et at. MEETINGS TO All VOTING FACULTY and SUAB members: The first meeting ol the University assembly is today in ISO Geology. The agenda will lx* short, but all members should plan to attend. C HE MIS IKY STUD! NTS: Ament an ( hemit al Sot lety stu dent affiliates will meet tonight at 7 p.m in B<*9 Stiente II. C IUB SPORTS SAILING Tf AM will be meeting tonight at 8 TO p.m. in the EMU. C het k IMU st hedule for details Everyone welcome. THE SOIOMON AMENDMENT — should tinant lal aid be linked with draft registration — will Ex* dist ussed at this week's Brown Bag Forum, ttr-sponstrred E>y the ASUO and the Campus Intertaith Ministry, today from 12: TO to I 10 p.m. in the EMU forum Room Panel memlx*rs will int lude i d Vignoul (U() E mant tal Aid), Dave f idanque (AC l U), lulit* Sinai (SORD), and |im O'fallan (law Sthool) PRE LAW STUDENT Asstx lation's Executive Count il will meet on Thursday, Oct. b, at 7: TO p.m in Rtx>m 1E>4 Oregon Hall C IUB SPORTS SKI TEAM is holding an organizational meeting Thursday, C)t t b. at 7 p.m in 101 EMU All in terested tross tountry and alpine skiers are weltome to attend DO C YC I INC. 11AM will hold an organizational meeting I hursday, Ott b, trom 7: TO-8 TO p.m. in 108 EMU Old memEx»rs and those wishing to join are encouraged to at tend. Novites welt ome. FINANC E C l UB organizational meeting tor all majors and newt timers will Ex* held Thursday. Ott. h. at 4:00 p.m., TT7 Gilbert Hall Refreshments will Ex* served. THE ARIOONIST S GUIID, a Itxal group ol tar toonisls, illustrators, animators and gagwnters, will hold its monthly meeting today at 7 p.m. in the Warehouse Artist Studio, T8S lawrente St For more information tall Steve I afler or Mike lee at T4T-2TOO THE MARKETING ASSOCIATION holds its first meeting of the season today at T: TO p m in Rtx»m 1T8 Edotation I hose interested in memEx*rship please attend. ASUO CONSTITUTION COURT meets today at 2: TO p.m. in Room 110 EMU to hear Rit hard Burr vs OSPIRG. Oral arguments will lx* open to the puhlit I he dec ision ton terent e will lx* t losed. CLUB SPORTS LQULSTRIAN HAM tnvites anyone with an interest in horses to attend a general meeting on Thurs day, Oct. b, at b:TO p.m. in Room 109 LMU. Try-outs for the horseshow team will be announced At PHA KAPPA PSI'S first general meeting is today in Room \ Y7 Cilbert Hall All members must attend Plans plans tor the quarter to be* disc ussed Cake and punc h will be served after the meeting to celebrate founder's Day. LECTURES PltRRt MISSAC, Trench man-ot-letters, will give a tree public lecture today on 'Walter Beniamin" at \ p.m. in Room 119 Allen Hall TDUC ATIONAl OPP( )RTUNITIf S Student meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m. in Room 209 I merald Hall Jewell Bell ot the ( ounc il lor Minority (ducation will open "The Series c overing the* topic ot c areer c hanges Bell will provide infor mation on indec isiveness and ad|usting to change for more information, call Stephen at b8b-!2!2. A JUSTINIAN SYMPOSIUM., commemorating 1.SOO years since the birth of Justinian, will be held Oct b through 8. The following speakers will be featured on Thursday. Oct. — Prof John Barker, History, University ot Wisconsin, ad dressing Nika Riots and By/antine Soc tal Violence." 7 K) p.m in Room 107 I awrenc c* Hall. Pro*. A Dean Me ken/ie. Art History,U(). presenting a lecture* titled "Justinian and Mt. Sinai." MISCELLANEOUS RHODLS SCHOLARSHIPS: Post-graduate sc hoarship to Oxford University. Applicants must be US. citizens, un married. 