BACKSTAGE DANCEWEAR & THEATRICAL AFFORDABLE ... ... COSTUMES & ACCESSORIES (SHOP EARLY) Ghost ★ Witch ★ Tarzan ★ Jane ★ Superman ★ Wonder Woman * Miss Piggy ★ Frog ★ Punkcr * Orphan Annie ★ Elf* Hula Dancer ★Ballet dancer ★Apache dancer ★ Gorilla ★ Cat ★ Dog ★ Rat ★ Lion ★ French maid ★ Jester ★ Clown ★ Gangster ★ Devil ★ Raggedy Anne/Andy ★ Vampire ★ Vampira ★ Angel ★ Pregnant anything ★ Tinkcrbcll ★ Charlie Chaplin ★ Flapper ★ Box er ★ Red Baron ★ Harem dancer/guard ★ Bee ★ Bag of jelly beans ★ Magician ★ Gypsy ★ Mickey/Minnie Mouse ★ Pinocchio ★ Smurf ★ Santa Claus ★ Zorro ★ Lone Ranger ★ Tonto ★ Cavewoman/man ★ Peter Pan*Elvis*Wcrcwolf*Yoda*Darth ★ Conehead ★ Sheep ★ CANDY KISS ★ Your favorite Opera ★ Nun ★ Priest ★ Monk ★ King ★ Queen ★ Princess Di ★ Chicken ★ Spacewoman/man ★ Cut & Bruised per son ★ Miss America ★ Tooth fairy ★ Daisy Mae ★ Lil' Abner ★ Alfred E. N e w m a n ★ R o n n i e ★ J i m m y ★ Tricky ★ Strongman ★ Tatooed Lady ★ Bearded lady ★ Mac West ★ Laurel ★ Hardy ★ Smith Bros ★ Geek ★ Uncle Don ★ Eugene sprout person ★ W.C Fields ★ Playing Card ★ Playboy bunny ★ Frankenstein ★ Tramp ★ Stripper ★ 40’s person ★ Indian (American. Asian) ★ Bike person ★ Father Time ★ New Years Baby ★ Hunchback of Notre Dame ★ Minnie Pearl ★ Your favorite gross ethnic stereotype and A LOT MORE «3 $222 THE HALLOWEEN PLACE - 686-2671 Notables A collection of Saul Steinberg's drawings and watercolors are on exhibit at the Portland Art Museum, 1219 S.W. Park Ave., Portland, until Oct. 30. Project Space Gallery, 39 E. 10th in Eugene, has a week left of "Return of the lad ed." It features local ar tists' work in almost all visual media and is open 12 p.m.-5 p.m., lues, through Sat. Powers & leans Dance Ensemble will appear at the Hult's Soreng Theater Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m. with a full length concert, "Smiles and Titters." Tickets are $5.50 in advance, $6 at the door. Virtuoso musicians/ guitarists,Jesse Collin Young and Leo Kottke, are lined up at the Hult's Silva for 8 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 13. Expect some 12-string numbers that range from R&B to jazz. Tickets $11.50 and $10. A benefit showing of "Alsino and the Condor" will take place Saturday at 4 p.m. at Cinema 7. Recently filmed in Mexico by Chilean director Miguel Litten, the film has received wide acclaim. Admission is $2. "Men at Work," part of the Australian rock music revival, will play its brand of now-mainstream pop at Portland's Coliseum on Tues., Oct. 11, at 8 p.m. Tickets are $12.50. The silence of western landscape A landscape print exhibition by photographer Craig Law is featured through October at the Oregon Gallery, the photographic showcase in the University Art Museum. Law, who has lived most of his life in Logan, Utah, has chosen to display photographs dealing with that part of the country. His work is billed as traditional western landscape photography. "At times I simply am thinking how beautiful something is and make photographs about that beauty," said Law. In several of the prints man, manmade objects or the consequences of man's intrusion of nature enter into the image. One in particular shows a bluff where graduating classes have spray painted the years of their graduations — vandalism or modern hieroglyphics? All of the prints are shot horizontally. In most of them the picture is taken straight on, forming horizontal bands across the photograph. There are no strong verticals in the photographs displayed. Many of the shots evoke subjective feelings. The strange other-wordly quality of mist over a lake, the warm beauty of backlit trees against rolling hills or the juxtaposition of manmade and natural worlds all elicit a response. The work is filled with the silence of the western landscape. If you attend the show looking for shock appeal, avantgarde images or gimmicks, this show is not for you. Law's goal is to bring his audience to a heightened perception of common subject matter. He is straightforward in approach and his appeal is broad. Law, an assistant professor at Utah State University, will give a free lecture at 7:30 p.m., Friday, October 28, in Lawrence Hall, Room 107. Janette Hopper CAN YOU BUY GOOD TASTE? Yes! Now you can acquire good taste for a couple of bucks. Just wear shirts and visors that say "Dos Equis.'’ After all, those are foreign words. And anyone in college knows people who wear stuff with foreign words and alligators have good taste. So, order your kind of good taste in Dos Equis sportswear today. And remember to eat your peanut butter and jelly sand wiches over the sink. 5 .a55 CNJ ° • o—' r+-o E O55 x. ■ (V O o ra ^ aT & vSf ^Es o'5 a. Mjt O •5 O'* =i cr 5. 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