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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1983)
Classifieds Clothing .ft SALE STILL ON Check our selection ot shorts, tops sundresses and leather sandals OLD FRIENDS 112S Alder MS 10:30-5:30 For Sale SCUBA CONSIGNMENT Shop now open Check our prices 242-2722 5-27 "HAI»PY TRAILS" A special way to say "so long" with an Emerald Personal 15 words tor $1 50 it placed by 1 pm June 2 at 200 EMU, EMU Main Desk, UO Bookstore Coming June ELECTRIC BASS $50.485 9196 Tim HUGE PLAIN WOOD Desk with si* drawers $20 Call 242 704 7 evenmqs DOUBLE MATTRESS Bo* springs f * celleot shape. $90 485-6754. 5-27 TRAILER FOR SALE •’ * 35', $1500. $500 down. $1000 m 2 yrs On Franklin 15 min Bike commute 747-6407. 6-6 SLEEPING BAGS FOR SALE All Eddie Bauer, $25 Goode down with hood Comfort range 20 degrees to 55 de grees above, with removable nylon fleece liner (never used), down to 10 degrees farenheit Excellent condition $125 Goose down mummy, with hood Comfort range 10 degrees f to 55 degrees above 8 inch total lott Perfect condition $150 Evenings 242-0294 or 245 1062 5-21 FOR SALE Cross Country ski boots. Norrona size 8Vi Evenings 242-0294 or 245-1062 _ 5- 21 JOHN COUGAR A SCANDAL * tickets for concert Saturday night, Dis count price $8 Call afternoon or even mg, 682-7226 5-27 FOR SALE: Honda Express, 1978. lair condition, best offer Call Leslie at 686-4691 5-27 Buy & Sell THE BUY 6 SELL CENTER Buy-Selt-Trade 1 Tubas trumpets, trombones, clarinets saxophones and accessories 361 West 5th We buy and sell used merchandise SAKS THRIFT AVE. Under the Overpark, 1090 E 26th ARE YOU LEAVING THE AREA? Do You Have Furniture To Sell? Now Buying Used Furniture Free Pickup DINTY'S FURNITURE 727 Main, Springfield 746-0960 DIXIE'S NEW 6 USED New and Usee Furniture & More1 BUY - SELL - TRADE Free Pick Up 666 2768 2050 W 6th Eugene VOICE LESSONS Study correct vocal technique with a professional singing actor All levels and styles Call 666 8219 or 485-2849 5 27 LAFLER SILKSCREEN Specializing in design and printing ol shirts 343-2306,342-1927. 272 5-27 EDITING Papers dissertations. B A English, indiana University Teaching experience 245-1197 5-27 Typing TYRING/EDITING Call Judy or Sara _ 666-0736 HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports resumes Free pickup /delivery 345-6165 224 tin PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selector. Call Barbara 345-0747 TYPING: 15 years experience peper* dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Selector, Pick up and delivery Cak Carole at 666-3663 ■UTE TYPING SERVK* OFaM-Guerenteed-Accursia Free pickup/delivery 464-1646 DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Quarsrv teed dustily work Free pu/detivery 4S8-2B14 IMtfo A Pt,US TYPING »i/G»'E/*06/»ne Patm 14 TYPING /EDITING Sara 6M-073S Judy 344-6502 809WHFM BRANDY’S TYPING SERVICE Professional, experienced Theses, re sumes, reports editing 484-6044 _92? tfr |WANT A CHOICE! Do you need typing or word processing? PROFESSIONAL PREPARATIONS offers both' Guar anteed quality work - 12 yrs legal & professional experience • free p u 5 del on campus Call 345-1017. _63T«ln PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rates IBM Correcting Setectric Call Patrice 342-5238. 144 tfn TYPING Paul 485-2849 PICK UP/DELIVERY 5-27 RUSH TYPING Fast, accurate, reason able rates Convenient location Chris tme 342-7255 6-6 TYPING • EDITING • GRAPHICS Fast service; reasonable rates, graduate school approved Resume expertise, pica, elite & micron, electronic self-cor recting CINDY 464-5454. 