24-years-old or less as ot Oet.1, 198!, and have ac ademic standing to assure eompeletion ot a bachelor's degree l>etore Oc tober 1984. All students interested in ap plying should contact John Orl>ell, Room 114 friendly Hall A meeting ot all students planning to apply will be* held f ri day. Oct 7, at 1:10 p.m. in Room 109 friendly. MARSHA! I SCHOLARSHIPS Post-graduate scholarship to British universities. Applicants must be 24-years-old or less as of Oct 1. 198!. Preference is given to unmaried ap plic ants Students interested in applying should contact John Orbell before* Oct b and should attend the* general meeting at 1:10 p.m. Tncfay, Oct. 7, in Room 109 friendly Hall. BRING Ret ye ling Center has a permanent dropsite lor reeyclables in the parking lot between 15th and 17th streets. Glass bottles and jars, newspaper, aluminum, flat tened tin cans and motor oil are accepted. For more infor mation contact BRING at 746-1021. MELLON FELLOWSHIPS in the Humanities Administered by ihe Wilson Foundation. Faculty members must nominate students by November. The award is intended lor humanists only and must be applied towards a U S. univer sity, extending through the acquisition of a doctorate degree For more information contact Prol. |ohn Orbell. Room 114 F riendly Hall FULBRIGHT AWARD: Deadline for students applications tor 1981-84 is Oct. 15. Application and information are available* in 110 Oregon Hall FIND OUI YOUR RIGH1S and liabilities as a tenant or landlord at People s law Sc hool today Lincoln School. 050 W 12th St., from 7 to 9 p.m Al People's l aw Sc hool c lasses are taught by law students and are tree and open to the public. For more information, contact Sue* at 142 6056 PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION ot art and arc hitee ture from Justinian's Time, Friday, Oct. 7. from 1:10 to 2:10 p.m.. Gallery 141, School of Arc hitee ture and Allied Arts. Pro! A. Dean Me Ken/ie will ac t as guide A HE ME 11T DANCE will be held Saturday, Oct 8. at 8:00 p.m., I MU Ballroom. "Arousing Spirits will provide reggae music and "Porcupine" will perform the blues Tickets are $2 50 in advance* or $1.00 at the door. Tickets can be pur c hased at the F MU Mam Desk. I arth River Ree ords, or I ac e the Music The benefit »s sponsored by the* Survival Center and prexeeds will go towards the Oregon Natural Re»sources Council to protect our wilderness. For more in formation call the Survival Center at 686-4156. INTERVIEWS SPIN!) AN Al IIRNOON on the job at C het Francisco, Iro/en food manutac turer tor airline and consumer markets. Fnjoy an on-site visit and learn about career op portunities in the field ot Marketing/Fmanee/Personnel on Thursday, Oct 6, from 1:10 to 4:10 p m. Sign up today in Rcx>m 246 Susan Campbell Flail. Space is limited Transpor tation is provided SIGN UP at 7 *0 a m today in 246 Susan C ampbell Hall tor Iht* lollowing ret ruiters C)C T. 10 — Ament an Graduate St hool ot International Management (tor graduate sthtxil) OC T 10 — S.C. Johnson A Son, Int. group meeting with Marketing Club and Alpha kappa Psi. 74T : TO p.m.. TT8 Gilbert Hall OC T 10 — Kellogg Graduate St htx>l ot Management, Nor thwestern University (tor graduate st htx»l) (HI 11 — Orientation Croup Meeting. 7 TO p.m . 