et al. MEETINGS Psacs Studies Potluck and meeting will take piece to day at 4:30 p.m. at 1414 Kincaid St. OPEU Clerical Committee meets at noon today in Century Rm E, EMU. People tor Animal Rights — Come to a general meeting on June 9 to learn how you can help. Open to everyone Eugene Public Library at 7 p.m For more infor mation call 345-6417. LECTURES Methoda of determining prehiatoric climates from tree rings will be explored in a free public lecture tonight at 8 p.m. in Science I, Rm 123 by Samuel Epstein, a pro fessor of geochemistry at the California Institute of Technology Epstein will also hold informal technical discussions on Tue in the Geology Building Lounge, LRm 45 from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS Greenpeace Eugene/KUGN Third Annuel Blke-A-Thon will take piece on June 11 al Alton Baker Park. Cell 687-8121 for more details Eugene Guitar Association meets tor a Potluck on Wed. at 7:30 p.m. at the Amazon Community Center, 2700 Htlyard Bring your guitar For more information call 342 2816 or 343-8184 A Carpool will leave on Tue. at 9 a.m to go to Salem tor the Oregon Supreme Court hear the Yellow Ribbon Burning case. To oo contact the RCYB from 12-2 at the EMU. or call 344-5536 Wanted! Individual* Interacted in providing raltel car* lor families ol Mentally Handicapped/Developmentally Disabled children or adults. Help needed for days, even ings. weekends, holidays, vacations, etc. lor a variety of situations Contact the Association for Retarded Citizens of Lane County. Pam Ring, for details Phone 343-5256 for more Information Hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Study at the Coast! People and the Oregon Coast of fers undergraduate students of all majors a chance to take classes in biology, geography, landscape architec ture and political science at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology in Charleston The program emphasizes environmental issues of the coastal region and is hap pening Spring term '64. Drop by Suite 1 EMU or call 686-4073 for more information. America'* Love Run — a benefit for the Muscular Dystrophy Association wIN take piece the entire month of June. The Love Run is a 30-day running program where participants obtain pledges tor every mite they will run during the month of June Watch for entry coupons at local running stores or call 686-2753. INTERVIEWS Please sign up Immediately If Interested In Interview ing with the following recruiters: Sign up at Job Location and Development. University of Oregon — returning students — Full Time Summer Jobs — 9 a m.-12 p.m. and 1-4 p.m at 1511 Agate. Public Research OSPIRG and other jobs — Portland. Salem. Lincoln City, Beaverton, Eugene, San Diego. Tigard. by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY HUU>? JOURNAUST X/ -THIS IS NEWSWEEK' WHERE'S THE REST Of 1HE SECRET 6CVIS fiARies YOU OWE US 1 tty... m PUTTIN' THEM in me weu- murky RIGHT NOW UP' WEW GOING TO PRESS IN 1W0 HOURS ' by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY goop eveNiNo tcwokt rue MOHUP IS RteUNG FROM TH6 ANNOUNCEMENT THAT THE SECRET piARiesofavttPResuy Hive BEEN FOONP IN A COMWST KHMKWA MYSTERIOUS >1 - journalist x" Newsweek magazine mew*.*. Of THE PIARIES fWM journalist x, 5AIP lOWYlHATIHEY INOm A OWE, PERSONAE wtu. - AffiARENUY WRITTEN Vi ECVIS SHORTIY 0€fOR£ HIS PEATH - IN WHICH HE BEOUEATHeP ] HIS ENTIRE ESTATE... ..TO AM O05U/R6 RXJim ORGANIZATION CfiLUPm. 0WOM COUNTY M£AR?W PARTY WHAT? JOURNALIST X IS, AS YET, UNNAME.!? OH, HE'S GOT A NAME OWE HimtT.. TO SO / TOTHe cathroom 1 Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODf OFFICI. 100 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DISK RATES: Rates art- 15 tent* per word lor l In' tirst dat and llienlt per wordtortotv Mt ulivi* da\s I hr ad is run without i hunuc STOREWIDE SALE 50% oil on selected merchandise Don't forget to check out our new Mexican import room OLD FRIENDS 1128 Alder M-S 10:30-5:30 Clothing For Sale TRAILER FOR SALE 8’ x 35', $1500. $500 down, $1000 in 2 yrs On Franklin 15 min Bike commute 747-6407. 6-6 MUST SELL New Guitar with case $90 or ? 686-0698 6-6 FULL MATTRESS box springs Excel lent shape. $80 or best otter 485-6754 6-6 MOVING SALE Dressers, couches, bikes, chairs, end tables, etc Call 242-6126 _ 6-6 COUCH Excellent condition, $50. Call 244-3297.6-6 SEARS ELECTRONIC Typewriter 16 months old, excellent condition. $100 485-7124. Nick._ 6-6 BEATS AN APARTMENT My mobile home is bigger and quieter Resell it when you graduate (I am) 741-0564. 