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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1983)
PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Sefectric Call Patrice 342-5238 _ 144 tfn RUSH TYPING Fast, accurate, reason able rates Convenient location Chris tme 343-7255 6-6 TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Fast service reasonable rates, graduate school approved Resume expertise pica, elite & micron, electronic sett-cor recting CINDY 484-5454 6-6 INSTRUMENTS STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS The best in handbuilt acoustic and custom electric guitars PARTS-REPAIR-SERVICE 1417% Olive *2 484-0815 Monday Saturday 10-5:30 BOOKS 80.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% oil list prices New Books-Text Books-Cliff Notes Magazmes USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 788 East 13th 262 tin HAPPY TRAILS A special way to say so long" with an Emerald Personal 15 words tor $1 50 it placed by 1 pm June 2 at 200 EMU, EMU Main Desk. UO Bookstore Coming June 6 Outdoor Gear PACKS FOR SALE 2 Camptrail frame packs, Medium, $25 each 2 Hme Snowbndge internal frame packs Large $50 each 244-4925 6-2 | Bicycles MEN'S MOTOBECANE Mirage 12-speed Excellent shape $160 242-1164 6-2 Cars & Cycles 19*1 HONDA PASSPORT Must selMO months old Excellent condition, Blue Make otter Call 242-8216_5-27 77 SCIROCCO Cobalt blue. Air. Blaupunkl. Runs great $2,200 or best offer. 344-2474._5-27 72 CHRYSLER NEWPORT It's old and it runs Asking $650 will sell to best offer Brent 242 0610 5-27 1993 DATSUN Pickup 1200 cc Runs well Body and interior are m fair to good condition $200 484 4182 6-1 1971 VW SUPER BEETLE New tires di-hard battery radio, recent valve job, 85000 miles Very good running condi tion 24 miles to gallon on freeways $1800 or best offer Call 242-2715 after 6 pm._5-27 •74 PINTO WAGON 4 speed AM/FM cass Good shape overall, $795 244-0281 5-2J 1997 DATSUN SW 1500 cc Pretty clean, dependable Needs tune-up Good work student car $650 BOBBI 242-5101 eves 5-21 1979 OPEL IZUSU low miles Rebuilt A/T New radials Good basic transpor tation $1295 687-9770 527 72 DODGE POLARA < tion. 4 new radials, $500 Call 485-0220 _6-6 1990 HONDA EXPRESS Moped Very economical, excellent runner, low mileage $200 Call 4857124, Nick 56 y21979 BUICK RE- .AL 2 doors, Au tomat if. Excellent condition Air condt tioned, sunroof, FM AM Stereo, cruise control 22,000 mi $4000 Negotiable Call 2459122 6-6 ‘72 FORD LTD WAGON 96.000 mi Best offer 2459160 evesweekends 6-6 1992 TOYOTA Cresseda. 4-doors, automatic New with all accomada lions 8000 mile $10,000 Negotiable Call 2459122 or 244 ->625 56 Auto Repair TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Why not let a professional factory trained and certified mechanic give your car the personal touch " in the privacy of his own home workshop! Single parent responsibilities for two small children have forced me to quit my' lucrative dealership job to bring you re* savings on quality work tor Volkswagen and Alta Romeo vehicles Jerry Berger, 344-4909. 270: UF Travel SEE AMERICA THIS SUMMER Use the Greyhound Amertpeea slifi America's greet travel bargain Can your local Greyhound agent tor d# •aits | __ 89e56| Pag* 14 Wanted Need Money Wanted distributors tor NOVA Nutritional Products 30% Commission plus bonus More information call 345-5580 6-6 BUYING FURNITURE One item or a household 669-6386 No junk! 6-6 VISITING PROFESSOR Wile and Daughter needs house-sitting opportun ity July-August References 344-7394 GOLD CLASS RINGS 1 oz. 10k brings $105. 