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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1983)
Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OffICI, >00 I MU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES: Ads must be plat ed by 1 pm (km* day prior to public ation Ads that are tu appear in Monday s paper must be in l»v I pm Today The CM>l cannot be responsible lor mure than one day's incorrect advertising insertion I he 01)1 s liability tor ty^M>f(raphi( al errors, m« or re* t insertions, or omissions in advertising published shall lx* limited solely to the* c am ellation ol ( harges for su< h portion of spat e oc • ( upied by the error If your ad appears m correctly, (all MMI41 before 1 pm lor corret lion in the nest day's issue THERE IS NO REFUND FOR AD CANCELLATIONS! PAYMENT: All ads must In* paid lor in advam e unless a billing agreement has been established with us DISPLAY Cl ASSIf II |)S are available at the ODE ofti< e, W*> f MU Clothing EYE OF THE NEEDLE You fantasize We fabricate Fine Custom Clothing Alteration Repair FASHION SHOW May ?1 1 pm 673 E. 13th Av« 683-8290 (in the Courtyard) Mon-Frt 9-6 Sat 10-4 For Sale MOVING SALE Nice brown couch $20, good desk $20 Bed with frame, $50 MW. 242-6125_ 5 20 MGB Body and mechanical parts, cheap prices' Mike 245-4512 (late evenings) 5-24 MOVING SALE National Panasonic FM am Stereo Cassette Recorder, clothes, books and more1 1624 Mill St May 21st._5-20 TYPEWRITER BROTHER EXECU TRON Electronic daisywheel self-correcting $275 ext 4555 107 Condon_5-20 NORTH FACE Large backpack, $115. Janspod small Medium Parka, new $20 Electric heater $20 Small canvas Py ramid Tipi, new, needs poles $125 Call 668-4560._5 20 FOR SALE Professional Metal Halide 1000 wt Ballests. with timers and re flectors Phone 242-2072_S-20 TYPEWRITER Brother Executron elec tromc daisywheel Self-correcting $275 ext 4555 107 Condon 5-20 WHITE LEATHER Motorcycle jacket from England Size 28-40 $140 24"'2614 5-20 Garage Sales GARAGE SALE A calm conglomeration mingle mangle, miscellany Books, clothes, etc Friends Meeting House 2274 Onyx Saturday 9 am-5 pm 5-20 Goodbye Sale, entire household, art, ifinsic, liter ature, habitation, recreation, costume and more 2720 High St 10 am until sold 5-20 Buy & Sell ARE YOU LEAVING THE AREA? Do You Have Furniture To Soil? Now Buying Used Furniture Free Pickup DINTYS FURNITURE 727 Main. Springfield 74SOSSO __________218:5-21 THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy-Sett-Trade 1 Tubas, trumpets, trombones, clarinets, saxophones and accessories M1 Weal Mi 612 MF We buy and sell us-d merchandise SAKS THRIFT AVE Under the Overpark, 10th & Oak __ 420 4-22 Services FOR QUALITY TYPESETTING, DE SIGN. layout, pasteup and camera work come on up to the Oregon Oaky Emerald Jobwork Department. 200 EMU •SS-43S1, ask for Annie Noon to 4 pm Monday through Friday 10% discount on resumes for DO students with current ID and fee card Wn LAFLER SIKSCREEN Specializing m design and priming of shirts 242-2206, 242 19? 7 21? 5 2? VOICE LESSONS Study correct vocal techniques with a professional singing actor All levels and styles Call 686-8219 or 485-2849 5-20 Typing TYPING/EDITING Call Judy or Sara 686-073B 828 HFM HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup / delivery 345-6165. ??4:1tn PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectric Call Barbara 345-4747 866 MWF TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 688-3983. 514 tin ELITE TYPING SERVICE OFast-Guaranteed-Accurale Free pickup delivery 484-1646 _ 748 tin DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaran teed Quality work Free pu/delivery 485-2914 188 tfn A PLUS TYPING $1 /ds pg $ 05/line Call Syn 344-8735 202 tin TYPING /EDITING Sara 686-0739 Judy 344-6502 809:WHFM_ BRANDY'S TYPING SERVICE Professional, experienced Theses re sumes, reports, editing 484-6044 922 tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reaso, .able Rates IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342-5238. _144:tfn TYPEWRITER BROTHER EXECU TRON Electronic daisywheel self-cor recting $275 ext 4555 107 Condon 5-20 TYPING Paul 485-2849 Copies 5 cents per page ___5-20 RUSH TYPING Fast accurate, reason able rates Convenient location Chris tine 242-7255 6-6 WANT A CHOICE! Do you need typing or word processing’ PROFESSIONAL PREPARATIONS otters both' Guar anteed quality work 12 yrs legal & professional experience tree p u & del oncampus Call 345-1017. __622 Wn