PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rales IBM Correcting Selectric. Call Patrice 342 5238 144:tfn WORD PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed, typed. &/or edited theses/dissertations papers tables, diagrams. Resume Composition Fast Service Reasonable Rates CINDY 484-5454.602 tin DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Ouality work Pickup & delivery available 485-3914 583:ttn Typing guaranteed 345-5814 Ruth 345-5814 465 UH OUALITY. PROFESSIONAL TYPING Neat, accurate, fast S1 page Norma. 345-6005. 342 8255 (message) 9-27 BRANDY'S TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Fast and professional Editing available 484-6044 621 UF TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 575 WHFM Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9-6 pm Saturday 9 1 pm 347 tfn RENT A QUASAR COLOR TV from the U ol O Bookstore! Only $60 per term 673 9-29 NAKAMICHI HIGH COMP II noise reduction Used 20 hours only Was $500 Trade or make offer 345-5162 9-27 THE UO BOOKSTORE now offers a no interest payment plan for purchases of over $150 Check our our expanded electronics department 672:9-29 BOOKS 60.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% off list prices New Books-Text Books-Clift Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 362 tfn Bicycles SCHWINN DELUXE 3 speed, generator light, rack, good condition. $56 741 1272 9-27 52 CM TREK bike Columbus 970 Cam py record equipped Dura aced crank Superb rder and shifters $750 343 5362. ask for Milo 829 WOMAN’S BICYCLE Nishiki lightweight 12-speed, back carrier, cable lock, bottle, three months old Black. $180 (originally $341 25). Engbert 686-6033 9-30 MEN'S 10-SPEED 26 wheel, new tires. fenders. $55 Call 345-5614 663 9-28 MIZUTANI Super Seraph 10-speed A great bike for school Chrome/purple finish, leather seat. Avocet sealed bear ing hubs. Rigida aluminum rims. Essge tenders. Suntour equipped, in great condition Asking $240 Ron. 343-6647. 9 29 TREK 21" Reynolds 531 frame. Campy. Dura-Ace equipped New $900 sell for $450 Men s Schwinn Varsity 10-speed, 23". brown, recent tune-up, $60 344-68109-29 RARE COLUMBA 3-speed coaster brake bike New seat, tire, recent work Parts worth more than $50 asking price Jon, 342 5254 ±2B 18-INCH PEUGEOT 10 speed $100 484-4665/eves 9-29 Rides & Riders FROM CORVALLIS TO EUGENE Rides/riders (carpool) needed 752-3982 (nights)__9-30 RIDE OR RIDERS Carpool from Cor vallis. M-F approx. 9-4:30. Kris 753-9049 10-7 RESPONSIBLE PERSON to accompany a well-behaved seven year old on the bus to and from Portland (arriving in Portland on Friday and returning to Eugene on Sunday). Person needed twice a month. Will pay for your busfare Please call 1-643-1428 collect, evenings or weekends 9-27 CARPOOL TO PORTLAND My depen dable transportation, share cost of gas Leave campus Friday afternoons, return Sunday evenings. Contact Becky Jones Rm. 108 Sweester, or phone 485-9208. 9-28 Cars & Cycles 1982 HONDA NIGHTHAWK 650 3.500 miles, rear luggage carrier, engine pro tection bars, foot pets, tinted wind shield. Excellent condition S2.000. 485 3514 9-29 '68 VW BUG Rebuilt engine, cassette stereo, new tires Will maintained, perfect economy care $1.800 or best of ter. 746-5168 (evenings).9-30 FORD ECONOLINE VAN ‘63 6-cylinder. >450 Call 342 1095. keep trying 9-28 1974 HONDA CIVIC Looks new inside and out. Runs well. Call evenings. 683 5584_ *27 1961 HONDA 400 CUSTOM for sale 3500 miles $1700 or best offer Ex cellent condition. Jon, 344-1186 Must sell._ 9-30 1975 VW RABBIT AM/FM stereo, lug gage rack, runs great $2000/make offer 345-5162 *27 RX-7 Sport wheels with radials $300/set Tom. 484-3044 weekdays 343-7617 evenings/weekends._9-29 1975 HONDA CB 125S Mint condition. low miles, front disc brakes, tacometer. extras $425 937-3155. 