Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1983)
Apts, for Rent I FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Really 632:lln 614 LAWRENCE 3 bedroom, in wonder ful old bouse, covered porch, large liv ing room, separate dining room. $225 ■ Elliott Assoc 683 2160 325 tin £ GREAT LOCATION 1414 E 18th. one and two bedrooms, furnished or unfurnished, covered park mg. laundry from $175 Call Sabin. 683-2160. Elliott Assoc 558 Itn 1893 GARDEN AVE Two bedroom unfurnished Carpeted apphanced. water/garbage paid Laun dry facilities $225 (furniture $45 per month extra) Behind Wendy's, off Fianklin Blvd 345 7368613 ttn 1/2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS The Emerald Apts Are Renting TWO BEDROOM Fully carpeted & applianced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher gar bage disposal, covered parking lots of in apartment storage & all at convenient campus location $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 DROP BY AT 1877 EMERALD 677 tfn | FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus. $195 to $275 485 0062 344 1625 332 ttn FOR RENT A unique 1 bedroom duplex |ust 3 4 blocks to campus Applianced. fireplace vaulted ceilings and nice yard 683 7722 evenings 1577 Mill $275 A 1 bedroom apartment in tri plex Furnished applianced and on site laun dry facilities 3 blocks to campus 1155 Mill $175 JENNINGS & CO. Properly Management 683-2271 720MWF WALK TO CAMPUS 2 BEDROOM - $230 Extremely spacious Campus 10 blocks Safeway 2 blocks Carpets, drapes, laundry parking Unfurnished No pets or children 2045 Willamette 344 2469 _ 740 ttn PICK UP THE PHONE! If you have VISA or MASTERCARD you can now phone in your Emerald Classified ad and have it billed to your account Just give us a call by 1 pm the day before you want the ad published and watch a small investment bring big returns1 EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 _107 $165 STUDIO Furnished studio 1 v? blocks from cam pus Laundry facilities Call 345 7496 744 tfn Help Wanted TYPESETTER: Classified Advertising. | Oregon Daily Emerald Typeset daily S classified ads 11 am 1 pm Monday ’thru Friday $3 35 hour Work study j preferred Knowledge of video displays s terminals extremely helpful Apply [room 300 EMU by 5 pm. Oct 5 The | ODE of AA/EO employer10-5 (CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SALES j representative Oregon Daily Emerald | Sell classified and classified-display ads in Eugene-Springf ield area j Monday Friday, commission sales : Must have access to car Previous sales f experience helpful Must be indepen • dent, like working alone, self I disciplined Excellent opportunity for i advertising majors Pick-up application, (room 300 EMU Deadline Oct 5. 5 pm I The ODE is AA/EO employer10-5 NEWS PASTEUP TECH needed im " mediately Knowledge of paste up : technique a must. Needs to be able to •I work 2-3 late nights per week Hours are 8 from 9-2 am Pay starts at minimum 5 wage Need to hire by 10/7 Pick up ap i plications af 300 EMU The Oregon Dai Sly Emerald is an Equal Opportunity /Af * firmative Action employer10-7 I THE STUDENT UNIVERSITY Affairs H Board is now accepting applications for fflthe following positions No 2 educa 3 bon undergraduates and graduates, no H 14 architecture and allied arts/PPPM. jand no 17 undeclared major For more Hinformation and an application contact ||SUAB in suite 3 EMU or call 686-3720 a Deadline is Oct 7712:10-5 ■ LEGITIMATE FEMALE Figure ■ photography for publication S25/hr and Jjexpenses 1-503-472-5668 collect 10 21 TRAVEL AGENCY has opening available (or a student campus representative Call 686-1234 Inter