3 BIKES FOR SALE Two spoed.es one cruiser ($50 each) Also dinette set Cali 484-0451 9-26 MEN'S CLUBMAN 10-speed Needs repair $50 747-8815 9-26 Cars & Cycles FOR SALE 1978 Suzuki GS400. Fairing, I/rack, cover S700/offer Sofa $75 344 7923, 686 3156_ 9-26 1976 AUDI FOX Low miles, two door, ex cellent shape. FM-cassette deck Best offer. 683-1475 9-26 19B2 HONDA NIQHTHAWK 650 3.500 miles, rear luggage carrier, engine pro tection bars, foot pets, tinted wind shield Excellent condition S2 000 485 3514_ 9-29 '68 VW BUG Rebuilt engine, cassette stereo new tires Will maintained, perfect economy care $1,800 or best of fer 746-5168 (evenings)_ 9-30 VESPA MOPED 100 mpg. new engine, sturdy, built to carry two Good condi tion $395 or otter Call 344-0225 9-26 FORD ECONOLINE VAN -63 6-cylinder. $450 Call 342-1095, keep trying 9-28 1974 HONDA CIVIC Looks new inside and out Runs well Cali evenings. 683 5584 9-27 19B1 HONDA 400 CUSTOM for sale 3500 miles $1700 or best offer Ex cellent condition Jon, 344-1186 Must sell 9-30 Travel /fTiiWRSlIY RAV6L PORTLAND TO • New York $336 • Wash., D.C. $298 • Phoenix $224 • Charlotte $298 EUGENE TO Minneapolis $279 774 East 13th 663-5577 654 9-26 Rides & Riders FROM CORVALLIS TO EUGENE RidesJriders (carpool) needed 752-3982 (nights)9-30 RIDE OR RIDERS Carpool from Cor vallis M-F approx 9-4:30 Kris 753-9049 10-7 RESPONSIBLE PERSON to accompany a well-behaved seven year old on the bus to and from Portland (arriving in Portland on Friday and returning to Eugene on Sunday). Person needed twice a month Will pay for your busfare Please call 1-643-1428 collect, evenings or weekends. 9-27 Wanted PORTABLE ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Call ext. 3639. leave name and number 9-26 A A Cash paid for gold class rings and gold or silver jewelry One ounce class rings brings $103. ACE BUYERS 3690 Franklin 726-1735 Watch lor flourscent signs on let! side A Opportunities VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Womenspace. a shelter for battered women and their childre. has a new training beginning Sat Oct 8th Credit available Call Mar cia 485-6513 9^6 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD has several positions open in its news department. Applications are open until Sept 23 at 5 p.m for assistant entertainment editor Job responsibilities include working with the entertainment editor to put out a weekly entertainment sup plement. the "Friday Edition " Ap plicants should have writing and layout experience and a strong background in the arts and entertainment There are positions open for freelance writers for the academic year Skill in writing and interviewing ap preciated. but not required We will train people on video display terminals A meeting will be held Friday. Sept. 23 at noon in Room 300 EMU Contact San dy Johnstone, managing editor, for more information at 686-5511 Applications are open for a typist for the news department until 5 p.m. Sept 22 Must type at least 60 words per minute Experience on VDT or word pro cessor helpful, but not required The job would require about two to three hours per day Work study or non work study certified Freelance photographers and graphic artists positions are also available Contact Dave Kao, photo editor, for more information at 686 5511 9-26 Help Wanted CHALLENGING AND RESPONSIBLE work in Psychology Clinic assisting clients in the waiting room reception area and phones. Hours flexible Plea sant work environment. Minimum of 10 hours per week, please. To apply. caH Jeannie, 686-4964 596:9-26 r_IJ THE U OF O CHILD CARE & Develop merit Center and the EMU Child Care Center are offering Teacher-Aide positions for fall term Work-study. ESCAPE and practicum students may work with a variety of ages in an enriching and enjoyable program tor children For more information call 686 4384 584 9-29 SEARCH Announces the following positions: OFFICE MANAGER: Oversees office procedure, maintains filing system, answers phone, etc Knowiege of SEARCH program helpful ART • OUTREACH PERSON: Assumes responsibility tor layout and design of SEARCH catalogue, advertising cam paigns. participation in outreach pro grams. information booth EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES COOR DINATOR: Leads seminars for SEARCH instructors and prospective instructors, assists in approval and scheduling pro cess. improves access to educational resources SEARCH is a program of the ASUO - an equal opportunity employer Work-study applicants preferred. For applications and information contact Steve Myers. EMU tt1. 