ACLU supports girl's bid for football team ROSEBURG — A suit was filed Mon day by the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon on behalf of a 16-year-old Sutherlin girl barred from trying out for her school's football team. Ellice Stanwick has repeatedly sought to try out for the team. The 5-9 sophomore weighs 168 pounds and threw the shot put, discus and javelin on the freshman track team last year. The Sutherlin School Board has denied her request, saying that she does not belong on the team because of possible health and safety problems. But in its suit, the ACLU argues that she is being discriminated against only because she is a girl in a "clear viola tion of the Oregon Constitution's pro tection against gender discrimination." "Ellice Stanwick is not the first girl to try to join a boys' football team," said David Fidanque, Oregon ACLU associate director. " .. .Other districts in Oregon have allowed girls to play." He said he hopes the district will reconsider its position "and agree that girls who meet the physical qualifica tions have the right to play football." Computer kid instructs Congress in breaking and accessing systems WASHINGTON — A 17-year-old computer "hacker" who has broken into dozens of com puter systems nationwide, including those at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, told Congress on Mon day how easy and dangerous it was — and how simple it would be to stop it. "There was no damage, but the potential for damage was enormous," Neal Patrick said of the activities of himself and six computer-literate friends known as the "414s" after the area code of their hometown of Milwaukee, Wis. At one of their targets, the Sloan-Kettering center in New York, the only sign of the group's prowling was the deletion of one day's billings for a physician. "If someone with a sinister intent had access ed that computer, the damage could have run into the millions, just in dollar value," said Patrick, who first became interested in com puters during a brief seventh-grade school course on the subject. But the group's electronic exploration was not difficult, he told a House Science subcommittee. It required only basic knowledge of how com puters work, a small home computer and the use of easy-to-guess passwords like "test” or "system” which are part of basic computer pro grams and which owners frequently neglect to change. Some of the passwords are available through electronic "bulletin boards," information ex changes that can be dialed up by telephone by anyone with a few hundred dollars' worth of basic equipment. "If they had just changed those (passwords), we couldn't have gotten in," Patrick told the panel. et at. MEETINGS ALL STUDENTS interested in working against the nuclear arms race are invited to Students for a Nuclear Free Future's first fall meeting today at 5:T0 p m. in Room 106 I MU Come |<»in us! AIPHA PHI OMEGA is holding its first meeting tonight at 10 p.m.. Room 109 EMU. Important for all members to attend. THE STUDENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS BOARD will hold an important ad-hoc meeting today at 3:30 in Room T37 EMU. LECTURES NICARAGUA (Part 11: A report from the Oregon Women's delegation. Colette Craig and others. Room 101 EMU. noon to 1 30 p.m SOCIAtISM IN GLOBAl PfRSPECTIVE is the topic of a tree public lecture by Zagorka Pesic-Golubovic of the University ol Belgrade, Dept, of Philosophy, today at T: TO p.m. in Room 101 EMU. Sponsored by the University Rus sian and East European Studies Center. DR ANTHONY E. ROBERTS will present a headache clinic 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27, at the Eugene Public Library in the Boardroom. Discussion will include causes, treatments and preventive measures, as well as the role ol exerc ise in nee k c are. For more information call 484-5418. Admission is free. MISCELLANEOUS WEDNESDAY EVENING CLASSES sponsored by Campus Interfaith Ministry provide an opportunity this term to study peace issues as an ecumenical community. Par ticipants will gather at 6:30 p.m. for a simple meal followed by brief worship. For more information call 484-1707 or ext. 1597. ALE INTERESTED STUDENTS are invited to a tree showing ol "Tire Last Epidemic," a 30-minute film on nuclear war, Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 