EXCELLENT INCOME lor part lime home assembly work For informatron call 504-641-8003 ext 8887 10-10 LUNCH HOSTESS NEEOEO Monday Friday 11 am-2 pm Apply at Oregon Electric Station between 2 30 and 4 30 pm729:10-10 Earn upper division credit while working with the elderly, daycare, handicapped, juveniles, or in other community service agencies. Placements are also available in the public schools. Sign up at the ESCAPE table in the EMU Lobby or see us at 327 EMU. ___736 10 10 MAKE AN EXTRA $200 PLUS a month part-time No experience necessary will train 342-6012. Mon-Wed Fri. 1-5 pm10-13 INTERNS AND VOLUNTEERS needed! Gain experience working as a counselor on OSPIRG S Consumer Hotline Calls trom the Eugene com munity range from tenant-landlord pro blems. social security and insurance problems Media, research, com munication experience Call or come by EMU Suite 1 686 4377757 10 10 OVER 5.000 SUMMER JOBS in 21 Na tional Parks Detailed Report $5 Park Report. 651 2nd Ave WN. Kahspell. MT 59901 11 3 ID CHECKER 4 DOOR PERSON Lost Dutchman Restuarant & Lounger 21 years or older Four nights a week. 9 pm-2:30 am includes Friday and Satur day night Must be neat and clean Some heavy work involved 747-0307 EASY CASH MEN, AGES 21-35 Non-smokers and non-exercisers for the past month needed for research study It you're willing to take a daily nutrient supplement lor one month and give a tablespoon ol blood once a week lor 5 weeks, please phone Prot. Bob Hackman 686 3830 $15 cash given 10 12 TWO POSITIONS Information and Tours Services Student Public Rela tions Cooridinator and Assistant Manager positions available Work lor credit or work-study Apply by October 13 at the Admissions counter on se cond floor of Oregon Hall Ask for Judy or Becky__775 10-13 HELP WANTED The U ol O Survival Center is accepting applications lor Wi'rilile Coordinator We are looking lor a qualified, concerned student who is willing to work in a group setting the protection of wildlife Excellent oppor tunity to gain practical experience while working for a balance between human interest and ecological diversi ty Work study available Applications in Suite 1. EMU. 686-4356 Affirmative Action. Equal Opportunity Employer 774 10-14 SUN VALLEY. WORK AND SKI! Enjoy winter term at world-famous Sun Valley. Idaho ski resort Info and details, call Roslynn. 342-5324, Monday or Wednes day eves only10-28 OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round Europe. S Amer Australia Asia All fields $500$ 1200 monthly Sightsee ing Free info Write IJC Box 52-OR-3 Corona Del Mar. CA 92625_ 11-4 BOOKKEEPER/BUSINESS consultant needed lor Parr Tower Co-op Part-time, wage negotiable Bring resumes to 1648 Alder by Wed . Oct. 12 10-12 Real Estate FOR SALE BY OWNER Lovely six year old home on 59 acres, in quiet wooded area Three bedrooms plus sewing room/study Cedar siding, 2146 square feet plus 20 x 20 bonus room over dou ble garage Sunken living room with vaulted ceiling Formal dining room, spacious country kitchen. 1V* bath, cozy family room with woodstove. Ap pliances Creative financing $98,500 Call for appt 342 4164 Open house 1-5 pm. Saturday and Sunday 1190 Barber Drive. Eugene 792:10-14 [7 Houses for Rent 4 BEDROOM HOUSE Unfurnished near 24th & Willamette Stove and refrigerator, fireplace S400 No pets 484-1057 709 ttn UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom Ap pliances. fireplace, garage carport, small fenced yard No pets t7th and Villard S300 plus deposit 746-5024 Apts, for Rent PICK UP THE PHONE! If you have VISA or MASTERCARD you can now phone in your Emerald Classified ad and have it billed to your account Just give us a call by 1 pm the day before you want the ad published and watch a small invest ment bring big returns! EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty632:tfn 614 LAWRENCE 3 bedroom, in wonder ful old bouse, covered porch, large liv ing room, separate dining room. $225. Elliott Assoc 683-2160 325:tfn GREAT LOCATION 1414 E 18th. one and two bedrooms, furnished or unfurnished, covered park ing. laundry, from $175 Call Sabin. 683 2160, Elliott Assoc558 tfn 1893 GARDEN AVE Two bedroom unfurnished Carpeted, applianced. water/garbage paid Laun dry facilities $225 (furniture $45 per month extra). Behind Wendy's, off Franklin Blvd 345-7368 613:tfn 1/2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS The Emerald Apts Are Renting TWO BEDROOM Fully carpeted 4 applianced apart ments Available *urnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of in-apartment storage & all at convenient campus location $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 DROP BY AT 1877 EMERALD 677:tfn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus. $195 to $275 485-0062, 344 1625 332:tfn WALK TO CAMPUS 2 BEDROOM - $230 Extremely spacious. Campus 10 blocks. Safeway 2 blocks. Carpets, drapes, laundry, parking Unfurnished. No pets or children. 