> SOUTHWEST EUGENE © BERTELSEN © JEFFERSON EUGENE TRANSIT STATION Fred Meyer West 11th W 18th Oak Patch #30 BERTELSEN On weekday evenings, all day Saturdays and Sundays, the #30 BERTELSEN will extend its route inbound and outbound to serve the Fred Meyer store at W. 11th and Seneca. On weekdays to travel to Fred Meyer, catch the #32 WEST 11th or the #35 WESTSIDE routes. #30 BERTELSEN Monday thru Friday Sign changes to #30 EUGENE MALL LEAVE 10th s 11th Olive 8 RED Garfield Fred ARRIVE LEAVE 18th 18th 13th 13th 8 8 8 8 Oak Retch Bertefsen Ocean Ocean 18th 18th 8 8 Bertelsen Oak Patch Fred Meyer ARRIVE 12th Eugene 8 Transit Garfield Station 6:20 650 7 20 7 50 8 20 8 50 9 20 6:26 6 56 7 26 7 56 8:26 8 56 9 26 6:30 7 00 7 30 8:00 8 30 900 9 30 6:35 7:05 7:35 8:05 8:35 905 9:35 6:43 7:13 7 43 8:13 8:43 9:13 9:43 5:52 6 22 6 52 7:22 7:52 8:22 8:52 9:22 9:52 5:54 6 24 6 54 7:24 7 54 8 24 8:54 9:24 9:54 5:59 6 29 6:59 7 29 7:59 8:29 8:59 9:29 9:59 6:04 6:34 7:04 7 34 8:04 8 34 904 9:34 10:04 6 15 6 45 7:15 7:45 8 15 8 45 9 15 9:45 10:15 9:50 10:20 10 50 11:20 11 50 12:20 12:50 1:20 1:50 2:20 2:50 3:20 3:50 4:20 4:50 9:56 10:26 10 56 11:26 11:56 12:26 12:56 1:26 1:56 2:26 2:56 3:26 3:56 4:26 4:56 10 00 1030 11 00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 10:05 10:13 10:35 10:43 11:05 11:13 11:35 1143 12:05 12:13 12:35 1:05 1:35 2:05 2:35 3:05 3:35 4:05 4:35 5:05 12:43 1:13 1:43 2:13 2:43 3:13 3:43 4:13 4:43 5:13 10:22 10:52 11:22 11:52 12:22 12:52 1:22 1:52 2:22 2:52 3:22 3:52 4:22 4:52 5:22 10:24 10:54 11:24 11:54 12:24 12:54 1:24 1:54 2:24 2:54 3:24 3:54 4:24 4:54 5:24 10:29 10:59 11:29 11:59 12:29 12:59 1:29 1.59 2:29 2:59 3:29 3:59 4:29 4:59 5:29 10 34 11 04 11:34 12:04 12:34 1:04 1:34 2:04 2:34 3:04 3:34 4:04 4:34 5:04 5:34 10 45 11:15 11:45 12:15 12:45 1:15 1:45 2:15 2:45 3:15 3:45 4:15 4:45 5:15 5:45 5:20 5:50 6:20 7:20 8:20 9:20 10:20 5:26 5:56 6:26 7:26 8:26 9:26 10:26 6:28 7:28 8:28 9:28 10:28 5:30 6:00 6:33 7:33 8:33 9:33 10:33 5:35 6:05 6:38 7:38 8:38 5:43 6:13 6:43 7:43 8:43 5:52 6:19 6:49 7:49 8:49 5:54 6:21 6:51 7:51 8:51 5:59 6:25 6:55 7:55 8:55 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00 6:04 6:34 7:04 8:04 9:04 9:38 9:43 10:38 G — 6:15 6:45 7:15 8:15 9:15 9:49 9:51 9:55 10:00 10:04 10:15 #30 BERTELSEN Saturday Sign changes to #30 EUGENE MALL LEAVE 10th 4 Olive RED 7 20“ 8:20 9:20 10:20 11th 4 Garfield Fred ARRIVE LEAVE 18th 18th 13th 13th 4 4 4 4 Oak Patch Bertelsen Ocean Ocean 18th 18th 4 4 Bertelsen Oak Patch 7:26 7:28 8:26 828 9:26 9:28 10:26 10:28 7:33 7:38 8:33 8:38 9:33 9:38 10:33 10:38 7:43 7:49 8:43 8:49 9:43 9:49 10:43 10:49 7:51 8:51 9:51 10:51 7:55 8:55 9:55 10:55 Fred Meyer 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 ARRIVE 12th Eugene 4 Transit