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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1983)
Bishops say no to nuclear arms CHICAGO (AP) — Declaring their op position to decades of U S. strategic thinking, America’s Catholic bishops overwhelmingly approved a pastoral letter Tuesday that condemns the first use of nuclear weapons, all but rules out their use in retaliation and demands a “halt” to the growth of superpower arsenals. Their pastoral letter on nuclear arms, which will be the basis for teaching and preaching in the 51 million member American church, was adopted after two years of debate despite Reagan ad ministration objections to the call for a nuclear freeze. By a vote of 238-9, the National Con ference of Catholic Bishops adopted its 44,000 word pastoral letter, “The Challenge of Peace. God’s Promise and Our Response.” It is the church’s first comprehensive appraisal of moral imperatives in a nuclear age. The bishops said their “no" to nuclear war is "definite and decisive.” “Today the destructive potential of the nuclear powers theatens the human per son, the civilization we have slowly con structed and even the created order itself," the bishops said. At the White House, spokesman Anson Franklin said, “We’re not going to com ment until we’ve had a chance to study the letter.” II et al. MEETINGS AES Collage Group Mooting on Fri. at 3 30 in EMU Fishbowl (look (or AFS sign) Anyone affiliated or in terested is invited College Republicans meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Rm 113 EMU Everyone is welcome Students Opposing Registration and the Draft meet today in Rm 113 EMU at 5:30 p m Agenda includes plan ning for a draft counseling workshop Women in Transition will have their weekly luncheon and discussion group at the Collier House/Faculty Club today from 12:30 1 30 LECTURES “Bodies that Loam Language" Is a lecture to be presented by Kenneth Burke today at 3 30 p m in Rm 177 Lawrence Psychology Spring Coltoquia will be held on Thurs. in Rm 146 Straub at 4 p m Featured speakers will be Robin Dawes. Harry Hoberman, and Myron Rothbard Students, faculty, and community members are all welcome Reception and refreshments immediately following Prof. Davie Napier will give a lecture on “Bible Perspectives on Healing, In Prophet" today at 7:30 p m in Rm 177 Lawrence "Adhesion and Polarity of Cleavage Stage Blastomeres" is the title of a lecture to be given by Peter Armstrong. Zoology Dept . UC Davis, on Thurs at 3 30 p m in Rm 331 Science II Jean Talbot, English/Visiting Scholar — will speak on 'Dickens and the Excluded Feminine” today at 3:30 in Rm 204 Condon Earth-Shelter Housing A the Detlgn/Bulld Process” by Tedd Chill#**, tonight at 7 p m Rm 283 Lawrence WORKSHOPS “Interested in Pursuing a Master's In Business Ad ministration?” is the topic of a workshop to be presented today at 3:30 p.m in Rm 164 Oregon Hall For more information call x3211 English Major* Graduating soon? Watch for details on a workshop coming soon Participate in an Intaresting career opportunities workshop today in Rm 108 EMU at 4 30 p m MISCELLANEOUS English Dept, is requesting nominations for the Outstanding Teacher of Expository Writing. This annual honor goes to the GTF judged to be the year's best teacher of composition Students in any composition class this year may nominate their teachers tor this award. Send nominations to: Director of Composition. by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY HOWPW GUESS 7 \ r English Dept Deadline is Mav 6 Easter Seal School needs used bicycles donated. Any size will be accepted, but small ones would be preferred Tricycles would also be helpful If you have a bicycle to donate, please call 344-2247 and leave message so that we can make arrangements for pickup. Peace Corps Recruiters will have an information table in the Lobby of the EMU May 3-5. There will be a film to day from 4-5 Call Marsha Swartz, 686-3235 for informa lion on interviews, which will be held tn Career Planning and Placement May 4-5. The University and the Lane Memorial Blood Bank are sponsoring a second blood drawing today. The drawing will be held in Rm 167 EMU from 10 a m -4 p m Drop in donors are welcome, or appointments can be made by calling 686-3085. Spanish