343-5362 9-28 Help Wanted SEARCH Announces the following positions: OFFICE MANAGER: Oversees office procedure, maintains filing system, answers phone, etc. Knowlege of SEARCH program helpful ART A OUTREACH PERSON: Assumes responsibility for layout and design of SEARCH catalogue, advertising cam paigns. participation in outreach pro grams. information booth EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES COOR DINATOR: Leads seminars for SEARCH instructors and prospective instructors, assists in approval and scheduling pro cess. improves access to educational resources SEARCH is a program of the ASUO an equal opportunity employer Work-study applicants preferred For applications and information contact Steve Myers. EMU 111. 686 1305 SUPPORT WORKER Residential train mg home for severely retarded adults Hygiene, showering routines with men 3-7 pm or 7-11 pm Monday Friday or 16 hrs weekends S3 70 an hour Apply 1893 Alder St. weekdays 8-3 pm PERSONfS tor Baby Care Hours flexi ble. 8 30-3:30 on campus. $3.35-S3 75/hour. Deb 4610027 657:9-27 IF YOU have a strong academic record IF YOU would enjoy a job directly related to your academic program. THEN a position as a Learning Resources Center tutor may be available to you Hours range from 2-19 per week (the position can be a supple ment to another work-study job) PAY starts at $5 19/hr Reference from a pro fessor in your major is required For more information, call the Learing Resources Center at 686-3226 or stop by 5 Friendly Hall) Work-study qualified students only please)601:9-30 TYPESETTER: Classified Advertising, Oregon Daily Emerald Typeset daily classified ads 11 am-1 pm. Monday thru Friday S3.35 hour Work-study preferred. Knowledge of video displays terminals extremely helpful Apply room 300. EMU by 5 pm, Sept 30 The ODE of AA/EO employer 9-29 EARN S500 OR MORE each school year Flexible hour. Monthly payment for placing posters on campus. 8onus bas ed on results Prizes awarded as well 800 526 0883 10 5 WORK-STUDY POSITIONS Council tor Minority Education One position for clerical work in mornings, must be able to type $4 12 per hour. Tutors wanted for Math. Science. Business and Com puter Science classes. $5 25 per hour Apply at 314 Oregon Hall. 686 3479. ask for Terra607 930 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SALES representative. Oregon Daily Emerald. Sell classified and classified-display ads in Eugene-Springfield area Monday-Friday, commission sales. Must have access to car. Previous sales experience helpful. Must be indepen dent, like working alone, self disciplined Excellent opportunity for advertising majors Pick-up application, room 300 EMU Deadline Sept 30. 5 pm. The ODE is AA/EO employer 930 SPANISH TUTORS NEEDED schools Elementary and secondary ESCAPE credit available Call Volunteer Services 687 3472649:930 COMPUTER TUTORS NEEDED for com puter lab at Willard Community School Volunteers work with small groups on microcomputers ESCAPE credit available Call Volunteer Services 687 3472650 930 WORK STUDY AND RESEARCH oppor tunities. Help us run our research pro tects in clinical psychology We need: computer programmer assistants, inter viewers (extensive training provided), phone callers/subject recruiters, health evaluators, receptionists, typists, data coder, computer data entry person, neuropsychological technician Hours flexible, good work environment, in volvement in research with potential for more active participation, if desired Research credit can be negotiated Min. of 10 work of per week, please Beginn ing pay $4.55 with raise after six mon ths of satisfactory work To apply, call 686 4966 594 9 28 643927 ATTENTION WORK-STUDY STUDENTS THE U OF O CHILD CARE & Develop men! Cenier and the EMU Child Care Center are offering Teacher-Aide positions for fall