SWIMMING POOL! CHARMING, older red-brick campus apartments Furnished one and two bedroom with loads of personality Ex tra clean Laundry facilities on premises Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED From only: $175 Great location! Next to campus and shopping Seeing is believing the great value offered here! 975 HILYARD APARTMENTS 485-0721 _ 614 Un IMS GARDEN AVE Two bedroom unfurnished Carpeted, applianced. water/garbage paid Laun dry facilities $225 (furniture S45 per month extra) Behind Wendy s, ott Franklin Blvd 345-7368 613:tln EXECPTIONAL ONE BEDROOM fur nished. v> block west of campus $190. discount tor least Steve. 735 East 17th 343- 2114. 344 1563 678:9-30 !6 BLOCK TO CAMPUS The Emerald Apts Are Renting TWO BEDROOM Fully carpeted & applianced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of m apartment storage & all at convenient campus location $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment call 343-1491 DROPBY AT 1877 EMERALD 677:ttn SPRINGFIELD Nicely furnished 1-bedroom apt in well maintained building $165 includes water, garbage Joy. 686-1130. office or 344- 7215 home Elliott Associates 679 9-30 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus. $195 to $275 485-0062, 344 1625 332:ttn QUIET STUDIO Two rooms Fireplace Hot tub Yard W/D $185 686 1687 9-30 ROOMATES CLEAN 4 BEDROOM home. 1481 W 11th $125 plus deposit, less once all room occupied Low utilities. Call Susy Rice 342-8047 after 5 pm10-4 FEMALE 25 PLUS non-smoker, depen dable Share small house No pets, have 3 688-9717107 EXCELENT ROOMS run of the house, quite close to Mac's. Sateways drug, bus 484 4849 _9-30 TWO ROOMMATES wanted 4 bedroom house in S.E Eugene $125 per month plus utilities 687-2352.104 LIVE OFF CAMPUS in nice house for cheap! Newly available room in 3 bedroom house on 31st & Alder On bike path and bus routes Share with 2 male seniors $80 per month Negotiable 484-5226 103 Houses for Rent 4 BEDROOM HOUSE Unfurnished, near 24th & Willamette Stove and refrigerator, fireplace $400 No pets 484 1057 709:tfn Quads THE BROWN DERBY Super special: Spring/summer rates now in effect. 441 East 17th. 151:ttn CLASSY QUADS 430 E 15th Handy to campus or town. $139 includes utilities Manager. 4852130 I PM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 4*5-8252 962 Un HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Ouads and get your weekly cleaning included in the rent - along with cable TV utilities, private bath linen service and lots ol other goodies. CALL TOOAY! CAMPUS COURT OUAOS 1544 Alder 686-1075 _025 Hr FREE CABLE! SIGN UP FOR FALL Deluxe, beautifully furnised quads now available for fall Breathtaking views, open courtyard. AIR-CONDITIONED, laundry facilties. covered parking and FREE utilities Prompt maintenance guaranteed, excellent on-site manage ment All this for only: $129 ’/2 block to U of O campus. 10 minutes on bus line to LCC. Stop in today and see why this si such a great place to live! WOODSIOE MANOR (18th and Harris) 683-3005 616:tln FREE UTILITIES! FREE CABLE TV For Only $125 Spotlessly clean, modern deluxe cam pus quads Completely furnished Next to U of O campus and university shopp ing Covered parking and laundry facilities Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED. Excellent management STOP IN TODAY! Alder Street Quads 1380 Alder St. 343-3599 817:tfn V> BLOCK FROM CAMPUS WEST UNIVERSITY QUADS 738 East 18th $134 Private