@ MOHAWK/Q ST. & © MOHAWK/YOLANDA #10B MOHAWK/YOLANDA Monday thru Friday Sign changes to #10B SPFLD CITY CENTER LEAVE 5th & N'B Spfd 7 08 8 08 9:08 10 08 1 1 08 12:08 1:08 2:08 3:08 4:08 5:08 6:08 20th 5 28th Olympic & Spfd Mall Marcola 6 16 7 16 8 16 9 16 10 16 6:19 7 19 8 19 9 19 10 19 11 16 12:16 1:16 2:16 3:16 4:16 5:16 6:16 23rd 28th & 8 Hayden Br Marcola 6 23 7 23 8 23 9 23 10 23 11 19 12:19 1:19 2:19 3:19 4:19 5:19 6:19 11 23 12:23 1:23 2:23 3:23 4:23 5:23 6:23 6 28 7:28 8:28 9 28 10:28 11 28 12:28 1:28 2:28 3:28 20th & Olympic Spfd Mall 6 30 7 30 8:30 9:30 10 30 11 30 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:28 5:28 6:28 ARRIVE 5th 4 N B Spfd 6 38 7 38 8 38 9 38 10 38 1 1 38 12:38 1:38 2:38 3:38 4:30 4:38 5:30 5:38 6:30 G — #10B MOHAWK/YOLANDA does not run on Saturday or Sunday. m A MOHAWK/Q ST. Monday thru Friday Sign changes to #10A SPFLD CITY CENTER LEAVE 5th* N B Sptd 7:38 8 38 9 38 10 38 L L L L L L 11 38 L 12:38 L 1:38 L 2:38 L 3:38 L ~~ L L 20th* Olympic Sptd Mall 6 46 7.46 8 46 9:46 10 46 5th * 0 St 6:49 7 49 8 49 9 49 10:49 19th 20th & * Olympic Hayden Br Sptd Mall 1 1 46 12:46 1:46 2:46 3:46 11:49 12:49 1:49 2:49 3:49 6 55 7 55 8:55 9 55 10:55 1 1 5.5 12:55 1:55 2:55 3:55 7 00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 ARRIVE 5th & N B Sptd 7:08 8 08 9 08 10:08 11:08 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 12:08 1:08 2:08 3:08 4:08 4:38 5:38 6:38 7:38 8:38 4:46 5:46 6:46 7:46 8:46 4:49 5:49 6:49 7:49 8:49 4:55 5:55 6:55 7:55 8:55 G 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 5:08 6:08 7:08 8:08 #10A MOHAWK/Q ST. Saturday Sign changes to #10A SPFLD. CITY CENTER LEAVE 5th & N B Sptd 8:38 9:38 10 38 11:38 12:38 1:38 2:38 3:38 4:38 5:38 6:38 7:38 8:38 20th* Olympic Sptd Mall 5th * •O'St 8:46 8:49 9 46 9 49 1046 10:49 11 46 12:46 1:46 2:46 3:46 4:46 5:46 6:46 7:46 8:46 11:49 12:49 1:49 2:49 3:49 4:49 5:49 6:49 7:49 8:49 19th 20th & & Olympic Hayden Br Sptd Mall ~1T55 9:00 9 55 10 00 10:55 1100 4:55 5:55 6:55 7:55 8:55 G 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 ARRIVE 5th* N B' Sptd 9 08 10 08 11:08 1155 12:00 12:08 12:55 1:00 1:08 1:55 2:00 2:08 2:55 3:00 3:08 3:55 4:00 4:08 5:08 6:08 7:08 8:08 #10A MOHAWK/Q ST. Sunday Sign changes to #10A SPFLD CITY CENTER LEAVE 5th & 20th* 5th N B Olympic & Sptd Sptd Mall 0 St L 10 46 10 49 L 11 38 11 46 11 49 L 12:38 12:46 12:49 L 1:38 1:46 1:49 L 2:38 2:46 2:49 L 3:38 3:46 3:49 L 4:38 4:46 4:49 L 5:38 5:46 5:49 ARRIVE 19th 20th & 5th & * Olympic N'B Hayden Br Spld Mall Sptd 10 55 11 00 11 08 1155 12:00 12:08 12:55 1:00 1:08 1:55 2:00 2:08 2:55 3:00 3:08 3:55 4:00 4:08 4:55 5:00 5:08 5:55 6:00 6:08 5th and N 'B' to Springfield Mall For your convenience, this timetable contains only the timepoints between 5th and