446 E. 13th • 342-8339 lxM*irNi(tv Great Graduation cards and gifts from Logos Bookstore! £ZZ± / JT WmA ■\ - ■ A LOOKING GOOD I Scientists seek clues to slides RENO (AP) — Geologists buzzed over the Sierra Nevada by helicopter Tuesday, looking for clues to more mudslides like one which took one life and wiped out four homes at the base of towering Slide Mountain. A search for survivors of the slide was call ed off after Washoe County Sheriff Vince Swin ney said all were accounted for. Federal, state and county agencies were surveying the damage caused by the mammoth earthslide, which sent a 15-foot “wall” of water, mud, boulders and debris crashing down a creekbed into the fertile Washoe Valley on Monday. Four homes were destroyed and five others damaged by the slide, which also trap ped a number of horses in its path. One was shot to death because of its injuries and another was accidently dropped off a gurney as a helicopter tried to lift it to safety. Others were safely evacuated. Nevada Gov. Richard Bryan toured the site Tuesday and said the damage was not as serious as he expected. Relief agencies were trying to determine how much assistance the families affected by the disaster would need. The U S. Forest Service sent a helicopter over a 90-mile stretch of the Sierra south of Reno to determine whether Monday’s slide would be followed by more. Last winter was the snowiest on record in the Sierra Nevada, and the mountains are still choked with snow drifts of 20 feet or more. Landslides already have closed U.S. Highway 50, the major artery into the Lake Tahoe area, in two places. Monday’s slide was caused by the sun’s in frared rays heating the earth below the snow on Slide Mountain, according to Forest Service engineer Max Montgomery. He said infrared heating caused a cavity to build between the earth and snow, resulting in an avalanche which ripped away earth and trees and sent a roiling layer of muck sliding down the steep face of the mountain. The mud cascaded into Upper Price Lake, formed a dam and burst it, and then repeated the process at Lower Price Lake directly below. Fires contained, crews go home EUGENE (AP) — Cool, rainy weather helped control a number of forest fires in the Willamette National Forest and fire officials said Tuesday they were beginning to send their fire crews home. “All the fires are controlled except for two in the Detroit District and we expect to have those controlled today,” said Betty Hooker, fire dispatcher for the Willamette National Forest. “We had light rains on the fires yesterday and that’s cer tainly aided us in controlling them,” Hooker added. Mopping up operations were expected to continue through Thursday and fire crews were being demobil ized, she said. “We had 1,400 on the fires yesterday and we're down to about 1,200 today,” Hooker said Tuesday. “By Friday we anticipate having only a few crews left." The two fires not listed as “controlled" Tuesday presented “no problems,” she said. They were situated in the Monument Peak and Detroit Reservoir areas. 1 FANTASTIC PRICES! THE SQUIRE SHOP RAINBOW OF VALUES PICK YOUR COLOR - PICK YOUR PRICE! EVERY SALE PRICE HAS A MATCHING COLORED TAG, AND THE PRICES ARE SPECTACULAR. SAVE 50% AND MORE ON THE HOTTEST BRAND NAMES TODAY. BLUE TAG - VALUES TO 9.95 SHIMMELS — Half-shirts in lersey weight, light cotton, and mesh knit reg 9 95 Tank Tops, reg 9 95 $3.99 RED TAG - VALUES TO 22.95 LEFT BANK - Hooded terry cloth pullover with pouch pocket, reg 19 95 Brittania Scroll Rivet-Elastic Waist Pant. A Smile Utility Pant. Michael G Elastic Waist Pant Brittania White Pant?1 — all 4 99. reg 29 96 *4.99 GOLD TAG - VALUES TO 29.95 SHORT SLEEVE VELOURS - Soft and tuHy, easy to care tor and lots of colors reg 26 96 Brittania Jeans Moon Jeans A Smile Jeans all 9 86 reg to 29 95 GREEN TAG - VALUES TO 36.95 MALER Rugby Style Tops Bright, light and great for summer reg 22 50 Lightning Bolt Summer Shirt, reg 2-« 95. Adam Sloane The Shirt reg 17 95. Striped Hooded Sweatshirts reg 19 95, Riva Fleece Tops reg 29 95 Terry/ Velour Short Sleeve Shirts, reg 1795 Jeans from Union Bay James Jean Lawman Normandeo Brittama - Moon reg to 36 96 $ 12.88 BROWN TAG - VALUES TO 34.95 SQUIRE JEANS - Save over 50% on our hottest new style the Squire*own,ean Reg 34 95 $ 15.88 BLACK TAG - VALUES TO 36.95 JEANS Dark de.um & Stone Wash, pinstripes Bones and the latest fashion styles, reg to 36 95 Choose from Normandee, Generra. Union Bay. Moon, Desperado. San Francisco Riding Gear *24.88 LIGHT GREEN - VALUES TO 26.95 SPORT SHIRTS - Stripes plaids and a whole rainbow of colors reg to 2? 95 Generra Cord Pants reg to 26 95 Vi PRICE PLUS THOUSANDS OF OTHER ITEMS, ON SALE NOW THROUGH JUNE 12, AT THE SQUIRE SHOP. Not ail brands and sues in alt stores Quantity limited to stock on hand Thesquiveshsk VALLEY RIVER CENTER