2045 Willamette 344-2469. 345 7987 740:tfn $165 STUDIO Furnished studio 1 Vr blocks from cam pus Laundry facilities. Call 345-7496. 744:lfn FOR RENT A unique 1 bedroom duplex just 3 blocks to campus Applianced. fireplace, vaulted ceilings and nice yard. 683-7722 evenings 1577 Mill. $275. A 1 bedroom apartment in tri-plex. Furnished, applianced and on-site laun dry facilities 3 blocks to campus. 1155 Mill $175 JENNINGS A CO. Property Management 683-2271 720:MWF UO FAMILY HOUSING Immediate oc cupancy Westmoreland. 2 bedroom, furnished at $140/month; Westmoreland 1 bedroom, furnished at $111/month; Amazon 2 bedroom, unfur nished at $116/ month. Anticipate future openings in all areas Contact UO Housing Dept 686-4277 787:tfn Quads THE BROWN DERBY Super special: Spring/summer rates now in effect 441 East 17th 151 tin CLASSY QUADS 430 E 15th Handy to campus or town $139 includes utilities Manager, 485-2130 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST, 485-8252 _ 962 1 >n HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Quads and get your weekly cleaning included in the rent along with cable TV utilities, private bath linen service and lots of other goodies CALL TODAY! CAMPUS COURT OUADS 1544 Alder 686-1075 2. 025:tfn LARGE QUAD 485-8859 $99 month 7fs0 tin Pets FREE KITTENS to good homes Loveable, weaned and house trained 683-3267 eves 10-10 Lost/Found LOST CAT FOUND on UO campus near Art Museum on 10-4-83 Young, un neutered male, solid while, blue eyes, apparently deaf Clear flea collar Please call message number 686-4305 immediately if he is yours! I can only Keep him 3 days!1Q-1Q FOUND: Cassette recorder is SC I Wed Identify to claim 686-4652 . 484-6066. Lisa. 10-10 EVENTS EMU Cultural Forum presents Dr. Benjamin Spock Or. Spock, co-chairman of the Na tional Committee for a Safe Nuclear Policy feels a need to suport a test ban treaty to protect children from radiation fallout He is also a spokesman for the Peace Movement Combining his intrests in child health and psychology, the Vietnam War and personal and political behavior with concern for nuclear policy. “Raising Children in the Nuclear Age" should prove a provocative and informative lecturetopic Saturday, October 15th 8 pm EMU Ballroom SI UO student, $2 general public Tickets will be sold at the door Free childcare through UO Childcare Center will be available Please call for reservations at 686-4384 or EMU Cultural Forum at 686-4373 795:10-14 New Gay Group It’s just a phase For men and women Wed . Oct 12, 7 pm EMU 337 Call GALA at x3360 for in fo 800:10-11 Entertainment CINCMA7 PREMIERE THRU OCT. 12 From Nicaragua, nominated for Oscar Best Foreign Film 1982 ALSINO And The Condor THURSDAY-SATURDAY 7:30 PM SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 7 PM PLUS John Ford's classic Western starring John Wayne SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON Thursday-Saturday 9:15 pm Sunday-Wednesday 8:45 pm Sunday matinee 3:45 pm 71 Chamber Music Chamber music series Tickets now available at student discount SEVEN GREAT CONCERTS For *30 or *19 First concert Oct. 15 Concord String Quartet All seats reserved For info call: 686-5678 Sponsored by the Committee for Musical Arts 801 10-14 r THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 686-BIJU WE OF THE NEVER NEVER Nominated lor si* Australian Academy Awards "We Ot The Never Never'" is the story of Jeannie Gtenn, tirst civilized woman in the wilds of Australia SUNOAY-THURSDAY 6:15 * 8:45 PM FRIDAY SATURDAY 7:15 & 9:45 PM Sat-Sun Red Adm Mat 4 pm Student Admission anytime $2.5 with ID and fee card BIJOU LATE NIGHT Emmanuelle Joys Of A Woman Wednesday & Thursday 11:15 pm $1 96 Friday & Saturday 12:15 am $2 50 STUDENTS! SAVE 46% University Theatre Season Tickets On Sale Now! See: DRACULA CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF DANCE ‘84 SAINT JOAN WEST SIDE STORY Only season ticket buyers: - Save money -- Have the best seats • Get one ticket to the performance of your choice Have your ticket guaranteed if lost or stolen Order now at Robinson Thaalre Box Office, Villard Hall. Mon Sal 12-4 pm or call 686-4191. 