Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 07, 1983, Section B, Page 4, Image 16

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FRIDAY, 10-7
"40 Hours” ISO Geology. 7 and 9:30 p.m.
$1.50 general, $1 children.
"Bad Boys” 177 Lawrence. 7 and 9 p.m.
51.50 general. $1 children.
"Casablanca" 180 PIG. 7 and 9:1S p.m
SI SO general, SI children.
Cinema 7: 'Alsino and the Condor" at 7:30
p m. "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" al 9:15
p m S3. SO.
Bi|ou Lhealre: "We ol 1 III' Never Never"
and Ihe Rocky Horror Picture Show " Call
886 24S8 lor limes and prices
KOZY-TV, Cable 4 My Man Godfrey al
3:30 p.m. "The Slipper and Ihe Rose" al 9
p.m "Sweet Smell ol Success" al 11 p.m.
"The Year of living Dangerously" 180 PIC.
7 and 9:30 p.m SI SO general, SI children.
"Fillmore" ISO Geology. 7 and 9: IS p.m.
"The Flight ol Ihe Eagle" 177 Lawrence. 7
and 9:30 p.m. SI SO general. SI children
"Alsino and Ihe Condor" Cinema 7 4 p.m.
Benelil showing lor Ihe Eugene Council for
Human Rights in Latin America.
Cinema 7: (See Friday's listing)
Bi|ou Theatre: (See Friday's listing)
KOZY-TV. Cable 4: "Old Aquainlant e" at
9:30 p m Werewoll ol London" al 11 30
SUNDAY, 10-9
"An American Friend" 180 PLC. 7 p.m.
51.50 general, SI children.
Cinema 7: "Alsino and Ihe Condor" at 2
and 7 p.m. "SFie Wore a Yellow Ribbon" al
3:45 and 8:4S p m S3.
Bi|ou Theatre: "We ol Ihe Never Never"
( all 886 24S8 lor limes and prices.
KOZY TV. C able 4 The Good Fairy al 9
MONDAY, 10-10
Cinema 7: "Alsino and the Condor" at 7
p.m. "SFie Wore a Yellow Ribbon" at 8:45
p.m S3.SO.
Bijou Theatre: (See Sunday's listipg)
KOZY-TV. Cable 4 "The Man Who Knew
loo Much" at 1:30 p.m "Easy Living” at 9
TUESDAY, 10-11
Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing)
Bijou Theatre: (See Sunday's listing)
KOZY-TV. Cable 4: "Inspector General" at
3:30 p.m. "Christmas in |uly" al 9 p.m
Cinema 7: (Sec- Monday's listing)
Bi|ou Theatre: "We ot the Never Never"
and 'Emmanuelle, |oys ol a Woman." Call
886-2458 for times and prices.
KOZY-TV, Cable 4: "His Girl Friday" at 3.30
p.m "The Palm Beach Story" at 9 p.m.
Bi|iw Theatre (See Wednesday's listing)
KOZY-TV, ( able 4: "The Lillie Princ ess" al
3:30 p.m. "Gullivar's Travels" at 9 p.m.
FRIDAY, 10-7
Patricio Manns in Concert, accompanied
on piano by Michele Baste! Beall Concert
Hall. 8 p.m $4 50 students and senior
c iti/ens. $8 general Manns is a Chilean poet,
composer, and singer in emit- Tickets
available at FMU Main Desk, lugene Count il
lor Human Rights in Latin America ottice,
and Balladeer Records.
Toga Parly with The Kingsmen. McArthur
Court. 9 p.m Call 886-4 373 lor lurther into.
Beer Garden: Bete Noire. EMU Dining
Room 4-7 p.m
Swingshift, women's |a// band Irom the
San Francisco Bav area ( ommunily ( enter
tor Ihe Performing Arts, 8lh and lintoln
Doors open at 8 p m S4 advance. SS day ol
show. All ages welcome, wheelc hair accessi
ble. Tickets available at EMU Main Desk,
House ol Records, Balladeer Music, and Ihe
Community Center.