bath, laundry tacilities. refrigerator in room, reserved perking available Manager, unit 1, 345-1540 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 4*5*252 439:tfn PRIVATE BATH! FREE CABLE TV Extra large, beautifully turnished deluxe campus quads AIR CONDITIONEO. FREE UTILITIES Covered parking, laundry facilities Refrigerator in each room Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED' For only: $149 month v? block to campus and shopping See our quads belore you rent anywhere else! You'll be glad you did! CAMPUS QUADS 751 E. 16th 345-1272 615:tfn Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT single female room, coed dorm Deposit paid Rm 106 Col tier Hamilton complex10-4 2 DORM CONTRACTS for sale Contact Gege at 686-5191 or Lorraine at 4859123 10-6 Lost/Found LOST 9126 Silver unicorn pendant Sen timental value Call Maria 342-3120 10-3 Market Basket Hi-energy BEE POLLEN HONEY on tap 79* lb Beautiful candles & gifts 128 E. 11th HONEY HEAVEN 344 5939 591 F EVENTS ALL MEN INTERESTED In Varsity Golf, meeting on Friday, Sept. 30,1 pm in the Letterman's Lounge, Mac Arthur Court. 668:9-30 A Multi-Ethnic Dance Sept. 30, 8 pm • ? Friday, Collier House Be there or be rectangle NEPAL Whitewater! The First Descent ot KamaM, a multi media show of the recent 55 day epic adventure in the Himalayas of Nepal Narrated live by Bruce Mason. Wednesday, Oct. 5, 7 pm. EMU Ballroom, FREE. Sponsored by the U of O Outdoor Program. 685:10-5 The Eugene Council lor Human Rights in Latin America and the UO Latin American Support Committee present: Foremost Chilean poet, composer and singer in exile PATRICIO MANNS In Concert 8 pm, Friday, October 7 Beall Hall UO School of Music 18th & Alder Accompanied on piano by Michele Bastet Cosponsored by EMU Cultural Forum CHILE: 10 YEARS OF CULTURAL RESISTANCE AND HOPE Tickets available at EMU Main Desk ECHRLA office (1236 Kincaid St ). Balladeer Records in Fifth Street Public Market Patricio Manns' concert is part of Fiesta de la Paz (Festival for Peace) sponsored by ECHRLA on Oct 6 & 7 and also featuring a Street Faire, mural painting, display of arpillera art. special lectures and more For information on events, call 484 5867 711 10 7 484-SJ — r Woman Yogi Comes To Campus Discussion on practical toots to help cope with stress and busy schedules Sunday Oct. 2 Rm 101 EMU 8 pm 715&-30 SATURDAY MARKET •CRAFTS FAIR • Food Fair • Open Air • Always Free • Entertainment TMs WMki entertainment: SATURDAY Live llamas on display with a related spinning and craft demonstration "SMUMBA" African marimba al 1 pm SUNDAY "CHUMLEIQH” Vaudevillian come dian and human cannonball at noon O'CAROLAN'S CONSORT Celtic music at 3 pm SPECIAL TWO DAY MARKET Saturday & Sunday 10 am • 5 pm in the Park Blocks. Sth * Oak Sts.. Eugene. 6M-M55 for more Info. 691:9-30 KARATE CLUB Intro, sessions No fee- all levels Mon . Tues , Wed 5:300:30 Esslinger East Gym Sponsored by Club Sports 714:104 Entertainment JAZZ/BLUES Records-Books CAT S MEOW JAZZ * BLUES CORNER Special order specialists Fifthpeart Bldg. A Pearl THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 6M-BIJU LA TRAVIATA Franco Zeffirell's visually stunning, musically thrilling film stars Teresa Strata and Placido Domingo in the finest operatic movie made. SUNDAY-THURSDAY 7 A 9 PM FRIDAY-SATURDAY 7:1 S • 9:30 PM Sat-Sun Red Adm Mat 4 pm Student Admission anytime 92.5 with ID and fee card BIJOU LATE NIGHT 48 HRS Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte make the perfect team in a movie that gets better each time you see it. WED-THURS. 