6-6 ISOKINETIC EXERCISER Tone Firm, and Build your body with The LIFELINE GYM As seen on cover ot Runner's World, Send $24 95 and height and weight to: Out West Enterprises, P.O Box 3111, Eugene. OR 97403 6-6 MOVING SALE Everything must go: beds, dresser, desk, chair, good condi tion Camie 485-3780 6-6 27" FRAME 10-Speed Fuji Royal In good shape All alloy John 345-7538 6-6 WHIRLPOOL WASHER Approximately 15 years old, great shape O'Brien 66" World Team Comp water ski with case 345-8642.6-6 20 GALLON Aquarium with all acces sories Only $40 Lee 342-4304 6-20 Buy & Sell THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy-Sell-Trade 1 Tubas, trumpets, trombones, clarinets, saxophones and accessories 361 Weal 5th DIXIE'S NEW * USED New and Used Furniture & More1 BUY - SELL - TRADE Free Pick Up 686-2768 2050 W 6th Eugene 333 6-6 We buy and sell used merchandise SAKS THRIFT AVE. 1090 East 26th 6-6 ARE YOU LEAVING THE AREA? Do You Hava FumHuro To Son? Now Buying Used Furniture Free Pickup DINTY’S FURNITURE 727 Main, Springfield 746-0980 219:6-6 Instruction GUITAR LESSONS THIS SUMMER? Call now to reserve space with Eugene s top instructors DAVID CASE CLASSICAL: 342-6826 GARRY HAGBERG JAZZ: 484-6225 DON LATARSKI JAZZ: 343-8184 Private Instruction U of O Credit available. 6-20 WOOD-METALS Fibers-Graphics Ceramics-Photo Emus Craft Center 686-4361 Summer Workshop Registration is coming Noon Tuesday. June 21 434 6-6 Services FOB QUALITY TYPESETTING, DE SIGN, layout, pasteup and camera work, come on up to the Oregon Daily Emerald Jobwork Department. 200 EMU. 686-4381, ask for Annie Noon to 4 pm, Monday through Friday 10% discount on resumes for UO students with current ID and lee card. _tfn T-SHIRTS Custom printing, design Lafler Silk screen 343-2306, 342-1927 264 6-6 INDIVIDUAL Counseling lor resume writing, cover letters and job search technique. 345-7276 (mornings best) tor appointment. _6-6 HOUSESITTING experienced, references. 686-9518. 6-6 Storage Space Tim 683-7081. 6-6 Typing HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup delivery 345-6165. 324 tfn Self Service Typing IBM Selectric Carbon Cartridge Klnko's Copies 860 E. 13th 344-7894 PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectric Call Barbara 345-0747 _ _366MWF TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 688-3983. ___514:t«n ELITE TYPING SERVICE Fast-Guaranteed-Accurate Free pickup/delivery 484-1646 748:tfn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaran teed Quality work. Free pu/delivery 485-2914 188 tfn EXPERIENCED TYPIST using IBM Selectric III - Call Mina between 8 am and 11 pm at 726-9824250MW TYPING/EDITING Sara 886-0739 Judy 344-6502 809WHFM A PLUS TYPING $1 /ds pg/$.05/line Can Syn 344-8735 202 tin FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Soloctrlc Graduate School Approved CaH Paula Demong • 484-9405 858ifn WANT A CHOICE! Do you need typing or word processing? PROFESSIONAL PREPARATIONS offers both! Guar anteed quality work - 12 yrs legal 8. professional experience - free p u & del on campus Call 345-1017. _ _ 62? tfn BRANDY'S TYPING SERVICE Professional, experienced Theses, re sumes, reports, editing 484-6044 _ 9?? tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342-5238. _144: tfn FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 484 9405 QUALITY TYPING AND EDITING Fast, accurate $1 page Norma 245-6005, 242-8255 (message). 6-6 RUSH TYPING Fast, accurate, reason able rates Convenient location Chris tine 34?-7255 _6-6 TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Fast service; reasonable rates; graduate school approved Resume expertise, pica, elite & micron, electronic self-cor recting CINDY 484-5454._6-6 INSTRUMENTS STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS The beat in handbuilt acoustic and custom electric guitars PARTS-REPAIR-SERVICE 1417V. Olive #2 484-0615 Monday-Saturday 10-5:30 247 MF Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9-6 pm Saturday 9-1 pm Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% oft list prices New Books-Text Books-Clift Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 362 tin | BICYCLES 22" 10 SPEED. Dependable $30 485-9849 6-6 BIKE OF THE MONTH CENTURION 15 SPEED Chrome-Moly Frame. SunTour Gears Alloy Wheels, Cranks. Brakes FINE BIKE-GREAT PRICE JUST $249.50 With this ad-$10 off Any FUJI or CENTURION bike Models from $189 to $2400 TU’S BIKE SHOP & Monroe 344-2175 Cars & Cycles 72 DODGE POLARA Good transporta tion. 4 new radials. $500 Call 485-0230 __6-6 1980 HONDA EXPRESS Moped Very economical, excellent runner, low mileage $200 Call 485-7124. Nick 6-6 1982 TOYOTA Cresseda. 