et al. MEETINGS OREGON CREW WANTS YOU! An organizational meeting and slide show will be held tonight at 7:10 p.m. in the I MU Eorum Room tor anyone interested in |oining the University rowing team. Sponsored by EMU Club Sports. LECTURES OR. ANTHONY E. ROBERTS will present a headache clink 7 p.m. Tuesday. Sept. 27, at the Eugene Public library in the Boardroom. Discussion will include causes, treatments and preventive measures, as well as the role ot exercise in neck care For more information call 484-S418 Admission is tree MISCELLANEOUS THl OREGON WOMEN S GYMNASTICS TEAM is holding open tryouts for any women interested in joining the team. Contact Coach Ed Boyd, ext. 4436, or stop by room B-S2 Gerlinger Annex between 2:30-6:00 p.m. any weekday ex i epl Wednesday. The team is also looking tor an experienc - ed gymnastic s c horeographer A salary commensurate with experience will tie paid. For information call Coach Ed Boyd, ext. 4436. THf BROWN BAG FORUM is a weekly discussion series sponsored by the ASUO and the Campus Interfaith Ministry each Wednesday from 12:30 to 1:30 in the EMU Forum Room. This week's topic The Solomon Amendment — Should financial aid be linked with draft registration? INTERESTED IN CENTRAl AMERICA? The ASUO will host a conference concerning issues ol Central America. Anyone interested in helping plan the event should contact the ASUO, ext. 3724, Suite 4 EMU. ELEGANT STEW writer's group will present a poetry reading Friday, Sept 30, 9 p m at Zoo Zoo's, 4S4 Willamette St. Readers will lie Shasta Hatter, Stan Fink, |ohn Mitchell, Rich Muller. Debra Hopkins, Vigil and Phil Mitchell. There will be an open mike. Call 747-7773 (or more information. IT Al POLICY Et Al tonlams announcements of meetings, lectures, and other miscellaneous events. Briels are run onre only, depending on space availability. Events requesting dona tions or admission fees will not be considered. Briets should be typed or printed legibly and must include the desired publication date . All briefs must be submitted to the ODE. Suite 300 EMU, by noon the day before publication. BLOOM COUNTY Gim Snake mass/me VIOLENCE AND CAKNAtX oervNOio be. atvmcs, JUST S/M.V AWFVL Ntw, if those who oouer me wopiply smeawoE orme am 5mm mssACRe, there are also those who know mruFe's amesr JO/S m ITS MINOR TRIUMPHS. TT IS TO ■mis lrtter croup that k€ P&KAtl 7m pry in much me ali-volunteek GROUP OF FEARLESS SNFUCE slaughterers SUCCEEPEP IN DCPTING SENSELESS a BRTTEKi CABLE FROM A '7S PINTO. Z?PK>— Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed MmKR! met ms m mu 0U6 Off! 6nJo?IN& W souwe.' \ WHO IS THIS KNAVE WHO SfEAKS SO RiJPO-Y TO F6APie$S SWAKfc 5UW6H1EKR5 CARCFUL ORwe'U, 5ucew ^ wufcwe i turn t/ itrm." Lame County Gorman ROOnASSIGNMJHK' wtbrtnm,uB£MS fflPTWINSftR 5TUKNT5 CAflWTTOMS AUAlim THIS IS NOTHING 3UT AWGHSCHOOlDIPlQm.' UHAT f1AK£5WL THINK JMNimvOUAROOM ATTHE UNIVERSITY OF OfiEOW?^ nv rnmLR owns THRU cowwwons and makes $750,000 a YEAR I GUESS U)l DO HAUL A f£U £/1P7Y ROOMS IM m PRESIDENTIAL UlNb AFTER Aal Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT oof OFFICE, 100 IMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK OfAOIINIS: Ads must b«- pined by 1 pm one day prior lo public ation Ads that are to appear in Monday's paper must be in by I pm Friday. For Sale SMITH CORONA GALAXIC Deluxe manual portable typewriter Excellent condition 345 34169-29 10-SPEED $25 Down tacket $90. twin box and mattress $40 484 4588 9 26 FOR SALE 1961 FZSO Suzuki motorbike 600 miles Snowmobile suit and helmet 669-63099-27 VACUUM Filler clean with many at tachments $50 48S3914 642 928 STUDENTS $19 desk $20 4-drawer chests, antiques, |unk. appliances, lur niture Harrisburg Trading Post, BBS «44t.M0 WORKSHOPS! Gel creative EMU Crall Center 686-4361632:9-10 PANASONIC PORTABLE cassette recorder, new never used $20 BSR turntable. $35 Westbend electric wok $10 Zenith 16 BW portable TV. $20 465-3514 92? H.P. 3S-C CALCULATOR $55 Call Lea at 687 8767 or 687 245496 TV'S FOR SALE at the Main Desk area in the EMU building Black and white portable Irom $19 Color from $69 Mon * day. Sept 26 to Friday. Sept 30 or while they last!9-30 ACOUSTIC GUITAR Yamaha FG 200 Great condition. $150 or best oiler Call 343-1009 927 Moped-like new Reg. gas. Best offer over $250. 342-4598. _928 15 INCH SANYO color TV $100 688-2107927 REFRIGERATOR MediumsIm “stan rtard style works faultlessly $30 344 3322_926 SOFA, SM. APPLIANCES Formica labia, upholstered platform rockar. bedding Good condition, reasonable 344 9496 926 CAPEZIO TAP SHOES Sue 7v> like new $16 344 9040 evenings 930 Buy & Sell THE BUY • SELL CENTER Bwy-SaR-Trade Flutes penny whistles recorders M1 Weal Mh 613 MF " Wait'S MW S USES Buy Sen-Trade KKM 44* 27*4 •m i97 Instruction PORTUGESE I RL 199 • 3 credits 18:30-21:20 Wednesday 206 Friendly, fee $93fo( registraion details call Continuation Center 686 4231 Women & Literature Black Woman’s Literature Wst 407 - 3 credits 18 00 20 50 Wednesday 189 PLC Fee *93 Proletarian Women’s Literature Wst 407 3 credits 18 00 20 50 Wednesday 189 PLC Fee *93 For registration delails call Continue lion Center 686 4231 640 »30 JAZZ THEN ’TIL NOW Earn three credits while exploring iazz Irom 1900 to 1963 No musical knowledge is required Taught in an informal style by Carl Wotdeck ol KLCC-FM Emphasis is on in-class listening and discussion Informa tion 343-6401/686 4231 JAZZ: THEN TIL NOW TUES/THURS 1 30 3 pm TLN 8518. MUS 198. 862 FEE Improvisation and Songwriting MUS 199, 3 credits Wednesdays 15:30 17:20 862 Develop your ability to write songs and improvise in the folk isit and rock idioms Learn to compose in the styles of Jont Mitchell. Raul Simon Fleetwood Mac. Steely Dan as well a* the imu styles of Herbie Hancock Chick Corea Pat Met hen v and Earl Klugh Learn how to build an im premised line Oevelop your own style lead lines, application ol appropriate melody to harmony, commonly used chord progression and thematic development wilt be discussed Cleat is open to »8 msliumen tenets vocalist and non instrumenlslIMS as watt ALEX ZEOICQFF INSTRUCTOR For more into cell 667 1006 Register at MuSK Table When your schedule la tough, these claaaet rock" History of Rock I early Years 1955196s Elvis, Beatles. Stones WED 6:30-9 History of Rock II 1965 PRESENT Dylan. Hendrix, New Wave THURS 3:30-6 Register at Music Table 3 credits - $62 tee No music skill required non sequential_ Start the school year right, take CLASS PIANO for Non-Majors 2 credits, fee $35 lor information ext. 3761 or 683-1667 Guitar MUE IN. Two Mellon*: 1 30-2:50 UH. 1:30-4:50 MW Beginners only I Basic chording strumming. lingerpicking. pop song accompanlmont. music rsading and theory PREREQUISITE FOR FOLLOWING: SASIC CHORO FLUIDITY ROCK, JAZZ BLUES GUITAR MUS 199 3:30-5:20 U Load guitar, improvisation, rhythm styles chord techniques Clapton Gwcia. Hendru. Beck. Met hen y Ben son, many others CONTEMPORARY ACOUSTIC GUITAR MUS 199 3:30-5:20 M Featuring Flngerstyles picking patterns, sc compeniments solos, sHOe Jooi. Taylor Beetle*. Young, Ackerman Kotik*. Dylan Cooder. Hot Tuna. INSTRUCTOR ALEX ZEDtCOFF 997-1005 ALL COURSES 592 FEE 3 CREDITS REGISTER AT MUSIC SCHOOL TABLE Person interested in JAZZ ENSEMBLE SMALL COMBOS (MUS 382/592) Organizational Meeting Thursday Sept 29. 