6-6 INSTRUMENTS STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS The beet in handbuilt acoustic and custom electric guitars PARTS-REPAIR-SERVICE 1417V. OHve *2 484-0615 Monday-Saturday 10-5:30 Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Paarl Street 343-7683 Monday thru. Friday 9-6 pm Saturday 9-1 pm 247 6-27 CASH We pay cash tor used stereo equipment MCKENZIE RIVER MUSIC 525 E»*t 13th 343-9482 _224:6-3 TURNTABLE $40 45 watt, 4-way speakers $75 pair 1 year old 345-1183 _ 5-27 AR25 LOUDSPEAKERS $ 50 Marant/ receive , needs work, $40 John 683-4978 5-27 [books 80.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% oft list prices I -New Books-Tex' r'ooks-Cliff Notes *— Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 748 East 13th _ 362 tin HAPPY TRAILS" A way to say "so long" with an Emerald Personal 15 words for $1 50 it placed by 1 pm June 3 at 300 EMU, EMU Mam Desk, UO Bookstore Coming June 6 Bicycles EISENTRAUT 21 one fourth . 531, handmade. Beeutiful workmanship and condition Stronlrt# ITT Shimano 21 lbs $460 343-2625 5-27 Bicycl* Tire Special Buy a tire, get a $2 50 tube free or $2 50 oft other tubes Many parts available for commuting, touring and racing Come CYCLE-SI REPAIR 17*3 Weet 18th ' (Just past Chambers) 8*7-4288 BIKE OF THE MONTH CENTURION 15 SPEED Chrome Moiy Tram*. SunTour Gears Alloy Wheels. Cranks. Brakes FINE BIKE-GREAT PRICE JUST 5249.50 With this ad-510 off Any FUJI or CENTURION Mhe Models from $16910 $2400 STU S BIKE SHOP Ih A Monro* 344-2175 Cars & Cycles 1SS1 months old Excellent condition, Blue Make offer Call 747-8216 5-27 77 SCIROCCO Cobalt blue. Air, Blaupunkt. Runs great $2,200 or best offer 244 2474 6-27 72 CHRYSLER NEWPORT It s old and it runs Asking $650 will sell to best offer Brent 247-0610 5-27 1963 OATSUN Pickup 1700 cc Runs well Body and interior are in fair to good condition, $700 484 4182 6-1 1971 VW SUPER BEETLE New tires di hard battery, radio, recent valve |ob. 85000 miles Very good running condi tion 74 miles to gallon on freeways $1800 or best offer Call 742-7715 after 6 pm _5-27 ‘74 PINTO WAGON 4 speed AM/FM cass Good shape overall, $795 244-0781 5-71 1967 DATSUN SW 1500 cc Pretty clean, dependable Needs tune-up Good work, student car $650 BOBBI 747-5101 eves 5-71 1976 OPEL IZUSU low miles Rebuilt A/T New radials Good basic transpor tation $1795 687-9770 5-27 Auto Repair TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Why not let a professional factory trained and certified mechanic give your car the 'personal touch ' in the privacy of his own home workshop1 Single parent responsibilities for two small children have forced me to quit my lucrative dealership |Ob to bring you real savings on quality work for Volkswagen and Alfa Romeo vehicles Jerry Berger, 344-4806. 270:UF Travel BOOKLET: "Europe On Your Own-Low Cost Travel Hints ' Send $7 25 to Ken Nash. P O Box 68008, Milwaukie, OR 97222 5-27 Wanted SOMEONE TO USE my beautiful counseling office half days and even mgs available 242-2079 5-27 Need Money Wanted distributors tor NOVA Nutritional Products 20% Commission plus bonus More information call 245-5560_6-6 BUYING FURNITURE One item or a household 689-6288 No|unk’ 6-6 VISITING PROFESSOR Wile and daughter, need housesitting opportunity July-August References 244-7294 Opportunities MONEY MAKER This summer and at every Kegger and party next year Ex quisite mobile hot tub tor sale Brian Porter. 772 6868 6 2 "HAPPY TRAILS" A special way to say so long with an Emerald Personal 15 words lor SI 50 if placed by t pm June 2 at 200 EMU. EMU Main Desk. UO Bookstore Coming June 6.