Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 04, 1983, Page 4, Image 4

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Police beat
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Campus-area crimes recent
ly reported to the Eugene
Police include:
Two 19-year-old men tried
unsuccessfully to break into
an EMU Deli cabinet Monday
about 11 p.m., but were spot
ted by employees and ran from
the building, Officer Mike
Larion said.
Police arrested Bret Mur
phy, 100 Braeburn Drive,
Eugene, and David Peterson,
5210 Saratoga, Eugene, of
second-degree burglary,
although the men denied ever
being in the EMU. Both said
they were looking for a cam
pus frisbee game, which they
could not find, Larion said.
Peterson later admitted being
inside the EMU to take a short
cut through the building.
Peterson entered the building,
which closed at 9 p.m.,
through a loading dock door in
the kitchen.
The two men had been told
earlier that evening by EMU
employees to leave the
building because they were in
an area they shouldn’t have
been in, Larion said.
A male student was follow
ed from Johnson Hall to 13th
Avenue and University Street
by another male July 26 at 3:15
p.m., who then started asking
the student personal ques
tions and threatened to
assault the man if he did not
walk in the other direction, Of
ficer Darwin Dragt said.
The suspect was described
as a white male, about 5-feet
9-inches, age 16 to 18, with
brown hair and brown eyes. He
was wearing a white sweat
shirt, blue jeans and had a
gold 10-speed bicycle. Police
have identified no suspects,
Dragt said.
A man reportedly burglariz
ed an unlocked room in the Pi
Kappa Alpha fraternity at 1910
University St. sometime bet
ween July 19-20, Dragt said. A
camera, telephoto lens and
flash — all made by Olympus
— and a tripod of unknown
brand, worth a combined value
of $875 were reportedly stolen
from the room. Police have no
Compiled by Joan Herman
Judge hears testimony
in herbicide hearina
A three-day hearing began
yesterday in Eugene’s Circuit
Court on a landmark lawsuit
aimed at halting — at least
Test Preparation
Specialists since 1938
temporarily — all herbicide
spraying by the government in
Oregon and Washington.
Three environmental groups
filed the suit on June 21,
charging the U.S. Forest Ser
vice and the Bureau of Land
Management with consistent
ly violating requirements of
the National Environmental
Policy Act.
Northwest Coalition for
Alternatives to Pesticides, the
Oregon Environmental Coun
cil and the Audobon Society of
Portland are calling for a per
manent injunction against her
bicide spraying until the
government agencies comply
with NEPA requirements to
prepare adequate cost-benefit
and worst-case analyses for 23
environmental assessments in
Oregon and Washington
The suit is the first ever to
request a spraying ban for an
entire region.
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