Eugene Council for Human Rights in Latin America and UofO Latin American Support Committee @*>ieben4i.. PATiiicio MANNS IN CONCERT Foremost Poet, Composer and Singer in Exile Accompanied on Piano by Michele Bastet Years of Cultural Resistance and Hope Friday* October 7th • 8-.00 pm Beall Hall • UofO School of Music 18 th and Alder General Admission $6.00 Students and Seniors $4.50 Co-Sponsor EMU Cultural Forum TICKET OUTLETS EMU Mam Desl. (UO|, ECHRLA OH.ce (1236 Kincaid). Boltodeer Records |5th St Public Morfcet) More info 484 5867 \\ "Lw VT KS „ * = ' H '/ } *7, " ,\ 11 iVi »«_ >a //«I« II * *• " •» * »" 7 J t «vV Ink'll'' / - * * ^ > = // h * = * " , ^ '/ •#- - \V l* = 'V 7 //_ II , Remember to recycle this paper //« // '■ // ir-r jLu. 1 -*■ = = * « _ -, II inter/national From Associated Press reports Reagan alters travel plans WASHINGTON — Pres. Reagan on Monday dropped the strife torn Philippines and two other Southeast Asian nations from his trip to the Far East next month. Reagan still plans to travel to Japan and South Korea in November, a spokesman said, but the dates may be changed somewhat and the trips shortened. Blaming the press of congres sional business at home rather than the bloody antigovernment rioting in Manila, presidential spokesman Larry Speakes said Reagan could visit the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand when he goes to China next spring but that no dates have been set. He said U.S. relations with all three countries "are excellent, and we expect them to remain so." Last week, when reports began to circulate that Reagan might not visit the Philippines because of the political turmoil there, Pres. Ferdinand Marcos and his wife, Imelda, said such a decision could disrupt U.S.-Philippine relations and interfere with continued operation of major U.S. military bases in the islands. Guru sees '84 disaster LAGUNA BEACH — While Nor thern California devotees of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh are pull ing up stakes amid the Indian guru's predictions of disaster, 150 faithful in Orange County say they'll stay put. The Oregon-based guru has predicted 15 years of floods, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, wars, and nuclear explosions for Califor nia beginning in 1984. "As far as I know, we are here. This is a church," said Swami Amitabh, director of the Utsava Rajneesh Meditation Center and Church of Rajneeshism in Laguna Beach. However, Rajneesh centers in Berkeley, Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa have announced they will close by the end of the year. Those closings mean that more than 1,500 followers of Rajneesh in Northern California will be looking for new homes, either at other centers throughout the country or at the guru's 64,000-acre ranch at Rajneesh puram. Helm fights King holiday WASHINGTON — A White House spokesman said Monday that Pres. Reagan is prepared to sign legislation making Martin Luther King's birthday a national holiday, but Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., launched a last-ditch fight against Senate passage. Helms, expected to face a tough re-election battle with Democratic Gov. Jim Hunt next year, said there has been “pressure, in timidation, even threats that if senators do not vote for this, all sorts of unhappy things will hap pen next year. Well, I'm not going to knuckle under." Helms said he opposed a 10th national holiday because, "We need more productivity, not more leisure time." Like mom used to make AMES, Iowa — Mmmmm. Iowa State University isn't giving up on institutional cooking, but its cafeterias are featuring something new this fall — thanks to good old Mom. The university has added 19 special "favorite from home" recipes to the menu after screen ing 200 recipes submitted by students. The winners were chosen for adaptability to serving thousands and for high marks from a panel of student taste testers. Food service director Steward Burger said most winners were mothers of students. Each will receive two meals on a day their item will be served, a copy of the fall menu showing their recipe and a copy of their recipe — ex panded to serve 100. Navy man pleads guilty SEATTLE — A Navy hospital cor psman pleaded guilty at his court martial Monday to committing a security violation and to three other charges. Jeffery Loring Pickering, 34, formerly of Springfield, admitted the theft of a multi-page docu ment and microfiche film classified SecretNOFORM, a military designation that means they must not be seen by agents of foreign governments. The prosecution asked for a sentence of a maximum of 42 years and three months while the defense said Pickering should be sentenced to 10 years. Pickering told the court that he took the documents and microfiche in July, 1982, while ser ving as a medical corpsman on the USS Fanning, an anti-submarine frigate on which he was stationed in San Diego for 16 months begin ning in September of 1981. He also admitted that he later copied the documents when he came to Seattle on another Navy assignment. He said in a newspaper inter view last month that he was accus ed of planning to harm the United States by giving the material to a foreign government, specifically the Soviet Union. But he denied any such plans Monday. “Just curiosity, plain old curiosi ty," he replied when asked by a reporter why he took the material. Pickering, who joined the Navy in 1979 after serving during the Vietnam War in the Marine Corps, also pleaded guilty before Lt. Cmdr. James Baker, the Navy fudge, to; — Conspiracy to obtain unauthorized medical treatment for a non-military person. — Fraudulent enlistment and re enlistment. — Theft of keys and unlawful entry of the offices of the medical clinic at Sand Point Naval Base in Seattle. Asked by Baker why he entered the offices, Pickering replied, "There was no intention of anything except curiosity." nunct rucKmn Fall Flavors Pumpkin • "Turtle" Apple Pie • Licorice Carrot Cake 861 Willamette Mon. Thurv lOam 6pm Fri. Sal. I I am 9pm Sun Noon 6pm Canpias Store Mon I loirs 9:OOdin I I pm frl. ft S,ii open III Midnight Sun Moon I I pm FREE Chocolate Dip or Chocolate Jimmies rmncE rucKiim Expires October 7. 1983 99 aW'99999 cu/drfis JTRO * MlftLCR Authorized PtOTI r f Sale* & Service 3 Block* from Campus Across from Prince Puckler s 633 E. 13th Ave. • 343 7086 $00P Tune-Up Special ONLY $ 15 flUJTRO-MinLCR HCTCLEJ