Moving into an apartment? Be aware the law guarantees specific rights By Sandy Johnstone CM the Emerald The landlord unlocks the apart ment, walks in and picks up the stereo and television set and calm ly walks out of the room. After all, the tenants were late with their rent money, so they had to pay somehow. r But taking belongings in lieu of rent and entering an apartment without notifying the tenant are against the law. When renting an apartment or house, it may seem the deck is stacked in favor of the landlord, but actually tenants do have specific rights guaranteed to them 1 4J Landlord/tenant contract The following is a list of tenant and landlord obligations in cluded in the Renter's Handbook provided free of charge by the Oregon Student Public Interest Research Croup. Tenant Obligations •To use the dwelling unit only as a dwelling. •To use the parts of the dwelling in the manner for which they were intended. •To keep areas under his/her control clean, sanitary and free from accumulation of garbage and filth. •To not deliberately or negligently damage or remove, or knowingly allow others to damage or remove, any part of the premises. •To conduct himself/herself and his/her visitors in a manner that will not disturb the neighbors. (Tenants are responsible for the actions of their guests.) •Test smoke alarm in the dwelling. Landlord Obligations •To provide a weather and waterproof exterior, roof, walls, doors and windows. •To provide plumbing facilities which comply with applicable law and are maintained in good working order. •To provide a water supply, approved by applicable law, which produced hot and cold running water, has proper fixtures and is properly connected to a sewage system. •To provide adequate and approved heating facilities, main tained in good working order. •To provide electricity, lighting, wiring and equipment, ap proved and maintained in good working order. •To provide clean and sanitary buildings and grounds, free from accumulation of debris, filth, rubbish, garbage, rodents and vermin. •To provide adequate garbage recepticles. The landlord must provide and maintain garbage cans though it may be the tenant's responsibility to pay for garbage collection, if that has been agreed to in writing. •To ensure floors, walls, ceilings, stairs and railings are main tained in good repair. •To ensure ventilating or air conditioning, elevators or other facilities and applicances, if provided, are maintained in good working order. •To provide safety from fire, including the provision of smoke detectors. •To provide working locks for all outside doors, except doors to common areas, and keys to locks that require keys. •To provide working latches for all window that open (except common areas), unless fife or safety regulations prohibit them. ■'ZSs 1 i it WELCOME BACK STUDENTS 4 SUN. SEPT. 25 - SAT. OCT 1 10% STOREWIDE SALE st it •PLUS OTHER IN STORE SPECIALS ^ALL PENCILS ., . 20% off* DESIGN MARKERS.$1.24 each -vMARS TECHNICAL PENS.25% off tGRUMBACHER OIL & ACRYLIC PAINTS.25 % off •4 SKINNY (a constant).15 %off ^TRIANGLES.20 %off o» LEAD (in dozens) .... REG. $ ... NOW $ ■ ii