686 4305 610:9-27 WORK STUDY AND RESEARCH oppor tunities Help us run our research pro jects in clinical psychology We need: computer programmer assistants, inter viewers (extensive training provided), phone callers/subject recruiters, health evaluators, receptionists, typists, data coder, computer data entry person, neuropsychological technician Hours flexible, good work environment, in volvement in research with potential for more active participation, if desired Research credit can be negotiated Min of 10 work of per week, please Beginn ing pay 54 55 with raise after six mon ths of satisfactory work To apply, call 686 4966594:9-28 ATTENTION WORK-STUDY STUDENTS IF YOU have a strong academic record. IF YOU would enjoy a job directly related to your academic program. THEN a position as a Learning Resources Center tutor may be available to you Hours range from 2-19 per week (the position can be a supple ment to another work-study job). PAY starts at $5 19/hr Reference from a pro fessor in your major is required For more information, call the Learing Resources Center at 686-3.226 or stop by 5 Friendly Hall.) Work-study qualified students only please).601:9-30 TYPESETTER: Classified Advertising. Oregon Daily Emerald Typeset daily classified ads Two shifts. 11-1 pm. 1-3 pm. Monday thru Friday. $3.35 hour. Work-study preferred. Knowledge of video displays terminals extremely helpful. Apply room 300. EMU by 5 pm. Sept. 30. The ODE of AA/EO employer. 9-39 EARN $500 OR MORE each school year Flexible hour Monthly payment for placing (>osters on campus. Bonus bas ed on results. Prizes awarded as well 800 526 0883.10 5 LITERATE? Business manager, Nor thwest Review. Work-study. 15 plus hours per week Immediately. Call 686-3957 after 1 pm Persist 578:9-26 WORK-STUDY POSITIONS Council for Minority Education. One position for clerical work in mornings, must be able to type. $4.12 per hour. Tutors wanted foi Math. Science. Business and Com puter Science classes. $5.25 per hour Apply at 314 Oregon Hall. 686-3479. ask for Terra.607:9-30 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SALES representative, Oregon Daily Emerald. Sell classified and classified-display ads in Eugene-Springfield area. Monday-Friday, commission sales Must have access to car. Previous sales experience helpful. Must be indepen dent. like working alone, self disciplined. Excellent opportunity for advertising majors. Pick-up application, room 300 EMU. Deadline Sept. 30. 5 pm The ODE is AA/EO employer 9-30 EMU CULTURAL FORUM INVITES APPLICATIONS for the PERFORMING ARTS COORDINATOR To review a position description or pick up an application stop by EMU Suite 2 or call ext 4373 for more in fo 647:9-30 VOLUNTEERS TO tutor limited English students in academic subjects and English in regular classrooms. All grade levels. ESCAPE credit available. Call Volunteer Services 667-3472. 651:9-30 TUTORS NEEDED In many areas Flexi ble hours to student's need Largest de mand is in science and math. All WORK/STUOY qualified are encouraged to apply Starting wage is S5.32/hr. Educational Opportunities Program, 207 Emerald Hall 686 3232 635:9-30 SUPPORT WORKER Residential train ing home for severely retarded adults. Hygiene, showering routines with men. 3-7 pm or 7-11 pm Monday-Friday or 16 hrs weekends S3.70 an hour. Apply 1893 Alder St weekdays 8-3 pm 643:9-27 SPANISH TUTORS NEEDED Sever* schools Elementary and secondary ESCAPE credit available Call Volunteer Services 687-3472649:9-30 COMPUTER TUTORS NEEDED tor com' puler lab at Willard Community School Volunteers work with small groups on microcomputers ESCAPE credit available Call Volunteer Services 6673472 650 9-30 WE ARE NOW HIRING tor 3 shifts 9-1. 