The Beanery: |ohn larvie. classical guitar
7:30-9:30 p m No c over
jo Federigo's |ohn Workman I no 9:10
p.m No c over
O'Callahan's: |<>c* Erickson and tht* Fan
tasies. 9:10 p.m. $1
Fmerald Valley forrest Inn: The Valley
Boys. 9 p.m.
Modern Mono. KLCC-FM, 89.7. 11:30 p.m.
Arousing Spirit and The Porcupines. IMU
Ballroom. 8 p.m. $2 50 advance, $3 at the
door Benefit dance in support ot the Oregon
torest wilderness bill. Tickets available at the
Survival Center and the IMU Main Desk
The Beanery: Peter Thomas, classical
guitar. 7:30-9:30 p.m. No cover.
|o Federigo's: (See Friday's listing)
O'Callahan's: (See Friday's listing)
Fmerald Valley Forrest Inn: (See Friday's
Saturd., ;C-FM. 89.7 9 a m.
Blackberry |am: trie Crado, Scott Curry,
and Dick Gunn KLCC-FM, 89.7. 6 p.m
A Prairie Homt* Companion KLCC-FM,
89.7. 7 p.m.
SUNDAY, 10-9
Zoo-Zoo's: O’Carolans Consort. 9:30 p m.
|n Federigo's: |am Session with Bill SaFsol
and Louie ledFsetter 9:30 p.m. No cover.
Mist Covered Mountain. KLCC-FM, 89.7. 9
MONDAY, 10-10
l Idle River Band. Silva Hall, Hull Center lor
the Performing Arts. 8 p.m. SI3 and $12. Call
687 5000 for reservations and further info.
Zoo-Zoo's: Eagle Park Slim. 9:30 p.m.
|o Federigo's: (See Sunday's listing)
From the Leftside: |ohn Lennon. KLCC-FM,
89.7. 7:30 p.m.
New Dreamers. KICC-FM, 89.7. 11 p.m.
TUISOAV, 10-11
|o Federigo's: Eagle Park Slim. 9: 30 p.m. No
|a// Gig: Swingshift. EMU Dining Room.
8-10 p.m.
Zoo-Zoo's: |o Ann Radway. traditional
ragtime guitar. 9:30 p.m.
Jo Federigo's: (See Tuesday's listing)
|a/7 Alive: Highlights from Los Angeles,
Boston, and New York night dubs KLCC
FM, 89 7 8:30 p.m
Leo Kottke and Jesse Colin Young. Silva
Hall, Hull Center for the Performing Arts. 8
p.m. Call b87-SOOO lor reservations and fur
ther info.
Jo Federigo's: (Set* Tuesday's listing)
Songs c»l Work, Struggle, and Change:
Songs of Native Americans. KLCC-FM, 89 7. 8
Murder at the Howard Johnson's," a com
edy by Ron Clark and Sam Bobrtc k, perform
ed by the Cascade Balzac Company. The
Brass Rail, 451 Willamette St. Oc t. 7 and 8. 9
p.m. ST. Call *42-2298 lor reservations and
further into.
Barefoot in the Park" a comedy by Neil
Simon. Very I ittle Theatre, 2 *50 Hilyard. Oct.
7 and 8 8:15 p.m. $5. ( all *44-7751 for reser
vations and further info.
"The Magic Mute" an opera by W A.
Mozart, performed by lugene Opera Soreng
Theatre, Mult Center tor the Performing Arts.
Oct 7. 8, 9, and II 7 *0 p rn $5 50-S18 50. stu
dent discounts available ( all 887-0020 tor
reservations and further into.
' The Best little Whorehouse in Texas"
road show starring Stella Partem. Silva Hall,
Hult Center for the Performing Arts. Satur
day 7 and 9:45 p.m. $10 50^18 Call 087 5000
lor reservations and further info.
