Nuclear arms race focus of film festival The academy award-winning Canadian documentary “If You Love This Planet” will highlight a film festival this weekend focusing on the movement against nuclear war and the arms race. “If You Love This Planet” will be shown today with “In the King of Prussia,” a full length feature based on the true story of the Berrigan brothers, who entered the missile factory King of Prussia to protest nuclear arms production. The films will be shown at 4 p.m., 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. in Room 150 Geology. A $1.50 donation is requested for admission. Helen Caldicott "stars” in the first film, giving a lecture denouncing the U 5. govern ment’s role in the nuclear arms race. In the second movie, “Ghandi" star Martin Sheen plays the trial judge who heard the Berrigan brothers’ case. The film festival continues Sunday with a full day of movies at Harris Hall, on the corner of 8th Avenue and Oak Street. Along with repeated showings of the two films t--—\ The llnivcrstty of Oregon has declared surplus the following equipment: 4 Radiant screens 70"*70" tripod 2 Radiant screens 50' ' x50' tripod I Radiant sceen 70"x70" portable I Radiant screen 70"x70" 1 Radiant screen 84"x84"XL 4 Newcomb record players 3 Newcomb amplifiers 3 Sony tape recorders 3 B/H projectors 2 Phono- Audiotronics 2 Bcseler projectors 2 lectern port Van San I Magnetic projector I sound projector I Radiant screen 8'x8' wall I Dukane projector I Altec amplifier I slide projector Grflx I recorder Rheem-Cafne I Kodak movie projector Dual 8 I Kodak dissolve control model 2 The equipment will he available for viewing at the Library Instructional Media Center Studio B (located in the basement of the Library, enter from the loading docks off of Kincaid Street) from 8:00 a m. starting June 6. 1983 through June 10. 1981 Sealed bid forms will be available at the In structional Media Center in Studio B; return the forms in a sealed envelope marked SEAL ED BID to the Assistant Business Manager. Room 115 Oregon Hall. University of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon 97403 Bidding will open June 6. 1983 at 8:00 a.m.; bidding will close June 13, 1983 at 4:30 p.m.; bids will be opened June 14, 1983 at 9:00 a.m. and successful bidders notified that day. Successful bidders will have from June IS, 1983 through June 17, 1983, to pay for and remove the equipment. Payment will be accepted by the University of Oregon Cashiers in the form of cash, cashier's check, certified chock, money order or traveler's check. If original awardee docs not pay and remove property within 24 working hours, bid will be awarded to the next highest bidder The State reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to sell to other governmental units prior to the closing dale of the sale All items sold "as is" and "where is". For further Information call 486-3143. 5 _d A cosmic selection of Science Fiction at your Bookstore in (he Book Dept CM * listed abcve, “No Place to Hide" will be shown at 1 p.m. Admission for the series is $2.50. That film, a short documen tary, ridicules a 1950s U.S. government push for civil defense against nuclear attack. Other films to be shown are "Women’s Action on the Pen tagon,” footage of a 1982 direct action “peace web” blocking the Pentagon; “The Time Has Come,” showing the growing coalition of women, union and racial minorities; and “In the Nuclear Shadow," excerpts of interviews with children on the issue of nuclear arms. The festival is sponsored by Citizen Action for Lasting Security, Eugene Direct Ac tion and the University Sur vival Center. For more information, call 343-8548. PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS AN AARON RUSSO PRODUCTION • A LANDIS/FOLSEY FILM DAN AYKROYD • EDDIE MURPHY "TRADING PLACES’’- RALPH BELLAMY- DON AMECHE DENHOLM ELLIOTT AND JAMIE LEE CURTIS -EXECUTIVE PRODUCER GEORGE FOLSEY, JR. WRITTEN BY TIMOTHY HARRIS & HERSCHEL WEINGROD • PRODUCED BY AARON RUSSO R ^OjTI DIRECTED BY JOHN LANDIS UNDER 17 REQUIRES ACCOMPANYING PARENT OR AOUIT 6UARDIAN A PARAMOUNT PICTURE >l>ynyht ‘ MC Ml XXXIII By Paramount t-.ctures< orporation All Rights Reserved k K a 1 Starts Friday, June 10th at a Theatre Near You Positions filled A President’s Advisory Council vacan cy and eight of 10 new hearings officer positions of the ASUO Constitution Court have been filled. ASUO Pres. Mary Hotchkiss has ap pointed Kasey Brooks, a sophomore ma joring in international studies, to replace former member Gary Okazaki. Okazaki, one of two students elected to the newly created council, resigned the post to become ASUO coordinator of University affairs. Brooks was appointed so the represen tative would be student-elected, Hotch kiss says. Brooks finished third in the council race. The ASUO Constitution Court has selected Al Steinhaus, a business junior; Clark Pontier, a business junior; Grant Hanson, a second-year law student; Joe Hollander, a second-year law student; Richard Burr, a journalism and political science senior; David Funk, a psychology junior; John Heldt, a political science junior; and Brad Bosomworth, a marketing junior; to be hearings officers. Officers are designated by the court in cases dealing with fact finding rather than an interpretive issue. Lecture studies ancient climates Methods of determining prehistoric climates from tree rings will be explored in a free public lecture at 8:15 p.m. Monday in Room 107 Lawrence. Samuel Epstein, a professor of geochemistry at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, will discuss his re cent work with stable isotopes of hydrogen in tree rings. Epstein will also hold informal technical discussions on Tuesday in the Geology Building Lounge, Room 45. Isotopes in organic matter will be discussed in the morning ses sion, which will begin at 9:30 a.m., while the afternoon session beginning at 2 p.m. will focus on studies of stable isotopes in meteorites and minerals. Born in Poland and raised in Canada, Eps tein came to this country in 1948 and has done research at Cal Tech since 1952. He is a member of the National Academy of Science. Epstein has been instrumental in develop ing a way to determine the temperature of an cient oceans. Working with Heinz Lowenstam of Cal Tech, he applied the technique to the study of oxygen isotopes in fossil shells. The visit is sponsored by the geology department’s Condon Club.