HEALTH PEER ADVISOR POSITIONS AVALIABLE Gain experience in... s Promoting Wellness ^ Project Planning and Evaluating ^ Health Counseling We can use your help and ideas. Please call Martha Carey 686-4441 at the Student Health Center r No answers for housing costs NEW YORK or w £ S3- n sa,e no„ at the^O Cf-Wn Desk- ^ an the Easy Eas^ S"o? O Bookstore and t through the wmamatt*. the tn(ee months. so take it easy 1°' Easy Pass Joj TH^ -aassw*' University of Oregon continuation center MICROCOMPUTER LABS The University of Oregon Continuation Center invites you to look into the new Microcomputer labs opening this fall. Gilbert Hall Microcomputer Lab is equipped with IBM microcomputers, and provides computer applications instruc tion for community professionals and students in such fields as Business Management. Journalism, and Law. Condon School Microcomputer Lab has Apple 1 le Microcomputers and provides educators, students and com munity residents with a personal computing foundation. Condon School Lab also has graphics peripherals for artists and others interested in computer graphics. ★ There are no prerequisites for microcomputer labs ★ SELECTED BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ACADEMIC COURSES Spreadsheet Analysis, ACTG 510, 01. An introduction to elec tronic spreadsheets as they are used in business management. Several popular programs are covered including Visicalc. Perfect Calc; and hands-on instruction on Lotus 1-2-3 (fall quarter). Four (4) five week sessions are offered fall quarter. Instructor. Lichty.T. 7195 Lecture scvsmn I. Sept 26 - Oct 28 Fri 10:00 11 20; 7197 Lecture session II. Sept 26 Oct 28 Fn 1:00 - 2:20 7196 Lecture session III. Oct .11 Dec 17 Fri 10:00 • 11:20 7298 Lecture session IV. Oct .11 Dec 17 Fn 1:00 2:20 ■Labs liia> hours Mon Thurs. see department lor times) Business Applications Microcomputers, DSC 510, 03. Survey of hardware and software for business applications. Communications, word processing, spreadsheets, statistics, data base management, (computer: IBM PC; software: Perfect, Lotus, Statpro). Three ses sions. Instructor. Wilkins. D. 7216 Lecture session I, Sept .10 Dec 17 Fri 8:10 9:50. -7217 Lecture session II. Sept 10 Dec 17 Fri 11:30 - 12:50: 7218 Lecture session III. Sept 30 - Dec 17 Fri 2:30 - 3:50; Labs (day hours Mon-Thurs, see department for times) 7215 Word Processing & Business Communication, BE 199, 03. Introduction to word processing as it relates to business com munication. Examines electronic mail, written reports and manuscripts. (Perfect Software, IBM PC) Tues. and Thurs. 4:30 - 5:50. instructor, Fagan, S. For information or registration, call the Continuation Center, 686-4231