TYPING WANTED Term papers manuscripts, letters FAST-ACCURATE $ 85 page, double space IBM Cor reeling Setectric 344-5056 241 5-26 ELECTRONIC TYPING Choose typeface, format Professional Edit ing Available 345-0644,682 2125 6 20 INSTRUMENTS STEPHENS STRINGED INSTRUMENTS The bast In handbuilt acoustic and custom electric guitars PARTS REPAIR SERVICE 1417% Oliva »i 404-0015 Monday Saturday 10-5:30 _____ _247:8-29 ALVAREZ CLASSICAL GUITAR with hard shell case Excellent condition Come by 2017 W 14th Place In West moreland Family Housing 244 2256 __ 8-20 1903 GIBSON Flying "V" Very rare model Ebony neck. |umbo trots tiger stripe maple top Grovers, binding *895 242 2614 5-20 BOOKS 00.000 BOOKS IN STOCK A* selling 25% to 50% cM kst prices New Books rest Books OWt Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 700 Eaet 13tb 282 ffn Sound Systems UPCOMING MARRIAGE lortaa seta Of Harmon Kerdon 900 plus receiver $150 HK 2000 Caeeatte Deck *200 B A 0 7000 receiver A* quality aompmant Ceo Kevin 74? ,£>2 5 2o CASH We pay cash for used stereo equipment MCKENZIE RIVER MUSIC 525 East 13ttl 343-9842 224-5-25 Bicycles Bicycle Tire Special Buy a tire, get a $2 50 tube free, or $2 50 oft other tubes Many parts available tor commuting, touring, and racing Come see us CYCLE-Bl REPAIR 1753 WM 18th (Just past Chambers) 687-0288 5-20 Cars & Cycles 1977 FORD PINTO Wagon Automatic 4 cylinder Excellent $1,570 242-4029 5-20 1980 CHEV. MALIBU V6. 4 dr super car $2975 or offer 242-5087 _5-20 1981 YAMAHA 250 5 speed $H5U 245-2425 evenings and weekends 5 20 '68 BUG Runs great, needs brakes AM FM/Tape deck, good speakers $900 5-26 Auto Repair SPRING TUNE-'JP SPECIAL Honda Datsun, VW, Toyota, Volva and others Includes tune-up complete, valve ad lustment, oil change/filter $25. plus parts Call 345-9073 for appointment. J.S. Fry Auto Repair. MWF:5-13 TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Why not let a professional factory trained and certified mechanic give your car the personal touch” in the privacy of his own home workshop1 Single parent responsibilities for two small children have forced me to quit my lucrative dealership |Ob to bring you real savings on quality work for Volkswagen and Alfa Romeo vehicles Jerry Berger 344-4806. 270:UF EXPERT REPAIRS For less All cars For estimate Harry 485-6296 5-12 Travel DISCOUNTS on travel International Student I D . Youth Hostel and USA discount cards and information available at EMU Mam Desk 255 5 2? INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ID cards. Youth Hostel cards and USA discount cards available at EMU Mam Desk 254 5-22 Wanted Need Money Wanted distributors lor NOVA Nutritional Products 20K> Commission plus bonus More information call 245-5580 66 BUYING FURNITURE One item or a household 689 6288 No |unk' 6-6 SOMEONE TO USE MY Beautiful Counseling office half days and evenings available 242-2079 5-20 Opportunities 1 UPPERCLASSMEN and graduate students wanted to serve as paraprofes sionals for Career Planning & Placement Participate in extensive framing program and utKUe your skills to enhance our office Opportunities in elude leading workshops, counseling students and developing individual protects on career related matters Credit is available and a committment for Fall and Winter terms is required Con tact Barbara Tint by Monday May 22. CPPS, 246 Susan Campbell Hall. 686 2225 197 5 20 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG) * seeking an experienced individual to direct the slate’s fastest growing consumer and environmental group Rasponsibihties include im plemenlmg the policy of OSPIRG's student board directing a staff of seven representing OSPIRG in Ihe media legislature and other arenas Previous PIRG or organa mg experience essential A legal background with an understand ing ot consumer and environmental issues is important Send cover teller resume and references by May 27m to ftottn Smith, OSPIRG PO Box 751. PSU. Portland. OR 97207 225 5-25 Help Wanted LITERARY? Work skxty at Northwest Review. 5 8 hours per week im medtetety Can 8B6 2957 242 5-24 ASIAN AMERICAN STUDENT UN ION is accepting applications for director tor 8?-84 school year Pick up applications in RM 12 EMU by May 25EOE 250 5-24 THE SURVIVAL CENTER is nov accepting applications tor the 198?