Country ' Country Story by Cort Fernald Graphic by Shawn Bird Western music - what Eugene fans want ^uva trn nan is oarK. s\ sen-out au dience waits in silent anticipation. The shaft of light from the spotlight funnels through the darkness to a corner of the stage, catching an announcer in a circle of whiteness. "Ladies and gentlemen, Don Williams," he says calmly. There is a round of polite applause. No one shouts nor whoops. Some members of the audience courteously rise to their feet. A tall man strides onto the stage, into the white spotlight. Williams is simply dressed in blue jeans, white shirt, blue jean suitcoat, boots — and of course a bat tered cowboy hat. He seems modest, unassuming like his apparel. Williams sits on a stool and carefully takes up his amplified acoustic guitar. With a murmur of thanks for the applause, he and his back-up band begin playing. Women smooth down their dresses, men adjust their suitcoats as audience members rearrange themselves in their seats. The audience, judging by their attire, is large ly middle- to upper middle