2:30 p.m. in Studio A IMC. SAVE MONEY ON USED TEXTS - Drop by the AAF Book sale in Room 115 EMU (you know, where the beer gardens happen) and see if we have the books you need. Or bring in your own books, set the price, and watch them sell. Through Friday, 10 a m. to 4 p.m. KOINONIA CENTER, the ecumenical Campus Ministry Center at 1414 Kincaid (across from PLO. will hold an open house from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday. Sept. 29. PREE3ENTAL STUDENTS: Do you want to tmd out what dentistry is all about and show the admissions committee that you are interested in dentistry?. Bl 409, Praeticum predentistry, is a clinical observation program with one hour pass/no-pass credit. For applications and more infor mation contact Pre-Health Sciences Office, 164 Oregon Hall, ext 4 3 3/3 LOOKING FOR CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP on campus?. Campus Christian Ministries is holding a Festival and Fair tonight at 7 p.m. in the Dad's Room EMU. THE BROWN BAG FORUM is a weekly disc ussion series sponsored by the ASUO and the Campus Intertaith Ministry. For further information, come to an open house Wednesday. Sept 28, at 12:30 in the EMU Courtyard (Forum Room if it rains). THE OREGON WOMf N S GYMNASTICS TEAM is holding open tryouts lor any women interested in joining the team Contact Coach Ed Boyd, ext. 4416, or stop by room B-S2 Gerlmger Annex Ejetween 2:30-6:00 p.m. any weekday ex cept Wednesday. The team is also looking lor an experienc - ed gymnastics choreographer. A salary commensurate with experience will be paid. For information call Coach Ed Boyd, ext. 4436. INTERESTED IN CENTRAL AMERICA? The ASUO will host a conference concerning issues of Central America. Anyone interested in helping plan the event should contac t the ASUO, ext. 3724, Suite 4 EMU. ELEGANT STEW writer’s group will present a poetry reading Friday, Sept. 30, 9 p.m. at Zoo Zoo's, 4S4 Willamette St. Readers will be Shasta Hatter, Stan Fink, |ohn Mitchell. Rich Muller, Debra Hopkins. Vigil and Phil Mitchell. There will tie an open mike. Call 747-7773 for more information. ET Al POLICY El Al contains announcements of meetings, lectures, and other miscellaneous events. Briefs are run once only, depending on space availability. Events requesting dona tions or admission fees will not be considered. Briefs should be typed or printed legibly and must include the desired publication date . All briefs must be submitted to the ODE, Suite 300 EMU, by noon the day before publication. by Berke Breathed —11-i BLOOM COUNTY i r rA!JU't NowmeN, aNCfc sc££.pin6 mciuTiet> /we pew, i FRorose we ecoopv wett FUP A COIN TO pecipe THe AfWANoe^eNis. WHAPPVA 6AY / V' r Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE, 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES: Ads must be pi* ed by 1 pm one day prior to publication. Ads that are to appear in Monday's paper must be* in by 1 pm Friday For Sale SMITH-CORONA QALAXIC Deluxe manual, portable typewriter Excellent condition 345-34169-29 FOR SALE 1981 FZ50 Suzuki motorbike 600 miles Snowmobile suit and helmet 6896309__927 VACUUM Filter clean, with many at tachments. $50 485-3914 642 928 STUDENTS S19 desk. $20 4-drawer chests, antiques. |unk appliances, fur niture Harrisburg Trading Post, 996-6448. 930 WORKSHOPS* Get creative EMU Craft Center 686 4361 _632 930 PANASONIC PORTABLE cassette recorder, new. never used $20 8SR turntable $35 West bend electric wok $10 Zenith 16 1 BW portable TV. $20 <86-3614929 Moped-Hke new Rag gas. Bast offar ovar $250. 342-4598. .92* 15-INCH SANYO color Tv' $100 6892107927 CAPEZIO TAP SHOES Size 7«t. Ilka new, SIS 344-9040 evenings 930 SILVIA wee ELECTRIC portable typewriter (pleat. $170 Call Rick 346-3090 930 14 FOOT wood and fiberglass sa» boot. 35 hp lights, stereo, skis trailer etc Nice tootling, excellent condition f radwmeke offer. 345-5162 927 TVS FOR SALE at the Main Desk area in the EMU building Black and white portable from $19 Color from $69 Mon day. Sept 26 to Friday. Sept 30 or while they last19-30 H P 3* C CALCULATOR $55 Call Lea at 687-8767 or 687 2454 9-28 ACOUSTIC GUITAR Yamaha FG 200 Great condition $150 or best offer Call 343-1009 927 I960 HONDA EXPRESS Excellent shape, great gas mileage $250 Call Mitch, 686-5170. 