1-5. 5-9 Mon-Fri Telephone sales, no exp nec We ll train. Good working at mosphere Rob 342-3615 Min. vs com mission9-26 PERSON/S tor Baby Care Hours tlexi ble. 8:30-3:30 on campus S3 35 S3 75vy hour Deb 461 0027 657:9-27 THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS are open in the ASUO Executive (student government): •Publications Coordinator •Assistant for Student Events r l Apts, for Rent IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY UO Family Housing. Amazon two bedroom unfur nished apartments at $116/month and Westmoreland one bedroom furnished apartment at $111/month Also an ticipate future openings for Westmoreland two bedroom furnished apartment at $140fmonlh. Contact UO Housing Dept., 686-4277861:tfn WALK TO CAMPUS 625 East 16th One and two bedrooms furnished with patio and courtyard. Laundry, off-street parking. Now taking reservations IPM CO.. REALTOR till PEARL ST. 465-8252 483tfn ALDERWOOD MANOR 1860-1884 Alder Fully furnished 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, with carpeting, drapes, ap pliances. Off-street parking, water, gar bage paid $150, $211, $299. and $335. For information call Manager 484- 6113. IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 4:tfn FURNISHEO ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments. Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty632:ttn 614 LAWRENCE 3 bedroom, in wonder ful old house, covered porch, large liv ing room, separate dining room, $225. Elliott Assoc. 683-2160 325:tfn TWO WEEKS FREE 1 bedroom $180 Parkside apartment in excellent condition Fully applianced on bike and bus route. 345-9272. 485- 4023142:tfn 1841 HIGH, NO. 2 One bedroom, unfur nished Appliances, water/garbage paid $145 ($175 fall). VIP. 345-7368. 464:tfn FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM units near music building. Water, heat, garbage in cluded References 688-5769. 556:tfn GREAT LOCATION 1414 E. 18th, one and two bedrooms, furnished or unfurnished, covered park ing, laundry, from $175. Cali Sabin, 683-2160, Elliott Assoc558:tfn 2140 HARRIS Nicely furnished room for quiet stu dent $95 includes kitchen use, water, garbage Shown by appointment only. Joy. 686 1130 (office) or 344 7215 (home)653:ttn 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Furnished, across from Hayward Field, $495. 1290 E 18th 344-3713, 484 1405 1 and 2 bedroom furnished 2785 Oak. $190$210 342 6016, 484 1405 1 bedroom unfurnished $169 549 Vi Broadway, 484-1238. 1 and 2 bedroom furnished 460 Madison $105, $149-$155 485-6746. 484-1405 3 bedroom house 726 W 4th $290 485-6746 484 1405 _9-30 SWIMMING POOL! CHARMING, older red-brick campus apartments. Furnished one and two bedroom with loads of personality. Ex tra clean Laundry facilities on premises. Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED From only: $175 Great location! Next to campus and shopping. Seeing is believing the great value offered here! 975 HILYARD APARTMENTS 485-0721 147* HIGH ST. 2 bedroom unfurnished Carpeted, ap pfianced Water, garbage paid Laundry facilities S210 summer/$250 fall. 345-7368 VIP 463:tfn 630 EAST 14th (FIRCREST APARTMENTS) 1 and 2 bedroom unfurnished, carpeted, appfianced. laundry facilties Water, garbage paid S196-S26G fall 345-7368 VIP 462:tfn -1663 6AA6EN AVE Two bedroom unfurnished Carpeted, applianced. water/garbage paid Laun dry facilities S225 (furniture $45 per month extra). Behind Wendy's, off Franklin Blvd 345-7368 613:tfn I Quads THE BROWN DERBY Super special Spring/summer rates now in effect 441 East 17th 151:tfn Vi BLOCK FROM CAMPUS WEST UNIVERSITY QUADS 738 East 16th $134. Private bath, laundry facilities, refrigerator in room, reserved parking available Manager, unit 1. 345-1540 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 __439 tin CLASSY QUADS 430 E 15th. Handy to campus or town $134 includes utilities Manager. 