2705 Willamette 545-8550 quality shoes clothing & accessories TIME TO CLEAN UP YOUR ACT? COIN-OPERATED SELF-SERVICE VACUUMS FIRST STREET CAR WASH corner of 1 st & Jefferson F= BESTSELLER 20% DISCOUNT^ “Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions by Gloria Steinem NYT Bestseller# 13 NONFICTION Gloria Steinem’s first book is a moving and informative collection of her best writ tings over the past twenty years. The collection reviews her public jour nalistic work while speak ing with a very personal voice to women’s experiences. Ret 14 95 YOUR DISCOUNT S11.96 All Bestsellers Always Discounted • Receive an additional 10% oft with Student/Fac/Stalt ID ' New York Times Hardcover list > Cash Register Sales Only > Limited to stock on hand 13th & Kincaid Mon.-Fri 7:30-5:30 Sat 10:00-3:00 General Books 686-3510 Coffee shop slates guitar concert series Devotees of classical, jazz and traditional guitar can look forward to an unprecedented year-long series of eight "Coffee Concerts," co-sponsored by Allann Brothers Coffee Company and the Eugene Guitar Association. The concerts, the third Sunday of every month at The Beanery, 790 East 14th Ave., will feature some of the Northwest's best guitarists. Eugene residents Neill Archer Roan and Don Latarski as well as Portland-based virtuoso Paul Chasman, have been scheduled. Tickets for The Coffee Concert Series, which include all eight per formances, are $15 and may be purchased at The Beanery or the Balladeer music shop on the third floor of the Fifth Street Public Market. Seating is limited. Coffee Concert Series calendar: Neill Archer Roan, classical, Oct. 16. Paul Chasman, steel string, Nov. 20. Don Latarski, jazz, Jan. 15. David Case and Pamela Birrell, guitar and flute, Feb. 19. James Kline, classical. Mar. 11. Gregory Field, steel string/Irish traditional, Apr. 8. Garry Hagberg, jazz, May 20. police beat Campus area crimes for the week include the following: A window was broken in a door at the north end of the education building. There was no evidence of theft or vandalism. The episode is being labeled criminal mischief. The locker room at Leighton Pool was broken into and a locker was buglarized. The lock was cut and $37 was reported missing. A graphic equalizer and a number of cassettes and tools were stolen from a vehicle parked at 13th Avenue and Moss Street. Apparently a wire was in serted through the top of the window to open the door lock. One bicycle was reported stolen this week. It was taken from in front of Earl Complex. No suspects have been reported in any of the incidents. BLOOM COUNTY mo, m SICK ABOUT THIS. JOHNNY CARSON HAS LETT JOANNA ANP TAKEN UP WITH MORGAN FAIRCHILP. THE WOMAN IS A MW MILO. TT'S ALL PHYSICAL. HIS FANS KNOW THAT. MY GOP, 50MEB0PY HOOPS TO SLAP THAT MAN BACK TO Hl6 SENSES... LUST poesr NOT A x wmeiw£.joHNM, cesTummsim the cam., ortaks pirn me /, mt poap OF LIFE', \\ CYC. ' __ by BerRe Breathed et at. MliTINGS ASIAN AMTRICAN Student Union organizational meeting today at S p.m in Room 12 I MU Call ext 4142 tor more information. < AMPUS CRUSADI lor Christ's weekly meeting is tonight trom b:TI to 8 p.m. at the Newman Center tveryone is welcome. PRTSBYTIRIAN C AMPUS MINISTRY'S tall weekend retreat starts today! Meet at Koinonia Center at b: M) p m (alter your even ing meal) All partic lants will be brought bac k to campus around noon on Sunday WISIIY TUIOWSHIP meets at the Wexlev C enter, 12 tb kmc aid SI., at b p.m. on Sunday evening A soup supper will Ire shared at Carleen’x. Call b8b-4b94 tor details, A DAY-IONCT WORKSHOP begins at 8 : TO a m Saturday. Oc t 8, at St. |ude Church peo ple on peac e task lore es or lor people other wise lamiliar with the U.s Bishops' Pastoral An open evening lec ture will also l>e held ( all 14x44X11 tor more information. INIIRNAIIONA1 IRIINDSHIP PRC K.RAM. Interested in foreign c ulturex and peoples' It so, please attend an inlroduc tory meeting to day at 1: M) p.m. in the AM lounge. Room 289 PIC ItCTURfS A |US 1 INI AN SYMPOSIUM. com memorating I,SOI) years since the birth of liistinian. will l>e held through Oct. 8 I he following speakers will be teatured I riday and Saturday in Room 107 lawrente Hall: Oct. 7 — Prof. David Wright, lustiman as Most Chrisitan Imperor — the konographic l videnc e". 7: M) p.m.; Prot |ave held today al t: tt) p.m. in Room HN I riendly. PHOIOGRAPHIC IXHIBIIION ol art and arthitetture Irom lustinian's Time, today from 1:30 to 2: 30 p.m.. Gallery 141. School ol Art hitet lure and Allied Arts Prol A. Dean Mt ken/ie will at I as guide A BIN!Ell DANl I will l>e held Saturday. Ott. 8, al 8:00 p.m. in the (MU Ballroom. Iitkets are $2.SO in advanie or $3.00 al Ihe door. Iitkets tan be purchased at the LMU Main Desk, larth River Records, or fate the Music, for more information tall the Survival Center at bBb-AT.Sb. f PISCOPAl CAMPUS MINISTRY oilers Ho ly tuihansl Sunday atternoons at 4:30 p.m. Servites are t elebraled by the Rev linda Harrell in Ihe Chapel ol koinnnia ( enter. 1414 kintaid St., and are hallowed by a light meal THf COUNSELING CENTtR conducts a number tat groups whit h are designed to meet students' special needs each quarter. Persons interested in participating in an Ealing ETisorders group. Older Than-Average student group. Couples Support group or Weight Issues group should tall ext 3227 lor more mltarmalion tar lt> reserve a spat e. C LUB SPORTS RUGBY team plays its next home game Saturday, Ott 8, vs. Reed Col lege. Also, all interested players are en couraged to come to practice Mondays. Wednesdays tar Fridays at 3:30 p.m. in the held behind Mat Court Mike’s VW Repair 10% Student Discount • Tune ups • Engine Overhaul • Brake Service • Electrical • Factory Trained Mechanic • All Work Guaranteed • Free Local Pick Up and Delivery Call For an Estimate 342-7465 OPEN 7 DAYS