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Andropov, in his first statement, on the downed South Korean airliner, called the incident a "sophisticated provocation" masterminded by U.S. in telligence and used to push more military spending through Congress. Andropov, in a statement read over the evening news, endorsed previous Soviet declarations, in sisting the plane was sent on a spy mission by the United States. A Soviet fighter-jet shot the plane down in Soviet airspace Sept. 1 and all 269 people aboard were killed. Andropov's statement, carried by the official news agency Tass, also dismissed President Reagan's latest arms reduction proposals. Attacking what he called the "grandiloquent speech" Reagan made Monday to the U.N. General Assembly, Andropov urged that no one should be taken in by the U.S. president's assurances that "a nuclear war cannot be won and .must never be fought." Reagan wins House vote WASHINGTON — The House approved President Reagan's pro posed war powers compromise with Congress by a 270-161 vote Wednesday, authorizing him to keep U.S. Marines in Lebanon for as long as 18 months. The House handily approved the resolution, avoiding a con stitutional confrontation with the president over terms of the 1973 War Powers Act, after Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill |r. appealed for bipartisan action to help bring peace to Lebanon with the help of the 1,600 Marines. "I ask you to act today to help the president bring peace and stab.'ity to Lebanon," the speaker said. Acknowledging that many House members believed 18 mon ths was too long to allow the Marines to remain in Beirut, O'Neill said the compromise measure was "not a blank check as some have asserted. "On the contrary, it establishes unprecedented restraints on the deployment and mission of U S. armed forces overseas," he said. "It clearly limits the scope and role of U.S. forces in Lebanon so that the danger of a Vietnam-type escalation is avoided." Veto blocks sale of coal WASHINGTON — A federal judge, in one of the first cases in terpreting the Supreme Court s ruling on the one-house legislative veto, issued an order Wednesday blocking Interior Secretary lames Watt from selling federal coal in North Dakota. The ruling by U.S. District Judge Louis Oberdorfer would prevent Watt from escaping a pending congressional moratorium on coal sales by issuing the leases before Saturday. Oberdorfer granted a request for an emergency order made by attorneys for the House of Representatives and two en vironmental groups, who con tended that Watt was trying to thwart the will of the courts and Congress by rushing to issue leases covering 140 million tons of North Dakota coal. Court finds doctor guilty EL PASO — Twelve jurors, one of them pregnant, heard testimony Wednesday to determine the sentence of a doctor convicted of murdering a fetus during a 1979 abortion, even though the corpse was never found. Dr. Raymond Showery, 55, was found guilty Tuesday after 1 Vi hours of deliberation. Prosecutor Carol Pennock said it was believ ed to be the first case in the nation where a physician was convicted of murder even though there was no corpse. His sentence could range from five years to life in prison. Five former Family Hospital of El Paso employees testified during the nine-day trial that Showery pulled the fetus from an uniden tified woman during an abortion, then smothered and drowned the 3- to 6-pound fetus. The fetus — believed by nurses to be 5 to 7 months old — was dropped into a plastic bag that was thrown away and never found, prosecutors said. No records of the abortion, which Showery claimed never took place, were found. Hospital witnesses said the fetus was probably old enough to sur vive outside the womb. Syria wants troops out UNITED NATIONS — Syria's foreign minister told the United States and other Western nations Wednesday they should withdraw their peacekeeping troops from Lebanon because they are "pos ing a grave threat to security and peace" in the Middle East. "They remind us of the col onialist expeditions through previous stages of the history of the region," Abdul Halim Khad dam said, referring to the 5,400-member force made up of U.S. Marines and troops from France, Italy and Britain. He said the May 17 Lebanese Israeli troop withdrawal agree ment, which the United States helped negotiate, violates Lebanese sovereignty and should be considered "null and void." NAT IO N AI. NI: Ilf S - WEEKEND EDITION STUDENTS RATE $1£9S PUR DAY UNLIMITED FREE MILEAGE Rate available from noon Thursday to noon Monday. Certain daily minimums apply. Ask for details. 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