Busy areas become off-limits to bicycles By Diana Elliot Of the Emerald Many University students who rely on bicycles to get to class on time may be in for a surprise this fall. Due to a new regulation designating bike routes, several heavily traveled areas on campus will become off-limits to bikes. Cyclists will be required to walk their bikes in three main locations. The longest stretch affected by the new regulation is the section through the residence hall area from the crosswalk at mid-block on Agate Street between 13th and 15th Avenues. Also, all pathways bet ween University Street and the library north of Cerlinger Hall will be for bidden to cyclists. Finally the regulation will prohibit bicycles riders anywhere in the entrance to Science I. The new regulation is a result of a three-year study on bicycles by the University Campus Planning Committee. Last January, the University formally adopted rules governing the licensing, use, and parking of bicycles on campus. One major require ment provides for the designation of bicycle routes as well as pro hibiting the use of bicycles on all other pathways during school hours. The ideas is to promote the safety of pedestrians and cyclists in these three especially crowded areas of campus," said Don Brooks Associate Director of Public Safety. The new routes, including the no-ride zones, are indicated on revis ed campus parking maps which are available at the Public Safety Office. “Signs on posts and on the pavement remind riders to dismount as they enter each no-ride zone on designated bike routes. And although enforcement procedures are up in the air at this point, Brooks says a Campus Security officer will be assigned to crack down on violaters. Students should also be aware of several other regulations concern ing licensing, use and parking of bicycles. All campus riders are required to register their bikes with the Office of Public Safety. Bicycles must display a valid. University-issued bicycle registration tag below the seat on the frame facing forward. Cost is $2 for a two-year registration or $5 for an indefinite registration. "Without registration, a stolen bike that is recovered is almost im possible to identify and return to its rightful owner," says Brooks. Cyclists should also remember to park only in areas specifically designated by the presence of racks or other devices for bikes. In most instances, violaters of University bicycles rules, will be warned, given a citation, or fined. But if a bicycle is creating a safety frazard, it can be removed and impounded by security officers at the ex pense of the owner. As an alternative to a fine, cited bicycle riders/owners may be re quired to serve as a member of the Bicycle Safety Patrol at a rate of one hour of service for every dollar of fine levied. OSL fights voter petition The Oregon Student Lobby urges students not to sign an in itiative petition which would cutoff voter registration 20 days before an election. The initiative petition being circulated by a group called Oregonians for Action, needs over 83,000 signatures of registered voters by next July 1984 to put the measure on the November ballot. Cutting off registration 20 days prior to an election will disen franchise thousands of voters. This is particularly important to college and university students. Sherry Oeser, OSL executive director says, “to disenfranchise thousands of voters is undemocratic and contrary to the goal of increasing voter participation. At a time when voter turnout is steadily declining, every effort must be made to encourage not discourage participation in our electoral process. This is especial ly true for college and university students who are just beginning their involvement in the process." We’ll do the same job for less money! 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