et aL MEETINGS MORTAR BOARD: all members must attend the first meeting Thursday. Sept. 29, at 5:59 p.m. in Room 112 EMU. OREGON CREW meeting for all men and women rowers returning from last year in Century Room D at 8 p.m. tonight. Get psyched to row! for more information call Anne Donahue at 681-5679. THE SOCIETY Of PROfESSIONAl IOURNAEISTS will hold an open meeting and initiation for all interested |our nalism students Sept. 29 at 1:10 pm.m in Room 101 B Allen Tim Talevich, reporter and columnist for the Register Guard, will be the guest speaker. THE NEXT IFC MEETING will be held today in the Century A Room. Agenda includes Minority law Students, Survival Center (pending), Rec and Folk Dance, Intrafraternity Council and the election of chair at 5 p.m BREAD FOR THE WORLD, a Christian citizens education and action group on campus, will hold an organizational meeting Friday, Sept 10 at 1:10 in Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid St. INTERVIEWS SIGN UP TODAY in Room 246, Susan Campbell Hall, for the following recruiters: Oct 4 — U S. Binattonal Center. Columbia. South America (B/M—ESL/Applied linguistics/Others with rele vant work experience). Group meeting — 9:10 a m.. Room 101, l MU OCT. S — Harvard Law School. Group meetings only — 10 a m., 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.. Room 101 EMU. OCT. 5 — U.S. National Security Agency. Group meeting 12:30 p.m.. Room 110, EMU (Campus Interviews Nov. 17). OCT. 7 — Harvard University, Kennedy ScEiool of Govern ment Group meeting only — 9 a.m and 10 am. Room 108 EMU. MISCELLANEOUS EDUCATING AND PARENTING FOR PEACE: An all day workshop for teachers, parents and community, Saturday. Oct. 1, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 1236 Kincaid St. Tor more informa tion call 747-2558 or 345-3111. BROWN BAGGER FORUM, a weekly discussion series co sponsored by the Campus Interfaith Ministry and the ASUO. begins today at 12:30 p.m. in the Forum Room EMU. This week, come and meet the staff and listen to some live music. For more information call 484-1707. WEDNESDAY EVENING CLASSES sponsored by Campus Interfaith Ministry provide an opportunity this term to study peace issues as an ecumenical community. Par ticipants will gather at 6:30 p.m. tonight for a simple meal followed by brief worship. For more information call 484-1707 or ext. 3597. All INTERESTED STUDENTS are invited to a tree showing of ' The Last Epidemic," a 30-minule film on nuclear war, to day at 2:30 p.m. in Studio A IMC. SAVE MONEY ON USED TEXTS - Drop by the AAF Book sale in Room 115 EMU (you know, where the beer gardens happen) and see whal texts are there. Or sell those used books to other students. Through Friday, 10 a m. to 4 p.m. KOI NON IA CENTER, the ecumenical Campus Ministry Center at 1414 Kincaid (across from PIC), will hold an open house from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29 PREDENTAl STUDENTS: Do you want to find out what dentistry is all about and show the admissions committee that you are interested in dentistry?. Bl 409, Practicum predentistry, is a clinical observation program with one hour pass/no-pass credit. For applications and more infor mation contact Pre-Health Sciences Office, 1t>4 Oregon Hall, ext. 4338. THE FIRST FALL MEETING for Students Opposing Registration and the Draft will take place Thursday, Sept. 29 at 3:30 p.m. in Suite 4 EMU. All interested students are welcome. COME MEET THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT and en|oy music in the EMU courtyard (Forum Room in case of rain) on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. Find out about jobs available in the ASUO and enjoy free refreshments in the ASUO office. Suite 4 EMU. by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY »item,**/also SOMETHING ABOUT *THe»& ew MS' M> "UTUS REP RICTNG HOOP” ANP ‘fTS TIME. 10 GET HE COOKES' ANPTHEN yflU REACH6P OVER ANP Bcoopy m scopin' makveuws. in-me I BflTHTt/e. Oliver By John Gorman WL PLACE...I WONDER WHY