__ SELLING Sporting Goods Store $5,900 includes several video games 245-4527 _292 5-27 PARLA ITALIANO? Portland Mate University is ottering partial tuition scholarships tor the Italian section ot A'L’P'S in OREGON, a tour week intensive language and culture class held this summer at Mt Hood For more mtormation and applications, can (502) 229-4081. or write PSU Summer Ses slon, PO Box 751. Portland. OR 97207 2208-6 Help Wanted Computers National Marketing firms are seeking part time, lull time, and summer help Training provided Call Greg 485 2911 or 242 1202 5^27 QUALITY CLERK TYPIST tor Nutrition Research Protect Must be tast and accurate Prefei work study student $4 24 $4 54 per hour Call Linda or Betsy ext 4188 or 2820 or 925-1209 evenings 5 27 WOMEN IN TRANSITION • accepting applications lor Director and Asst Di rector for the 82-84 school year Apply al EMU 226 Deadkne B June 2 291 61 NEW EXCITING SALE* PLAN! Salt or buy Taxaa Instruments home Computer Equipment and software Ground floor multi level opportunity1 Excellent com mission potential’ 10 5 Ron ward M4-7MI _____ _64 KWAX NECOS VOLUNTEERS for tund-rawmg phonathon Tuesday May 21st from 6 20-9 20 pm Cal Denny ext 4242 _ 222 6-6 WORK6TUOV CRISIS COUNSELOR U ol O Crisis Center Call Candy al 666 44— tor more Into 227 6-2 Wanted Outdoor Enthusiasts Outdoor Program is hiring summer work study staff Call 686-2720 or ext 4265 or stop by (Basement of EMU) 214 6-6 COME ON ALONG with S E P.!! The Summer Enrichment Program tor Talented and Gifted Junior High School Students, June 26-August 6, is looking for a few good people for our recreation staff Gain leadership experience! Upper division practicum credit is available For information contact Wendy Popkm at 686-5555 or Cheri Snell at 244-1251 Roomates RESPONSIBLE Foreign student seeks a female roomate who will help him with English and occasional cooking and cleaning in exchange for room and board Own room in apartment near University Call 242-5627 or 242-4580 __5-27 FEMALE ROOMATE to share spacious furnished two bedroom apt near cam pus. Safeway Call 242-4562_5-27 "HAPPY TRAILS" A special way to say so long" with an Emerald Personal 15 words for $1 50 if placed by 1 pm June 2 at 200 EMU. EMU Main-Desk, UO Bookstore Coming June 6 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Two Chnstain roomates to share 2 bedroom. 2Vi bath Duplex, close to campus furnished Call 242-4622 5-21 FEMALE ROOMATE WANTED For summer Own bedroom Cute apt Wa sher/Dryer 4 blocks to campus Non smoker only 244-2587._5-27 HOUSEMATE NEEDED Share home near UO. shopping and recreation $122 22 per month Call 242-2796 5-27 GRAD STUDENT seeks mature non smoking male or female to share 2 bedroom apt on bikepath in W Eugene, 2 5 mi from campus Racquetball and tennis courts, $120 per month available June 15 Call Cindy 242-5551 5-21 HOUSEMATES WANTED Nice older house in quiet neighborhood. 2% miles from campus Big backyard, fruit trees washer and dryer $85 a month, utilities included 244 4196 Chris or David Non-smokers please ____ 5-21 ROOMATE WANTED June 1 si 2 be droom duplex, view fireplace garden $121 67 par month. Call 24?8??4 5 21 CAN MEN FIX DINNER? CAN WOMEN FIX FAUCETS? Can 24 to 40 women and men run a cooperative household with non-sexist principles? Would you like to help us? We are near campus, cook both vege tarian and non-vegetarian, and al a reasonable cost Please check us out tor this term, summer term or next fall Campbell Club 1670 Alder 686 5189 (ask for Tom) of -Janet Smith House. 1790 Alder. 