11 PM. 91.90 FRI-SAT MIDNIGHT 92.50 Coming. . . Rocky Horror Picture Show EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents Back to School with THE ROBERT CRAY BAND BEER GARDEN FRIDAY, SEPT. 30 4-7 pm in the EMU BALLROOM Admission 91 at the door or in ad vance at the EMU Main Desk. ID re quired (alternative beverages and tood available). Also featuring Robert Cray Band at ALL AGE DANCE 9-11 pm in the EMU BALLROOM Admission 91 at the door CelERBration1 South Willamette Region OREGON WINEGROWER’S ASSOC, presents a WEINSTUBE (Wine Garden) at the Eugene Celebration SEPT. 30. OCT. 1 A 2 Noon-8 pm FrUSat, Noon 5 pm Sun Comer BroadwayfOlive Next to Burch's Shoes Come enjoy a large selection of award-winning Oregon wine. Sold by the glass or the bottle, no one under 11 admitted 9-30 <£%ntinct rocium OPEN FRI & SAT TILL MIDNIGHT 13th A Hilyard 619F ANANDA MARGA PRESENTS Walkabout WALKABOUT is a beautifully photographed film about a young brother and sister who are left alone to wander the primitive wastes of Australia after their father commits suicide. They are befriended by a younge aborigine who is on a six month survival test. He reveals the joys of nature to them, but their rela tionships change when they reach civilization. FRIDAY. SEPT. 30 7 A 9 PM 177 LAWRENCE 31.50/91 694 9-30 (fteteJbwrtioii Plan to attend the EMU Open House Friday, Sept. 30 6-11:30 pm FREE REFRESHMENTS Robert Cray Band! Craft Center Club Sports Outdoor Program Food Service Recreation Center Main Desk Cultural Forum 684 9 30 DANCE SKA/ROCKABILLY with THE HOODLUMS and THE JACKALS This Friday. Sept. 30. 9 pm. *3 WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln SEPT. 30 7 * 9:15 PM 150 GEOLOGY - SATURDAY• AN AND A GENTLEMAN OCT. 1 7 & 9:30 pm 150 GEOLOGY - SUNDAY• «'<*:« i ( Hfitun — __ fTTiiS * inDrum Pari 1 one of the new GERMAN CINEMA series. OCT. 2 7 pm ONLY 180 PLC ALL SHOWS: $1.50 studenls/adulls $1 children CJNCMA7 TONIGHT THRU OCT. 5 BARRY LYNDON Kubrick’s epic shows 7 pm only. All shows Sunday reduced admission with 12:30 pm matinee Plus Jean Renoir color comedy THE GOLDEN COACH Shows at 10:15 pm Sunday matinee 3:45 pm SATURDAY MIONIGHT-XXX Marilyn Chamber's newest UP AND COMING with John C Holmes. Over 18, re quires separate admission 656:10-5 Personals FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR question: about abortion - the procedure, th< cost, and local referral, call Nationa Abortion Federation Hotline toll free 1-800-223-0618. 7 am-3 pm M-F 468MWI Phi proudly announces our 1983 fall pledges Debi Bauer Ann Oemaria Susie Edelstein Kim Godfrey Lisa Hubler Kara Johnson Kim Lamer Jennifer Lytle Joanne Miller Molly Moy Kathi O'Neil Molly Pearson Kim Bunii Jennifer Outche Shannon Gaithe Terri Holme Carla Huckin Dianne Kurtl Lynne LeBrasseu Kelly Mattsoi Sara Moos Lori Sue Nal Tracy Palme Patty Petersoi Joanne Schoenfelder Michele Tunslal Jayne Ulman Wendy William K i m W i I s o i This first week has been the greatesl We love you and we know this year wil be even better Love. The Membei sics!20_ Patrick Simmons: Guess who’s comm to dinner at Susie's Saturday night You are! You wanna? Transpo no prc blem. they pick up and deliver. Goo friends, good wine, good fun. Red. 9-3 BE ON A Student V? Faculty Committer You can make decision about Univers ty policy, work with faculty and gai valuable experience. There are 26 con mittees and lots of openings. Some c the committees are Academic, Ri quiremenls. Curriculum, Elhni Studies, Intercollegiate, Athletic! ROTC Advisory, Student Conduct, etc For more information and an applici tion'contact SUAB in suite 3 EMI Deadline is Oct 7 The ASUO is affi mative actionequal opportunit employer. 