1 oz. 14k brings $145. Also want small TV». Top price paid in cash. Also we buy almost anything of A.A.A. ACE BUYERS 3890 Franklin Blvd. On left side next to Myrmos Watch for our red flourescent door 728-1735. — 39? 6-6 FURNISHED APT. For University Prof for June 20 to July 20 Walking distance tQ campus; one or two rooms, plus cooking facilities 666-5490 or 666-9721. 6-6 SOMEONE TO USE My Beautiful Counseling Office, half days and evenings available 343-2079 6-3 FACULTY: SOSC Professor will hou se/apartment sit for you July 17-Aug 12 Phone Tom Pyle, 1-482-6424 days, 1 482 8427 nights 6-23 END-OF-THE-YEAR Discards Donate them to a group supporting education in human rights For free pick-up service, call 342-3004 Books, clothes, fixtures. etc_6-6 WANTED: House to Rent by June 20 2 bedroom, large yard, nice area Excel lent references Willing to sign tong lease for right place 683-9402 6-3 Opportunities | HAPPY TRAILS A special way to say "so tong” with an Emerald Personal 15 words for $1 50 if placed by 1 pm June 3 at 300 EMU. EMU Main Desk. UO Bookstore Coming June 6 BELLING Sporting Goods Store $5,900 Includes several video games. 345-4537 292 6-6 Help Wanted Wanted Outdoor Enthusiasts Outdoor Program is hiring summer work study staff Call 686 ? 720 or ext 4265. or stop by (Basement off MU) 214 6-6 NEW EXCITING SALES PLAN! Sell or buy Texas Instruments home Computer Equipment and software Ground floor, multi-level opportunity! Excellent com mission potential' 10-5 Ron Ward 344-7891._66 KWAX NEEDS VOLUNTEERS tor tund-raising phonathon Tuesday May ? 1 st from 6: 20-9 20 pm Call Denny exl 424? 222 6 6 WORKSTUDY CRISIS COUNSELOR • I of 0 Crisis Center Call Candy at 686 4486 tor more into, 227:62 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS For Fall 198? Note takers needed tor all fields of study Starting pay $7 per class Apply now Student Protects, Inc (foot notes) Rm 15, EMU. by the bowling alley 666-2729 249 6? GOVERNEMENT JOBS federal state civil service Many openings available Call (refundable) 1-(619) 569 0241 Dept ft OH 104 for details 6 6 BEGINNING SUMMER TERM Inter matron Receptionist and Tour Guide positions, work-study only Apply at Admissions counter on second floor of Oregon Hall, ask for Tim or Becky ?54 6? ARE YOU A HARO WORKER? 00 you enjoy getting paid what your worth? Xerox. Eugene branch has 2 part time tele marketing assistant positions Open Resume, references and interview required Please can Chris Williams at 686 9200, ext 289 before June 6 259 66 BE A TUTOR Next Year1 The Educe tionai Opportunities Program is now accepting applications for positions starting in the Fall We prefer individuals that are work study qualified but will consider anyone If you would enjoy helping students m their course work next year, please stop by and talk with us Wages start at S5 05 per hour For more information F due at tonal Oppor tunnies Program 207 Emerald Hall 6862222 277 6-6 LINE UP A WORK-STUDY JOB FOR NEXT YEAR NOW1 if you are a conscientious, academically successful graduate or undergraduate student eligible for work study funds next year a position at trie learning Resources Cantor could be right for you the IRC m mtervtowmg tar sublet area tutors fitorts at 85 taw hour framing a provided and prawjue experience * not nacaaaanty required Ptome out the IRC at 886222* tar more information INTERVIEWING NOW for next year Instructor's position availabe for next year $7 per hour Must have previous successful teaching experience, a strong academic record, and project enthusiasm for teaching Must also expect to be work-study certified tor next year For more information call 686-7226 or stop by 5 Friendly Hall __ 282 6-2 APPLICATIONS ARE Now being ac cepted for Editor positions with the 1987-84 RESIDENT EXAMINER Housings newspaper Pick up applica tions at the Housing Dept in Walton Complex Deadline for applications is Thursday. June 9th279:6-6 RECEPTIONIST NEEDED tor busy haircutting shop Must be able to work Monday, Friday and Saturday This is a summer position which may expand to year round employment Oregon state minimum wage paid Come by Precision Hairworks, corner of 29th and Wil lamette. to fill out application on June 2, 7, 6 and 7 only No calls 291 6-6 ANIMAL CARETAKER $4 47 per hour Must have work study certification for summer Basic care of laboratory an imals Call Greg, ext 4958 Lab Animal Services is an Affirmative/Action/Equal Opportunity Employer_402:6-6 UO LAW SCHOOL is accepting ap plications for Video Coordinator Must have prior experience Must be WORK STUDY CERTIFIED for this next school year Call John 686-2852 _407:6-6 WORK STUDY Help Wanted Summer Term 1 work study carpenter $4 78 per hour to build wooden crates for shipping artworks, must be experienced with power tools 1 Work Study Exhibit Clerk $4 79 per hour to mat and frame artworks Call for information and appointment 686-7029 780 6-7 THE UNIVERSITY of Oregon Athletic Department is interested in interviewing students to work on a special promo tional protect for the 1987-84 school year Prerequisites for the job are interest in sports, outgoing personality Call the Promotion Office at 686-4467 for information _ 406 6-7 COOK,HOUSEKEEPER And Compan ion for 10 year old boy M-F 7-5 pm Must have own transportation Bailey Hill Road area 744-5018 afler 7 pm 6-6 Roommates 'HAPPY TRAILS” A special way to say "so long" with an Emerald Personal 15 words for $1 50 it placed by 1 pm June 2 at 200 EMU. EMU Main Desk. UO Bookstore Coming June 6 FEMALE ROOMATE wanted to share beautiful 2 bedroom apartment close to campus $150 month Joan, eves 242-2708,662-1218. 6-6 1 ROOMATE lor beautiful 2 bedroom home $50 deposit. $125 per month, no last. 345-2225 before 10 pm._6-6 FEMALE TO SHARE large furnished ? bedroom apt 1 Vi blocks from campus $125 per month 244-4216_6-6 HOUSEMATES Wanted to share large house in West Eugene $100 plus utili tles. Call 244-5224,_6-6 FEMALE to share furnished 2 bedroom house 1 block from campus Washer & dryer Fenced back yard Furnished bedroom with queen size water bed Very clean and pleasant1 Summer only. $150 Call 682 7120 6-6 CAN MEN FIX DINNER7 CAN WOMEN FIX FAUCETS? Can 24 to 40 women and men run a cooperative household with non-sexist principles7 Would you like to help us? We are near campus, cook both vege tarlan and non-vegetarian, and at a reasonable cost Please check us out tor this term, summer term, or next tall Campbell Club 1670 Alder, 666 5169 ask tor Tom or Janet Smith House, 1790 Alder 686 4261 ask lor Murray 278 6 6 ROOMMATE WANTED Great summer apartment Cheap too, Bot 682-2217 __ 6-6 ROOMMATE WANTED For summer Nice Large 2 bedroom apartment 5 blocks to campus $90 month!' Call Wendy 485 7262 6 6 HOUSEMATE NEEDED Share house near UO taundramot. and shopping Rent $122 22 Call 242 2796 8 2 SUMMER ROOMMATE 2 bedroom townhouse Behind Track Town Pu/a I am a senior male majoring m Market ing $120 per month Young Kim 244-0222 6 2 Apts, for Rent THE FOLLOWINO ARE LOCATED 1-4 BLOCKS FROM UO •7S • Nicely furnished room lor quiet student utilities kitchen use included S12S - furnished studio apartment SI60 - Nicely Furnished 1 bedroom apartment Laundry off street parking SI 70 - Unfurnished one bedroom apart mem Lots of light off street parking Quiet 12SO - Unfurnished 2 bedroom lor those who appreciate high oemngs Fireplace, laundry Call tor appointment Joy •»» 1130 (office. 