M DOOR'S OPEN AtAIAW...? HIT THE DUX Pfmariu THEY’RE COMING FROM AU DIRECTIONS'.' PSSST'MWTTWELdfc WIO/N&FROM? SPItS. KGB. TH£V‘fl£ flilOULR THEPWCL! *£V, VOU MUST di wNajiwomfflE!! CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOf OFFICE, J00 IMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DCAIXINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior to publication Ads that are to appear in Monday's paper must be in by 1 pm friday. The OOE cannot be responsible loi more than onr day's inrorrect advertising insertion. The ODf's liability lor typographical errors, incorrect insertions, or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation ol charges (or such portion o( space oc cupied by the error If your ad appears in correctly, call 686-4343 before I pm (or correction in the ne«t day's issue. SMITH-CORONA QALAXIC Deluxe manual, portable typewriter Excellent VACUUM Filter clean, with many at tachments, $50 485-3914 642 »28 STUDENTS $19 desk. $20 4-drawer chests, antiques. )unk. appliances, fur niture Harrisburg Trading Poal, 995*448 9-30 WORKSHOPS! Get creative EMU Cralt Center. 686-4381 632 » 30 PANASONIC PORTABLE cassette recorder, new. never used. $20 BSR turntable. $35 Westbend electric wok $10 Zenith 16" BW portable TV. $20 485-3514 9-29 H.P. 38-C CALCULATOR $55 Call Les at 687 8767 or 687 2454 S28 TV'S FOR SALE at the Main Desk area in the EMU building Black and white portable from $19 Color from $89 Mon day. Sept 26 to Friday. Sept 30 or while they last!9-30 condition 345-3416 9-29 Moped-like new Reg. gas. Best offer over $250. 342-4598. 9-28 CAPE2K) TAP SHOES Sue 7 Vt. like new, *15 344-9040 evenings9-30 SILVER REED ELECTRIC portable typewriter (pica). St 70 Call Rick. 345-3090 _9-30 1M0 HONDA EXPRESS Excellent shape, great gas mileage. *250 Call Mitcn, 886-5170 484-63419-29 7-FOOT COUCH lor sale. *56 Please call 683-5808 9-29 MILANI'S MOPED DELUXE 100 miles gallon Good transportation 343-7888 928 OUTDOOR ROLLER SKATES New. sue 7-8 Women's, ptuse wrist guards. *100 6831925 _ 929 KITCHEN TASLE with lea* and 4 chairs Excellent condition *70 Hart sins (180 cm) and Nordics bools (8). both lor *60 344-8810 929 CANON FTB, QL, 1 4 SO mm lens. 3 power extension Excellent shape. 3115. Jon, 342-5254 928 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER w/correction Looks new *60 344-2680929 10-SPEED. S25 Down ski jacket S90; twin box and mattress. *40 484-4588. 9-28 OUTDOOR CLOTHING SALE: Parkas, jackets, vest Polarguard, Hollolil. Pile Men's/women's sizes All excellent con dition and under *35 344-4110 9-29 SMALLER ADVENT SPEAKERS *100 or best oiler 344-151210-4 COMPLETE QUEEN SIZE waterbed. $75 Used lOspeed bicycle. *50 Call 344 2549 4-6 pm _9-30 Need furniture Good furniture at ridiculous prices 9-drawer dresser $40: matching night stand. *10: study desk and chair. *40: guitar. $30. Rossignol 180cm skis w/bin dings. *75 Much, much morel Call Rick 683 8263 9-29 TWO BURIAL SITES complete Retail *1.875. sell for *1.300 686 8635 tor details 103 Garage Sales GIANT GARAGE SALE 100 lamlHae contributing everything to furnish your homa Saturday, Oct. 1 8 am - 4:30 pm Payless Garden Ctr. 29th & Willamette Sponsor#*) by Southtowne ft Valley River Rotary Clubs 9-30 Buy & Sell OIXIE’S NEW ft USED Buy Sell Trade 2050 W. ftth 000-2700 Instruction "When your schedule Is tough, those classes rock'' History of Rock early Years ioos-ioso Elvis. Beatles, Stones WED 0:30-0 History of Rock II PRESENT Dylan. Mendrl*. New Wave THURS 3:30-0 No Register at Music Table 3 credit# 002 fee music skill required, sequential Persons interested in JAZZ ENSEMBLE SMALL COMBOS (OHIO 3B3NB3) Of genual tonal Meeting Thursday Sept 20. 7 pm School of Music Room ISO Call Thom Bergeron 344 0070 LAB BANOS lUUS tmoi CaN Jeff William* Sal 3774 or 3701 020 PORTUGESE I RL 199 • 3 credits 18:30-21:20 Wednesday 206 Friendly, fee $93 Far registraion details call Continua tion Center. 