110-111 I MU. CH I II —A lexander C.rant A ( o.. (tor winter internship statt at t ountant) (HI. 11 Intel Corp , (lor Applications tngmeer/System Produtt Engineer and Stilt ware Produt t Engineer) (HIT 11, 12 — k Mart Apparel (tor Manager Trainee) OC T 11,12 — RH Maty A Go.. Int. (.roup meeting at 7: TO p.m . 110-111 I MU. (tor Management Training Program) OCT. 12 — R.H Mat v A Co Int. ot California (lor lx t*t utive (raining Program) <>( I 12 — Texas Instruments (field Sales Tngineers immmum (.PA T.0) OCT. 12. H —Hettronu Data Systems Corp..(tor Systems I ngineer Develt»pment Program). Croup meeting with OR CA at 7 pm. 110-111 f MU. U S. Marine Corps (tor Marine Corps Olliter) OCT M — Marine Corps Flight Olliter Presentation, 7 p.m., 110-111 I MU O ( 1 IT - U S Air forte (tor Pilot/Navigator/Meterologv'C ommunit ation f U*t Ironic s) 0(1. IT. 14 — International Playtex, Int. (tor Sales Representative) OCT. IT, 14 — Prite Waterhouse / Co., (tor Stall Accountant-completed application required) OCT. 14 — laventhol A Horwath (tor Stall Atiountant minimum (.PA T O) 0(1. 14 — Uarco, Im., dor Prcxluttion Management I rainee/At t ounting Management 1 rainee) (H I 17-21 — Peate Corps, (tor Peace ( orps Volunteer group meeting Monday. Ot t 17. 12: TO p.m , I MU forum Rcxim. film Tuesday. T: TO p.m.. f MU forum Room. Com pleted Peate Corps applit ation required at interviews.) BLOOM COUNTY WEU-MOW. YES. I'lX 06 MRS. SHTIIP AMERICA'S FIRST I VNHERSTANP H6AUC6SS WRE IN NASA'S FT8SBYTCR/AN minority Housewife PROGRAM \ IN 5HACE. SO THIS 15 A VICTORY Of SORTS FOR HEARCeSS Housewives oh i everywhere ? hope so. by Berke Breathed tM HEAVENS, NO ■' po you I just wmr to expecTio Be memp uke BE-mum? ONeoF-me YOU REALIZE, OF COURSE, THAT YOUR FAce w/cc 0e av in a THE COVEM. OF MANNER MAOAz/INeS OF SPEAKING EVERYWHERE . illliiitw Oliver HEX OLIVER, CHECK OUT THIS FWMPHLET I BOUGHT FROM* DUDE CN THE CORNER/ ITS CRIiiO "HOW TO MAKE A QUICK BUCK by John Gorman CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODI OFFICE. 100 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK $1.50 minimum for the first insertion $1.20 minimum lor comwuJive insertions THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AD CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT: All ads must hi* paid tor in advam r unless a billing agreement has lieen I'stablishi'd with us DlsPl AY ( IASSIMIDS are available at the 01)1 oftn e. MM) I MU For Sale FREE Handshake with every purchase Pioneer Tower speakers $99 Yamaha CA 61011 45 wls $170 0 800 3 head tape deck $139 Harmon Kardon HK 70 tuner $109: Authier 1 90 cm skiis w/Saloman bind and brks $75. Lange bools sz 10. $75, Scolt poles tree w /skiis or boots Call til midnight Jell or Tom 345-1504 10 5 1974 MOTO GUZZI Eldorado 850cc Ex cellent condition will consider trade $1500 0.6.0 Call 343 1040_ 10 7 SEA TEC VEST SC $100. Bailey wet suit $85 Sea & Sea 110 u/w camera w/close up lens $100 Pioneer SX 780 receiver Hitachi turntable Kenwood LSK 600B speakers $495 all m superior condition 686 0698 alter 5 pm 10 7 WATERBED bookcase pad rails. Queen $150 Curl 344 0124 10 7 ASAMi PENTAX 35mm MX body $170 50mm lens. $65 28mm $75 100mm macro $110 80 200 zoom $165 Auto winder $50 Minolta flash $20 485 4586 «L7 MAIN FLOOR BLEACHER tickets lor MEN AT WORK concert Call MS 9474. John, keep try ing _ 10-7 PICK UP THE PHONE! It you have VISA or MASTERCARD you can now phone in your Emerald Classified ad and have it bitted to your account Just give us a call by 1 pm the day before you want ihe ad published and