713:10 MAKE MONEY! Recycling Your Clothes RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing Tor men and women For appl 344 7039 360 E. 11th 0 UWF Get Fast. Dependable Service at Siegmund's Cleaners 621 E 13th Ave PLANNED PARENTHOOD has3WWW5 pregnancy test that is 99% accurate Call lor appt 344 9*11HF LADIES now is your chance to be an SAE 1:1 sis Tryouts Oct 3-4 x 5290 This one’s lor you9-30 BOY CRAZY GIRLS Julie. Patti. Karen. Ann. Kathy. Michelle. Marsha. Carol and Nancy Thanks tor the 'hallway to 44" birthday lun! Like DeVito says, all we need now are the boys1 A Wednesday ritual? Like aloha. Big L.__9-30 Erin Scott Get ready lor a great year Love your Granny (A.J.)9-30 SKATE FIEND: Meet me at United Skates, 13th & Lincoln for an afternoon of great lun skating outdoors DUDE BE SAFE AND BE COVERED with ASUO Health Insurance If purchased fall term, you may obtain four terms of coverage through summer 1984 FOR ONLY $147.95. ASUO Health Insurance may be purchased fall term during registration or at Oregon Hall Cashiers through Friday. October 7. 1983 ' 586 10 7 NEW ASUO DENTAL INSURANCE designed to cover routine dental care is available for purchase during fall term registration To be eligible tor the ASUO Dental Insurance plan, you must be enrolled for ASUO Health Insurance Plan I THE PREMIUM IS ONLY $65.50 PER PERSON PER YEAR and may be purchased from Oregon Hall Cashiers fall term through Friday. October 7 Dentist of your choice See the new 1983-84 ASUO Health Insurance Plan brochure for the details588:10 7 GREEKS!! Your house letters in Greek alphabet are now available for your ODE Classified ads Just $2 per set and samples are located at Room 300. EMU. (Ads with Greek letters must be placed in the ODE office). tfn COLLEGE SWEATSHIRTS! Harvard (grey)- Yale (white)-Princeton (navy) Dartmouth (kelly)-North Carolina (It blue)-USC (white)-others $12 50 each postpaid S-M-L-XL Send check to LMg. Box 317. Brookhaven. MS 39601. COD orders call 1-601-835 1085 10-17 GET MORE MONEY! for your used textbooks at the AAF Booksale Bring in your used texts to 115 EMU. Monday thru Friday. 10 am-4 pm 644 9-30 IT S NO SECRET. ARNOLD I even heard it on the radio You can do almost anything (by hand!) at the Craft Center, 686 4361 WORKSHOPS633:9-30 LEADERSHIP POSITIONS available in ESCAPE'S Public Schools Division as coordinators. Gain valuable experience and earn credit whil having fun. ESCAPE background or education ma jorfminor recommended Call Dan or Vicki 686-4351 or see them at ESCAPE registration table637:9-30 ESCAPE THE CLASSROOM with a plac ment in the Eugene/Springfield public schools Earn credit withil volunteering minimal time in helping elementary, middle, or high school students Posi tions available in math, science, english. foreign language. PE. counsel ing and more Sign up at ESCAPE registration table or EMU lobby 636:9-30 A GOOD FRIEND Deserves Personal Attention! An Emerald Personal is a tun, easy and inexpensive way to make the day a little bit special tor a triend. And to say "thanks" your friend can write a Personal tor FREE. Just use their first and last name in the ad and place it al the ODE office, 300 EMU. UO Bookstore, or the EMU Main Desk (Free ads are limited to 20 words in 6 point type Bring Ihe ad addressed to you with I D. to the ODE office Offer ends Oc 14). WH rhe Phi Kappa Psi fraternity proudly announces the selec tion of its 1963-84 Jacqueminot Rose Court. Tryouts: Oct. 3, 7:30 pm Non Greek: Oct 4. 