Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 30, 1983, Image 28

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Editor-in - Chief
Music Editor
Contributing Editors
Art Directors
Design Consultant
Circulation Manager
Office Manager
Asst, to Publisher
Durand W. Achee
Judith Sims
Byron Laursen
Iacoba Atlas, Biix Braunstein,
Eric. Estrin, Richard Levinson,
Steven X. Rea, Davin Seay
Chip Jones, Dan Eicholtz
Catherine Lampton
Art & Design
Roxanne Padilla
Barbara Harris
Lynne Barstow
Advertising Offices
President, Sales & Mktg
West Coast Sales Mgr.
Sales Coordinator
West Coast
Jeff Dickey
Jennifer Owens
Norma Cortes
1680 N. Vine, Suite 900
Hollywood, CA 90028
(213) 462-7175
East Coast
Marketing Consultant 1-ARKY SMUCKLER
134 Lexington Ave.
Third Floor
NYC, NY 10016
Director RAY TOBIN
4753 N. Broadway
Chicago, II. 60640
(312) 561-7998
©1983 Alan Weston Publishing, a division of Alan Weston Communications. Inc , corpo
rate offices — 1680 North Vine. Suite 900. Hollywood. CA 90028. Richard J Kreuz, Presi
dent All rights reserved letters become the property of the publisher and may be
edited. Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts Published six
times during the year. Annual subscription rate is 16.00. To order subscriptions or notify
change of address, write Ampersand, 1680 North Vine, Suite 900, Hollywood, CA 90028,
Welcome to Ampersand's Back to School issue. 1 his
is our seventh year of publication (tra la), and
we re pleased to present something new: a special
consumer-information section in each of out six
issues. In this one — Fashion. Next month, we survey Home
Electronics, and for December, Food and Entertainment (for
the holidays, of course). Future issues will grapple with Hiti
Sound, Health & Personal Care, and Beyond the Campus
(travel, credit, etc.). All of these special programs are extra
we still bring you entertainment news and features in every
We'd like to know your reactions to the special sections,
and to Ampersand in general. Write to us, and soon; we live
tor the mail (things can get pretty lonesome around Holly
wood ...).
P S. A trivia quiz: Who was on Ampersand’s first cover,
back in September of 1977? (No prizes — just the winners
names in print in a future issue. Your mothers will be
thrilled.) Judith Sims
Send your comments, kudos and complaints to In One Ear.
1680 North Vine, Suite 900, Hollywood, CA 90028.
I am a bit confused about Eric
Flaum’s reference to New Jer
sey as “rightfully one of the
most maligned states in the na
tion. I'm especially confused with
your use of the word “rightfully.”
I've grown up in New Jersey,
spending all of my summers on the
Jersey shore or in the northwestern
corner of the state. New Jersey lias
some beautiful places with miles of
farmland, beaches and lots of beau
tiful horse country. We serve the
nation (yes, the whole nation) as a
gateway or causeway to New York
City’. When did we earn such a hor
fible reputation?
It is because of you and hun
dreds of other malinfotmed jour
nalists who are looking to hop on
the band wagon and poke fun at
New Jersey that things are the wax
they are. So from now on keep
your opinion to yourself.
I regret you had to be the sub
ject of my wrath but I had to begin
somewhere. I'm just tired of hear
ing it from Johnny Carson’s To
night Show to small, useless col
umns like your own.
Anthony Stefarelli, Jr
Glen Ridge, NJ
Joe Piscopo, in our cover story this
issue, says some very nice things
about Sew Jersey, which we did not
bother to contradict, being the
fair minded, neutral, Jine humans
that we a re
Lined the cartoon illustrations
by Paul Ollswang in your
April issue. Could you feature
him again sometime?
Kathie Pederson
University of Oregon
Mr Ollswang is a regular contribu
tor, and he will no doubt reappear
in these pages
Just wanted to send a quick note
of appreciation for your maga
zine. 1 plan to live in the North
east for the summer and your mag
azine has helped me with my
summer plans (i.e. your Summer
Travel and Entertainment section
in Vol. VI, No. 6, April, 1983).
Incidentally, I discovered Amper
sand at Arizona State University.
Dawn M. Toscb
Mesa, AZ
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