The sweater, the height of 5* high fashion Requirements for proper University dressing are minimal. Fashion, implicitly, is a high-risk investment, even on campus. Trends come and go, skirts rise and fall, and some of the best dressed co-eds have trou ble staying abreast of the demands of each season's New Look. Still, there are several mandatory items that even the dowdiest of students can't get by without. They include: blue jeans, a pair of running shoes and a sweater. The first two, minus the label, are utterly without distinction. The third — the sweater — has taken on new proportions this Fall and is full of panache. True, the sweater never left campus, but this season the indispensable collegiate item appears to be here — in style. If you've got one, it's not enough. And, if it's a sweat shirt, most specifically of the green and yellow variety, it's passe unless ripped at the shoulder and ragged at the neck. The sweater, fortunately, is a versatile and practical piece of clothing. It can go over shirts, under them, over more sweaters, under nothing. lyr II Graphic by Shawn Bird And this Fall, it's around in every texture, pattern, weight and knit—including: •The argyle. •The sweatervest. •The cableknit Shetland pullover. •The "evening" sweater sparkling with pearls, beads, seeds and lurex. •The iong, narrow cardigan in muted angora, heathers and weaves. Some of the best selections in the Univer sity area are in stock at The Attic Dresser, Caprice at the Fifth Street Market, the Cloak Room, Meier and Frank, and, of course, Kaufman's — the home of the $20 Shetland pullover. If you have to choose one sweater to pur chase this Fall, don't. Consider two or three, and live with one pair of running shoes inslead. An(,e|a AHen Morgan SIT DOWN AT THE BEANERY NOW ALLANN BROS. HAS LIMITED SEATING AVAILABLE FOR VOUR COFFEE TO GO 2465 HILYARD 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Mon. - Sat. 10 to 4 SUNDAY 344-0221 % MONTHLY COFFEE SPECIALS ^LARGE RETAIL SELECTION %LOW FILTER PRICES % ITALIAN SODAS ^KRUPS GRINDERS ON SALE 9/15 - 10/15 %GOOD MAGAZINE SELECTION ^ SUNDAY NEW YORK TIMES ^ WIDE SELECTION OF TEAS ^ IMPORTED CHOCOLATES ^ ITALIAN SYRUPS