Language Retreat: Don’t miss this opportuni ty to get together with Spanish speaking people and practice Spanish Deadline is coming up Call Deborah Ortiz, 202 Friendly at 345-9340 Phi Beta Kappa members: The college of Arts and Sciences Is sponsoring a telefund drive May 2-5, goal be ing to raise donations to provide the University with en dowment funds for the support of a lecture series If you are willing to volunteer an evening to do some telephon ing, call >3905 or x3902 Volunteers are needed especial ly for today A newly formed stuttering group will meet on the 2nd and 4th Thurs. ol each month at 7 p.m. The meetings are open to adults with speech dysfluencies or those in terested in joining a support group The meetings will be held at the Eugene Hearing and Speech Ctr at 1202 Almaden St in Eugene For more information call 485-8521 Volunteers needed to help with research into legislative issues which affect the future of Oregon's en vironment Those interested please contact the Survival Ctr at 686-4356, or drop by Suite 1, EMU INTERVIEWS Sign up begins at 7:30 a.m. on Wed. in Rm. 246 Susan Campbell Hall for the following recruiters: May 11 — Arthur Young & Company (for Accounting Internship — Winter '84 — Jr. — U S. Cit/Perm res/and • Non-Cit w/student visas — B/M — Accounting). May 11 — Cascade Empire Corporation (Lumber Trader/Broker-Trainee — Spring grads — B/M — Business preferred) May 12 — Arthur Andersen & Company (for Accoun ting Internship (Winter Quarter '84) — Spring. Summer '84 grads — B/M — Accounting). May 12 — Tektronix — Group Seminar: 2:30-4:30 p.m., Rm 101 EMU Sign up immadiataly If Interested In interviewing with the following recruiters: May 3-5 — Peace Corps Recruiting Office — EMU: Group Meeting (May 3): 4-5 p.m., Rm 112, EMU: Film (May 4): 4-5 p.m , Rm 101, EMU: Interviews (May 4-5: (for Volunteer — Sp, Su grads — Any level — All majors) May 4 — Rainbow Broadcasting, Inc. (KCRF Radio) (for Marketing Consultants/Advertising Reps — F, W, Sp, Su grads — Bachelor's — Bus Admin/Journalism). May 5 — Port Angeles Public Schools (for Elementary, both Primary & Intermediate: Secondary. Math, Com puter Math, Vocational-Machinist/Automotive). May 5 — U S. Air Force (For Pilot/Navigator/Engineer — F, W. Sp, Su grads — All levels — Any major) (205 — ROLM Corporation is hosting a Group Meeting for MBA s in Mgmt (human resource orientation) and In dustrial Relations students at the Master's level in Cen tury Rm A, EMU from 7-8:30 p.m May 6 — Portland School District — Group Meeting only — 2-3 p m.. Rm 276, College of Education. May 6 — Rolm Corporation (For Human Resource Representative — Summer. Fall '83 graduates — MBA's in Mgmt w/personnel and human resources orientation: MS — Industrial Relations). INTERNSHIPS: Sign up begins at 7:30 a.m. on Wed. at Susan Campbell Hall, Rm 246 for the following FALL TERM internship sites. Eligible students must be enroll ed in the arts and sciences and be a junior or senior — Fall 1983 Further information is available at Career Plan ning & Placement, x3235 May 9 — Oregon — Pacific Economic Development Corporation — (2 placements) Public Relations and Economics May 10 — Eugene Arts Foundation — Research/Com munications/Special Programs May 10 — City of Eugene — Personnel May 11 — Lane Transit District — Special Project. Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOf OFFICE, 100 IMU UO BOOK STOKE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN P*SK DEADLINES: Ads must be pU< »*d E>y 1 pm one day prior to publn Ation Ads that *rv to appear m Monday's pap«*r must b«* in hy 1 pm Friday Ihi* ODI tannol hr* responsible tor more than one day's imorrett advertising insertion the 01)1 s liahilily lor tytxrgraphM al errors, in< (Kin t insertions, or omissions in advertising published shall Fie limited solely to the < am ellation ol ( harges tor su< h portion ot spw< e (n < upied by the error It your ad appears in correctly, rail WIM141 before I pm lor i orrer tion in the nent day's issue For Sale SCUBA SWAP May 6 8 Save 70-75% ?4? ?7?2 (Consignments taken now) 58 EXCELLENT condition, double bed. mattress & springs. $180 Re-uphoi stered overstutfed chair, $50 B A W TV, $70 Call ?4? 1974 5 4 BUY MY REPUBLIC ticket $ir.O Any where they tty 68?