SEMESTER IN SPAIN Put excitement in your college career. BEGINNER OR ADVANCED By studying Spanish only — four days a week, fourteen weeks — in Spain, you can earn sixteen hours of college Spanish credit! That is four semesters of college Spanish credit. The cost is about the same as one semester in a U.S. college, and your trip to Europe is included. FULLY ACCREDITED-LIVE WITH A SPANISH FAMILY Por lull information send this to: SEMESTER IN SPAIN Dept. B1 2442 East Collier, S.E. Grand Rapids, Ml 49506 NAME: _( )_ STREET PHONE CITY STATE ZIP If you also wish info on future programs give permanent address below: () FALL Sept. 10 Dec. 22 ANNUALLY OR SPRING Feb. 1- June 1 ANNUALLY Beginners complete the first two years of college Spanish during the four month period. Good selection of advanced courses — Special courses for “in between’’ students — Academic year program also. All students may complete 16 semester hours. Two weeks vacation — Our brochure explains everything in complete detail. Pell Grants and Government Student Loans apply. Board, room, tuition, jet round trip from New York — $3,189 FOR FULL INFORMATION, MAIL THE COUPON TODAY. SEMESTER IN SPAIN 2442 East Collier S.E., Dept. B1, Grand Rapids, Ml 49506 AN OVERSEAS PROGRAM OF TRINITY CHRISTIAN COLLEGE