686 4261 (ask tor Murray) _788:5-27 FEMALE HOUSFMATE tor summer (June 15-August 20) Share 2 bedroom / 2 Study furnished house with grad sating senior Garden, deck to east great view 2 cats washer and dryer $150 month plus Vi utilities I and three fourths mile trom campus Bobbi 242-5101 5-21 I-———-. I Apts, for Rent t NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR FALL Elizabethan Management ?4S-1409 __ __ 181 tin Excellent Location 735 East 14th Furnished studio, private bath, share knche with one other l aundry facilities, covered parking available All utilities paid SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE FROM SIM Manager ?44-0219 BENNETT MANAGEMENT 460 East 2nd 4IMM1 _ is? se THE FOLLOWING ARE LOCATED 1-4 BLOCKS FROM UO $75 • Nicely furnished room lor quiet student Utilities kitchen use included $15® • Nicety Furnished 1 bedroom apartment l aundry off street perking $179- Unfurnished one bedroom apart merit Lois of light, off street parking Qua* SMO • unfurnished 2 bedroom lor those who appreciate high ceftngs Fireplace. laundry Call for appointment Joy MS-1130 (office) 344-7215 (home) Spyglass As soc _ 147 tin HI RISE STUDIO/1 BDR. 550 MOVE IN DISCOUNT Enjoy spacious and secure kvtng m our twin tower tH-Riee Wafting distance from campus EUGENE MANOR Mat aged by pwopfe who care Can 484 7441 lor showing ^BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. TWO WEEKS IN JUNE FREE 1 bedroom $180 Parkside apartment in excellent condition Fully applianced on bike and bus route 345-9272, 485-402?_ _142 tfn Ashlane Apts Adult Student Housing Inc. 1,2 and ? bedroom apts Available Now 1 bedroom - $135 50, 2 bedroom - $162 50. 3 bedroom - $180 50 475 Undale. Springfield, OR 747-5411 _S-27 SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM Neat clean Campus 1 block Carpets, drapes, laundry, parking Hot water paid $170 750 E 18th 687-8205 or 345-7987 after 3 pm weekdays, anytime wee kends! 24S:lfn STUDIO UNITS and house 1 Vi blocks from campus Studio summer rates $145 House $375 some furnished Laundry facilities 484-0070 or evenings 484-0708 239 5-27 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX 3 blocks from campus Clean, wood paneling $200 Deposit negotiable. 342-7275. 5-31 CHECK OUT this furnished one be droom apartment Sunny, clean and near campus Covered parking and laundry facilities $175 968 Alder 345-4207_5-31 2-BED SUMMER RATES $240, $250 per month 1414 Alder 343-207? Right across from campus _6-6 FURNISHED COTTAGE for summer $120 Call 343-101? Fenced yard. 1 Vi miles to U of O 6-1 TWO BEDROOM Completely fur nished Dishwasher, washer-drier, all appliances Excellent hill view Sep tember to June $375 per month ext 4069 or 686 8850 5-27 UTILITIES PAID STUDIOS & QUINTS Roomy & clean Private hath, retriger ator. cooking facilities, carpet, drapes laundry Furnished and unfurnished From $109 Call Mike ?4?-??44 1037 West 4th Jennings & Co Progeny Management, Inc 488 East 11th Ave 683-2271 _75? 5-31 $240, 2 Bedroom in a tri-plex Centrally located Eastside Extra spacious, cheerful, quiet Laundry facilities Adults, no pets Garage avaita W 345-4805, 484-0303_328 5 27 STUDIO UNITS and house 114 blocks Irom campus Studio summer rates $145 House $375 some furnished Laundry facilities 484 0070 or even ings 484-0708 239 6-6 1 BEDROOM Unfurnished Pleasant, comfodabte, older house near Universi ty $150 a month 1st last, lease 614 East 15th Pleasant landlord 485-1511. days 686-2222, eves 319 6-3 1 BEDROOM furnished Pleasant, com tortabie older house near University $ 150 a month Available through Seot 608 East 15th Pleasant landlord 485 1511 days 686-222? eves 320 6-3 2040 EMERALD Charming 1 bedroom fireplace share kitchen $165 includes all utilities ELLIOTT ASSOC. 