738 10 14 |_ FREE FREE Swing to the sounds of the Bay Area’s hottest all female jazz band Swing Shift Wednesday Oct. 12 8*10 pm This concert is FREE Coffee, tea. and other condiments also provided Sponsored by the Cultural Forum FREE FREE Presenting Scotland's Traditional/Political Folksinget DICK GAUGHAN In Concert With Ireland’s Kevin Burke Micheal O Domhnaill Joe Burke Wed., Oct. 19 7:30 pm SORENG THEATRE HULT CENTER, EUGENE Ticket into 687 5000 783 10-19 r Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline 24 hours/7 days, strictly confidential Call 686 4488- 779MF FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll tree. 1-800 223-0618. 7 am-3 pm M-F 468MWF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing Birthright. 687-8651 __ 386 M COLLEGE SWEATSHIRTS! Harvard (grey)-Yale (w h i t e)-Pr i nc e I o n (navy) Darmouth (kelly)-North Caiolina (It blue)-USC (white)-olhers $1250 each postpaid. S-M-l-XL Send check to LMg. Box 317. Brookhave. MS 39601 COD orders call 1-601-835-1085 10-17 Ladies Wait for the best! The gentlemen of CHI PSI Announce their 1983 84 court tryouts Thurs Oct 13. 7 pm 1018 Hilyard On the scenic Millrace For into call Paul 686-5214 10-10 PICK UP THE PHONE! If you have VISA or MASTERCARD you can now phone in your Emerald Classified ad and have it billed to your account. Just give us a call by 1 pm the day before you want the ad published and watch a small invest ment bring big returns! EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 686*4343 MasterCard OFF-CAMPUS STUDENTS What’s To Eat? Have you just moved into that first apartment and are faced with the dai ly question of what's to eat? “Now You’re Cookin’” Provides The Answer Meal time to party time, this simplified cooking guide guarantees that your first venture in cooking will ba a success. A Compact How-To Cooking Guide Easy step-by-step recipes were specifically chosen for their ease in preparation and mouth-watering appeal Try It-You’ll Like It ONLY $3.95 30-day Money Back Gurantee AVAILABLE AT EMU MAIN DESK 796M11 14 ELECTROLYSIS: The safe and perma venl alternative to unwanted hair Terry (ay Myers 2443 Willamette. 484-6959 10-11 The ladies of DELTA DELTA DElTA would like to announce our 83/ 84 POSEIDON MAN COURT TRYOUTS Monday. Oct 10. 7 30 pm. 1987 Univer sity. 686-3581 All interested men welcome1 10-10 Don’t miss all the fun! Check out the sororities in a casual, relaxed way. There’s still time to sign up for INFORMAL SORORITY RUSH! Do it now at the EMU, Suite 5 or 364 Oregon Hall 10 10 STUDENT'S AUTOBODY REPAIR c»nest quality workmanship Low. low estimates 738 E 16th no 43 10 12 Prof of the Month 3o you have a prof who goes that extra Tiile to make your class extraordinary? 3o the distance tor him/her with a lomination for Prof of the Month. =orms available in the library near the eference desk 10-10 CONGRATULATIONS to our newest member: Gail Gatchell We love you! THE TRI DELTS 10 10 uAbberwocky CARDS • QIFTS 'Oyer 2800 designs of cards and postcards • A great selection of posters • Wind-up toys • Stationery • Address & blank books • Memo boards • Stickers • Party favors Decorations • All kinds of crazy, in expensive things • Novelty candy • Picture frames • Mugs • Stuffed toys • Gift wrap. •Halloween cards are on display MON FRI 10:5:30 1308 HILYARD SAT 10 5 484-0530 BILL S. Dustin Hoffman could never compare Love, Mrs. Robinson (J.S.)10-to NEWSGREEK STAFF: Meeting tomor ■ow at 4 pm is Suite 5 EMU10-10 START NOW Expectant fathers group 19 Tuesdays De Busk Center Counsel ng Dept 686-550110-11 3ETS: Congrats on your first marathon fou re a champ! LOVE, MAC P. 10-10 3AVE BAKER: Remember. I only did his because (Hope you had a great fay!) LYNN 10-10 Attention all ALPHA LAMBDA & DELTA . and ™ PHI ETA *9?J SIGMA MEMBERS Pins and certificates will be available in freshman honorary office. Room 202 EMU (above Post Office, there will be signs) during these hours MWF 3 pm-5 pm, UH 9:30 am-11:30 am. SAT SUN 2 pm 4 pm. 797 10 10 I JMIVGRSITY ^jRAVeL 774 E. 13th 2nd Floor Smith Bookstore Building Vancouver to London.$486 + tax Seattle to Copenhagen.$545 Portland to New York.$336 Portland to Charlotte.$298 Eugene to Los Angeles.$224 683-5577 Free Parking in Rear j LTO Bookstore ART & ARCHITECTCiRE DEPT “YEAR ROUND” DISCOUNTS Triangles - all styles & sizes.15% Off Drafting instruments.15% Off Sketch “Skinny” Rolls - All sizes.15% Off Strathmore Pads - All styles & sizes.25% Off Lamps.25% Off chartpak® 7mc4 Reg. $4.65.Now$3.89 E. Faber Design Markers, Reg. $1.65.Now $1.25 Clearprint Pads & Rolls.11 % Off Grumbacher Oil & Acrylic Paints...15% Off Grumbacher Brushs.15% Off Liquitex Oil & Acrylic Paints.15% Off Koh-i-nor Technical Pens.15% Off Reform Technical Pens.25% Off Staedtler-Mars Technical Pens.25% Off UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid Mon. • Fri. 7:30 - 5:30 Sat. 10.00 3:00 Supplies 686-4331