term. Work-study. ESCAPE and practicum students may work with a variety of ages in an enriching and enjoyable program for children For more information call 686-4384 564:9-29 EMU CULTURAL FORUM INVITES APPLICATIONS for the PERFORMING ARTS COORDINATOR To review a position description or pick up an application stop by EMU. Suite 2 or call ext 4373 for more in to 647:9-30 TUTORS NEEDED in many areas Flexi ble hours to student's need Largest de mand is in science and math Alt WORK/STUDY qualified are encouraged to apply Starting wage is $5.32/hr Educational Opportunities Program, 207 Emerald Hall 686-3232 635 9-30 VOLUNTEERS TO tutor limited English students in academic subjects and English in regular classrooms All grade levels. ESCAPE credit available Call Volunteer Services 687-3472. 651:9-30 THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS are open in the ASUO Executive (student government): •Publications Coordinator •Assistant for Student Eventsftwo positions) •Budget Assistant •Comptroller Applications due September 30 at 5pm •Program Tags (three positions) •Advertising Salespeople for the ASUO paper and the Course Guide Applications due October 7 at 5 pm Job descriptions in Suite 4 EMU. 686-3724 WOMEN’S RESOURCE * REFFERAL is accepting applications tor 2 of 3 coor dinator positions Must work at least 12 hours per week Work-study or stipend available Applications available on door of rm 336 EMU Due Sept 30 at 4 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW being taken for Student/Faculty Committees You can make decisions about University policy, work with faculty and gain valuable experience There are 26 com mittees and lots of openings Some of the committees are Academic Re quirments. Curriculum. Ethnic Studies. Intercollegiate Athletics, ROTC Ad visory. Student Conduct, etc For more information and application con tact SUAB in Suite 3 EMU Deadline is Oct 7 The ASUO is an Affirmative Ac tion/Equal Opportunity Employer: RESIDENT ASSISTANT for HEP pro gram Bilingual necessary, experience with minorities Room and board and S140 month Male or female Call ext 3531_ 666 9-28 AD PASTEUP TECH needed im mediately Must be available to work 8 30-12 30 Additional hours possible Technical pasteup knowledge re quired Pick up applications at 300 EMU Applications close Oct 3 at 2 pm The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer__ 10-3 EXCELLENT INCOME tcTr pari time home assembly work For information call 504-641 8003, ext 8887 9 27 VOLUNTEER DRAMA COACHES need ed Start drama group at Cal Young Mid dle School, help put on a musical at Westmoreland Elementary ESCAPE credit available Call Volunteer Ser vices, 687 3472 669 9-30 ACCOMPANY SCHOOL STRINGS groups and earn practicum credit at ESCAPE volunteer Various times available Call Volunteer Services. 687 3472.670:9-30 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW beign taken for a work-study positions as the Infor mation and Grievance Center (IGC) Director. Duties include, organizing surveys, handling of grievances, and coordinating other activities as directed by the Student University Af fairs Board (SUAB). Must be abit to work a minimum of 10 hours per week For further information and application, contact SUAB in Suite 3 EMU 686-3720. Application deadline is Thursday. Sept 29 The ASUO is an Affirmative Ac tion/Equal Opportunity Employer. ■ ■ - i Room ate s NICELY FURNISHED three bedroom home. S E. Eugene 687-9253 then 484-2278 evenings9-28 HOUSEMATE WANTED for spacious country home Wood heat, sauna, no smokers. $100 plus '/3 utilites Phone David 343 5362. 