-84 staff If you are interested ir. the preservation and protection of our environment and would like to gain experience working with an energetic group, pick up an application in Suite One, EMU Staff positions are Director Assistant Director Legislative Coordinator Media Coordinator / Advocate Editor Wildlife Coordinator Wildlands Coordinator Energy Coordinator Recycling Coordinator Budget Coordinator The Survival Center is an Affirmative Action /Equal Opportunity employer Women, minority, and the han dicapped are encouraged to apply THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is now accepting applications tor all staff positions for 1982-84 Applications are due May 20, 198? at 5 p m Applications and job descriptions may be picked up at the Emerald office, EMU Suite ?00 Staff positions are Assistant News Editor Editorial Editor Photo/Graphics Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Assistant Entertainment Editor Features Editor Associate Editor for Higher Education Associate Editor tor Departments and Schools Associate Editor tor ASUO Associate Editor for Community Associate Editor for Politics The Oregon Daily Emerald is an affirma tive action equal opportunity employer 5-20 Now Accepting Applications for Fall Term Employment Oregon Dally Emarald Production Department The following openings are part-time student positions (15-?0 hrs/wk) Per sons applying tor any of the positions must be enrolled in at least one class per term Work Study is preferred but not required All persons applying must be available to begin working August 8, 198,? Applications close May 25, 198?. and will be filled by June 1. 198? Starting pay for all positions is $??5-$?55/hr depending on exper ience The positions open are Advertising typesetter - 2 positions - morning and afternoon Darkroom tech - 2 positions afternoon evenings alternating Job work assistant -1 position Night paete-up tech - 2 positions evenings Special protect* coordinator - t posi tion 2 full days pet wk at least Special protects assistant. 1 position ? full days tier wk at least File Clerk • t position morning, work study only For more information or list of |ob de scriptions talk to Victoria ?00 EMU Production Dep! or 686 5511 The Oregon Daily Emerald t» an Aftirma , tive Action/Equal Opportunity Em Rtoyer. . 5.20 GOVERNMENT lobs federal, state civil service Many openings available Call (refundable) 1-619 669-0241 Dept OR 104 for details ON-SITE MANAGER tor 22 unit apart ment house close to campus E*per write necessary Send resume to MBI Properties 877 East 12th No 440 Eugene 97402 _196 5-20 ANIMAL CARETAKER Now interview mg tor summer $4 47 per hour Must have work su-dy certification for sum mar Basic care ot laboratory animals Can Greg e«t 4956 Lab Animal Services is an Affirmative Action (Equal Oppor tunny wnptoyer 201 5 2? I nNd a tutor for my C.I.S. 131 class Immsdlatsly! I’ll pay a good $ rats per hour. Intsrsstsd? Call Stsvs at 683-4028. 5-24 Roomates THIRD FEMALE roommate wanted Beauufut room with own bathroom Cal 246-7169 5-20 HOUSEMATE NEEDED Share nice home near DO Safeway Bingo and landramal Available June 1st $12? ?? month Cal ?4?-2/96 5 20 Apts, for Rent NEAR MUSIC BUILDING 1 or 2 be droom furnished apartment, available immediately References 688-5769 790:ttn 1312 MILL LOVELY STUDIOS in older house, with hard-wood floors, lots of windows Available now $150$ 169 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 29:t1n 1479 HIGH *1, *2 Large two bedroom, carpeted, ap plianced, laundry facilities Water/gar bage paid $250 Vip 245-7268 61 5-6_ttn Air-Conditioned Sign up for Summer FREE CABLE TV Deluxe, beautifully furnished quads now available at DRASTICALLY REDUCED summer rates Breathtaking views, open courtyard, laundry facilities, covered parking and FREE utilities All this from only $89 Vi block to U of O campus -10 minutes on bus line to LCC STOP IN TODAY AND SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE' WOODSIDE MANOR (18th and Harris) 683-3005 _62 tin 215 East 2nd «8 One bedroom, furnished Water, gar bage paid Applianced Carpeted, laundry facilities $175. (at Skinner’s Butte) Vip 245-7268 _ 59 5 6 ttn DRASTICALLY REDUCED FREE CABLE TV TERRIFIC one and two bedroom apart ments Extra large, completely fur nished. quiet, with laundry facilities and off street parking SIGN UP NOW FOR SUMMER RATES FROM ONLY $140 located next to U of O campus On direct bus line to LCC and downtown TALK WITH US! STUDENT COURT (19th and Harris) 344-5503 62 ttn 215 East 2nd, *1 Classic large one bedroom in older home Furnished, applianced, laundry, water garbage paid $200 (at Skinner s Butte) Vip ?45- 7268 60 tfn THE FOLLOWING ARE