watch a small investment bring big returns' EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 686*4343 107 UPRIGHT PIANO 1903 vintage *350 Paula 484 2947 10-7 All Kinds of Woodworking Workshops open in beginning wood, furniture repair, carving lathe specialties EMU Craft Center 686 4361 748 10 7 Garage Sales cut. OE SAC SALE 34956 Seavey Lp Rd 15 South. Klamath Falls Exit. Oct 8 9 Beds desk stereos etc 10-7 Buy & Sell DIXIE'S NEW A USED Buy Sell Trade 2050 W 6th 686 2768 568 107 Used vacuums *10 and up SHARON'S VACUUMS 741 0596 692:11 7 Instruction PEDAL POWER BICYCLES oilers a bicycle maintanence class Oct 11 through! Nov 15 Contact Mac. 687 1775_726:10-7 POTTERY DRAWING STAINED GLASS Workshops Still open1 EMU Cralt Center downstairs EMU 686 4361 _ 747 10 7 FIBERS! Weaving/Felting Quilting/Basketry Workshops operv EMU Cralt Canter 686 4361 746 10 7 Services LOIS OILLER movement therapist Awareness through Movement Moving lor tun and fitness ExptO's sen sory awareness and practice relaxation rues * Frt 9 to am beginning Tues Oct 4th 8 weeks *24 or *3 per session Moving Meditation A special class that practices listening m A sensory awareness Quiet move ment that calms and yet awakens energy Attention will be given to in dividual needs Mondays 5 30-8 30 pm beginning Oct 3 6 weeks *18 8834483 integraltva Therapy Associates 33 ( 20th KM EDITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes stat analysis and typing Tele 1-223 8491 (Portland) _ 12 7 CHEZ & CARP! ATTORNEYS Immigra tion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 3428751 1021 T-SHIRTS Custom printed Laller Silkscreen, 343 2306. 342 1927. Call tor brochure 737 10 14 BEING WOMAN A women s group exploring such issues as relationship, career, sexuali !y independence/dependence Eight weeks S96 (S12 per session) Tuesdays 7 30 9 30 pm Begins Ocl 18 Facilitators Judith Lindsay M A (Psychologist Associate Resident Mar tin Acker Ph D Supervisor) and Bev Behrman M S Preregislration by Oct 14 Call Judith. 344 1101 or 343 1937 10 5 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery 345-6165 ^34Jln TYPING: 15 years experience papers dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick up and delivery Call_Carole at 666 3963 ‘>14 Itn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast Guaranteed Accurate Pickup/delivery available 484 1646 _ 748Jln TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686 0739 _ 575WHFM UH PAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 464 9405 __ 656 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342 5236 _ 144 Itn WORO PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed typed 6/or edtled iheses/dissertalions papers tables diagrams Resume Composition Fast Service Reasonable Rales CINDY 464 5454 __602 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Statistical specialist IBM Con Set Grad approv ed Neat campus 344-0759 513 lln I’M BACK PRO TYPING/EDITING 2 blocks from UO No job too small Spec raining in theses and dissert at runs Jennifer 485 3663 542 lln II quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED IS "THE" TYPING SERVICE to use Guaranteed Grad School approved BARBARA LAND MS 3414 _ __ 523 lln DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup & delivery available 485 3914 583 tin PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectnc Call Barbara MS 0747 366 MWF T * C TYPING SERVICE All levels academic 667 9326 622 MWF BRANDY S TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Fasl and professional Editing available 484 6044 _ 621 tin TYPING-RESUMES Reasonable rates 3 blocks from UO campus Carbon ribbon auto erase Rush service til midnight 683 8657 John ____10-6 QUALITY TYPING Electric, sell correcting equipment Joyce 344 9956 _10 7 SUPER TYPING Fast accurate near campus Norma 345 6005 342 8255 (message) 10 5 Books 60.