High school press to pack EMU Speeches, workshops featured by national journalists By Melissa Martin Of the imer«ld More than 1,500 high school journalists will fill the EMU today for the 1983 High School Press Conference. Sheena Patterson, Los Angeles Herald Examiner associate editor, will highlight the conference with a keynote address at 2:30 p.m, in the EMU Ballroom. Patterson, former editor of Weekend, a nationally distributed Canadian newspaper and magazine, is responsible for the Sunday edition of the Herald Examiner, as well as for all features sections, the TV magazine and California Living Magazine. Patterson will hold a special session at 9 a.m. in 221 Allen for students and teachers. Polly Pattison, free-lance designer from Westminister, Calif., will speak on guidelines for improving layout, copy, coverage and overall special ef fects of yearbooks. Pattison con ducts workshops throughout the country. KEZI-TV's "eccentric" weather man Dave Sweeney also will be speaking at the conference. He will talk to students and faculty at 10 a.m. in 221 Allen. Also speaking are Dianne Donovan, University journalism professor and former assistant editor of the Chicago Tribune; Dan Davies, reporter for the Statesman-Journal in Salem; Hen ny Willis, editorial writer and Fred Crafts arts editor, both with The Register-Guard. A special three-hour session about student press rights will be held at this year's conference. The University student chapter of the Society of Professional Jour nalists will share results from a statewide survey they conducted of high school teachers and principals. The University's SPJ club will sponsor a writing contest, and winners will be announced at a special early evening awards banquet. A display of the William Ran dolph Hearst Foundation's photojournalism awards contest winners is set up in the EMU’s art gallery today. Symposium focuses on Byzantine'Golden Age' Riots in a capital city caused widespread destruction and almost brought down the country's leader. This could describe the situation in a number of countries. But the Nika Revolt, which resulted in the slaughter of 30,000 people, occurred more than 1400 years ago in the Byzantine capital city, Constantinople. A free symposium exploring the Nika Riots and other events occurring during the rule of Byzantine emperor Justinian (A.D. 527-565) will be held at the University Oct. 6-8. "This is a rare opportunity to hear specialists speak on such a subject, says Dean McKenzie, University art history professor and symposium coordinator. John Barker, a history professor at the University of Wisconsin, will open the symposium at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Room 107 Lawrence Hall with a lecture entitled "The Nika Riots and Byzantine Social Violence." In spite of the Nika Riots, scholars call Justinian's rule the "golden age." Byzantium, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, was a surviving fragment of the original Roman Empire which fell in 476 A.D. Byzantine ar mies restored imperial rule to North Africa, Italy and coastal Spain. McKenzie visited an enduring Byzantine structure, St. Catherine's Monastery at Mt. Sinai, and in his slide lecture entitled "Justinian and Mt. Sinai, he will show some of the best preserved mosiacs of that era. McKen zie will examine the levels of meaning contained in the mosaic images at his slide lecture at 8:30 p.m. Thursday. An exhibit of photographs and models illustrating the artistic creations of the era supplements the symposium and is on display in Gallery 141, Lawrence Hall, until Oct. 8. Contact McKenzie, 686-3663, for more information. et a\. MffTINCS STUDENTS OPPOSING REGISTRATION and the Draft meets toady at 5: JO p.m. in Suite 1 EMU. Agenda includes preparation lor next week's rally and bake sale to be discussed All interested students weir unit: UNIVIRSITY