FREE QUACK ATTACK T-SHIRTS!!! COME INTO PHONES PLUS THIS WEEK, CHECK OUT OUR GREAT SELECTION AND GREAT BUYS ON PHONES, AND ENTER OUR DRAWING FOR A FREE QUACK ATTACK T-SHIRT. 25 WINNINC ENTRIES WILL BE DRAWN OCT. 1, 1983 PHONES PLUS HAS BEEN SAVING STUDENTS MONEY ON PHONES SINCE 1980. 656 CHARNELTON (Between 6th & 7th) 687-0111 C PHONES tALLUi vrsA 89 9:30 TO 5:30 Mon. - Fri. 10:00 TO 5:00 Sat. T-^ i p > ► a v r < j < ^ > r > v > -j < > i V 4 7 ft- < 7 , V A < A W 4 1 4 < v < v r v A ■J Mi > A J A V A VA A 4 A V >P?r.V< P> — 1 P > A , - 7 A W > * P I 'l P M •> r <• -J r 7 > P -7 t- 7 -J r 7 * ^ 4 Bring Out Your Best With RIM 'i Activity Tennis Singles Flag Football* Razzle Dazzle Football* Co-Ed Volleyball Tune-up Volleyball* Handball * Bowling* Inner Tube Polo* Slow Bike Race Ultimate Frisbee Tournament Cross Country* Punt/Pass/Kick Contest Volleyball* Tennis Doubles Badminton Singles 3x3 Basketball Racquetball Singles Basketball Tune-up Wrestling* Golf Scramble Tournament *M-Men, W-Women, C-Co-ed * Intramural Sport, Under IM Regulations SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES - FALL 1983 Div. • M-W M-W M-W-C C c M M-W-C C M-W M-W-C M-W-C M-W M-W M-W M-W M-W M-W M-W M M-W-C Mm. / Player* 1 8 7 6 6 4 4 6 1 7 4 1 6 2 1 3 1 5 4 2 Entry Oradlinr 9/30 9/30 9/30 10/3 10/3 10n 10n 10/10 10/12 10/14 10/17 10/20 10/24 10/28 11/11 11/14 11/30 12/2 TBA TBA Start Date 10/1 10/4 10/4 10/3 10/5 10/11 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/15 10/19 10/20 10/26 10/29 11/12 11/15 12/1 12/3 TBA TBA 4 * >. 7T^T ^ < p A 'T 4 I7 r < -» > r v i t a p v 4 7 W > vt ‘ 4 A < V >4 v 4 7 -1 4 A r- _ 4 47' 4 r 4 g < P 7 > 4 -» . >/ > 7 P > < V A |7 a A < 7 > A 4 -X A r > * V s A -j A W > V > > r t A V 1 < 7 - » V L 7 7 < >1 >1 A A < A V : < < ! V A <| A k : <. A V J V V A < A A ' < V 7 v .A A > * ^ r Welcome - The Recreation and Intramural staff is happy to welcome all new and returning students to campus. We invite you to drop in and check us out at 103 Cerlinger. RIM provides: Intramural Sports, Tournaments, Court Reservations, jogging & Biking Maps, Open Recreation, Open Swim, as well as Employment Opportunities. Flag Football - This year we are featuring National Flag Football Rules. Come in to 103 Cerlinger for information on rules. Flag Football is available tor men and women in Divisions I and II. Razzle Dazzle Football - is in its fourth season as an intramural sport, and is offered in Men, Women and Co*ed Divisions. Spontaneous, wild, exciting and fun, Razzle Dazzle is an experience not to be missed! Tennis Singles - Take advantage of Oregon's Indian Summer and enjoy our first weekend singles tennis tournament. There will be divisions for men and women in novice, intermediate and advanced divisions. Entry blanks are available at 103 Cerlinger. Deadline is Friday, Sept. 30, 5:00 p.m. Tournament will be Saturday, October 1st at 10:00 a.m. Co-ed Volleyball Tournament - All it takes is three guys and three gals. Get your team together and pick up an entry blank at 103 Gerlinger. Games begin at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 3. This is a one-evening event. Co-ed Intramural Volleyball - A team consists of three men and three women. Games are played Monday through Thursday between 5:00-9:00 p.m. Entries are due by Monday, October 3 at 5 p.m. New Term for Intramural Handball - This is played as a team event (4 players per team). Each team match consists of 2 singles and 1 doubles. Entries are due October 7 at 5 p.m. -r r ► < r 7 j r < 7 : r V A , 7 C A A V > v ’ > < A > r l r 1 v a < * 7 A V* r ^ ▼ * V A V 7 .. < -r V *T 4 i A V V > r A V * A /« V r Jk UO RECREATION & INTRAMURALS 103 Ger linger Hall *4113 or *4121 r*"*"" .■«'/ *...j u ■ . -i < A U^4i. BUD ' LIGHT Budweiser present* this page as a service to students interested in recreation and intramural* Publication o> RIM News should not be interpreted in any way as an endorsement ol the sponsor s product by the University ot Oregon -rr * 4 V U *-»'kv’wr* a v < * --- - A - - •» K ' r r * v < l 7 T 4 < i 7 -• 4 " V f Shoe Continued from Page 3B doing anyway at the University — that the corporation believes may lead to progress in running shoes. However, he is not pressured to produce direct ap plications as many researchers who work for corporations are. “Most corporations are anx ious to have you do their thing,” he says. "Tiger wants you to do the type of thing the University prefers you to do.” For the future, Bates hopes to start working on athletic shoes besides running such as football or baseball shoes. The develop ment by Langer Laboratories of sensors that can be placed directly into shoes will make that type of research possible. It will make the testing easier and less expensive than the. force platform. The new Tiger shoe features a shock absorbing and a control device. By having the outer sole made of cushioning material and the inner sole in a harder material to provide control, the shoe can help with both of the major problems of the feet. By Sandy Johnstone Photo by Dave Kao New Continued from Page 2B ea of Osternig's research. Through working with about 20 athletes and non-athletes, Oster nig has been able to determine how muscles react to surgery. He has also done some work with knee rotation after surgery is done. He worked with 20 post operation subjects after surgery and tested them to see how well the surgery did. Most of his sub jects had muscle transplant surgery done, which helps to prevent external rotation, a prime reason for knee surgery. ‘‘We have a better idea as to what happens to muscle func tion after a specific kind of surgery,” says Osternig. Before Osternig’s research was done, the commonly ac cepted projection for improve ment was about 33 percent, a result that was projected through the use of cadavers. However, Osternig’s ex periments showed no improve ment, but also no impairment. The injured limb could do everything the opposite knee could. By Sandy Johnstone Photo by Dave Kao Beautiful 4"x6"* Color Print Film Developing! Mvilopiny Printing 2.97 Roll 15 Exposure Disc 4***5” Developing 4 Printing • Your 15 exposure disc color print film devel oped and printed into 4"x5" prints •upon -wausi acccyv^ny o«oep • *r>0 041 For our members convenience, the Bookstore has extended Its hours. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we will be open 7:30am-8pm uo BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid Mon-Fri 7:30-5:30 Sat 10:00-3:00 686-4331 Own your own phone & never pay rent again! Get one today, prices start at *29.95 At your Bookstore In electronics 686-4331