686-4231 Wst 407 3 credits 18:00-20:50 Wednesday 189 PLC Fee *93 Proletarian Women’s Literature Wst 407 3 credits 18:00 20:50 Wednesday 189 PLC Fee *93 For registration details call Continua tion Cente 686-4231 6409^30 for Non-Majors ext. 3761 or 683-1667 Women & Literature Black Woman’s Literature Start the school year right, take CLASS PIANO EMU CRAFT CENTER WORKSHOPS & MINIS Woodworking Photography Ceramics Weaving & Fibers Metalwork Stained Glass Graphics Bike Repair Call 686 4361 lor Into Stop In, ground floor ^MU 634 9-30 Services LAFLER Silkscreen Specializing In the design and printing of shirts 386 Lawrence 343-2308. 3*31827.589930 EDITING, RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Oualitied editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, slat analysis and typing Tele 1 223-6491 (Portland) 1*7 CHEZ S CARP, ATTORNEYS Immigra lion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 8751 _10-21 PLUMSINO. APPLIANCE and building repair Reasonable rates, insured and references Cell John, eves 345-9*98 930 Typing TYPtNQ/CDfTMM Call Sera 884-0738 575WHFM UH HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickupfdellvery 345-6165 334:ttn TYPING: 15 years experience, papers, dissertations, editing. Graduate School approved IBM Selectric. Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 888 3963 j14:tln ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast-Guar anteed-Accurate Pickup/delivery available 484-1646 748:tfn FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 464 9405 _ 658:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rales IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342-5238. 1«4:tln WORD PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed, typed, i/or edited theses/dissertations, papers, tables, diagrams Resume Composition. Fast Service Reasonable Rates CINDY 464-5454.602 tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr. Sel. Grad approv ed. Near campus. 344-0756. 5t3:tln II quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED is “THE" TYPING SERVICE to use Relerences furnished upon request, guaranteed. Grad School approved. '"^BARBARA LAND 345-3414 523:tln I’M BACK PRO TYPING/EDITING 2 blocks from UO No fob too small Specializing in theses and dissertations Jennller 465-3663 5*2:ttn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup i delivery available. *65-3914 563tfn PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectric Call Barbara 345X1747 366:MWF T 6 C TYPING SERVICE All levels academic 667 6326 622MWF Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343 7683 Monday thru Friday 64 pm Saturday 9 • 1 pm 347 tin RENT A QUASAR COLOR TV Irom the U of O Bookstore' Only 360 per term __6734-29 THE UO BOOKSTORE now oilers a no interest payment plan tor purchases ot over 3190 Check our our expanded electronics department 672:429 Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 29% to 90% off Hst prices New Books Text Books-Ctiff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th ELDORA’S COLLECTIBLES Books, Brass. China Glass, Pottery. Silver FREE OUT-OF-PRINT BOOK SEARCH 1321 W. 11th 342-4061 Afternoons - Closed Sunday Bicycles 52 CM TREK bike. Columbus 970 Cam py record equipped. Dura aced crank. Superb rder and shifters. $750 343- 5362, ask for Milo9-29 WOMAN'S BICYCLE Nishiki lightweight 12-speed, back carrier, cable lock, bottle, three months old. Black $180 (originally $341.25). Engberl 686-6033 9-30 MIZUTANI Super Seraph 10-speed A great bike tor school Chrome/purple finish, leather seat. Avocet sealed bear ing hubs, Rigida aluminum rims, Essge tenders, Suntour equipped, in great condition Asking $240 Ron, 343-6647. TREK 21" Reynolds 531 frame, Campy. Dura-Ace equipped New $900, sell for $450 Men's Schwinn Varsity 10-speed, 23", brown, recent tune-up. $60. 344- 6810 SL29 RARE COLUMBA 3-speed coaster brake bike New seat. tire, recent work. Parts worth more than $50 asking price. Jon, 342 5254 9-28 18-INCH PEUGEOT 10-speed. $100. 