344-721$ (home) Spyglass As tOC _147 Sn $80 A MONTH Utamea ano kitchen use included Cal •4? ‘201 for into Phi Delta Theta 147: Kincaid 6-f HI RISE STUDIO/1 BDR. $50 MOVE IN DISCOUNT Enjoy spacious and secure living in our twin tower Hl-Rise Walking distance from campus EUGENE MANOR Man aged by people who care Call 484-7441 for showing BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 400 E. 2nd 485-6991 ___ 14? 6-6 TWO WEEKS IN JUNE FREE 1 bedroom $180 Parkside apartment in excellent condition Fully applianced on bike and bus route ?45-9272, 485-402? 142 ttn Excellent Location 735 East 14th Furnished studio, private bath, share kitche with one other Laundry facilities, covered parking available All utilities paid SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE FROM $120 Manager ?44-0219 BENNETT MANAGEMENT 460 East 2nd 485-6991 J9?6-6 2-BED SUMMER RATES $240, $250 per month 1414 Alder ?4?-207? Right across from campus 6-6 STUDIO UNITS and house 1 V> blocks from campus Studio summer rates $145 House $?75 some furnished Laundry facilities 484-0070 or even mgs 484 0708 2?9 6-6 1 BEDROOM Unfurnished Pleasanl, comfortable, older house near Universi ty $150 a month 1st, last, lease 614 East 15th Pleasant landlord 485-1511, days 686-2222, eves ?19 6 ? 1 BEDROOM furnished Pleasant, com fortable older house near University $1?0 a month Available through Sept 608 East 15th Pleasant landlord 485-1511 day, 686 2222 eves ?20 6 ? 2040 EMERALD Charming 1 bedroom, fireplace, share kitchen, $165 includes all utilities ELLIOTT ASSOC. 683-2160. 321:6-20 2 BEDROOM $139 Spacious, neat, clean Campus one block Rich carpets, drapes, laundry, parking Quality Unfurnished Hot water paid No pets or children 750 E. 18th. 345-7987. ?7?tfn SUMMER RATES ? bedroom $195 a month Parking with laundry facilities just 'h block to campus Now taking reservations for Fall term Call ?44-?566 ?24 tfn runmoneu x Duma aparimenr oun deck, disposal, diswasher, pay July Aug. $150 month Available alter graduation 17th 4 Patterson 743-4710 __ 6-6 ONE BEDROOM $139 Extremely spacious, neat, clean Bal cony. rich carpets, drapes, laundry, parking Quality Unfurnished Hot water paid No pets or children 750 E. 18th, 345-7987. ?71 Wn ONE BEDROOM $129 Unfurnished Campus ten blocks Near Safeway Laundry, parking No Pets or Children 2045 Willamette. 383-9125. 345-7987. 370 tin 2 BEDROOM $139 Extremely large Unfurnished Campus ten blocks Near Saleway laundry, parking No pets or children 2045 Willamette. 883-9125, 345-7987. _.769 tin $140-8150 One Bedroom unturmshed or lurntshed. minus discount it leased Top Campus Convenience 775 E 17th John 745 11 79. .'*44 1583 4 12 6-20 $230, 2 BEDROOM Walking distance UO Triplex Extra spacious, quiet, cheerful, laundry tacili lies Adutts no pets Garage available q?_ SUMMER RATES 7 bedroom Townhouse 1290 E 18th $300 2 bedroom - Quiet 1948 Harris $175 large Studio 657 E 17th $ 130 All utilities paid 1 and 2 bedroom 2785 Oak $185 and up CALL 484 1278 ___6-6 QUIET Studio, Garden Bay window Near U ol O Shopping. Bus route $175 pei month including all utilities 347 4086 6 6 FURNISHED COTTAGE Available June IP Sept 10 Next to Washburoe Park Price neyotmble 745 1751 6? LOWEST ONE MDROOM RATES Summer and/or fall minus discounts, bonuses Campus H btocu, laundry facilities parking 775 E 17lh 7467179, 744 1587 405 620 NEAR CAMPUS Two bedroom town house apartment tor rent June 15 Private patio, laundry, carport Dish washer disposal, drapes carpeting Also a one bedroom open June 10 Summer rates available 