-5189 5 5 UMPIRES EQUIPMENT: Mask outside chest protector, shin guards, ball bug. counter Call John, 68? 7788 or 686-5511 56 WOMAN’S REDWING Hiking boots. 7% regular, good condition $75 744 0098 5 4 SMITH CORONA 2900 Save $100 f » condition $275 Cell ?44 0071 5-5 Services TOR QUALITY TYPESETTING, 01* SIGN, layout, pasteup and camera work come on up to the Oregon Deity Emerald Jobwork Department, ?00 EMU. •00-4301, ask tor Annie Noon to 4 pm, Monday through Friday !0% dtacoont on reeumes tor UO students with currant ID and tee card tin Words and Images editing A illustration Rea ’’47 64 78 ^6 <0 LAPLER SNA SCREEN OuMom primed shirts ?4? 7?06 ?4? tS27 2? 68 Pag* 10 Section A Typing FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Setae trie Graduate School Approved Call Paula Oemong 484-9405 _658ltn BRANDY'S TYPING St RVICE Professional, experienced Theses, re sumes, repods, editing 484 6044 WANT A CHOICE! Do you need typing or word processing? PROFESSIONAL PREPARATIONS otters both' Guar anteed quality work 12 yrs legal A professional experience tree p u A del on campus Call 345-1017. 6?? tin TYPING UNLIMITED 747 829* Grad School Approved / Guaranteed Selectrlc Call tor pricing __249 tin HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Corn puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup /delivery 34S-S1SS. 224 tin TYPING: 15 years experience papers dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectrlc Pick up and delivery Can Carole at MS-3003 __________6l4Sn ELITE TYPING SERVICE OFast Guaranteed Accurate Free pickup/delivery 484 IMS MMh DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaran teed Quality work Free pu/delivery 485 2914 188 tin A PLUS TYPING $1 /dapQ/SOSdme CaS Syn 344-0739 202 ttn EXPERIENCED TYPIST using IBM 'letectwc Hi Caa Mma between A am and 11 pm at 9824 ‘50 MW TYPING/EDIT INO Sora 000-0730 Indy 340-0503 ' 809 W»#M TYPING DONNA 344-1010 GrarMrte School Approved J?74 MW PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS INM Correcting fietaclnr: C0 Barbara 345-0747 2*8 MW* NEED TYPING DONE? Correcting Selector. Call Tina. 68? 7245 704 UW FAST accurate, editing included Close to campus 683-36*8 Carol !, 1(1 80 CENTS/PAGE TYPING Exper tenced, reliable Call Ken at ?45-?611 ___54 QUALITY TYPING SERVICE Papers thesis, dissertations Fast, accurate, experienced $t page Norma 245 6005, 242 8255 (message) 5 6 Books #0,000 iOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% oft list prices New Bootes text Books ('.lift Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 7*8 East 13th ___262 tfn EMERALD CITY COMICS Buy Sell Trade 770 E. 13th 345 258# 976 WHf Ski Stuff NEW *243 SKIS Bools. Poles, cloth ing.etc Must sacrifice prices 726-2811 5 9 Recreation ADVANCED WOODLATHE Woodturner Steve Gellman leaches cleencutting technique of wood turning as well as tool sharpening and car Saturday li t, May 7, 14, & 21 n the EMU CRAFT CENTER. 686 4281 Cost *15 025 S-6 Bicycles MOTOMCANE NOMADE 22 new tires, great condition *t to Can Drew 6824674 _ _64 SCKAi 3*46 ? lenders handlebar •biller* Allow rims *225 485 4178 5 6 0 SECOND NATURE USED BIKES Hpw end used parts In the towns', raw. iwmmiUi «4 1 iwscr • arm uu tSAtx 171J WHmMK 34 V1142 SPECIALS THIS MONTH Centurion 15-spd. $249.50 ChroMo (fame alloy wheels FUJI "Del Ray" *299.50 New quadra butted frartRt Road test in March BICYCLING With thla ad *10 ott any Fu|l or Centurion STU S BIKE SHOP th A Monroe 344-2175 I Cars & Cycles ?• VW SCIROCCO ftronre with stripes AM-FM cassette new radials, excellent condition $4900 245-8100 5-9 MOPED Peugeot 102 sp Runs like new Low mileage Call Turt>0. 485 9892 5 6 Auto Repair SPNING TUNE-UP SPECIAL Honda Datsun. VW, Toyota, Votva and others Include* tune up complete, valve ad justment. oil change' filter *25 plus pan* Can 34S-*073 tor appointment J.S. Fry Auto Repair MWF S tJ Opportunities THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM ANNOUNCES UNDERGRADUATE ART SHOW AN U ot O undergraduate artists are encouraged to submit a maximum ot 2 pieces c4 their own original ad work m any medium AN work must be mount ed and ready tor display Submsston win be accepted tor jurying on Friday May 6 only, from 10 am to noon m room 167 EMU Cafl 686 427? tor turther ntormafton824 5-5 Wanted