et al. MEETINGS CLUB SPORTS CYCLING TEAM: AH interested raters are invited to attend club sporls information night Sept. 10. 8-10 p.m.. Room 167 EMU. Coaches will be available lor questions and answers. Novices welcome. UNIVERSITY HAWAII CLUB has its first meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the Gold Room, first floor Carson Hall. Anyone interested in the club welcome. THE SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL lOURNALISTS will hold an open meeting and initiation for all interested jour nalism students today at 1:10 in 101B Allen Hall. Tim Talevich, reporter and columnist for the Register-Guard, will be the guest speaker. INTERVARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP will hold its kickoff meeting today in the Carson Gold Room. Refreshments will be served at 7:00 p.m., and the meeting will start al 7:30. Come and find out about Intervarsity and the different events planned for the year. MORTAR BOARD MEMBERS must attend the first meeting today at S:59 p.m. in Room 112 EMU. CLUB SPORTS EQUESTRIAN TEAM will meet today at 6:30 p m. Anyone interested in riding with the team is welcome More information will also be available at the EMU Open House Sept. 30, 8 to 10 p.m., Room 167 EMU. LECTURES NICARAGUA (PART II) — A report from the Oregon women's delegation-loan Acker, Collette Craig and others. Today, 12:00-1:30, Rm. 214 EMU. GEOLOGY LUNCHBAGGER SEMINAR: Professor |oel Me Clure will speak at 12:30 p m today on scientific word pro cessing with microcomputers in Room 307 Volcanology. AARON NOVICK. head of the Biology Department, will speak about his experiences with the Manhattan Project on Fridayat at 2:30 p.m. in 201 Condon Hall for the class "alter natives to the nuclear arms race." Students not enrolled in the course are welcome. MISCELLANEOUS WFSLEY FOUNDATION, United Methodist campus ministry center, 1236 Kincaid (next to the UO Bookstore), will hold a btble study today at 3:30 p.m. Mediative worship will be held Sunday, Oct. 2 at 12:30 p.m. For more informa tion contac t the Wesley Center. "PASTEL PAINTING TECHNIQUES with Leslie DeMille will be demonstrated with the painting "Spring Water" in a free showing on Friday, Sept. 30 in the upstairs gallery at the Eugene Public Library. 100 W. 13lh. Sponsored jointly with Cole Artists' Supplies. The "bring your lunch” series shows at 12:15 and again at 1:15. Free lemonade. EDUCATING AND PARENTING FOR PEACE: An all day workshop for teachers, parents and community, Saturday, Oc t. 1, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 1236 Kincaid St. For more informa tion call 747 2558 or 34S-3111. A 10K NUCLEAR FREEZE WALK, sponsored by Citizen Ac lion for Lasting Security (CALS), is set for Oct. 1. To register, call the CALS office, 343-8548, or fill out a form in Suite 1 EMU. PREDENTAL OBSERVATION COORDINATOR NEEDED: Interested sopFiomore or junior predental students are en (ouraged lo apply for the winter 1984 through winter 1985 position. For more information contact Pete Scarpa at ext. 4.138 or 485-2466 SAVE MONEY ON USED TEXTS - Drop by the AAF Booksale in Room 115 EMU (you know, where the beer gardens happen) and see what texts are there. Or sell those used books to other students. Through Friday, 10 a m. to 4 p.m. KOINONIA CENTER, the ecumenical Campus Ministry Center at 1414 Kincaid (across from PIC), will hold an open house Irom 3 to 4:30 p.m. today. PRIDFNTAL STUDENTS: Do you want to