937-3155 9^8 FEMALE WANTED to share 2 bedroom apt $130/elect 15th and Orchard New ly remodeled and pool Call Brooke 485 3615 9-29 Apts, for Rent IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY UO Family Housing. Amazon two bedroom unfur nished apartments at $116/month and Westmoreland one bedroom furnished apartment at $111/month. Also an ticipate future openings for Westmoreland two bedroom furnished apartment at $140/monlh Contact UO Housing Dept . 686-4277861:tfn WALK TO CAMPUS 625 East 16th One and two bedrooms furnished with patio and courtyard Laundry, off-street parking Now taking reservations IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 483:lfn ALDERWOOD MANOR 1860-1884 Alder Fully furnished 1. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, with carpeting, drapes, ap pliances. Off-street parking, water, gar bage paid. $150. $211. $299. and $335.For information call Manager 484- 6113. IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 4:tfn FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments. Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty632:ttn 614 LAWRENCE 3 bedroom, in wonder ful old house, covered porch, large liv ing room, separate dining room. $225 Elliott Assoc. 683-2160.325:tfn TWO WEEKS FREE 1 bedroom $180 Parkside apartment in excellent condition. Fully appiianced on bike and bus route. 345-9272. 485- 4023142:tln 1841 HIGH, NO. 2 One bedroom, unfur nished Appliances, water/garbage paid $145 ($175 fall) VIP. 345-7368 _ 464:tfn FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM units near music building Water heat, garbage in cluded References 686-5769. 556:tln GREAT LOCATION 1414 E. 18th. one and two bedrooms, furnished or unfurnished, covered park ing. laundry, from $175. Call Sabin. 683-2160, Elliott Assoc 558:tfn 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Furnished, across from Hayward Field. $495 1290 E 18th 344-3713. 484 1405 1 and 2 bedroom furnished 2785 Oak. *190 *210 3426016, 484 1405 1 bedroom unfurnished *169 549Vy Broadway. 484 1238 1 and 2 bedroom furnished 460 Madison $105. *149-*155 485-6746. 484-1405 3 bedroom house 726 W 4th *290 485-6746 484 1405 930 SWIMMING POOL! CHARMING, older red-brick campus apartments Furnished one and two bedroom with loads of personality Ex tra clean Laundry facilities on premises Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED From only $175 Great location! Next to campus and shopping Seeing is believing the great value offered here! 975 HILYARD APARTMENTS 485-0721 ___614:tfn 1893 GARDEN AVE Two bedroom unfurnished Carpeted, applianced. water/garbage paid Laun dry facilities $225 (furniture *45 per month extra) Behind Wendy's, off Franklin Blvd 345-7368 613:ttn ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT apart ment. 3 blocks campus, off-street park mg. unfurnished, all utilities included. *165 Call John. 345-5506 9-30 EXECPTIONAL ONE BEDROOM fur nished. '-5 block west of campus $190. discount tor least Steve. 735 East 17th 343 2114 344 1583 678 9 30 1/2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS The Emerald Apts Are Renting TWO BEDROOM Fully carpeted & applianced apart ments Available furnished or un furnished & includes dishwasher, gar bage disposal, covered parking, lots of in-apartment storage & all at convenient campus location $285 MONTH For more information or to make an appointment cal) 343-1491 or DROP BY AT 1877 EMERALD 677:tfn MULTIPLE ROOM female, down, con tract for sale at Hawthorne 3rd FL Please call 345 66649 28 SPRINGFIELD Nicely furnished 1 bedroom apt in well maintained building *165 includes water, garbage Joy. 686-1130. office or 344-7215 home. Elliott Associates 679:9 30 ■ .. ' 1 Quads THE BROWN DERBY Super special Spring/summer rates now in effect 44t East 17th 151:tfn Vi BLOCK FROM CAMPUS WEST UNIVERSITY QUADS 738 East 16th $134 Private bath, laundry facilities, refrigerator in room, reserved parking available Manager, unit 1. 