Sherloe k Holmes Shoseombe Old Place"
MCC-IM, 89 7 7 *0 p.m.
University Rec realional Folkdancers
Dance *50 (.erlinger Annex. 7:*0-11 p.m
$1.25 general, 75 eenls University students.
Dane es are taught, followed by programmed
and request dam mg Beginners welcome
( all 887 984 * or *4 i-9084 tor further into.
"Studio I ( abaret Dance No.*" Hult
( enter for the Performing Arts. 9 *0 p.m.-2
a m. Call 887 5000 for further info
Local bands ",Arousing Spirit" pictured above and "The Porcupines" will perform at a benefit dance for the
University Survival Center, Saturday, Oct. 8 in the EMU Ballroom. Proceeds from the dance will be given to the
Oregon Natural Resources Council to further its lobbying efforts in support of the Oregon Wilderness Bill.
Tickets are $2.50 in advance, $3.00 at the door.
Powers and leans are al the Soreng. Friday.
()< loher 14. See 'Notables'' lor lurther
FRIDAY, 10*7
Street Faire featuring Latin American per
formance groups, food booths, and
folkware. Lugene Council tor Human Rights
in I atm America, 12 16 Kincaid, iron! lawn. 10
a.m o p.m.
Pane ho Letelier and Alejandro C anales will
discuss political mural painting in (atm
America; showing of the film "With These
Same Hands" about Brigada letelier
muralists. 167 FMU. 2:10 p.m. Free.
"Elec tro Faire 81" Lane County Fairgrounds
Auditorium. 10 a m -10 p.m. Free.
Mogul Mouse Ski Grab" lane County
fairgrounds Performance Hall 2-10 p.m.
I ret*.
Designer's Yard Sale. 1S8 1. 14th 0 a.m.-S
WISTEC Planetarium Shows: "Autumn
Skies" at 1 p.m. "The View from Planet Earth
(anc lent astronomy)" at I p.m. C all 484-9027
tor lurther into.
"Electro Faire 81" (See Friday's listing)
Mogul Mouse Ski Grab" (see Friday's
listing) 10 a m. h p.m. E r**e
SUNDAY, 10-9
Rajneesh Quiet Meditation and
Bioenergetics Class. 1072 Willaken/ie Road.
1-4 p.m $S Call 141-8S16 for lurther into.
WISTEC Planetarium Shows (See Satur
day's listing)
Eugene Elea Market lane County
I airgrounds Agriculture Building 8:10
am.-1:10 p.m. SO cents adults, 2S cents
c hildren
"Electro Faire 81" (See Friday s listing) 10
a.m -6 p.m.
Mogul Mouse "Ski CraE>" (See Fridays
listing) 10 a m.-6 p.m.
TUESDAY, 10-11
Wake Up and You Are E nligfitened"
Hhagwan Shree Rajneesh videotape. Eugene
Put>lic library 7 p.m free Cal 141-8S16 lor
further into
Street Performers licensing Session lane
Regional Arts Counc il office, 79S Willamette.
Room 416 2 p.m. each Tuesday Singers,
dancers, instrumentalists, jugglers, mimes.
and other entertainers are invited to
partu ipate
Wf ONISDAV, 10-12
lirsl general meeting of the 1 ugene C.uitar
Association Westmoreland Community
Center, 1545 W. 22nd. 7:10 p.m. Guitarists,
students, teachers and all interested people
are welcome, regardless ot level. Call
142-2810 or 141-8184 tor further into.
An Introduction to the Meditations and
Discourses ot Bhagwan Shree Ra|neesh
Mandip Ra|neesh Meditation Center, 1072
Willakenzie Road. 7-9 p.m. $2'. Call 141-85lb
for further info.