N B' to the Springfield Mall (20th and Olympic) on the 010A and 01 OB Routes. For information on the other parts of the 010A and 01 OB Routes, check the appropriate timeta bles. Service between 5th & N. ‘B’ and Springfield Mall, Monday thru Friday. B AL B AL B AL B AL B LEAVE 5th & N'B Spfd 7:08 7:38 20th A Olympic Sptd Mall 7:16 7:46 LEAVE 20th & Olympic Sptd Mall ~6i30 7:00 7:30 8:00 ARRIVE 5th & NB' Spfd 1T38 7:08 7:38 8:08 8:08 8:38 9:08 9 38 10:08 8:16 8:46 9:16 9 46 10:16 8:30 9:00 9:30 10 00 10:30 8:38 908 9:38 10:08 10:38 AL 10:38 B 11 08 AL 11:38 B 12:08 AL 12:38 B AL B AL 8 10:46 11:16 11:46 12:16 12:46 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 11:08 11:38 12:08 12:38 1:08 AL B AL B AL B AL AL AL 1:08 1:38 2:08 2:38 3:08 3:38 4:08 4:38 5:08 5:38 6:08 6:38 7:38 8:38 1:16 1:46 2:16 2:46 3:16 3:46 4:16 4:46 5:16 5:46 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 1:38 2:08 2:38 3:08 3:38 4:08 4:38 5:08 5:38 6:08 6:16 6:46 7:46 8:46 7:00 8:00 7:08 8:08 01OA MOHAWK/Q ST. 01OB MOHAWK/YOLANDA At the Springfield Mall the sign changes to 10A & 10B SPRINGFIELD CITY CENTER. I i #13 CENTENNIAL Monday thru Friday Sign changes to 013 EUGENE MALL LEAVE 10th 4 Centnnl Centnnl Willamette 4 4 BLUE Cant. Loop Prescott 20th 4 28th Olympic 4 SpftdMall Main 635 7 05 7 35 {TotT 8 35 905 9 35 1005 10.35 11 05 11 35 12:05 12:35 1:05 1:35 2:05 2:35 3:05 3:35 4:05 4:35 5:05 5:35 6:20 7:20 8:20 9:20 10:20 6 39 7 09 7 39 6:44 7 14 7 44 8:09 8 39 909 939 1009 1039 11 09 11 39 12:09 12:39 1:09 1:39 2:09 2:39 3:09 3:39 4:09 4:39 5:09 5:39 6:24 7:24 8:24 9:24 10:24 6:23 6:53 723 7 53 6:29 6:59 7:29 7:59 ARRIVE 20th 4 Centnnl Centnnl Eugene Olympic 4 4 Transit SpftdMall Prescott Cent.Loop Station 6 37 7:07 7:37 8:07 6 44 7 14 7 44 8:14 6:49 7:19 7:49 8:19 8 14 8:44 9 14 9 44 10 14 8:23 8:53 923 9:53 10:23 8:29 8:59 9:29 9:59 10:29 8:37 9:07 9 37 10:07 10:37 8:44 9:14 9:44 10:14 10:44 10:44 11:14 11:44 12:14 12:44 1053 11:23 11 53 12:23 12:53 10:59 11:29 11:59 12:29 12:59 11:07 11:37 12:07 12:37 1:07 1114 11:44 12:14 12:44 1:14 1:14 1:44 2:14 2:44 3:14 1:23 1:53 2:23 2:53 3:23 1:29 1:59 2:29 2:59 3:29 1:37 2:07 2137 3:07 3:37 1:44 2:14 2:44 3:14 3:44 3:44 4:14 4:44 5:14 5:44 6:29 7:29 8:29 9:29 10:29 3:53 4:23 4:53 5:23 5:53 6:38 7:38 8:38 9:38 10:38 3:59 4:29 4:59 5:29 5:59 6:44 7:44 8:44 9:44 10:44 4:07 4:37 5:07 5:37 6:07 6:52 7:52 8:52 9:52 10:50 G 6:59 7:59 8:59 9:59 7:04 8:04 9:04 10:04 700 7:30 8:00 8:30 8:49 9:19 9:49 10:19 10:49 9:00 9:30 10.00 10:30 11:00 11:19 11:49 12:19 12:49 1:19 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 1:49 2:19 2:49 3:19 3:49 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 7:15 8:15 9:15 10:15 Light figures are A M. Dark figures are P.M. L = Lift equipped bus. G = Garage. *N