345-1540. IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485 8252 439:tfn CLASSY QUADS 430 E. 15th Handy to campus or town $139 includes utilities Manager. 485-2130 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST 485-8252 962 tin HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Quads and net your weekly cleaning included in tne rent along with cable TV utilities, private bath linen service and lots of other goodies CALL TODAY! CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 886-1075 __025:Un BARGAIN PRICES FREE CABLE TV BEAUTIFUL QUADS with private Vi baths Sundeck. completely furnished. FREE utilities, covered parking and laundry facilities. Across the street from U ot O SEE US TODAY! ALOERSGATE 1436 Alder 344-8302 64:5-6:tfn FREE CABLE! SIGN UP FOR FALL Deluxe, beautifully furnised quads now available for fall Breathtaking views, open courtyard. AIR-CONDITIONED, laundry facilties. covered parking and FREE utilities. Prompt maintenance guaranteed, excellent on-site manage ment All this for only: $129 '/i block to U of O campus. 10 minutes on bus line to LCC Stop in today and see why this si such a great place to live! WOODSIDE MANOR (18th and Harris) 683*3005 616:tln FREE UTILITIES! FREE CABLE TV For Only $125 Spotlessly clean, modern deluxe cam pus quads Completely furnished Next to U of O campus and university shopp ing Covered parking and laundry facilities Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED Excellent management STOP IN TODAY! Alder Street Quads 1380 Alder St. 343-3599 617:tfn PRIVATE BATH! FREE CABLE TV Extra large, beautifully furnished deluxe campus quads AIR CONDITIONED, FREE UTILITIES Covered parking, laundry facilities Refrigerator in each room Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! For only $149 month V: block to campus and shopping See our quads before you rent anywhere else! You'll be glad you did! CAMPUS QUADS 751 E. 16th 345-1272 Child Care PRE-SCHOOL OPENINGS for children 2 years old in a Wednesday morning parent/child class. 9:15-11:15 and for 4 year olds. M Tu-W-Th afternoons. 12 30-3 Close to U of O at a reputable established private school Information and registration call 687-1274 or 687 1842 9-28 EVENTS NICARAGUA A report from the Oregon Women's delegation Joan Acker. Colette Craig and others Tuesday, 9/27 12-13:30, 214 EMU Thursday, 9/29 12-13:30, 214 EMU __9-27 Fencing Club First Organization Meeting sponsored by Club THURSDAY, 3:30 PM EMU CENTURY ROOM B 674 9-28 Socialism in Global Perspective: The Case of Yugoslavia Free lecture by Zagorka Pesic Golubovic Tuesday. Sepl 27, 3:30 pm 101 EMU. Sponsored by UO Russian 8 East European Studies Center 638:9-27 ALL MEN INTERESTED in Varsity Golf, meeting on Friday, Sept 30. 1 pm in the Letterman's Lounge, MacArthur Court. 668 9-28 Entertainment THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 686-BIJU LA TRAVIATA Franco Zeffirell's visually stunning musically thrilling film stars Teresa Strata and Placido Domingo in the linest operatic movie made SUNDAY THURSDAY 7 A 9 PM BIJOU LATE NIGHT 48 HRS Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte make the perfect team in a movie that gets better each time you see it. WED-THURS, 11 PM. $1.96 FRI SAT MIDNIGHT $2.50 661:9-30 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents JAZZ featuring THE CHRIS SORENSON QUARTET 6-8 pm in tne EMU FISH BOWL This concert is Be there! 9 28 CINLIKA7 PREMIERES THRU SEPT. 28 v The New Wave Aussie MusicaP STARSTRUCK shows 7 pm nightly plus Swiss Alain Tanner's LIGHT YEARS AWAY shows 8:50 pm nightly 655:9-28 met rociuim HOT FUDGE \ SUNDAES 7 AAa EVERY TUESDAY i E. 13th 861 Willamette _620: U Personals ■9 BECAUSE PEOPLE CARE Free pregnancy testing, confidential Bir thrighl, 687 8651 383U Get fast, dependable service Siegmund's Cleaners 821 E. 13th A*e. 355U SKATE FIEND: Meet me at United Skates. t3th & Lincoln for an afternoon of great fun skating outdoors DUDE 9-30 BE SAFE AND BE COVERED with ASUO Health Insurance If purchased fall term, you may obtain four terms of coverage through summer 1984 FOR ONLY *147.95. ASUO Health Insurance may be purchased fall term during registration or at Oregon Hall Cashiers through Friday, October 7, 1983 586 10-7 JOHN LENNON imagined he took History of Rock I and lived forever Wednesday night. 