344-7474 or 464 0719 6? SLICE Of LIFE very nice summer sub let 1 bedroom, sunlight wood floors, mce setting Prime location 751 E 14th »t 744-5210_ 66 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY UO Family Housing Amazon two bedroom untur rushed apartmeos at $100 month and Westmoreland one bedroom fur nished apartment a4 $111 month Also anscipate future openings lor Weetmor eland two bedroom furnished apartment at $171 month Contact UO Housing Dept 686 4277 861 Hr FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus $175 to $250 485-0062, 484-4016. J?22 tin WALK TO CAMPUS 625 East 16th One and two bedrooms furnished with patio and courtyard Laundry, off-street parking Now taking reservations IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 _482 tfn ALDERWOOD MANOR 1860-1884 Alder Summer rates available now. on fully furnished 1, 2 and ? bedroom apartments, with carpeting, drapes, appliances Off-street parking, water, garbage paid $129, $219 and $215 For information call Manager 484-6112 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 9I4 jin FURNISHED STUDIO 1331 High St. Quiet, convenient location Private bath, share kitchen with one other Utilities paid PLAN AHEAD RESERVE YOUR UNIT NOW AT SUMMER RATES from $120 Manager 244-0215 BENNETT MANAGEMENT 460 East 2nd 485-6991 194 tin 1345 FERRY 1 bedroom apartment 2 blocks down 12th street to campus Close to laundry, store $150 month Garbage, water paid 242-1265 before 4 pm _105 tin FIRCREST APARTMENTS 630 EAST 14th «9 Large unfurnished two bedroom, ap plianced, carpeted, laundry facilities $260 V I P. 245-7268 549 tin SUMMER RATES AVAILABLE from $140 per month. 1414 E 18th Great location Quiet, clean 1 or 2 bedrooms Furnished or unfurnished Covered parking, laundry Call Sabin, 682-2160, Elliott Associates 601 tin FURNISHED ONE AND 11190 bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty_622;tfn 433 WEST 8th *7 Studio, unfurnished, carpeted, ap plianced. water and garbage paid Laundry facilities $125 245-7268 747 tfn r--—-: _--—I Plan Ahead For Summer 1 or 2 Bedroom Apartments For 150 MO. (June 15-Sept 15) Includes Furnished, fully appiianced apt parking, excellent campus loca tion -DROP BY The Emerald Apts. 1877 Emerald (2 Bedroom) or The Camelot Apts. 1800 F 18th (1 bedroom) or call 343- 1491 344- 5440 ALSO Make Reservations Now tor next tall 'NEDUCED-OUARANTEED SUMMER-; ALL RATES 500 E 18th Large 2 bedroom Fur nished, diswasher disposal Laundry facilities no pets Clean excellent con dition ?4? 1271 or 686 8667 79? tfn NEAR MUSIC BUILDING 1 or 2 be droom furnished apartment available immediately References 688-5769 _ 790 tfn 1312 MILL wtovely S TUDIOS In older house with hard-wood floors, lots ol windows Available now $150-$169 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 _;_’_ 29 tin 1478 HIGH *1. 92 Large two bedroom, carpeted ap piianced laundry facilities Water'gar bage paid $250 Vip?45-7?68 __8>:&-6Wn Air-Conditioned Sign up for Summer FREE CABLE TV Deluxe beautifully furnished quads now available at DflASTICALLY REDUCED summer rales Breathtaking views, open courtyard, laundry facilities, covered parking and FREE uMrties All this from only $89 W block to U ol O campus-10 minutes on bus Ime to LCC STOP IN TODAY ANO SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE1 WOODSIDE MANOR (18th and Harris) 683-3005 ____ 6?: tin 215 Eael 2nd »8 lone bedroom, furnished Water, gar bage paid Appiianced Carpeied, laundry facilities $175 (at Skmner s Bufle) Vip ?45-7?68 59 5-6 tfn DRASTICALLY REDUCED FREE CABLE TV TERRIFIC one and two bedroom apart ments. Extra large, completely fur