Pro|tH t Space: "Return of the laded" works
by Gallery artists Michael Bukowski, Glen
Diseth. |anet O'Doherty. Frank I ox, Robert
Gibney. Harold Hoy. Byard Pidgeon. Nancy
Prowell, lames Ulrich, Mike I. Walsh, and
Carol Westlake. Through Oct. 14
Lane Community College Art Dept
Gallery: Faculty Show featuring works by
Harold Hoy, Bruce Dean, Roger McAlister,
Rosco Wright. Craig Spellman, Bill Blix, and
Bruce Wild. Through Oct. 14.
Maude Kerns Art Center: Photography by
lack tui; works by Anne Baldwin; the lane
Materials Cooper alive Ceramic Show featur
ing works by Gil Harrison, Lotte Streisinger,
Pauline Lasse, Allan kluber. Faye Nakamura,
lynn Bowers, Faith Rahill, Michael Keenan,
and Chris Gum. Through Ot. IS.
Community Room Gallery. Hult Center:
Business Images An Ixhibit ot Promotional
Graphics by I ugene Area Designers"
Ihrough Oct 1h. Meet the designers on
Wednesday, l-S p.m.
faculty Club: Oils and watercolors by
Sarkis Antikapan, Germaine Bennett, Lllen
Gabeheart. and Carol Manlredi. Through
Oct H
University l ibrary I he Salmon fishers:
Native lile on the C olumbia at the Time ol
Iewis and Clark." Ihrough Oct. II.
Photography at Oregon Gallery. Museum
ot Art landscape print exhibit by Craig law
Through Oct. II
Community Center lor the Performing
Arts: "flowers in Watercolor" by Jill Russell.
Through Oct 11.
fugene Public library: Watercolors by
|ohn C uhn, oils by Marc ta Berg, tree dm ora
lion\ by Mary Goodwin. Through (HI. II
Artists Unwin: Paintings and drawings by
Michael Kelly and Tom Blodgett. Through
<kt. II
University Museum of Art: "Decoding
Dragons: Status Garments of the Ch'ing
Dynasty." Through Nov. 6.
Keystone Gate: Portraits in Silver by Grand
Hand|>is. Through Nov. 7.
The Bob Barker Fun and Games Show.
Portland Memorial Coliseum. Friday. 8 p.m.
$8 general, $4 children. Call 239-4422 For
reservations and Further into.
Men at Work, with spec lal guests Mental as
Anything. Portland Memorial Coliseum,
luesday 8 p.m. $12.SO. Tickets available at
Iverybody's Records and G.l. |oc .
Women’s Music C elebration Breitenbush
Community. Detroit, Oregon. Oct. 7-10. $80
Workshops in a noncompetitive, supportive
environment. Call 1-854-3501 for further info.
Oregon Symphony Orchestra Pops Con
cert. "By George! Saluting the Genius of
George Gershwin" Portland Civic
Auditorium. Oct. 9. I0, and II. 8 p.m $8-$ 12.
( all 1-228-1353 or 1-248-4498 tor reservations
and further into.
"Lohengrin” by Richard Wagner. Portland
Opera. Portland Civic Auditorium. Oct. 8, 12,
and 15. 7 p.m. $12-$18. Call 1-241-1401 for
reservations and further info.
Masterpieces of the American West: Selec
tions from the* Ansc hut/ Collet lion. 1 hrough
Nov b. Ihrec* Hundred Years ot German
Printmaking; drawings and watercolors by
Saul Steinberg; paintings and drawings by
I S Price. Through Oct TO. Portland Art
Museum, 1219 S.W. Park Ave. Portland.
"Hedda Gabler” by Henrik Ibsen. The New
Rose Theatre. 904 S.W. Main, Portland.
Thursday-Saturday until Nov. 12. 8 p.m.
Matinees Oct 9 and 23. 2 p.m. $8 Call
1-222-2487 tor reservations and further into.
little* Women" by Louisa May Alcott. I he
New Rose Theatre, 904 S.W Main, Portland.
Saturdays at 2 p.m. until Nov. 12. $3.50
c hildren, $4 general . Call 1-222-2487 lor
reservations and further info.
Compiled by Bob Webb
Campus Events: 686-INFO,
Tape 651
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