views by appointment only 708:10-5 GRADUATE STUDENT in physics for part-time work on program for teaching basic physics Salary range: S9-$11 per hour Time committment: 12-20 hours a week Schedule fairly flexible (during working hours) Call Bryan at 485-1163 Don't apply unless very familiar with physics__10-5 DRIVER NEEDED to make deliveries to electronics firms in the Portland area Must have Oregon driver's license, be a student, and be free Wednesdays and Fridays for trips to Portland Work study preferred Contact Joe Turner, Specialized Training Program, 686 3548 ___719:10-7 EXCELLENT INCOME for pad time home assembly work For information call 504-641 8003. ext 8887107 LUNCH HOSTESS NEEDE0 Monday Friday. 11 am-2 pm Apply at Oregon Electric Station between 2:30 and 4:30 Pm 729:107 ROOM AND BOARD (or womena in ex change for 18 hours work per week Ear ly morning plus some weekend hours Training home for moderately retarded adults near U of O Duties included supervising women's hygiene Private room and bath, excellent meals Apply 1893 Alder weekdays 8-3 pm 727 10-6 EARN UPPER OIVISION credit while working with the elderly, daycare han dicapped. juveniles, or in other com munity service agencies Placements are also available in the public schools Sign up at the ESCAPE table in the EMU Lobby or see us at 327 EMU 736 10-7 WORK STUDY POSITION is open for In formation & Grievance Center Director (IGC) Help students solve grievances at the University. Coordinate surveys, letter writingtlobby campaigns with the Student University Affairs Board (SUAB) Must work a minimum of 10 hrs/week For more information and ap plication contact the SUAB in Suite 3 EMU or phone 686 3720 Application deadline is Wed . Oct 5 The ASUO is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportune ty employer735 10-5 MULTI-ETHNIC FRIENDSHIP PROGRAM Half-time Coordinator 11 month. $350 month. Apply by 5 pm October 14 University of Oregon YWCA 841 East 18th Eugene _750 10-5 MAKE AN EXTRA $200 a month part time No experience necessary will train. 342-6012. Mon-Wed-Fri. 1-5 pm. INTERNS AND VOLUNTEERS needed! Gain experience working as a counselor on OSPIRGS Consumer Hotline Calls from the Eugene com munity range from tenant landlord pro blems. social security and insurance problems Media research com mumcation experience Call or come by EMU. Suite 1 686 4377 757 10 7 Houses for Rent 4 BEDROOM HOUSE Unfurnished near 24th & Willamette Stove and refrigerator, fireplace $400 No pets 484 1057__ 709 tin SMALL HOUSE Convenient; will fur nish. remodeling $285 (negotiable) 345 1100 or 686 3105 10 7 Quads THE BROWN DERBY Super special Sprmg/summet rates now m effect 441 East 17th 151 tfn CLASSY QUADS 430 E 15th Handy to campus or town $139 includes utilities Manager 485 2130 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485 8252 _962 tfn HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Quads ana get your weekly cleaning included in the rent - along with cable TV utilities, private bath linen service and lots of other goodies CALL TODAY! CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 686-1075 025 tfr Dorm Contracts 2 DORM CONTRACTS for sale Contact Gege at 686 5191 or Lorraine at 4859123 10-6 Food/Drink KONA CAFE Beggar Banquet SPAGHETTI w/soup or salad All You Can Eat 9 Wed. 4-8 pm $3.75. _10-5 EVENTS VERY IMPORTANT PSSU MEETING Thursday. Oct 6. 