345 9466 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 _962 tin HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Quads and get your weekly cleaning included in the rent - along with cable TV utilities, private bath linen service and lots of other goodies. CALL TODAY! CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 686-1075 _025 tin BARGAIN PRICES FREE CABLE TV BEAUTIFUL QUADS with private V* baths. Sundeck, completely furnished. FREE utilities, covered parking and laundry facilities Across the street from U of O SEE US TODAY! ALDERSGATE 1436 Alder 344-8302 _64:5-6.ttn FREE CABLE! SIGN UP FOR FALL Deluxe, beautifully furnised quads now available for fall Breathtaking views, open courtyard. AIR-CONDITIONED, laundry lacilties. covered parking and FREE utilities. Prompt maintenance guaranteed, excellent on-site manage ment All this for only: $129 Vi block to U of O campus. 10 minutes on bus line to LCC. Stop in today and see why this si such a great place to live! WOODSIDE MANOR (18th and Harris) 683-3005 616:tfn FREE UTILITIES! FREE CABLE TV For Only $125 Spotlessly clean, modern deluxe cam pus quads. Completely furnished. Next to U of O campus and university shopp ing Covered parking and laundry facilities Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED. Excellent management STOP IN TODAY! Alder Street Quads 1360 Alder SI. 343-3599 617 tfn “PRIVATE BATH! FREE CABLE TV Extra large, beautifully furnished deluxe campus quads AIR CONDITIONED. FREE UTILITIES Covered parking, laundry facilities Refrigerator in each room Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! For only. $149 month VS block to campus and shopping See our quads before you rent anywhere else! You'll be glad you did! CAMPUS QUADS 751 E. 16th 345-1272 615 tfn WANTED PORTABLE ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Call ext 3639, leave name and number 9 26 Lost/Found FOUND: Volvo keys and apartment keys Contact Down to Earth. 50 East 11th, 344-6357 . 9-27 Food/Drink COLLEGE OPENING SPECIALS ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT HOMEMADE Spilt Pea Soup with roll, butter & 10 oz soft drink or coffee only $2.50. Jumbo Sausage Sandwich for 2 only $3.50 BEER * WINE 1306 Hilyard (comer of 13th) 683-4021 _662 9-26 Child Care •RE-SCHOOL OPENINGS (or ch.klren 2 ears old in a Wednesday morning larenl/child class. 9:15-11:15 and (or 4 ear olds. M-Tu-W-Th ilternoons 2:30-3 Close to U ol O al a reputable istabiished private school Information ind registration call 687-1274 or 67 1842 9-28 EVENTS NICARAGUA i report from the Oregon Women's lelegation Joan Acker, Colette Craig ind others. Tuesday, 9/27 12-13:30, 214 EMU Thursday, 9/29 12-13:30, 214 EMU 9-27 BAGEL NIGHT WELCOME JEWISH STUDENTS WED. SEPT. 28 1414 KINCAID FROM 7-10 PM Please Join Us And Meet The Jewish Community Sponsored by the Jewish Student Union. EMU Suite 6. 686-4366. 664 9-28 Entertainment ^ «kir ^ A Atrium&©7-07.33 PREMIERES THRU SEPT. 28 x The New Wave Aussie Musical' STARSTRUCK shows 7 pm nightly plus Swiss Alain Tanner'a LIGHT YEARS AWAY shows 8:50 pm nightly 6S5 9-28 THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 888-BIJU LA TRAVIATA Franco Zeflirell's visually stunning, musically thrilling film stars Teresa Strata and Placido Domingo in the finest operatic movie made. SUNDAY THURSDAY 7 8 9 PM BIJOU LATE NIGHT 48 HRS Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte make the perfect team in a movie that gets better each time you see it. WED-THURS, 11 PM, S1.96 FRI SAT MIDNIGHT $2.50 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents Back to School with THE ROBERT CRAY BAND BEER GARDENT 4-7 pm in the EMU BALLROOM Admission $1 at the door or in ad vance at the EMU Main Desk ID re quired (alternative beverages and food available). Also featuring Robert Cray Band at ALL AGE DANCE 8-11 pm in the EMU BALLROOM Admission $1 at the door Cel ERB rat ion! MAX’S presents BLUE MONDAY with CURTIS SALGADO and IN YO* FACE Monday, Sept. 26 9:30 pm Rhythm & Blues 648:9-26 Personals GET MORE MONEY! for your used textbooks at the AAF Booksale Bring in your used texts to 115 EMU, Monday thru Friday. 