find out what dentistry is all about and show the admissions committee that you are interested in dentistry?. Bl 409, Practicum predentistry, is a clinical observation program with one hour pass/no-pass credit. For applications and more infor mation contact Pre-Health Sciences Office, 164 Oregon Hall, ext 4338 BLOOM COUNTY Mm sumac msrfKsavMb, thoughts m soav going to -me cuLWRfL fwsurrs of im HNWI, GCOPQMSiy CLASSICAL mac -m/r/ me®?? imsmo ummllsr now - by Berke Breathed sshh'outer irme House, neAse-ReneMSM. is eecur w eeoN urns twoemeNeN rue aum corny roval cacophonic ORCHeenw .. 1ST tR KIP' BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed CLASSIFIEDS Clothing New fall and winter clothes Shirts, dresses. Andrea’s pants and turtlenecks Much more Reasonable prices We specialize in natural fibers ANDREA’S CLOTHES 6 CLOTH 2441 Hilyard 345 1 324 MondaySaturday 10-6 For Sale SMITH-CORONA QALAXIC Deluxe manual, portable typewriter Excellent condition 345-34160-29 STUDENTS $19 desk $20 4-drawer chests, antiques, junk, appliances, tur niture Harrisburg Trading Post, 905-6446._ 9-30 WORKSHOPS! Get creative EMU Craft Center 686-4361632 9-30 PANASONIC PORTABLE cassette recorder, new. never used. $20 BSR turntable. $35 Westbend electric wok $10 Zenith 16 BW portable TV. $20 485-3514929 TVS FOR SALE at the Main Desk area in the EMU building Black and white portable from $19 Color from $69 Mon day. Sept 26 to Friday. Sept 30 or while they last!930 CAPEZIO TAP SHOES Size 7%. like new, $15 344-9040 evenings930 SILVER REED ELECTRIC portable typewriter (pica). $170 Call Rick. 345-3090930 1960 HONDA EXPRESS Excellent shape great gas mileage. $250 Call Mitch, 686 5170 484-6341 929 7-FOOT COUCH lor sale. $55 Please call 683 5608 929 OUTDOOR ROLLER SKATES New. size 7 8 Woman’s, piuse wrist guards. $100 6891925_ 929 KITCHEN TABLE with leaf and 4 chairs Excellent condition $70 Hart skis (180 cm) and Nordica boots (8). both for $60 3446810929 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER w/correction Looks new $60 344 2680 929 OUTDOOR CLOTHINO SALE: Parkas, jackets, vest Polar guard Hotlofil. Pile Men s/women’s sizes All excellent con dltlon and under $35 344 4110 929 SMALLER ADVENT SPEAKERS $100 or best otter 344 1512_ 104 COMPLETE OUEEN SIZE weierbed $75 Used lOspeed bicycle $50 Call 344 2549 46 pm_930 Need furniture Good furniture at ridiculous prices 9-drawer dresser $40. matching night stand. $10. study desk and chair. $40. guitar $30 Rossignot 180cm skis wlbm dings. $75 Much, much more' Call Rick 8898263_ 929 TWO BUMAL SITES complete Retail $1,875 sell lor $1,300 686-8635 for details 10-3 imported rugs, hand and loom woven Wool and cottons $10 25 and up ANDREA’S CLOTHE* A CLOTH 2441 MUvard 346-1*24 110 pm Can 663-4066 9-30 STEREO RECEIVER AM FM phone tape, aux, walnut case, $95 344-0292 10 3 81 SUZUKI GS4S0L Black, rack, good cond $675 342-673510-3 APPLE II PLUS with 64K. Monitor, disk drive. 