ASUO opts to publish its own paper By Michael Dolce Of the Emerald EXTRA! EXTRA! Oregon Daily Emerald move over. The Universi ty is becoming a two-newspaper campus. Not the Emerald, a bi-weekly publication produced by the ASUO, will hit University newspaper stands in early Oc tober, according to Mary Hope, ASUO publication coordinator. Designed to enhance Emerald coverage and not compete with it, Not the Emerald will focus on the 82 ASUO programs and give them more media access, Hope says. “As a daily newspaper, the Emerald can only cover the every day stuff," she says. "Not the Emerald will give more long-range coverage and provide more con cept reporting concerning our programs and yearly events." Hope says that members of ASUO-sponsored programs have complained they were not given the attention by local media they needed to attract University students. Because of inadequate coverage, organizations and special events were overlooked by students, she says. Not the Emerald will solve this problem by providing in-depth in formation on the programs and how students can participate, she says. Coverage by the new paper will be two-fold, according to Hope. Special events such as Earth Week and Black History Week will be reported in special editions of the ASUO paper. The second function of Not the Emerald will be to report on issues of long-term interest to students, Hope says. For the upcoming Central America conference, it will enlighten students on issues con cerning that region, she says. All ASUO programs have access to the publication, Hope says, and she encourages all students to make submissions. Larger pro grams and events will receive more attention from the paper, she says. Every issue will have a calendar of upcoming events and an nouncements of program open ings, Hope says. I "I'm excited about the newspaper," says ASUO Pres. Mary Hotchkiss. "We recognize that the Emerald is busy and can't provide coverage to all our programs." One person who is not so ex cited about the publication is Oregon Daily Emerald editor, Debbie Howlett. Howlett says her main concern is the name. "My immediate reaction is to dislike it," states Howlett, who thinks the ASUO may be “playing off the Emerald's history and reputation." Although Howlett says she agrees the ASUO needs a way to publicize its programs, she doesn't feel Not the Emerald should properly be labled a "cam pus newspaper." "From what little I've heard it doesn't sound like an objective newspaper," she says. "It sounds 1 not the emerald Vo/ 'nsido Spring term cancelled «' '*/* •*» — !■* ** < ■•^»* I ' »*•** * «. MA«d *• aoja u»« • »0 • r •««« MNw »«w lv««» »-•* »M«r> ►lW» «« >o*»>*«y « -•-»■»■ii«w *•• S« •r*' «* **■ '•> >*» “•>*fi*»» •». «tf r-r % *»*• flf JT^«% /■ • ■>».!«*■ ■ - •**» V/*C ' *a • -9 ©»•>• •• mmm ►