Garfield Station 8:04 9:04 10:04 11:04 8 15 9:15 10:15 11:15 11:20 12:20 1:20 2:20 3:20 11:26 1128 12:26 12:28 1:26 1:28 2:26 2:28 3:26 3:28 11:33 11:38 11:43 11 49 12:33 12:38 12:43 12:49 1:33 1:38 1:43 1:49 2:33 2:38 2:43 2:49 3:33 3:38 3:43 3:49 11:51 11:55 12:00 12:51 12:55 1:00 1:51 1:55 2:00 2:51 2:55 3:00 3:51 3:55 4:00 12:04 12:15 1:04 1:15 2:04 2:15 3:04 3:15 4:04 4:15 4:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 8:20 4:26 5:26 6:26 7:26 8:26 4:28 5:28 6:28 7:28 8:28 4:33 5:33 6:33 7:33 8:33 4:38 5:38 6:38 7:38 8:38 G 4:43 5:43 6:43 7:43 4:49 5:49 6:49 7:49 4:51 5:51 6:51 7:51 4:55 5:55 6:55 7:55 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 5:04 6:04 7:04 8:04 5:15 6:15 7:15 8:15 #30 BERTELSEN Sunday Sign changes to #30 EUGENE MALL LEAVE 10th 4 Olive RED 11th 4 Garfield Fred Meyer 18th 18th 4 4 Oak Patch Bertelsen ARRIVE 13th 4 Ocean LEAVE 13th 4 Ocean 8:20 9 20 8 26 9 26 828 9:28 833 9:33 8:38 9 38 8.43 9 43 7:49 8:49 949 10:20 1026 10:28 10:33 10:38 10:43 10:49 18th 18th 4 4 Bertelsen Oak Patch T5l 7:55 8:51 8:55 9:51 9:55 10:51 1055 Fred Meyer 800 9:00 10:00 11:00 ARRIVE 12th Eugene 4 Transit Garfield Station 8:04 9 04 10:04 11:04 8:15 9:15 10 15 11:15 11:20 12:20 1:20 2:20 3:20 11:26 12:26 1:26 2:26 3:26 11 28 12:28 1:28 2:28 3:28 11.33 12:33 1:33 2:33 3:33 11:38 12:38 1:38 2:38 3:38 11 43 12:43 1:43 2:43 3:43 11 49 12:49 1:49 2:49 3:49 11:51 12:51 1:51 2:51 3:51 11:55 12:55 1:55 2:55 3:55 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 12:04 1:04 2:04 3:04 4:04 12:15 1:15 2:15 3:15 4:15 4:20 5:20 6:20 4:26 5:26 6:26 4:28 5:28 6:28 4:33 5:33 6:33 4:38 4:43 5:38 5:43 6:38 G — 4:49 5:49 4:51 5:51 4:55 5:55 5:00 6:00 5:04 6:04 5:15 6:15 *33 JEFFERSON Mon. thru Fri. Sign changes to LEWE I Oth & Oil*# RED 650 7 20 750 820 133 EUGENE MALL 18th a Jctteruon 6 55 7 25 755 825 28th a Polk 7 03 733 803 833 18th a 708 7 38 808 838 ARRIVE Eugtn# Tr#n»i! Station T:T3 7 45 8.15 8 45 8 50 8 55 9 03 9 08 9 15G 9 20 9 25 10 20 10 25 11 20 11 25 12:20 12:25 9 38 9 45 10 38 10 45 11 38 11 45 12:38 12:45 #33 JEFFERSON Saturday 3Nj Stgn changes to 133 EUGENE MALL LEAVE 10th t Olive RED 720 8 20 9 20 10th * Jettereon 7:25 825 9 25 281h & Polk 7:33 8 33 933 toth 0 Je Itereon 7 38 8 38 9 38 ARRIVE Eugene Transit Stetion 7 45“ 845 945 10 20 10 25 10 33 10 38 10 45 1120 12:20 1:20 2:20 3:20 4:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 11 25 12:25 1:25 2:25 3:25 11 33 12:33 1:33 2:33 3:33 1138 1145 12:38 12:45 1:38 1:45 2:38 2:45 3:38 3:45 4:25 5:25 6:25 7:25 4:33 5:33 6:33 7:33 4:38 5:38 6:38 7:38 4:45 5:45 6:45 7:45 Than is no service on the 733 JEFFERSON route on Sundays. EUGENE TRANSIT Light figures are A.M. Dark figures are P.M. L = Lift equipped bus. G = Garage. tN