10 key pad. visicalc. $1775 Also Corvus 10 meg hard disk. TI. 810 printer, mill board and software 747 4007 or 345-8541900 Dorm Refrigerator $10 Yours to keep 3440634900 SCM SUPER 12 electric typewriter Many feature Like new $2t0 or offer 343-31069-29 MEN'S MOTOBECANE 10-speed $175 Seaiy Oueen mattress. $75 Both like new 683-4145 days. 344-5105 eve 9 30 UNDERWOOD PORTABLE ELECTRIC lypewriter. automatic carriage return, back-space, carrying case included $150 726 9739 »29 Garage Sales MOVING SALE Houseful goes by Satur day Aiwa cassette, typewriter, fur niture. plants, clothes, wool rugs Now through Saturday 1647 E 17th 9-30 O’Hara School Garage Sale LANE COUNtT FAIRGROUNDS Sept. 30. Oct. 1 t 2 Opens daily at to am 9-30 SAT. ONLY YARD SALE 8-5 Quality clothing, household, turn Good prices 2531 Kincaid St »30 GIANT GARAGE SALE 100 families contributing everything to furnish your home Saturday, Oct. 1 8 am - 4:30 pm Payless Garden Ctr. 29th ft Willamette Sponsored by Southtowne 6 Valley River Rotary Clubs 0-30 Instruction i, Iruh MB vA^O^^^PS. ops^pw^p History of Rock I EARLY YEARS 1068-1006 Elvis. Beaties. Slones WED OtJO-O History of Rock II tM-tMMNT Dylan. Hendrix New Wave THU A* MM at Musk. Ta credits $02 lee No music skill required, sequent tel EMU CRAFT CENTER WORKSHOPS & MINIS Woodworking Photography Ceramics Weaving & Fibers Metalwork Stained Glass Graphics Bike Repair Call 686-4361 tor into Stop in. ground floor FMU 634 9 30 PORTUGESE I RL 199 - 3 credits 18:30-21:20 Wednesday 206 Friendly, fee $93 For registraion details call Continua tion Center. 686-4231 Women & Literature Black Woman’s Literature Wst 407 3 credits 18:00-20:50 Wednesday 189 PLC • Fee *93 Proletarian Women’s Literature Wst 407 3 credits 18 00 20 50 Wednesday 189 PIC Fee $93 For registration details call Continua tion Center 686 4231 640 9-30 Buy & Sell DIXIE'S NEW 6 USED Buy Sell Trade 2050 W. 6th 666-2766 568107 Used vacuums *10 and up SHARON'S VACUUMS 7614)566 __ 692 11 7 CASH lor used records and cassettes Guaranteed htghel prices paid in Eugene' 342-6265 686 MF Services LAFLER Silkscreen Specializing in the design and printing oi shins 386 Lawrence 343-2306. 342 1627 5699-30 EDITING RESEARCH SERVICES Most arses Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, slat analysis and typing Tele 1 2236491 (Portland) _127 CHCZ S CARP. ATTORNEYS tmmtgre tton cases accepted 1862 Willamette 342-8751 10-21 PLUMBING, APPLIANCE and building repair Reasonable rates, insured and references Call John, eves 345-9498 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery 3456185._ 334:ttn TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 688-3983. 514 tin ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fasl-Guaranteed-Accurate Pickup/delivery available 484-1646 748 ttn FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 484 8405 658:ttn PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342 5238. 144 tin WORD PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed, typed. &/or edited Iheses/disserlations. papers, tables, diagrams Resume Composition Fast Service Reasonable Rates CINDY 484-5454. 602 tin PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sel Grad approv ed Near campus 34441758. 513 tin II quality is whal you want TYPING UNLIMITED is "THE" TYPING SERVICE to use References furnished upon request, guaranteed. Grad School approved. Selectric BARBARA LAND 345 3414 _ PRO TYPING/EDITING Expert at theses and dissertations Jennifer 4853883 DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup A delivery available 485-3914 583 ttn TYPING GUARANTEED 3455814 Ruth 3455814 _ _465 UH BRANDY'S TYPING 8 WORD PROCESSING Fast and prolessional Editing available 484-6044 621 If n Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1827 Peart Street 343-7883 Monday thru Friday 98 pm Saturday 9 1 pm 347:ttn RENT A QUASAR COLOR TV from the U ol O Bookstore! Only S60 per term _ 673:929 THE UO BOOKSTORE now