Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 30, 1983, Section A, Page 11, Image 11

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    Sowards provides
professional touch
By Jim Moore
Of the Emerald
Anyone passing through the
EMU is sure to see Susan Sowards,
the ASUO executive coordinator
— and that suits her fine.
"I feel like I can feel the heart
beat of the campus,” she says.
Sowards, who has a bachelor's
degree in education from Ohio
University, is technically
employed by the Oregon State
Board of Higher Education and
technically responsible to the
EMU director, but she is actually
supervised by ASUO Pres. Mary
Hotchkiss and her responsibilities
are to aid the ASUO executive.
Those responsibilities include
research in legislative and special
projects, analysis of existing and
proposed executive policies, in
volvement in policy formulation
and implementation and to serve
as a resource person on organis
ing students and coordinating an
outreach program.
This job description is no small
task for someone only being paid
for a 30 hour week, but Sowards,
who is working on a master's
degree in education at the Univer
sity, is committed to her job and
says she brings a variety of
valuable skills to it.
'/ think student
government should
be more visible than it
has been. Making
people aware that
government i$ theirs
is important'
— Susan Sowards
She has business skills, political
and civic experience and is
familiar with the ASUO and the
University campus.
Along with going to school and
working at the ASUO, Sowards is
a partner in a business consulting
firm and has assisted many
businesses with financial,
management and organizational
problems. The importance of
these factors has been overlooked
within the ASUO previously, she
Sowards is also the vice-chairer
of the Eugene budget committee
and worked as a legislative aide to
Sen. Margie Hendriksen, D
Eugene. She brings the ex
perience of having researched
and analyzed issues to her job.
I Her company helped create a
packet last spring familiarizing
new members of the ASUO ex
ecutive branch with ASUO pro
grams and issues. That work, plus
her role as a student and home
owner on the edge of campus,
have familiarized her with the
University and given her a feel for
the requirements of her job.
When the job descriptions and
rhetoric of the executive coor
dinator's job are pushed aside,
Sowards has a simple description
for what she does.
"I'm a professional staff person
for ASUO," she says. "I will help
them implement their existing
Already she has put together a
brochure on the Solomon Amend
ment that ASUO distributed dur
ing class registration and has par
ticipated in the voter registration
Along with the busy schedule
provided for her in her job,
Sowards has other goals sh?
would like to accomplish.
"I think student government
should be more visible than it has
been,” Sowards says. "Making
people aware that government is
theirs is important."
What are the chances of
Sowards, whose job comes up for
review in December, staying
employed for the* length of the
job's two-year limit?
"I'm delighted to have such a
highly qualified individual in this
position," Hotchkiss says. "I can't
imagine anyone doing a better
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