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% off list prices New Books Tent Books Clilt Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th ____________ 362 lln ELDORA S COLLECTIBLES Books Brass China Glass Pottery Silver FREE OUT OF PRINT BOOK SEARCH 1321 W 11lh M2 4091 Afternoons Closed Sunday 289 U Recreation Baseball Meeting All men interested in the CSports Baseball Team are invited lo a team meeting Thurs Oct 6 7 pm at 244 Gilbert 759 10-6 CLUB SPORTS Judo Club Fall term practice schedule MW 1 302 30 pm, 77 ESL All welcome For more into M5 1636 or X 3733 756 107 Instruments REPAIR SERVICE PARTS on all stringed instruments Handbuilt acoustic and electric guitars STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS 1417V> OLIVE 484-0615 FARFISA ORGAN Mini compact $175 Bass amp wanted Photo darkroom out tit $60 complete 343-2292. eves and weekends 10-7 Bicycles 10 SPEED RALIEGH International 531 Frame 22 V? Campy and Avocet pans New paint Excellent condition A steal at $500 Call 342 3322 _ 10 5 BIKE OVERHAUL BIKE DOCTOR Long or short workshops to keep your bike together EMU CRAFT CENTER 686 4361 749 10 7 0. SECOND NATURE USED BIKES New and used parts for the tourist, racer, commuter, and cruiser. BUY SEU TRADf 1712 Willamette 34>-5342 RED TAG SALE Prices reduced on many models FUJI •• CENTURION Quality bicycles Plus with this ad FENDERS INSTALLED FREE on any near bicycle Otter expires Oct. 15 STU’S BIKE SHOP 8th & Monroe 344-2175 Cars & Cycles ‘76 CAPRI 56.000 miles, new stereo, sunroof, radials excellent throughout 82.200 485 4122107 SUZUKI GSIIOOE 81, looks new. runs pertect Bruce 995 8094 10 6 PEUGEOT 404 Station wagon automatic, runs fine Must sell $1100 or best otter 342 3704 io-7 1967 MGB-GT Excellent condition. Rebuilt engine Wire wheels $2000 or best offer Call Loren 6860780 or 484-6354 10-7 ’79 TRANS AM 10th anmv loaded leather rare $7950. call 686 6174 after 11 pm Tom _ _ 10 7 1969 PEUGEOT 404 sedan It blue sun roof $750 746 809610 18 CHARGE IT!! If you have VISA or MASTERCARD you can now phone in your Emerald Classified ad Give us a call by 1 pm the day before you’d like your ad published and watch a small investment bring BIG relurnsl EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 107 ‘78 PONTIAC Grand Prix PB. PS, low miles extras $3,695 484 0614 10 11 1980 YAMAHA 400 Special 3.000 miles, excellent condition Sexy with lots of chrome $900 344 7068107 TOYOTA CORONA WAGON 1976 78 000 miles excellent compression $1800 Florian 343 9113 10 5 Wanted DISHWASHER WANTED 686 3466 Todd1Q5 GOOD used manual typewriter Not over S25 344 7578 after 3 pm 10-5 A A Cash paid lor gold class rings and gold or silver jewelry One ounce class rings brings $103 ACE BUYERS 3690 Franklin 726-1735 Watch tor Itouracent signs on left side A A Opportunities CALLIGRAPHY Graphic Communication Make effective SIGNS. FLYERS. BAN NERS this year! Workshops open EMU CRAFT CENTER. 686 4361. 745 10 7 ROOMATES FEMALE 25 PLUS non-smoker, depen dable Share small house No pets, have 3 688-9717 10 7