Portland just average in advertiser's eyes rviuLniiu — romana is one of the top eight cities in the country for testing new products — from yogurt to tea, to cocoa mix and cigarettes — according to at least one advertising agency. In 1982, Portlanders were fed a diet of test-marketed cocoa mix, crackers, cookies and frozen low calorie dinners, according to Dancer Fitzgerald Sample Inc. And for cleaning up those meals, Portlanders could turn to a plastic garbage bag - also test marketed in their town. Dancer Fitzgerald officials say they recently revised their list of good test markets, adding some cities and subtracting others. Among those added were Seattle, Spokane, Wash., Sacramento, Calif., and Green Bay, Wise. One of the cities dropped was the pro verbial Peoria, III. Portland not only remained on the list but it is among the top eight test market cities, said Ira Weinblatt, a senior vice president of Dancer Fitzgerald. He told the Wall Street journal those eight cities are the "most average of the average." Being "average" means the eight have good market coverage by the local advertising media; they are self-contained markets; they have fair advertising rates; and their population components are close to the national norm. In addition to Portland, Dancer Fitzgerald's top eight test markets are Cedar Rapids and Des Moines, Iowa; Cincinnati; Omaha, Neb.; South Bend, Ind.; Springfield, III.; and Syracuse, N.Y. Dancer Fitzgerald executives say they like a number of things about Portland as a consumer market. Advertising media are one factor. Weinblatt said they must cover the market well. Reasonable advertising rates are also important, he said. "Our clients don't like to get ripped off. Some markets could exploit the fact that they're good test markets.” Portland is also considered "very clean," meaning most of the radio and television broadcasts people hear or see are on Portland-area stations. In addition, Portland is reasonably close to nationwide averages for income, age distribu tion and other factors, Weinblatt said. Eugene is also considered a good test city because its smaller size allows tighter test controls and lower costs for advertising and product distribution, accor ding to Barry Sinrod, executive vice president of Paratest Marketing Inc. of Eastchester, N.Y. Sinrod said larger cities such as Portland are more likely to appeal to larger companies. Portland's high ranking on the Dancer Fitzgerald list apparently doesn't mean the city will also rank high of the test market lists of other marketing companies. One study showed Portland was on just two of six test market lists. Portland, Maine, was on three lists and Spokane, Wash., was on five. Officials seek exception from pollution rules PORTLAND (AP) — Oregon of ficials are seeking a one-year variance from state air pollution rules for a Corvallis plywood plant. Managers of the Brand S Corp. Leading Plywood Division plant say the company would suffer financial hardships if it is forced to purchase new anti-pollution ■■■" _ equipment. However, company officers have declined to submit detailed financial statements usually re quired by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality before a financial hardship variance is con sidered, the agency says. William Young, DEQ director, has asked the Environmental 1,1,11 I WUniversity of Oregon (( continuation >^center^_ MICROCOMPUTER LABS The University of Oregon Continuation Center invites you to look into the new Microcomputer labs opening this fall. Gilbert Hall Microcomputer Lab is equipped with IBM microcomputers, and provides computer applications instruc tion for community professionals and students in such Helds as Business Management, Journalism, and Law. Condon School Microcomputer Lab has Apple I le Microcomputers and provides educators, students and com munity residents with a personal computing foundation. Condon School Lab also has graphics peripherals for artists and others interested in computer graphics. ★ There are no prerequisites for microcomputer labs ★ Selected Courses In Planning, Public Policy and Management Quick Analysis (w/lab) PPPM 507, 04 Credits This seminar claims the ambitious goal of improving executive decision making. This goal is pursued through two paths. First, we will examine the research on human decision mak ing - looking especially at sources of bias or distortion in human judgement and choice. Concurrently, we will gain experience with applying an analytic technique commonly termed “decision analysis”. Using the graphical devise of decision trees and simple arithmetic operations, this techni que allows the practitioner to decompose problems into their component parts and to usefully organize available informa tion. The decision analysis technique fully accommodates our uncertainty about the future, the tenativeness of our knowledge, and the difficulty of quantifying outcomes. The Lab. Associated with this seminar is a microcomputer lab The lab sessions will be from 6:30 to 9:30 on Tuesday evenings. The lab has been included with this course for two principal reasons. The obvious reason is to provide you with microcomputers to assist in the numerical solution to decision analysis problem. The other, more general reason, is to provide you with an opportunity to become acquainted with the use of microcomputers for a range of tasks. Thus, the lab will provide an opportunity to become familiar with a number of different software packages. SESSION 1 Sept. 27 Tues and Thurs 12:30 - 13:50 TLN 7162 LAB I Sept. 27 Tues 18:30 - 21:20 TLN 7163 For information or registration call the Continuation Center, 686-4231 Tape duplication instant cassette copies! Quality stereo or monaural duplication. Check the prices today at your Bookstore. Quality Commission to approve a variance to allow Brand S to operate outside state pollution limits through November 1984. State rules for smokestacks limit emissions to no more than 10 per cent opacity on the average, with temporary increases allowed up to 20 percent opacity. That standard means plant operators must prevent smoke emissions from becoming dense enough to block, on the average, more than 10 percent of the light. Smoke from the plant has pro voked complaints from nearby residents. David St. Louis, assistant manager of the DEQ Salem regional office, said recent readings have shown average opacities up to 36 percent at the plant, with occasional readings as high as 45 percent. The plant's emissions cause a general blue haze in an area west of Corvallis that is bounded by a range of low hills, trapping the pollution, Young said in a report to the EQC. Now Pietro's has a Big Deal on a hearty pizza meal. Mountains of 4 REAL Cheeses and Fresh Natural toppings. A pizza you can really put the Bite on. Available in either Deep Dish or Original Recipe Crust Pizza. $2P°Qff I $19°Off On any Medium Deep Dish or Large Original Recipe Crust Pizza One coupon per customer per purchase please. On any small Deep Dish or Medium Original Recipe Crust Pizza One coupon per customer per purchase please. Pietros Pizza i Pietros Pizza Where you go for the Pizza. Where you go for the Pizza. Cash value 1/20 of 1C. Offer expires Oct 15, 1983 ^Cash value 1/20 of 1C. Offer explresOctJ5. MU ■ Pietro’s Gold Coast Pizza Eugene 1 4006 Franklin Blvd. 746-8245 or 746-4415.