Governor picks musician laureate In 1Qft1 Kammerer tnnli iKa throughout the . .when Hair Loft celebrates^ yean5> of the best/ SUt use only the best wave suited to your hair HAIRCUT EXTRA! Mo other discounts are valid on this offer four Locations'. WlLAMCni GffMRJB OOBUftpKD ■JtrtMkmdU 1259Aider J&OC*burrfU tyfrSt. (Juw»s front (across from (be>*d McAueals (nod totne. Wlldneftr Hud Jdaed Heart) Cleaners) Gait Grinder) 686 /^06 ^85-1202 W25S5 After nearly a decade of musical service to Oregon’s governor and the Legislature, Edward Kammerer has been appointed ''Musician Laureate” by Gov. Vic Atiyeh. The award, which Kammerer received recently in the mail without forewarning, came in recognition of his numerous performances on behalf of the governor. The appointment followed his performance for the governor and the legislature assembly on May 1. Kammerer, a University music professor, teaches horn, musicianship and jazz studies. He directs the Brass Choir and performs on horn with the Faculty Woodwind Quintet and the Faculty Brass Quintet. In the past Kammerer has given performances for the legislative assembly, the governor’s Awards for the Arts ceremony, the governor s reception for the legislative assembly and for the speaker’s reception. Among these have been individual performances on horn and piano, as well as perfor mances as part of a jazz trio. Brass Choir to Salem to play in the Capitol Rotunda, with Atiyeh guest conducting. In 1983, he took them back again, this time with the music school’s L 'rsity Singers, to perform for Atiyeh’s inaugur ation. Another recent solo perfor mance was for the 1982 Western Governors' Conference. Swim program volunteers sought Volunteers are needed to work one-on-one with physically limited teens and adults in a swimming program, Monday and Wednesdays from 10-11:30 a.m. through August 20 at Sheldon P0Dl Volunteers need not have advanced swimming skills. Train ing and direct supervision will be provided by therapeutic recreation staff. Interested persons are invited to call Linda Phelps, 687-5322. mMm. ■%m0z Take a clof®fJ(®?^";S;ShsS •as.’KS SSSS^sStSE 'S*®'"' and lniwii**-— editors. They .tte and which news positions we taKe a members do ffo^ting and ««^hly "h%r«a°.d.^eyarsoeditthe ^JJJriToffreelance writers and photographers- k from 18 to 30 P Staff mem^ the emerald. In i the paste-up t>y aym. “^h°p5y purchased a new SsgsKsSi-s -sgsgsaasss "SKS^^^SlKSS- „ Representatives lnc ude thei (a editor, an elec ^ f the A3JJO. three indents appointe_> 0f the addiuun - schedules. ‘v«; >;v;rv V: y y*y*; ?V ;:V ' '• .v1 %:: .V-;v • y-'ihil •' M* k l.i'/* > • .v ' ,*-* ' 4 . "/ - scneoui^ Advcrtislofl . in the advertising Tour students wo sumrner selling. . during the sumn at • r v ■•{• «; /..•> .vv i ‘ v:. ' -A*/ ■ • " ' ^rour students worKln^tne^u.^^|n^ wrffand dei^9/KdSTh?^H°s^ea have a fu.l t me Advert^ 9d Manager. ourchase advertising at om Sf »■ >° ex^nswe rates tor ads and at even keep the classified ads^VKe t y# so that Cs?uTentsrcan use the paper to pub their events. production department pulls all thTehnews°and advertlslnfl together, set Revenue SuhncrlptW*1* a ^ X »*% 7 jokwirti Other pnH*1** !•% AdvfrtUtofl «' students ' nt9 two tacuiv, at,ar9e member. Your Subscription the emerald Siudente subscriW to f This through their in only 3< per year s subscription ru student Issue pc*. \982-B3 is $82,000, a subscription froITI last year. 12% decrease fro » subscribe faculty aodstaff nr unlverslty to the Emerald ‘^“Subscription is administration. Tbeir s $7,455 this^rrhitions do not quite These subscript ^ the press cover the erpected co of that bill, run at our costs are b^advertising and JobworK. (TUH, IV job work & Other Froi |>22% -7% 17% ptess Costs t%% News Dept. production »«% 1J%. 11% Advertising \Bus.Dept. I.>• • e*. ' . • • ,* . 1% ••Ir