484-6341_929 MILANI’S MOPEO DELUXE 100 miles gallon Good transportation 343-7668 928 7-FOOT COUCH for sale. $55 Please call 683 5606 _ 9 29 OUTDOOR ROLLER SKATES New. size 7-8 Woman s pluse wrist guards. $100 6831925 9 29 KITCHEN TASLE with leaf and * chairs Excellent condition $70 Hart skis (180 cm) and Nordics bools (8). both for $60 3448810 _939 CANON FTS, OL. 14 50 mm lens. 3 power extension Excellent shape. $115 Jon 342 5254 9 28 Garage Sales GIANT GARAGE SALE 109 (amMee contributing to furnish your home SATURDAY, OCT. 1 8 am • 4:30 pm P«yte«» Qardtfl Ctr. 28th « Willamette Sponsored by ieutMeens S Valley River Rotary Clubs 930 Buy & Sell DIXIE'S NEW A USED Buy-Sell-Trade 2050 W 6th 666 2768 568 10-7 Instruction Guitar MUE IN Two toe lions: 1 30 2 SO UM 3 30 4 SO MW Beginners only l Basic chordlng strumming. hngerpicXmg. pop song accompanimanl. music raadlng and theory PREREQUISITE FOR FOLLOWINQ: BASIC CHORD FLUIDITY ROCK, JAZZ BLUES GUITAR MUS IM 3.30-5:20 U Lead guitar improvisation, rhythm styles, chord techniques Clapton Oarcla. Hendrix. Beck. Metheny. Ben son. many others CONTEMPORARY ACOUSTIC GUITAR MUS IM 930-5 20 M Featuring: Flngerstylee. picking patterns, ac Taytor, Beatles, Young, Ackerman. Kottke Dylan. Cooder. Hot Tuna. "’"JSsTRUCTOR-ALEX ZEDtCOFF MIMM ALL COURSES M2 FEE 9 CREDITS RE CUSTER AT MUSIC SCHOOL TABLE PORTUGESE I RL 199 - 3 credits 18:30-21:20 Wednesday 206 Friendly, fee $93 For registraion details call Continua tion Center. 686 4231 Women & Literature Black Woman's Literature Wst 407 3 credits 18:00-20:50 Wednesday 189 PLC Fee *93 Proletarian Women’s Literature Wst 407 3 credits 18 00 20 50 Wednesday 189 PLC Fee *93 For registration details call Continua tion Center 686 4231 640 9-30 Start the school year right, take CLASS PIANO for Non-Majors 2 credits, fee *35 for information ext. 3761 or 683-1667 Persons interested in JAZZ ENSEMBLE SMALL COMBOS (MUS 382/692) Organizational Meeting Thursday Sept 28. 7 pm. School of Music Room 186 Can Thom Bergeron 344 9076 LAB BANOS (MUS 393/593 Call Jeff Wittiams ext 3774 or 3761 9-28 ADD THIS CLASS! JAZZ THEN ’ T I L NOW Earn three credits while exploring \auz from 1900 to 1983 No musical knowledge is required Taught in an informal style by Carl Wotdeck of KLCC-FM Emphasis is on in-class listening and discussion Informa lion 343-6401/686-4231 JAZZ: THEN ’TIL NOW TUES/TMURS 1:30-3 pm TtN 6516. MUS 196, $62 FEE Improvisation and Songwriting MUS 199, 3 credits Wednesdays 15:30-17:20 S62 Develop your ability to write songs and in^provtse in the folk. -|azz and rock idioms Learn to compose in the styles of Jom Mitchell, Paul Simon Fleetwood Mac. Steely Dan as well as the jau styles of Herbie Hancock. Chick Corea. Pat Metheny and Earl Klugh Learn how to build an im provised line Develop your own style Lead lines, application of appropriate melody to harmony, commonly used chord progression, and thematic development writ be discussed Class is open to all instrumen talists. vocalist, and non instrumentalists as welt ALEX ZEOICOFF-INSTRUCTOR For more into calf 687 1005 __ Register at Music Table Services LAFLER Silkscreen Specializing in the design and printing of shirts 385 Lawrence 343-2306, 342 1927 569 9 30 EDITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes stat analysis and typing Tele 1-223-8491 (Portland) 12 7 CHEZ A CARP, ATTORNEYS Immigra lion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 8751 10-21 PLUMBING, APPLIANCE and building repair Reasonable rates, insured and references Call John, eves 345-9498 9-30 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery 345-8165. 334 tfn TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery Cali Carole at 668-3963. 514:ttn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast-Guaranteed-Accurate Pickup/delivery available 484-1646 748:tfn FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 464-9405 658:ttn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Set Grad approv ed Near campus 344-0759. 513:tfn If quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED ts “THE” TYPING SERVICE to use References furnished upon request, guaranteed. Grad School approved. Selectric. BARBARA LAND 345-3414 _523:tfn I'M BACK PRO TYPING/EDITING 2 blocks from UO No job too small Specializing in theses and dissertations. Jennifer 485-3863 542:tfn