DEMOCRATIC ORGANIZATION invites all interested students to the group s organizational meeting today in the IMU Century Room D at 11:10 a m. Iveryone welcome to |oin and partii ipate INTIRVARSITY Christian Fellowhip meets tonight at 8 p.m. for an evening of volleyball and basketball at the First Baptist Chun h. For a ride to the i hurt h meet in the Carson lobby at 7:10 p.m. Bring friends. PCHITICAI SCIINCI STUDINI UNION meets tonight in IMU Century Room A at 7 p.m. I his will be a very impor tant meeting concerning the Mock Convention and holding elections Anyone with an interest in the Mock convention is urged to attend. PRE LAW STUDENT Association's Executive Council will mwt on tonight at 7:10 p.m. in Room 1M Oregon Hall. ClUB SPORTS SKI TEAM is holding an organizational meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in Room 101 IMU. All interested < ross country and alpine skiers are welcome to attend. UO CYCLING HAM will hold an organizational meeting tonight Irom 7:10 to 8:10 p.m. in Room 108 IMU. Old members and those wishing to join are encouraged to at tend. Novices welcome. FINANCE ClUB organizational meeting lor all majors and newcomers will be held today at 4:00 p.m. in Room 337 Gilbert Hall. Refreshments will be served. HUB SPORTS IQUESTRIAN TEAM invites anyone with an interest in horses to attend a general meeting on tonight at b: 10 p.m. in Room KN IMU. Try-outs tor the horseshow team will be announced. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION is sponsoring a tree movie tonight dealing with one young man's experiem e with the Unification Church in the EMU Forum Room at 7 p.m. Discussion about the Moonies will follow BLOOM COUNTY WESLEY FOUNDATION. United Methodist Campus Ministry, holds a Bible study each Thursday at the Wesley Center. 12 16 Kim aid St C all Stu Shaw at b0b-4694 tor more information. INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP PRCK'.RAM: Interested in toreign cultures and peoples' It so. please attend an in troductory meeting Friday. CXI. 7, at 1:30 p.m. in the AEI lounge. Room 269 PLC. LECTURES A IUSTINIAN SYMPOSIUM, commemorating I.SOO years since the birth ol lustinian. will be held Oct. b through 8. Ihe following speakers will be leatured today: CXI. — Prol. |ohn Barker. History, University ot Wisconsin, addressing "Nika Riots and By/antme Social Violence", 7:10 p.m. in Room 107 Lawrence Hall: Prot. A. Dean McKenzie, Art Hislory.UO, presenting a lecture titled "lustinian and Mt. Sinai". FUST DF LA PAZ schedule ot events lor today: Mural painting on Ihe Iron! wall ol Ihe Weslev C enter, 12 16 Kin caid St., under direction ot Ale|andro C anale's ol Nic aragua and Francisco letelier ot Chile. Street Faire lealuring Latin American pertorming groups, tood txrolhs and lolkwares, 10 a m. to S p.m. MISCELLANEOUS RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS: Post graduate schoarship to Oxlord University. Applicants must be US citizens, un married. 24-years-old or less as ot CXt.l. 1981, and have academic standing to assure completion ol a bachelor's degree belore CXlober 1989 All students interested in ap plying should contact lohn Orbell, Room 114 Friendly Hall. A meeting ol all students planning to apply will Fie Field Fri day, CXt. 7, at 1:10 p.m. in Room 109 Friendly MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIPS: Post-graduate scFiolarship to British universities. Applicants must be 24-years-old or less as ot (Xt I, 1981 Preference is given to unmaried ap pin arils Students interested in applying should Ionian john Or bell before Oil. 6 and should attend the general meeting at t: 10 p.m. Friday, CXI. 7, in Room 109 friendly Hall BRING Recycling Center has a permanent dropsite lor recyclables in the parking lot between 15th and 17th streets. Glass bottles and jars, newspaper, aluminum, flat tened tin cans and motor