484-4665feves 9-29 MEN’S 10-SPEE0 23 inches, excellent condition. $110 344-2680»29 10-SPEED PEUGEOT 21" $100. Bob 686-4263 9-29 SECOND NATURE USED BIKES New and used parts for the tourist, racer, commuter, and cruiser. BUV-SEU-TBAOf 1712 Willamette 343-5342 Travel MIVePSIIY pAvei PORTLAND TO - New York $336 • Wash., D.C. $298 • Phoenix $224 ■ Chariotte $298 EUGENE TO • Minneapolis $279 774 East 13th M3-5577 654:9-26 Cars & Cycles 1862 HONDA NIOHTHAWK 650 3,500 miles, rear luggage carrier engine pro tection bars. Toot pets, tinted wind shield Excellent condition 32.000 466-3514.»29 '#4 VW BUQ Rebuilt engine, cassette stereo, new tires Will maintained, perfect economy care $1.800 or best of let 746-5168 (evenmgs)9-30 FORD ECONOUNE VAN SS 6-cylinder. «450 Call 342-1095. keep trying, 9-28 1881 HONDA 400 CUSTOM for sale 3500 miles *1700 or best otter Ex cellent condition Jon, 344-1186 Must ***l9-30 RX-7 Sport wheels with radials 3300/set Tom, 484-3044 weekdays 343-7617 evenings/weehends 9-29 1878 HONDA CB 12SS Mint condition. low miles, front disc brakes, tacometer, extras *425 937-3156, 343-5362 9-28 FOR SALE: '81 Honda Express Good cond, 100 mpg *250 3453437 9-30 GODCARt 1974 Dodge Dart. Musi sell. Im maculate. runs beautifully. Best offer Call Spence. 344-7354, 342-4728. 485-50089-28 79 MONZA COUPE Excellent condition Low mileage. With extras 83.000 - offer Cali 343-54889-29 '71 VW SUPER BEETLE 85.000 miles, new valve job. excellent condition. $1,600 or best offer 342-3715 9-29 ■71 MUSTANG for sale. $1,100 686-4353 9-M 72 FORD PINTO Low miles on new engine Good condition. New battery. 2 snow tires Included $850 Debbie 345-0516 9-28 Rides & Riders FROM CORVALLIS TO EUGENE Rides/riders (carpool) needed. 752-3982 (nights)9-30 RIDE OR RIDERS Carpool from Cor vallis. M-F approx. 9-4:30. Kris 7539049 10-7 CARPOOL TO PORTLAND My depen dable transportation, share cost of gas Leave campus Friday afternoons, reb^k Sunday evenings Contact Becky Rm 108 Sweester. or phone 486-SBB ^6 Help Wanted WORK-STUDY AND RESEARCH oppor tunnies Help us run our research pro jects in clinical psychology. We need: computer programmer assistants, inter viewers (extensive training provided), phone callers/subject recruiters, health evaluators, receptionists, typists, data coder, computer data entry person, neuropsychological technician. Hours flexible, good work environment, in volvement in research with potential for more active participation, if desired Research credit can be negotiated. Min. of 10 work of per week, please. Beginn ing pay $4.55 with raise after six mon ths of satisfactory work. To apply, call 666-4966 594:9-28 ATTENTION WORK-STUDY STUDENTS IF YOU have a strong academic record. IF YOU would enjoy a job directly related to your academic program. THEN a position as a Learning Resources Center tutor may be available to you Hours range from 2-19 per week (the position can be a supple ment to another work-study job) PAY starts at $5.19fhr Reference from a pro fessor in your major is required. For more information, call the Learing Resources Center at 686-3226 or stop by 5 Friendly Hall.) Work-study qualified students only please).601:9-30 TYPESETTER: Classified Advertising, Oregon Daily Emerald. Typeset daily classified ads 11 am-1 pm, Monday thru Friday $3.35 hour. Work-study preferred. Knowledge of video displays terminals extremely helpful. Apply room 300, EMU by 5 pm. Slept 30. The ODE of AA/EO employer.9-29 EARN $500 OR MORE each school year Flexible hour Monthly payment for placing posters on campus Bonus bas ed on results. Prizes awarded as well. 800-526-088310-5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SALES representative, Oregon Daily Emerald. Sell classified and classified-display ads in Eugene-Springfield area. Monday-Friday, commission sales. Must have access to car. Previous sales experience helpful. Must be indepen dent, like working alone, self disciplined. Excellent opportunity for advertising majors. Pick-up application, room 300 EMU. Deadline Sept 30,5 pm. The ODE is AA/EO employer. 9-30