nished. quiet, with laundry facilities and off street parking SIGN UP NOW FOR SUMMER RATES FROM jonly $140 located next to U of O campus On direct bus line to LCC and downtown TALK WITH US! STUDENT COURT (19th and Harris) 344-5503 62 tfn 215 East 2nd, #1 Classic large, one bedroom in older home Furnished, applianced, laundry, water, garbage paid $200 (at Skinner's Butte) Vip 245-726660 ttn 614 LAWRENCE ? bedroom, in won derful old house, covered porch, large living room, separate dining room, $225 Elliott Assoc 682-2160 225 tfn Houses for Rent THE FOLLOWING ARE LOCATED 1-4 BLOCKS FROM UO $220 - Unfurnished two bedroom du plex Funky bathtub, garden $220 - Unfurnished 2 bedroom duplex Appliances, fenced yard $375 - Unfurnished luxury 2 bedroom duplex Appliances, fireplace Utilities included $400 - Unfurnished 4 bedroom duplex Dishwasher, fireplace Call tor appointment Joy 686-1130 (office) 344-7215 (home) Spyglass As soc __148:tfn 4 BEDROOM HOUSE 609 E 14th Right on campus Laundry facilities, plenty of storage Fireplace Gardent spot Rent $475. Call 484-9662 or 485-5641 to leave message 274 tfn 4 BEDROOM HOUSE 4 blocks to cam pus Fireplace, unfurnished 269 E 15th Available June 15 $450 month 484-2029 evenings_242-8000 days 6-6 SMALL 1 BEDROOM Bachelor Pad. appliances Electric heat, garden spot Rent $195 month. Call day or eveing 484-9662 or 485-5641 to leave mes sage 1228W Jefferson St_276:tfn 1 BEDROOM DUPLEX Garden spot Carpet, clean and private $195 month. Call 484-9662 or 485-5641 to leave message._276:tfn LARGE HOUSE 6 bedroom, appliances, full basement 1 mile straight shot down 12th to Campus Large garden area 1208 Jefferson FIREPLACE Oak floors, and cabinetry add charm to this Old Fashioned home RENT $525. Call day or evenings 484-9662 or 485-5641 to leave mes sage ___ 275 ttn COUNTRY LIVING Small but cozy 2 bedroom house Large lot Out buildings Fruit trees Ap pliances Rent $275. 70 Kinney Lp, oft Coburg Rd Call 484-662 or 485-5641 to leave message _ 272:tfn HOUSE and Large yard to share Own room and bath off garage Very private $150 month Call 245-4182 or 747-4501 ext 2292 6-20 2 BEDROOM LARGE YARD 2724 Kincaid, $295 484-1228 6-6 SUMMER ROOMS tor rent. $80 cash Older house in wooded area, close to campus Trails, seclusion, cooperative living Call 682-9528 6-6 TWO BEDROOM House Completely furnished Dishwasher, washer-dryer all appliances fireplace Excellent hill view, decks September 1982 to June 1984 $275 per month Ext 4069 or 686-8850 6-6 LARGE 4 BEDROOM 2 bath home, yard and garden space Comple'ely furnished, on bus line near campus Available June 18th 682-4452 or 242-2548 6-2 Quads ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Aider No. 65 Munth-to-month $100 Tenant pays electricity 242-2612, 484-0804 222 ttn THE BROWN DERBY Super special Spring/summer rales now in effect. 441 Eaat 17lh I51tfn 1728 FERRY Newer, some with decks Clean, plea sant surroundings $109 and $115. utilities paid IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 345-9210 _ 465tfn Vi BLOCK FROM CAMPUS WEST UNIVERSITY QUADS 738 East 16th $124 Private bath, laundry facilities, refrigerator in room, reserved parking available Manager, unit 1,245-1540 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 __ 429 ttn LARGE QUAD $89 per month $75 deposit Utilities included For more information call 485-8859 981 tfn HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Ouads and get your weekly cleaning included in the rent - along with cable TV utilities private bath and lots of other goodies CALL TOOAY! CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 888-1075 Friday, Juna 3,1983