7 pm. EMU Century Room A We will be electing officers and discussing the Mock Convention If you are at all interested in Mock Con vention. we encourage you to attend 742:10-6 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents FIESTA de la PAZ Professor of Art Betty LaDuke will discuss ' Embroderies of Life and Death" on Thursday. Oct. 6th at 7:30 pm in room 167 There will also be an ex hibit of Chilean Arpilleras. an em broidered popular are on loan from the Peace Museum in Chicago Moralists Alejandro Canales and Pancho Letelier will speak on the subject of Political Mural Painting at 7:30 pm on Friday. Oct. 7 In room 167 EMU. following a showing of the film “With Those Same Hands" Both events are free Equestrian Team Club meeting. Thurs. Oct 6 EMU room 109 All interested horse-persons are in vited to attend Sponsored by Club Sports. 755 10-6 NEPAL Whitewater! The First Descent of Kemali. a multi media show of the recent 55 day epic adventure in the Himalayas of Nepal Narrated live by Bruce Mason Wednes day. Oct 5. 7 pm. EMU Ballroom. FREE Sponsored by the U of O Outdoor Pro gram_ 665:10-5 Ski Team All interested in Alpine and Nordic ski racing Meeting Thursday, Sept 6. 7 pm 101 EMU Sponsored by Club Sports 731 10-6 THE BROWN BAG FORUM Bite Into The Issues Of Today Is Financial Aid Worth Fighting For? Wednesday 12:30-1:30 EMU Forum Room _ 718105 Entertainment FREE FILMS Condon Society presents 2 short tilms San Francisco A City Waiting to Die and Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes on Thursday. Oct 6. 5 30 pm. Room 47 Geology 723 10-7 STUDENTS! SAVE 46% University Theatre Season Tickets On Sale Now! See: DRACULA CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF DANCE ‘84 SAINT JOAN WEST SIDE STORY Only season ticket buyers: Save money Have the best seats Get one ticket to the performance of your choice Have your ticket guaranteed if losl or stolen Order now at Robinson Theatre Box Office, Villard Hall. Mon Sat 12-4 pm or call 686 4191. 738:10-14 A powerful, but sensitive film Your Neighbor’s Son Wed.. Oct. 5 7:30 pm 150 Geology • SI How human beings can become instruments of ter ror and torture and the systems that make such cruelty acceptable and necessary 10-5 THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 686-BIJU LA TRAVIATA Franco Zeffirelli's visually stunning musically thrilling film stars Teresa Strata and Placido Domingo in the finest operatic movie made SUNDAY THURSDAY 7 « 9 PM FRIDAY SATURDAY 7:15 « 9:30 PM Sat Sun Red Adm Mat 4 pm Student Admission anytime S2.5 with ID and fee card BIJOU LATE NIGHT ROCKY HORROR No reserved seats Tickets on sale V» hour before showtime Wed-Thurs 11 pm $1 96 Fri-Sat Midnight S2 96 DAN SIEGAL BAND in their farewell to Eugene concert Saturday. Oct. 15th. Soreng Theatre. Hull Center for the Performing Arts. Special guests. The Don Latarski Trio. Tickets available at the EMU and other Hult Center outlets $5 50 advance. $6 50 day of show 10-7 DIVE into the FISHBOWL Wednesday evening 7 - 9 pm tor FREE LIVE FREE JAZZ starring the STAN FINK TRIO Sponsored by the EMU Cultural Forum 721 10-5 EMU CULTURAL FORUM BEER GARDEN with BETE NOIR FRIDAY, OCT. 7 in the dining room 10 required (alternative beverages and food available) FREE, FREE, FREE The Eugene Council for Human Rights in Latin America and the UO Latin American Support Committee present: Foremost Chilean poet, composer and singer in exile PATRICIO MANNS In Concert 8 pm, Friday, October 7 Beall Hall UO School of Music 18th & Alder Accompanied on piano by Michele Bastet Co-sponsored by EMU Cultural Forum CHILE: 10 YEARS OF CULTURAL RESISTANCE AND HOPE Tickets available at EMU Main Desk ECHRLA oltice (1236 Kincaid St ) Balladeer Records in Fifth Street Public Market Patricio Manns' concert is part of Fiesta de la Paz (Festival for Peace) sponsored by ECHRLA on Oct 6 & 7 and also featuring a