7:30 pm Sororities: Oct. 5 eve ask backs 729 E. 11th. 686-5276 I All ladies welcome__ 10-3 The Men of Sigma i Chi Fraternity announce the i 1983-84 Sweetheart of ; Sigma Chi Court tryouts on ‘ October 4 at c 8:30 pm. 1440 E. 19th. Call 686-5293 for | information and y or rides. 9-30 IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy, call Birthright Free testing 687-0651 327 F FOR YOUR NEXT PARTY use an Emerald Personal to spread the word tin ELECTROLYSIS: The sale and perma nent alternative to unwanted hair Terry Kay Myers 2443 Willamette 484-6959 10-11 SHAPE UP! with aerobics. Mon-Weds-Thurs. 4-5 pm at Dyment Hall Sl/class or S20/term _103 MICK SAYS I'm satisfied with History of Rock I” Wed night. 6:30-9 pm Register Music571:9-30 ALPHA CHI OMEQA proudly announce its bright and shining new fall pledges Rachel Babbs Allyson Baird Denise Braval Jackie Comeau Amber Campbell Lynn Campbell Cindy Cole Cathy Gersich Jill Hockert Kirstin Hyslin Laura Johnson Carolyn Kelly Lynn Stump Jill Winklesky Shannon Kirlin Kelly Leavitt Deanna Lee Denise Lemons Donna Lindsay Lisa Meyers Stephanie Morris Jill Perrin Pam Phillips Lisa Prock Michellin Rogare Rebecca Smith Christi Thompson Terri Zimmerman 706:9-30 EMU REC CENTER Special every Sun day 5 pm to 11 30 pm Bowling 7'/frame. shoes free Billiards $1.50/hr Shut fleboard and table tennis J60'/hr _705 9-30 NEED A LOCKER for books, etc on campusi See EMU Recreation Center Lockers $1/term $2 refundable key deposit ___704 930 JOIN THE Varsity Bowling Team See the EMU Recreation Center Desk tor information _703 9-30 STING SAYS History ol Rock I has synchronicity Take it Thursday after noon. 3:30-6 Register Music 571:9-30 Melissa Miesen Marni Northop Whoops! Our mistake, we are glad to have you as part of our fall pledge class! Love. THE GAMMA PHIS 710:9-30 THETA CHI Little Sister Court Tryouts Tuesday, Oct. 4 6:30 pm, 345-4651 1125 E. 19th Ave. 103 Happy 21 er Ray! Love. MeG AND MEGAN 9-30 The ladies of Della Delta Della would like to announce their new tall pledge class: Susan Bloom Nancy Kronstad Amy Pettersen Congratulations! We re proudl to have you as sisters! 9-30 ^/upercutr is now open Sunday for your convenience. 2526 Willamette 683-1405 Mcn-Fri 10 am-7 pm Sat 9 am-7 pm Sunday 10 am-3 pm 585:9-19 3ABBERWQCKY CARDS GIFTS •Over 2800 designs ot cards and postcards • A great selection of posters • Wind-up toys • Stationary • Address & blank books • Memo boards • Stickers • Party favors 4 Decorations • All kinds of crazy, in expensive things • Novelty candy • Picture frames • Mugs • Stuffed toys • Gift wrap • Halloween cards are on display MON-FRI 10:5:30 1308 HILYARD SAT 10-5 484-0530 PROFESSIONAL HAIR SUPPLY Save your shampoo bottles and get them refilled at a discount rale. 1233 Alder 579:9-19 Plan to attend the EMU Open House Friday, Sept. 30 6-11:30 pm - FREE REFRESHMENTS - Robert Cray Band! Craft Center Club Sports Outdoor Program Food Service Recreation Center Main Desk Cultural Forum 684 9-30