oil are accepted. For more infor mation contact BRING at 746-1021. MELLON FELLOWSHIPS in the Humanities: Administered bv the Wilson Foundation Faculty members must nominate students by November. The award is intended lor humanists only and must be applied towards a U.S. univer sity, extending through the acquisition of a doctorate degree. For more information contact Prof. |ohn Orbell, Room 114 Friendly Hall. FULBRIGHT AWARD: Deadline lor students applications lor 1961-84 is Oct. 15. Application and information are available in 110 Oregon Hall PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBI1ION ol art and architecture Irom Justinian's Time, Friday. (Xt. 7, from 1:10 to 2:10 p.m.. Gallery 141, School of Architecture and Allied Arts. Prot. A. Dean Mc Kenzie will ac t as guide. A BENEFIT DANCE will be held Saturday, (Xt 8, at 8:00 p.m. in the FMU Ballroom. "Arousing Spirits” will provide reggae music and "Porcupine” will perform the blues. Tic kets are 52.50 in advance or $1.00 at the door. Tickets can Ire purchased at the EMU Main Desk. Earth River Records, or lace the Music. Ihe benefit is sponsored by the Survival ( enter and proceeds will go towards the Oregon Natural Resources Council to protect our wilderness. For more in lormation call the Survival Center at 686-4156. CLUB SPORTS RUGBY team plays its next home game Saturday, Oct. 8, vs. Reed College. Also, all interested players are encouraged to come to practice Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays at 1:10 p.m in the held behind Mac ( ourl. Classifieds For Sale SEA TEC VEST BC $100 Bailey wet suit 185 Sea & Sea 110 u/w camera wfclose up lens $100 Pioneer SX 780 receiver Hitachi turntable Kenwood LSK 600B speakers 1495 all in superior condition 686-0698 after 5 pm107 WATERBED bookcase pad rails. Queen 1150 Curt 344 012410 7 ASAHI PENT AX 35mm MX body 1170 50mm lens 165 28mm. $75 100mm macro $110 80 200 zoom. $165 Auto winder. $50 Minolta Hash. $20 485-4585 10-7 UPRIGHT PIANO 1903 vintage $350 Paula 484-2947_tO-7 All Kinds of Woodworking Workshops open in beginning wood furniture repair: carving lathe, specialties EMU Craft Center 686-4361 iBM-ELECTRIC^ with stand e«cellent condition Small metal desk Kitchen table with two leaves 343-1254 KING SIZE WATERBED Heater frame sheets $90 4857172 IMP COMPLETE KAYAKING outfit. $150 342-6351 5-7 pm10-7 OHM WALSH 2 speakers Terrific • Two weeks old $500 ($750 new) .344 3585 eves >0-7 CHARGE IT!! tf you have VISA or MASTERCARD you can now phone in your Emerald Classified ad Give us a call by 1 pm the day before you d like your ad published and watch a small invest ment bring BIG returns' EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 1974 MOTO OUZZI Eldorado 850cc E« cellent condition, will consider trade *1500 o bo Call 343 1040 10 7 MAIN FLOOR BLEACHER tickets tor MEN AT WORK concert. Call 345-9474. John, keep try ing- , 107 Instruction PEDAL POWER BICYCLES otters a bicycle mamtanence class Oct 11 through* Nov 15 Contact Mac. 687 1775 __ 728 10-7 POTTERY DRAWING STAINED GLASS Workshops still open' EMU Cralt Center downstairs EMU 686 4381 FIBERS! Weaving/Felting Quilting/Basketry Workshops open! EMU Cratt Center 686 4361_746 t&7 Garage Sales CUL DE SAC SALE 34996 Seavey Lp Rd 15 South. Klamath Falls E*I1. Oct S9 Beds desk, stereos, etc 10-7 Services ELIMINATE JUNK from your Hie and home Is your home so slutted with things you leei overwhelmed by them? I can help you decide whet to keep and what to gel rid trt and can make sugges lions about how to best or genua whal s left House ■ $100 Apanment $30 Mary 345-1464 '06 Eorrmo. research services Most areas OuattDed editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes slat analysts and typing Tele 1 7239491 (Portland) T-SHIRTS Custom printed Latter IINscrsae. $43-3306. $42 1937 Cat! tor brochure 737 tO-14 CHEZ A CARP. ATTORNEYS Imm.gra lion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 8751 1021 Buy & Sell DIXIE'S NEW A USED Buy Sell Trade 2050 W 6lh 686 2768 Used vacuums 110 and up SHARON'S VACUUMS 741-0596__ __ CASH tor used records and cassettes Guaranteed higftet prices paid in Eugene1 342 6245 686 ME Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses reports, resumes Free ptckup/delivery 345 6165 334 tin TYPING: 15 years experience papers dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectnc Pick up and delivery Call Carole at 666-3963. 