683-2180 3214-20 SUMMER RATES 3 bedroom $ i{ir a month Parking with laundry facilities (ust Vi clock to campus Now taking reservations tor Fall term CaB 344-3566 324 tfn Christus House has vacancies tor summer Single rooms rent tor only $70-80 a month, utilities included Stop by 18th and Potter, or call Tom at 687-0145 336 6-1 • WO BEDROOM townhouse apart ment Near Campus' Available June 15 Private patio carport Drapes & carpet, dishwasher Summer rate 344-7434 _ 5-31 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY UO Family Housing Amazon two bedroom unfurnished apartments at $100/month and Westmoreland one bedroom fur nished apartment at $111 /month Also anticipate future openings tor Westmor eland two bedroom furnished apartment at $131 /month Contact UO Housing Dept 686-4277 _ 861 tfn WALK TO CAMPUS 625 East IS* One and two bedrooms furnished with patio and courtyard Laundry, off-street parking Now taking reservations IPM CO, REALTOR 1111 PEAK. ST. 445-6252 ____ 483Hn ALDERWOOD MANOR , 1860-1884 Aldor on tolly furnished 1. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, wilh carpeting, drapes, appliance* Off street parking, water. Outage pato 8139, $219 and *315 For mlormaeon caa Manager 484 6113 IPM CO, REALTOR 1111 PEARL 8T. 488-8292 J FURNIS ED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus $175 to $250 485-0062, 484-4016. _ 332 tin FURNISHED STUDIO 1331 High St Quiet, convenient location Private bath, share kitchen with one other Utilities paid PLAN AHEAD RESERVE YOUR UNIT NOW AT SUMMER RATES from $120 Manager 344-0215. BENNETT MANAGEMENT 460 East 2nd 485-6991 194 tfn 1345 FERRY 1 bedroom apartment. 3 blocks down 13th street to campus. Close to laundry, store. $150 month. Garbage, water paid. 342-1265 before 4 pm. 105:ttn FIRCREST APARTMENTS 630 EAST 14th *9 Large unfurnished two bedroom, ap plianced, carpeted, laundry facilities $260 V I P, 345-7368 549 tfn SUMMER RATES AVAILABLE from $140 per month 1414 E 18th Great location. Quiet, clean. 1 or 2 bedrooms Furnished or unfurnished Covered parking, laundry Call Sabin, 683-2160, Elliott Associates 601 tfn FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty_ 632:tfn 433 WEST 8th #7 Studio, unfurnished, carpeted, ap plianced, water and garbage paid Laundry facilities $125 345-7368 __747 tfn Plan Ahead For Summer 1 or 2 Bedroom Apartments For 150 MO. (June 15-Sept 15) Includes Furnished, fully apphanced apt. parking excellent campus loca tion -DROP BY The Emerald Apts. 1877 Emerald (2 Bedroom) or The Camelot Apts. 1800E 18th (1 bedroom ) or call 343- 1491 344- 5440 ALSO Make Reservations Now for next tall REDUCED-GUARANTEED SUMMER-FALL RATES 500 E 18th Large 2 bedroom Fur nished, diswasher, disposal Laundry lacilities, no pets Clean, excellent con dition 242-1271 or 686-8667 792:ttn NEAR MUSIC BUILDING I or 2 be droom furnished apartment, available immediately References 688-5769 790ttn Air-Conditioned Sign up for Summer FREE CABLE TV Deluxe, beautifully furnished quads now available at DRASTICALLY REDUCED summer rates Breathtaking views, open courtyard, laundry facilities, covered parking and FREE utilities All this from only $89 Vi block to U of O campus-10 minutes on bus ime to LCC STOP IN TODAY AND SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE' WOOOSIDE MANOR (18th and Flarris) 683-3005 _ 63:tfn 215 Eaat 2nd #8 One bedroom, furnished Water, gar bage paid Applianced Carpeted, laundry facilities 5175 (at Skinner's Butte) Vip 245-7268_59:5-6 tfn DRASTICALLY REDUCED FREE CABLE TV TERRIFIC one and two bedroom apart ments Extra large, completely fur nished. quiet, with laundry facilities and off street parking SIGN UP NOW FOR SUMMER RATES FROM ONLY $140 located next to U of O campus On direct bus Ime to LCC and downtown TALK WTTHUBf STUDENT COURT (19th and Harris) 344-5503 62 tfn