7 pm School of Music Room 186 Call Thom Bergeron 344-9076 LAB BANDS (MUS 393/593 Call Jett Williams ext 3774 or 3761 EMU CRAFT CENTER WORKSHOPS & MINIS Woodworking Photography Ceramics Weaving & Fibers Metalwork Stained Glass Graphics Bike Repair Call 686 4361 for into Stop in. ground floor FMU 634 9 30 Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1637 Puit Street 343-7663 Monday thru Friday 9-6 pm Saturday 9 i pm 347:tln Services LAFLER Siikscreen Specializing in the design and printing ol shirts 385 Lawrence 343-2306, 343 1637 _ _ 569 930 CHEZ 6 CARP. ATTORNEYS Immigra tion cases accepted 1852 Willamette 342 8751 1921 RACQUETS STRUNG on Ektatong Pro-Stringer Tennis 39, oversized 310. racquetbaii 38 Price in eludes top quality multi-filament nylon String 24 hour service, pick up and delivery Bruce Stevens, 343-6810 926 PLUMBING. APPLIANCE and building repair Reasonable rates insured and references Call John, eves 345-9498 930 EDITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Most areas Qualified editors Thesis/paper assistance Resumes, slat analysis and typing Tele 1-223-8491 (Portland) 12-7 TYPING HAWK WORD PROCESSING; Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery. 345-818S._334:tln TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 688-3963. 514:ttn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast-Guaranteed-Accurate Pickup/delivery available 484-1646 748:tfn TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 6864)739 575WHFMUH FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 484-9405 658:ttn PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Selectric. Call Patrice 342-5238. 144 tfn WORD PROCESSED TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Word processed, typed. 4/or edited theses/dissertations, papers, tables, diagrams Resume Composition Fast Service Reasonable Rates CINDY 484-5454. 602:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sel Grad appro* ed Near campus 344-0759. 513:tln It quality is what you want TYPING UNLIMITED is “THE" TYPING SERVICE to use References furnished upon request, guaranteed. Grad School approved. BARBARA LAND 345-3414 523tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING 2 blocks from UO No Job too small Specializing in theses and dissertations. Jennifer 485 3883 542HFM DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup & delivery available 485-3914 583:ttn PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Seiectric Call Barbara 345-0747 366:MWF T 8 C TYPING SERVICE All levels, academic 687 9326 _ 622MWF QUALITY. PROFESSIONAL TYPING Neat, accurate, fast $1 page Norma. 345-6005. 342-8255 (message) 9-27 Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% off list prices New Books-Text Books-Clitf Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 362:tfn Recreation WAT E%\ POLO Meet at Leighton Pool today at 5:15 Sponsored by Club Sports 660:9-26 Bicycles RED TAG SALE Prices reduced on many models FUJI -• CENTURION Quality bicycles Plus with this ad FENDERS INSTALLED FREE on any new bicycle Otter expires Oct. 15 STU’S BIKE SHOP 8th & Monroe 344-2175 NEED A BIKE? Sacrifice my 10-speed Austro Daimler Aluminum frame, quail ty for only $175! Rob. 746-6274, keep trying.9-27 SCHWINN DELUXE 3-speed, generator light, rack, good condition. $56 741 12729-27 QUALITY TEN-SPEED touring bike. 21V7 inch frame, new front fork, has fenders, pump. $120 Phone 484-4517 9-26 / 52 CM TREK bike. Columbus 970 Cam py record equipped Dura aced crank Superb rder and shifters $750 343-5362. ask tor Milo9-29 MEN'S 21" SCHWINN Continental 10-speed Suntour deraillers. Compe brakes. Shimano hubs $45 Mike 343-4213_ 9-26 WOMAN'S BICYCLE Nishiki lightweight 12-speed. back carrier cable lock, bottle, three months old. Black $180 (originally $341.25) Engbert 686-6033 9-30 MEN'S 10-SPEED 26' wheel, new tires, fenders, $55 Call 345-5614 663 9-28