514 tin ELITE TVPINO SERVICE Fast-Guaranteed Accurate Pickup/delivery available 464 1646 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Selectnc Call Patrice 542 5238 WORD PROCESSED TVPINO • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed typed. A/or edited theses/diseerlalions papers tables diagrams Resume Composition Fast Service Reasonable Rates CINDV 464-6464.602 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Statistical specialist HIM Con Sal Grad approv ad Near campus 344-0769 513 tin II guaMv is artiN you want TYPING UNLIMITED IS “THE” TYPING SERVICE lo use Guaranteed Grad School approved SAMARA LAND 3461414 523 tin PRO typinq/eoiting Evperl at theses and dissertations Jenntter 465 1661 693HFM FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Setectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Domong 464 9405 _ 658 tin OYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Ouality work Pickup & delivery available _485-3914 563 lln TYPING GUARANTEED 345 5614 Ruth 345 5614 _ 465 UH BRANDY'S TYPING 6 WORD PROCESSING Fast and prolessionai Editing available 464 6044 621 lln TYPING RESUMES Reasonable rates 3 blocks trom uO campus Carbon ribbon, autoerase Rush service III midnight 683-8657. John 10-6 QUALITY TYPING Electric sell correcting equipment Joyce 344 9956 ID 7 Instruments REPAIR SERVICE-PARTS on all ttrinoed instruments We build acoustic and electric guitars STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS 141714 OLIVE 464-0615 10-15 FARFISA ORGAN Mini-compact. 5175 Bass amp wanted Photo darkroom out lit. 560 complete 343-2292 eves and weekends 10-7 Books 40.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% olt list prices New Books-Text Books-Clitf Notes Migizin^s USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 746 East 13« 362 tin Recreation Baseball Meeting All men interested in the CWb Sports Baseball Team are invited to a team meeting Thurs . Oct 6. 7 pm at 244 Gilbert759 10-6 CLUB SPOUTS Judo Club Fall term practice schedule MW 1 30-2 30 pm. 77 ESL All welcome For more into 345 1636 or X 3733 756 10-7 Volleyball Interested in comffctitive volleyball with Club Sports? Meeting and practice 4 30, Oct 10 (Monday) in Gerlinger 352 or call Charlie (3434089) 770 10 11 Bicycles 10-SPEED RALIEOH International 531 Frame. 22Vi Campy and Avocel parts New paint Excellent condition A steal at t500 Call 342 3322 195 BIKE OVERHAUL BIKE DOCTOR Long or short workshops to keep your bike together EMU CRAFT CENTER 880-4301.74910-7 SECOND NATURE BICYCLES ANNUAL GARAGE SALE Bikes and parts at unbelievable prices - at,t— ,I,.I ini* wvfftvno Oinji 1712 WILLAMETTE 343 5362 __765:10-7 MEN'S 21" 10-speed 3100 Typewriters 835. 350 Electric blanket, queensize. 312 344 1418 10-7 RED TAG SALE Prices reduced on many models FUJI •• CENTURION Quality bicycles Plus with this ad FENDERS INSTALLED FREE on any new bicycle Offer expires Oct. 15 rus BIKE SHOP & Monroe 344-2175 Cars & Cycles '76 CAPRI 56.000 miles new stereo, sunroof, radials-excellent throughout $2 200 485-412210 7 SUZUKI QSIIOOE 81, looks new. runs perlect Bruce. 995 8094,10-6 PEUGEOT 404 Station wagon, automatic, runs tine. Must sell. *1100 or best offer 342 3704 10-7 1967 MGB-GT Excellent condition Rebuilt engine Wire wheels $2000 or best offer. Call Loren: 686-0780 or 484-6354 10-7