Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 19, 1983, Page 29, Image 174

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    Sec continued from Page 28
certain sort ot person to be a
secretary. You have to like to do
things for people behind the
scenes. You have to be thinking
ahead to the pitfalls and make
sure things don't fall between the
"She's a marvelous example of a
woman who knew what she
wanted and set a track for
herself," says Jackson.
Leonard has worked for four dif
ferent University presidents,
beginning with Charles Johnson
in 1968-69.
Johnson was a "very caring per
son," she says. At that time,
everyone reported to the presi
dent, which Johnson found dif
ficult to deal with, she says.
When Robert Clark was selected
as president, he asked her to stay
on and so did Boyd and Olum.
Any of those men could have
selected someone else, because
the University president is entitl
ed to whoever he wants as
While working for Clark, she
worked with lackson as well and
she began to see the importance
of details.
Former University Pres. Bill
Boyd was more formal and she did
more detail work. For example,
she would send him directions
when he traveled. Once when he
was going to the Sheraton in
Portland, she made a mistake, and
even though he could see the
hotel, he had such faith in her
directions that he turned right in
stead of left. After that incident,
she always double and triple
checked her directions, she
Olum doesn't need or want
such detailed work. "He does a lot
on his own."
"I adapted to the way each
president worked," she says.
lackson applauds her ability to
meet the demands of such dif
ferent men. "She worked for
Johnson, Clark, Boyd and Olum —
that tells you something about her
ability to meet their needs," she
says. "It requires adjustment, but
Chris is oriented to the team con
cept. As a team member you learn
to be flexible."
Several years ago, Leonard
decided she wanted to complete
her bachelor's degree, so she took
classes at the University,
graduating with a bachelor's
degree in public administration in
"It made me see the merits of a
broad liberal education," she
says. "Going to classes and
meeting students keeps you
young at heart."
Or, as lackson sums it up:
"She's a real achiever."
Chris Leonard has worked with four University presidents, from Charles Johnson in 1968, through Robert Clark,
Bill Boyd and now Paul Olum.
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