^__ 446 E. 13th • 342-8339 KookWliire 25% OFF Any Poster Purchase with this ad Present this ad with purchase H T>ffer expires 9/30/83 re next to The Bijou Theatre. KAMPUS 343-7654 851 E. 13th Ave. Latest Hair Care Techniques and Styling For Men & Women We use and recommend RK and Redken products NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED MONDAY-FRIDAY 8 AM-5:30 PM Recreation Whether you're brand new in town, or a life-long resident of the Eugene-Springfield area, you'll find an almost limitless number of individual and team recreational pursuits waiting to fill your fall days. Listed over the next three pages are some options you might take a fancy to. But before you start perusing, you might like a little general information about three of the major pro viders of recreation in the Eugene-Springfield area — Willamalane Park and Recrea tion District, Eugene Park and Recreation District and the University's Recreation and In tramural Office. For non-Springfield residents, Willamalene doubles all fees listed below. For more informa tion on programs, call 726-4335. The Eugene Park and Recrea tion Department follows the same policy, but in reverse. If you aren't a Eugene resident, in crease all of the fees listed below by 50 percent. For more informa tion on programs listed below, call 687-5333, or drop by 858 Pearl St., fourth floor. Office hours: 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon day through Friday. Unless you're a fulltime stu dent or employee of the Univer sity, you will have to pay $1 every time you use the recreational facilities at the University. Aerobic Fitness/Dance Willamalane: Aerobic dance classes meet two or three days a week and the fee is $6.75 to $14, depending on the instructor and the number of times per week the class meets. Aerobic fitness classes cost $9 to $14, and meet two or three days a week. All aerobic classes run until late November; all start today or Tuesday. Info: phone Rich Sax ton, 746-5316. Eugene P&R: Aerobic fitness classes are held from one to three days a week and fees per class range from $10.50 to $33, depending on the instructor and the number of times per week the class meets. Most of the classes begin today and run until either the first week of November, mid-December or through early January. For more information, call Amazon Com munity Center, 2700 Hilyard St., 687-5351; Petersen Barn Com munity Center, 870 Berntzen Road, 689-1446; Sheldon Com munity Center, 2445 Willakenzie Road, 687-5327; and Westmoreland Community Center, 1545 W. 22nd Ave., 687-5316. Basketball Leagues Willamalane: A winter men's basketball league organizational meeting will be held Nov. 2 from 7-8 p.m. at Springfield City Hall in Room 2. Team fees, league format, and registration pro cedures will be discussed. Willamalene is also offering a swingshift men's basketball league. An organizational meeting will be held Dec. 5 at 11 a.m. at the Memorial Building. Women's wheelchair basketball is also being offered this fall. Sports wheelchairs will be pro vided, and carpooling is available. Women with physical disabilities, able-bodied friends and women volunteers are welcome to come. RIM: Three-on-three league for men and women will start Nov. 15. Entry deadline is Nov. 14. A five-on-five, full-court tuneup league will begin Dec. 3. Entry deadline is Dec. 2. Both men's and women's leagues will be offered. Eugene P&R: Registration for a men's three-on-three league will be held this Thursday. Games will be played Tuesday evenings at Kennedy Junior High School, 2200 Bailey Hill Road, beginning in October and continuing through Nov. 22. For more infor mation, call 687-5333. Men's and women's five-on-five leagues will begin in early December and continue through the first of March. A organizational meeting will be held Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 777 Pearl St. Those interested in wheelchair basket ball are encouraged to call the Lane County Low Riders at 687-5333. Recreational Basketball: Open gyms WV/7/ama/ane; The Memorial Building, 765 N. A' St., will be open from 3-5 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays; from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Thursdays; and from noon to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. For all you night owls, the Memorial Continued on Page 15 To Get Ahead Be Some Body GO FOR IT Gain Skill Maintain Fitness ^ Improve Performance with PHYSICAL EDUCATION Superb Facilities, Program, Instruction Help the Disabled While Vou Earn The Exceptional Friendship Program matches disabled people to University student volunteers. University course with credit offered. (Special Ed. 400) Volunteer and practicurn positions available. If you are interested contact YWCA Exceptional Friendship 841 E. 18th 686-4440