6:30-9. Register Music 571:9-27 NEW ASUO DENTAL INSURANCE designed to cover routine dental care is available for purchase during fall term registration To be eligible lor the ASUO Dental Insurance plan, you must be enrolled for ASUO Health Insurance Plan I THE PREMIUM IS ONLY $65.50 PER PERSON PER YEAR and may be purchased from Oregon Hall Cashiers fall term through Friday, October 7 Dentist of your choice See the new 1983-84 ASUO Health Insurance Plan brochure for the details 588 10-7 JIMI HENDRIX said “scuse me while I take this class, it's great " History of Rock I. Thursday. 3:30-6 Register Music _571:9-27 SCA in Eugene is the Barony of Adiantum 688 3563. 688-0669 9-28 LET’S GET PERSONAL We know there are friends you care a lot about But have you told them lately? Say you care with an ODE Per sonal. It7s and easy way to make so meone's day a little special And to say "thanks" your friend can write a peronal for FREE!. Just use his or her first and last name in the ad and place it at the UO Bookstore. EMU Main Desk, or the ODE office. 300 EMU (Free ads must be placed at the ODE office, 300 EMU. Bring the ad ad dressed to you with ID Free ads are limited to 20 words in 6 pt type Offer unds Oct 14) U GREEKS'! Your house letters in Greek alphabet are now available tor your ODE Classified ads Samples are located at Room 300. EMU tfn GET MORE MONEY! for your used textbooks at the AAF Booksale Bring in your used texts to 115 EMU. Monday thru Friday. 10 JITI-4 pm 644 9-30 THE KAPPA SIGMA FRATERNITY pro udly announces tryouts for the 1983-84 Starduster Court Open house: Tues day, September 27. 8 pm and Wednes day. September 28. 8 pm Casual dress requested. Kappa Sigma Fraternity. 1090 Alder St 686 52889-28 IT’S NO SECRET. ARNOLD I even heard it on the radio You can do almost anything (by hand!) at the Cralt Center. 686 4361 WORKSHOPS 633 9-30 LEADERSHIP POSITIONS available in ESCAPE'S Public Schools Division as coordinators. Gain valuable experience and earn credit whil having fun. ESCAPE background or education ma jor/minor recommended Call Dan or Vicki 686-4351 or see them at ESCAPE registration table637:9-30 ESCAPE THE CLASSROOM with a plac ment in l he Eugene/Springfield public schools Earn credit withil volunteering minimal time in helping elementary, middle, or high school students Posi tions available in math, science, english. foreign language. PE. counsel ing and more Sign up at ESCAPE regrstration table or EMU lobby 636:9-30 COLLEGE SWEATSHIRTS! Harvard (grey)-Yale (w h i t e)• Pr i n ce t on (navy) Dartmouth (kellyFNorlh Carolina (It. blue)-USC (white)-others $12.50 each postpaid S-M-L-XL. Send check to LMg, Box 317, Brookhaven, MS 39601 COD orders call 1-601-835 1085 10 17 MANDATORY! Officer’s Meeting Alpha Lambda Delta Phi Eta Sigman Thursday, Sept. 29 7:30 pm RSVP: Frank Geltner 686-4373 ___871:9-28 CHI OMEGA welcomes its great Fall Pledge class! Candy Andrews Alison Arnold Ede Bartell GeGe Bonney Dee Chandler Suzanne Freeburn Crissy Greco Michele Hanna Colleen Lindsay Patti Mam Denise Mitchell Leslie Struthers Lorraine Turk Leta Wanker Liz Wolfe Frances Bailie Theresa Bleifess Dawn Davis Sharon Hingst Nicole Hough LeAnne Johnson Lynette Kimsey Marla Theresa Noonan Anita Lennon Kara Oberst Denisa Manewai Renee Plum Janie Noviello Sally Scott Deanna Forseth Sandra Smith Gretchen Van Tuyl 675:9-27