4-doors, automatic New with all accomada tions 8000 mile $10,000 Negotiable Call 345-9132 or 344-3635 6-6 1979 BUICK REGAL 2 doors. Au tomatic Excellent condition Air con ditioned. sunroof. FM-AM Stereo, cruise-control 22,000 mi. $4000 Negotiable. Call 245-9122_6-6 ‘72 FORD LTD WAGON 96.000 mi Best otter 245-9160 eves & weekends Need Money Wanted distributors tor NOVA Nutritional Products 30% Commission plus bonus More information call 346-5560 _6-6 BUYING FURNITURE One item or a household_ 689-6388 No junk! 6-6 GOLD CLASS RINGS 1 oz. 10k brings $105. 1 oz. 14k brings $145. Also want small TV’a. Top price paid in cash. Also we buy almost anything of value. A.A.A ACE BUYERS 3600 Franklin BM. On lett side next to Myrmos Watch tor our red flourescent door 720-1735. 393 6-6 FURNISHED APT. For University Prof, tor June 20 to July 20 Walking distance to campus; one or two rooms, plus cooking facilities 686-5490 or 686-9721_6JS SOMEONE TO USE My Beautiful Counseling Office, half days and evenings available: 343-2079. 6-3 FACULTY: SOSC Professor will hou se/apartment sit tor you July 17-Aug 12. Phone Tom Pyle, 1-482-6424 days. 1-482-8427 nights_6^3 END-OF-THE-YEAR Discards Donate them to a group supporting education in human rights For free pick-up service, call 342-3004 Books, clothes, fixtures, etc._6-6 GRADUATE STUDENT wants to house-sit between June and August Reliable Evenings 933-2523 . 6-6 CAT-SITTER NEEDED My 4 year old cat needs a summer home Will pay room & board. Call 689-5732 _6-6 HAVE LARGE FAMILY Need gradua tion tickets Price negotiable 687-2609 Opportunities l SELLING Sporting Goods Store $5,900 Includes several video games, 345-4537 292 6-6 PARLA ITALIANO? Portland State University is ottering partial tuition scholarships for the Italian section o' A-L-P-S in OREGON, a four week in stensive language and culture class held this summer at Mt Hood For more infor mation and applications, call (50?) 229-4081. or write PSU Summer Ses sion. P O Box 751, Portland, OR 97207 -"0 6 6 HERE'S YOUR CHANCE to develop a skill that will stay with you - in wood working, photography, ceramics, fibers, graphics, metals EMU CRAFT CENTER summer workshop, registration starts NOON TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Call 686-4261 for information 42? 6-6 Help Wanted Wanted Outdoor Enthusiasts Outdoor Program is hiring summer work study start Call 686-3730 or ext 4?65, in stop try (Basement ol EMU) ? 14:8-6 KWAX NEEDS VOLUNTEERS tor fund-raising phonathon Tuesday May ?1stfrom 6:?0-9:?0pm Call Denny ext 424? ?22 6-6 GOVERNEMENT JOBS Federal, state, civil service Many openings available Call (refundable) 1 (619)-569-0241 Dept * OR104 for details 6-6 ARE YOU A HARO WORKER? Do you enjoy getting paid what your worth? Xerox, Eugene branch has 2 part-time tele-marketing assistant positions open Resume, references and interview required Please call Chris Williams at 686-9?00. ext 289 before June 6 _359:6-6 BE A TUTOR Next Year! The Educa tional Opportunities Program is now accepting applications for positions starling in the Fall We prefer individuals that are work-study qualified but will consider anyone It you would enjoy helping students in their course work next year, please stop by and talk with us Wages start at J5.05 per hour. For more information Educational Opportunities Program, 207 Emerald Hart 686-3232.377:6-6 APPLICATIONS ARE Now being ac cepted for Editor positions with the 1983-84 RESIDENT EXAMINER Housings newspaper Pick up applica tions at the Housing Dept in Walton Complex Deadline tor applications is Thursday. June 9th._379:6-6 RECEPTIONIST NEEDED tor busy haircutting shop Must be able to work Monday, Friday and Saturday This is a summer position which may expand to year round employment Oregon state minimum wage paid Come by Precision Hairworks, corner of 29th and Wil lamette, to fill out application on June 2. 3. 6 and 7 only No calls. 391 6-6 ANIMAL CARETAKER $4 47 per hour Must have work study certification tor summer Basic care of laboratory an imals Call Greg, ext 4958 Lab Animal Services is an Affirmative /Action /Equal Opportunity Employer. 40? 6-6 Paae 17