U OP O PROFESSOR and tarraly wish to rent furnished house tor next school yew Call 686-4591 or 242-1824 56 WANTED: SUPER TEACHER The English Department is requesting nominations trom students tor the Out standing Teacher ot Expository Writing This annual honor, sometimes attection atety referred to as the "Super Teacher A warn,'' goes to the GTE tudged to be the y<iar's best teacher ol composition Students In any composition class dur ing this year may nominate their teachers lor this coveted prize Send nominations to Director ol Composition English Department Deadline May 6 007 5-6 Help Wanted j THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is now accepting applications tor alt staff positions tor 1980-84 The deadline tor applying tor managing Editor and News Editor is May 11. 198? at 5 p m 4p plications tor all other applications is May ?0, 198? at 5 p m Applications and Iob descriptions may be picked up at the Emerald ottice. EMU Suite ?00 Staff positions are Managing Editor News Editor Assistant News Editor Photo: Graphics Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Assistant Entertainment Editor features Editor Associate Editor for Higher Education Associate Editor tor Departments and Schools Associate Editor tor ASUO Associate Editor tor Community Associate Editor tor Politics The Oegon Daily Emerald s an affirma tive action equal opportunity employer Women minorities and the handicapped are encouraged toapply S-20 ARE YOU ENTHUSIASTIC? Fun ol ideas? Eager to work hard? Then we want you tor 198? 84 ASUO govern ment' We are now hiring directors lor Finance Student Events Program Development State Affairs University Affairs Job description is Suite 4 EMU Approx SI 80rstipend or $6/hr work-study Appkcatwns doe May 6. interviews May 7-8 Other positions wUi be advertised soon ASUO is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity employer Women, minor lies and handicapped encouraged to ***** 011 5-5 Ill......I HELP WANTED: TheESC APE Field Studies Program is currently seeking a Student Direcor for 198?-84 This po sition demands a minimum weekly com mitment to 40 hours beginning June 15 The ESCAPE Director must have exper ience in the following areas Volunteer ism. consensu* decision-making, peer and staff supervision problem-solving, communciation skills, group process, leadership training, policy making, cur development, and experiential learning Highly developed organiza tional and leadeship skills and a willing ness to be flexible are vital The Director must exemplify and be able to demon strate the following qualities °rofes sionalism, trust, commitment, advocacy, chutzpah, perspicacity, and empathy In addition to trainirq and experience in the above listed areas, this position will provide additional training in the follow ing areas Budget preparation and negotiation, fiscal management, per sonal management, faculty and admin istrative collaboration and public rela tions procedures Compensation op tions are negotiable Application packets are available the ESCAPE Office. 227 EMU Completed packets are due by 5 pm, Wednesday, May 4 For more infor mation, contact aeShauna Blankinship at 6M-4351. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer._ 006:5-4 AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Need ed Part-Full time. No experience or selling required Earn up to $400 a week taking snapshots in your area Write to Atlas Systems P O Box 9250 Whittier C A 90608 5-16 SUPPORT WORKER Flesidential tram ing home for severly retarded adults Shift 7 am-10 20 am, Monday-Friday Hygiene, Showering routines with men $2 70 an hour Apply 1892 Alder St., weekdays 8-2_ 019:5-5 30 GTF, CRISIS CENTER DIRECTOR Applications and job descriptions available at Counseling Center. Rm 209. Due May 12 817:5-4 THE STUDENT UNIVERSITY AF FAIRS Board is now accepting applica tions for 1 Business/Economics posi tion, 1 Law/Education position and 1 Dance/P E./Recreation position Ap plications are available in Suite 2 EMU. and must be turned in by 5 pm, Friday May 6 The ASUO is an Affiimative Action/Eaual Opportunity Employer BUSINESS MANAGER For 40 person housing cooperative 20 hours per week For job description bring resume to Kevin Lamb 1646 Alder St.. 10-4 Mon day-Friday 5-16 a ■*noo