10 am-4 pm. 644:9-30 LET’S GET PERSONAL Wo know thoro are friends you care a lot about But have you told them lately? Say you care with an OOE Per sonal. It7ss and easy way to make so meone's day a little special. And to say “thanks" your friend can write a peronal for FREE*. Just use his or her first and lest name in the ad and place it at the UO Bookstore. EMU Main Desk, or the OOE ottice, 300 EMU. (Free ads must be placed at the ODE ottice, 300 EMU. Bring the sd ad dressed to you with ID. Free ads are limited to 20 words in • pt. type. Otter ends Oct. 14). M PROBLEMS? Crisis Center. U of O telephone hotline 24 hoursf7 days, strictly confidential. Call 6B6-446S.779 MF FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1 800 223 0618. 7 am 3 pm M-F 468 MWF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing. Birthright. 687-8651. 386 M SKATE FIEND: Meet me at United Skates. 13th & Lincoln for an afternoon of great fun skating outdoors DUDE 9•30 BE SAFE AND BE COVERED with ASUO Health Insurance If purchased fall term, you may obtain four terms of coverage through summer 1984 FOR ONLY $147.05. ASUO Health Insurance may be purchased fall term during registration or at Oregon Hall Cashiers through Friday, October 7. 1983. _586:10-7 JOHN LENNON imagined he took History ol Rock I and lived forever Wednesday night. 6:30-9 Register Music.571:9-27 NEW ASUO DENTAL INSURANCE designed to cover routine dental care is available for purchase during fall term registration. To be eligible for the ASUO Dental Insurance plan, you must be enrolled tor ASUO Health Insurance Plan I THE PREMIUM IS ONLY $65.50 PER PERSON PER YEAR and may be purchased from Oregon Hall Cashiers fall term through Friday. October 7 Dentist of your choice See the new 1983-84 ASUO Health Insurance Plan brochure for the details588:10-7 JIMI HENDRIX said “scuse me while I take this class . it's great ." History ol Rock I, Thursday. 3:30-6. Register Music. 571:9-27 SCA in Eugene is the Barony ot Adiantum. 688 3563. 688-0669 9-28 GREEKS!! Your house letters in Greek alphabet are now available for your ODE Classified ads Samples are located at Room 300, EMUtin THE KAPPY SIGMA FRATERNITY pro udly announces tryouts for the 1983-84 Starduster Court Open house Tues day. September 27. 8 pm and Wednes day. September 28. 8 pm Casual dress requested. Kappa Sigma Fraternity. 1090 Alder St.. 686 5288 928 IT'S NO SECRET. ARNOLD I even heard it on the radio. You can do almost anything (by hand!) al the Craft Center. 686 4361 WORKSHOPS 633 930 LEADERSHIP POSITIONS available in ESCAPE'S Public Schools Division as coordinators Gain valuable experience and earn credit whil having fun. ESCAPE background or education ma jor/minor recommended Call Dan or Vicki 686-4351 or see them at ESCAPE registration table637:930 ESCAPE THE CLASSROOM with a plac ment in the Eugene/Springfield public schools. Earn credit wilhil volunteering minimal time in helping elementary, middle, or high school students Posi tions available in math, science, english. foreign language. PE. counsel ing and more Sign up al ESCAPE registration table or EMU lobby 636:930 Sigma Phi Epsilon invites ALL 0O WOMEN to tryout for our 1983 84 Sweetheart Court Wednesday. 6 pm, 1000 Alder For Infor mation and rides call 686-5183. 926 JftEBERWOCKY CARDS GIFTS A FUN-FILLED SHOP THAT WILL DELIGHT AND ENTERTAIN YOU • Over 2800 designs of cards and postcards • More than 100 kinds of wind-up toys • A great selection ot posters • Address books • Blank books • Folios & folders • Sta tionery • Stickers galore • Calendars & datebooks • Memo Boards • Unusual party favors & decorations • Personalized balloons, banners, notepads, crayons, stickers • Seal ing wax & and seals • Rainbow pen cils • Ice cream erasers • Fimo Clay • Outliner & stylist pens • Pente • Cassettes of old-time radio shows • Kaleidoscopes • Pick-up sticks • Magic shell flowers • Oriental change purses, wallets, pin cushions, embroidered animals, fans, paper-cuts, bookmarks • Pustefix bubbles • Squirt guns • Masks • Bear 6 piggy banks • Obies • Marionettes • Brass picture frames • Buttons • Novelty candy • Mugs • Stuffed toys • Gift wrapy. bags, boxes, ribbon, bows & enclosure cards. AND THAT'S ONLY THE BEGINNING) Mon-Frt 10-5:30 Sat 10-5 1336 Kityard 4644)530 583:919 r