Street Faire mural painting display of arpillera art. special lectures and more For information on events, call 484 5867 711 10-7 ■ wJ ^ A "if Ai r/um&idu m foS7-07J3 TONIGHT THRU OCT. 5 BARRY LYNDON Kubrick's epic shows 7 pm only. All shows Sunday reduced admission with 12:30 pm matinee Plus Jean Renoir color comedy THE GOLDEN COACH Shows at 10:15 pm Sunday matinee T‘45 pm_ EMU CULTURAL FORUM and INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL present THE WORLD’S LARGEST PARTY! featuring THE KINGSMEN performing the original “LOUIE, LOUIE” October 7, 9 pm-12 am Mac Court 15 advance. $6 at the door All ages welcome! 10-5 Arousing Spirit and The Porcupines The EMU Ballroom 8-10 pm Sat Oct 8 WILD DANCE For Wilderness! Tickets $2 50 in advance at Survival Center. Earth River Records. Rare Earth and EMU Main Desk Spon sored by Survival Center 754 :10-7 Personals FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion the procedure, the cost and local referral call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll tree. 1 800 223 0618 7 am 3 pm M F 468MWF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing Birthright 687-8651 386 W MAKE MONEY! Recycling Your Clothes RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt.: 344 7039 360 E. 11th 0 UWF HAVE A DIRTY SLEEPING BAG? ~ Siegmund's Cleaners 821 East 13th 001 tin BE SAFE AND BE COVERED with ASUO Health Insurance II purchased fall term, you may obtain four terms of coverage through summer 1984 FOR ONLY $147.95. ASUO Health Insurance may be purchased fall term druing registration or at Oregon Hall cashiers throughl Friday. Oct 7586 10-7 NEW ASUO DENTAL INSURANCE designed to cover routine dental care is available for purchase during fall term registration To be eligible for the ASUO Dental Insurance plan, you must be enrolled for ASUO Health Insurance Plan I THE PREMIUM IS ONLY $65.50 PER PERSON PER YEAR and may be purchased from Oregon Hall cashiers tail term throught Friday October 7 Dentist of your choice See the new 1983 84 ASUO Health Insurance Plan brochure tor details 588 10-7 GREEKS!! Your house letters in Greek alphabet are now available for your ODE Classified ads Just $2 per set and samples are located in Room 300 EMU (Ads with Greek letter must be placed in the ODE office ) tfn COLLEGE SWEATSHIRTS! Harvard (grey! Yale (white) Princeton (navy)-Darmouth (kelly)-North Carolina (It blue)-USC (white)-others $1250 each postpaid S-M-L-XL Send check to LMg. Bo* 317. Brookhave MS 39601 COD orders cal) 1601 835 1085 10 17 ELECTROLYSIS: The safe and perma nent alternative to unwanted hair Terry Kay Myers. 2443 Willamette. 484 6959 10-11 BE ON A Student/Faculty Committee You can make decisions about Universi ty policy, work with faculty and gain valuable experience There are 26 com mittees and lots of openings Some of the committees are Academic Re quirements. Curriculum. Ethnic Studies. Intercollegiate Athletics. ROTC Advisory. Student Conduct, etc For more information and an applica tion contact SUAB in Suite 3 EMU Deadline is Oct 7 The ASUO is an Affir mative Action/ Equal Opportunity employer713 10-6 WATER POLO Men and women are invited to join workouts at Leighton. M thru F. 6-7:30 Come when you can Sponsored by Club Sports 734 10 7 MEN OF OX Buffet Bash will be a blast, it has proven so in the past. An outrageous party it will be. Beware Theta Chi’s THE KAPPA’S ARE KEYED! 