offers a no interest payment plan for purchases of over *150 Check our our expanded electronics department 672:929 Wanted A A Cash paid for gold class rings and gold or stiver |ewelry One ounce class rings brings S103 ACE BUYERS 3690 Franklin 726-1735 Watch tor floorscent signs on left side A A Instruments wwww-aeiwieg WW on all stringed instruments. Also hand made acoustic and electric guitars STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS 1417W OLIVE 464-0615 __10-15 IBANEZ FOLK GUITAR Good condition *200 Call Laurie, 686 4118 9-29 Recreation EMU CLUB SPORTS Judo Club Meeting for all old and new members Thursday. 12:30, Club Sports Office, to decide practice schedules, competi tion. fund-raising More information 3451636 682 9-29 Bicycles 52 CM TREK bike, Columbus 970 Cam py record equipped Dura aced crank Superb rder and shifters *750 343 5362. ask for Milo 9-29 WOMAN'S BICYCLE Nishiki lightweight 12 speed, back carrier, cable lock, bottle, three months old. Black *180 (originally *341 25) Engberl 686-6033 9-30 SECOND NATURE USED BIKES New and used parts for the tourist, racer, commuter, and cruiser. •UYSfUTKAM 1712 Willamette 343-5362 MIZUTANI Super Seraph 10-speed. A great bike tor school Chrome/purple finish, leather seat. Avocet sealed bear ing hubs. Rigida aluminum rims, Essge fenders. Suntour equipped, in great condition Asking *240. Ron. 3434647 18-INCH PEUGEOT 10-speed *100 484-4665/eves 9-29 MEN’S 10-SPEED 23 inches, excellent condition. *110 344-2680. 9-29 10-SPEED PEUGEOT 21" *100. Bob 686-4263. 9-29 UNIVEGA LARGE TIRE mountain bike *160. 683-8923 1743 Lawerence no B. Michael 9-30 TREK 21" Reynolds 531 frame. Campy. Dura-Ace equipped New $900. sell tor $450 Men's Schwinn Varsity 10-speed. 23", brown, recent tune-up. *60 344-6810 9-29 RED TAG SALE Prices reduced on many models FUJI • CENTURION Quality bicycles Plus with this ad FENDERS INSTALLED FREE on any new bicycle Otter expires Oct. 15 rus BIKE SHOP & Monroe 344-2175 Cars & Cycles 1962 HONDA NIOHTHAWK 650 3,500 miles, rear luggage carrier, engine pro tection bars, foot pets, tinted wind shield Excellent condition. $2,000 485-3514 9-29 ‘68 VW BUG Rebuilt engine, cassette stereo, new tires Will maintained, perfect economy care. $1.800 or best of fer 746-5168 (evenings)_ 9-30 19*1 HONDA 400 CUSTOM for sale 3500 miles $1700 or best offer. Ex cellent condition. Jon. 344-1186. Must sell9-30 RX-7 Sport wheels with radials $300/set Tom, 484-3044 weekdays 3437617 evenings/weekends9-29 1975 HONDA CB 125S Mint condition, low miles, front disc brakes, tacometer. extras $425 937-3155, 3435362 9-28 79 MONZA COUPE Excellent condition. Low mileage With extras. $3,000 - offer. Call 3435488 9-29 '71 VW SUPER BEETLE 85.000 miles, new valve job, excellent condition, $1,600 or best oiler 342-3715 9-29 ‘71 MUSTANG for sale. $1,100 68643539-30 FOR SALE: '81 Honda Express. Good cond, 100 mpg $250. 345-3437 9-30 LEAVING TOWN: VW Bug 69. rebuilt engine, good condition. $1,450 or best offer CALL 6834055 before 10 pm.9-30 MUST SELL *68 VW Squareback, runs well, rebuilt engine, stereo, snow tires. $800 342 1098 after 5 pm163 1963 VW New motor. AM-FM, $450 Call Terry 484-2947 630 '76 CAPRI 56,000 miles, new stereo, sunroof, radials, excellent throughout. $2,200 485-4122.167 197S VESPA-m like new. Extras. Only $1,150 163 Auto Repair Fiat, Datsun, Toyota, Honda, Subaru. Audi, Porsche and VW SANDPIPER IMPORT SERVICE 2795 Willamette 3439427 353:H