LOCATED 1-4 BLOCKS FROM UO $7$ - Nicely furnished room for quiet student Utilities, kitchen use included $115 - Furnished studio apartment Utilities included $160 - Nicely Furnished 1 bedroom apartment Laundry, otf-street parking $170 - Unfurnished one bedroom apart ment Lots of light off-street parking Quiet $185 - Two bedroom unfurnished Ap pliances $260 - Unfurnished 2 bedroom tor those who appreciate high ceilings Fireplace, laundry Call for appointment Joy 686-1130 (office) 344-7215 (home) Spyglass As 147 tfn HI RISE STUDIO/1 BDR. $50 MOVE IN DISCOUNT E njoy spacious and secure living in our twin tower Hi Rise Walking distance from campus EUGENE MANOR Man aged by people who care Call r84 7441 lor showing BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 460 E. 2nd 485-6901 __ 14? 6 6 TWO WEEKS IN JUNE FREE I bedroom $180 ParKside apartment in excellent condition FuMy applianced on bike and bus route ?45 9272, 486 402?_ 142 tfn NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR FALL Elizabethan Management ?45-1409 _ 181 :<n 1441 FERRY *1 One bedroom in classic older home Carpeted applianced water garbage paid $185 VtP ?45-7?68_90? tfn utilities PAID! STUDIOS AND QUINTS Roomy and clean Prrvate bath refriger ator cooking facilities carpet drapes laundry Furnished and unfurnished From $109' Can Mike ?4?-??44 10? 7 West 4th Jennings A Co. Property Management Inc. 444 East 11th Ave 663-2271 75? 5-2? REDUCED-GUARANTEED SUMMER-FALL RATES 500 E 18th Large 2 bedroom Furnished, diswasher, disposal Laundry facilities, no pets Clean, excellent con dition 343-1271 or 686-8667 792:tfn SUMMER RATE THE WILLOW LANE- Spacious two bedroom, patio-balcony and laundry $225 month 1661 Ferry THE ONYX- Distinctive two bedroom townhouse Dishwasher, disposal and private courtyard $245 month 1920 Onyx THE KINCAID- Furnished one and two bedroom, $100-5225 month Parking and private laundry 1844 Kincaid THE WALKER- Charming one and two bedroom furnished units $100-$150 month Laundry & parking 914 E 18th MANAGER 683-2394 ELIZABETHAN MANAGEMENT 345-1409 180:5-22 Excellent Location 735 East 14th Furnished studio, private bath, share kitche with one other Laundry facilities, covered parking available All utilities paid SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE FROM $120 Manager 244-0219 BENNETT MANAGEMENT 460 East 2nd 485-6991 192 6-6 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Washer, dryer fireplace Wood stove, unfurnished 420 mo first to last 2815 Hilyard Richard 682-2850 _5-25 SUMMER RATES NOW LANE TERRACE 1424 E. 18th 1 & 2 bedroom apartments on campus, carpet, drapes, appliances, covered parking From $149 Call 484-0772 or 682-2271 for showings Jennings & Co 488 E 11th Ave Eugene OR 97401 484-2022 _202 5-18 LOWEST ONE BEDRROM RATES Summer and/or Fall minus discounts, bonuses Campus Vi block, laundry facilities, parking 725 E 17th 245-71 79 244 1582 5-20 SUMMER SUBLET Aiprox June 20-Sept 20 Good deal $120 per month for summer 1 bedroom furnished 8 blocks campus 244-4008 or 242-6259 Keep calling, gone alot _ 5-21 Ashlane Apts Adult Student Housing Inc. 1.2 and 3 bedroom apts Available Now 1 bedroom - $135 50, 2 bedroom - $162 50. 2 bedroom - $180 50 475 L indale, Springfield, OR 747-5411 5-27 SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM Neat clean Campus 1 block Carpets, drapes, laundry parking Hot water paid $170 750 E 18th 687-8205. 245 tin STUDIO UNITS and house 1 'h blocks from campus Studio summer rates $145 House $275 some furnished Laundry facilities 484-0070 or evenings 484-0708 _J?39:5-27 STUDENT PLAZA LARGE one bedroom Carpet, drapes, appliances and just $175. 945 East 19th SI Call us lor showings Jennings 6 Co. Property Management. Inc. 683-2271 _754:5-20 SUMMER RATES NOW LANE TERRACE 1424 E. 18th 14 2 bedroom apartments on campus carpet, drapes appliances, covered parking From $149 Call 484-0772 or 682-2271 for showings Jennings & Co 488 E HlhAve Eugene, OR 97401 484-2022 _202:5-23 WALK TO CAMPUS 825 East 16th One and two bedrooms furnished with patio and courtyard. Laundry, off-street parking Now taking reservations IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 _ ~ _482 tin ALDERWOOD MANOR 1860-1884 Aider Summer rates available now. on fully furnished 1. 2 and 2 bedroom apartments, with carpeting, drapes, appliances Ott-streel parking, water, garbage paid $139, $219 and $215 For information call Manager 484-6113 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 974 tin