10-4 THE MEMBERS OF KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA proudly present their new fall pledges Kimberly balTken Brenda Bond Liesl Chandler Bonnie Cole Kathleen Cosgrove Charisa Cox Gretchen Empey Janice Patz Laura Frichette Elizabeth Gaiser Catherine Gensel Amy Gertenrich Wendy Gilbaugh Debra Gonyea Elizabeth Harding Jane Holland Alicia Howells Kendall Keene Suzanne Knight Tami Larson Patricia Lee Danielle Leonard Julie Lewis Nel Obermeier Jenny Plummer Susan Schrader Kirsten Tangeman Lauries Taylor Susan Weeber CONGRATULATIONS We are proud of you! 105 LUKE & KEVIN: Your Snoopys will be returned unharm ed For ransom demands be at Carson B-wing pay phone 9 pm.10-5 TOM P. Happy birlhday with "fondling'' affection THE GANG 10 5 DEAREST KASEY Good morning! Just a note to say I love you and am thinking of you MARK10-7 HEY MEL! What's the problem lately? On the rag? PUZZLED10-5 HAPPY BIRTHDAY RON You're 924. complete with "RR" plates, will be here Friday.10-5 KIM: We just met. I know, but if you ever get lonely, give me a call SS 10-5 XXX Toga Party Friday Mac Court 739 10-5 GAMMA PHI BETA CONGRATULATES APRIL MOSS and MIKE KUBIAK on their engagement __752:10-5 FIND THE GIRL or guy of your dreams FRIDAY at the TOGA PARTY 751 10-6 The brothers of KAPPA SIGMA would like to congratulate their 1983-84 STAR OUSTER COURT: Erin Adams Kim Bernards Trish Bowman Kara Christianson Sandi Dunn Kim Gaines Janice Newmark Jane Patterson LET'S HAVE Kathy Reed Juli Anne Sanderson Cara Scavone Wendy Strait Oebby Struthers Lorrainne Turk Dawn Voll Lisa Wollaston A GOOD YEAR! 10 5 A GOOD FRIEND Deserves Personal Attention An Emerald Personal is a fun, easy and inexpensive way lo make the day a little bit speical for a friend And to say ' thanks" your friend can write a Personal for FREE! Just use their first and Iasi name in the ad and place it at the ODE office. 300 EMU, UO Bookstore or the EMU Miand Desk (Free ads are limited to 20 words in 6 point type Bring the ad addressed to you with I D to the ODE office Offer ends Oct 28) 10-t GKG Thank you tor a beautiful Sunday and Monday, someday soon I II ask you over for dinner and might give a gift that will brighten up your nights DMK 10-5 LEARN TO SAIL Help win back the cup Join the Sail Team. 8:3Q Wednesday. EMU106 Alpha Lambda Delta Phi Eta Sigma Officer’s Meeting Mandatory Thurs., Oct.6, 6:30 pm EMU Rm. 202 105 PICK UP THE PHONE! If you have VISA or MASTERCARD you can now phone in your Emerald Classified ad and have it billed to your account Just give us a call by 1 pm the day before you want the ad published and watch a small investment bring big returns! EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 107 LEARN TO SAIL Help win back the cup Join the Sail Team. 8 30 Wednesday. EMU 10-5 Sigma Phi Epsilon is prood to announce our 1983 84 GOLDEN HEART COURT Rachel Babbs Marti Ball Toni Baroni Denise Bilbal Kathi Chandler Eva Corran Diana Halpert Janelle Heitman Ltsa Hubler Diana Janov Renee Johnson with 22 wonderful girls. be AWESOME AT SIG EPS! Vera Johnson Tricia Lee Joan Leibe Molly Moy Tammi Moller Barb Pitts Kim Smith Sandy Stotts Cynthia Wells Lucy Witty Lisa Youngren this year will 10-5 AO I I UtANE: It s scarey to see you around evferyday, but I'm glad you are! Beviantly yours, D.l.T. Trainer. 10 5 Attention Beta Theta Pi “Rose Court” Tryouts will begin at 7:30 pm tonight! We are located at 1009 Patterson, across from the Ul. Any questions, call 686 5179__106 U of O WOMEN Save the Best For Last Phi Belta Theta Red Rose Court Tryouts tonight 8 pm. Thurs 6:30 1472 Kincaid 686-5170.1Q5 Gamma Phi Chrysanthi: I'm excited about being your grannie and am look ing forward to good times ahead LEANNE.105 MARSHIA: Honey, the things we ll do for attention1 Don't starve- here's your personal 3 More days to redeem ourselves Have a good one! TRACI. 105