I. IMU. BLOOM COUNTY Owtrenuttonc a uttu RttfieCT fUAif...WE/MCA w-ufe cms going on mn mm m wura tvem... %6, law our a&jecvt Of me JUST TURNCP UH.. HOM 0U> fiOHH * by Berke Breathed RIGHT WHICH WOULTUt RUN FUtFHe HAPN'T fit50 JUST UAfitKjrwpmimTHi UftimOfA W00PCMKK IS... eicerr / which wtm.of coaae, im Ht HTT PUKRTY fiSOUT mt ifMs tea fitvmw. knew it. Msrvmie ns sowRISE / Oliver ...ANDIN RECENT DEVEIOPMENTS, THE WHITE HOUSE. HAS REVEALED THAT AN ADDITIONAL IQ,OOO TRGOIS HAVE BEEN SENT TO MAINTAIN ''PEACEKEEPING' FORCES IN LEBANON... ... AND TOP SOVIET OFFICIALS HAVE ANNOUNCED SEVERAL MUTORV AND ECONOMIC SANCTIONS TOBE IMPOSED ON THE UNITED SWISS... uy junn uunnan ... AS USUAL, PRESIDENT REAGAN WAS VACATIONING AT HIS RANCH IN CALIFORNIA AND COULD NOT BE REACHED FOR COMMENT.'/ Classifieds For Sale ISM ELECTRIC with stand ercalienl condition Small metal (task Kitchen labia with two iaa»es 343 1JS4 V» PRICE SALE OCT 1322 on all rad tag items A great selection of household items featuring near and/or used items that wilt brighten your decor Ercetlent selection of clothing for the entire family Bank cards accepted THRIFT ft GIFT SHOP 2U9 Willamette 343MSI 10 am 4 pm Mon Sat tftftfti roTOra coroh* good running car Good Body iT(X> 4W71*t *0-11 in 10” QUASAR color TV only boon utod 10 hour* lilro new 1300 Coll 603 IM0 CHAMPION JUICER *100 like now 503-0476 346 5556 10-14 TI M S/S 2* 61 S45 typewriter SS0 /46-4050 eve* _10-12 TWO MISMM ca*»eli* recorder topo earner cabinet light and kitchen »uO(R*e* Call 344 3050 1013 Buy & Sell DIXIE'* NEW • USED Buy Soil Trade MM W Mb 400 27*4 ueefl vacuum* S10 and up SHARON'S VACUUMS 741 -0404 Services EOITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes slat analysis and typing Tele I 2236491 (Portland) CHEZ 6 CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra non cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 8751_^ tO-21 T-SHIRTS Custom printed Latter Sflkacreen, 1432306 342 1827 Call tor brochure PARKING SPACES FOR LEASE Covered parsing across the street trom campus S45 per term or $110 per school year 687-0684 evenings lilt 8 pm 1811 PROBLEM! Photography students without laboratory Solution Cliff Cole s Custom processing All BAM turns rated normally or pushed Over night 686-8219 or if no answer 485-0701 1013 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING Com puter system mal es typing obsolete Theses reports resumes Free pickuptdelivery 345-8165.334 tin TYPING: 15 years experience papers dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Seleclric Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at III 3M3. 514 tfn FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 484-9405 »65fl:tln PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rales IBM Correcting Selectric. Call Patrice 342 5238. 144:lfn WORD PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed typed. 4/or edited theses/dissertations, papers, tables diagrams Resume Composition Fast Service Reasonable Rates CINDY 484 5454 602 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Set Grad approv ed Near campus 344-0759. 5l3:tln ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast-Guaranteed-Accurate Pickup/delivery available 484-1646 748:tfn If quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED IS "THE" TYPING SERVICE to use Guaranteed. Grad School approved BARBARA LAND 345-3414 523tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING 2 blocks from UO No job too small Specializing in theses and dissertations. Jennifer 485-3863 ___542:ttn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup & delivery available 485-3914 583:tfn T11itiv. 1 1 Qkl