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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1983)
ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Alder No. 65 Month-to-month $100 Tenant pays electricity 040-261?. 484-0804 333 tfn THE BROWN DERBY Super special Spring/summer rates now in effect 441 East 17tti_151 tfn 1728 FERRY Newer, some with decks. Clean, pleasant surroundings $109 and $115, utilities paid I PM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 ___465 tin CLASSY QUADS 4-0 E 15th Handy to campus or town 5134 includes utilities Manager 345-9466 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 _ 962 tfn LARGE QUAD $100 per month $75 deposit Utilities included For more information cajl 485-8859 981 tfn NEWER QUADS All utilities paid $129 Near University 1866 Harris 344-2524 or 344-8941_ 273 ttn 475 EAST 1Sth Clean, pleasant surroundings Fur nished, all utilities paid $99 344-9435 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 623 ttn Lost/Found LOST: 4/27, near IM Field V Wilson softball glove (my brother's he'll kill me!). H found call 485-4574. reward 5-2 LOST: Women s college ring with light blue stone Please turn in to Lost and Found Dept Reward 5-6 LOST: Female cate, mostly black with white paws and belly, wearing red and white reflective harness Missing since April 26 near 15th and High Please call 682-2587 Reward if found 5-4 Food/Drink EAT COOPERATIVELY EAT WELL Contribute 2Vt hours work week, pay monthly at $2 80/day, enjoy all meals & snacks Choice of vegetarian or non vegetarian Very close to campus Janet Smith House 1790 Alder 686-4261 ask tor Murray Campbell Club 1670 Alder 686-5189 ask tor Cory 778 ttn EVENTS The EMU Cultural Forum Announces , STUDENT FILM VIDEO COMPETITION All U of O graduate and undergraduate filmmakers are encouraged to submit one to three pieces of their own original works in super 8, 16 mm or Video (single or dual systems) Sub missions accepted on Friday. May 6 only from 10 am to 12 noon in room 167 EMU Selected submissions will be shown Sunday, May 8 at 7:20 pm Call 686-4272 tor more information or stop by The Cultural Forum, Suite 2 EMU_772 4-2H GREENPEACE SIERRA Whitewater McKenzie River benefit raft trip Sunday. May 8. only $15 per person For more information call 687-8121 5-4 Eugene Council tor Human Rights in i.atin America presents HARD TIMES LUNCHES $1.50 Wed. & Thurs. 11:30-2 pm Featuring different delicious menus every week. Enjoy the most authentic food in tow, and help to teed Central America refugees ECHRLA 1236 Kincaid ZOOT SUIT coming May 14 a toda madre' 009 5-2 ZOOT SUIT hay te watcho May 14 008 5-3 THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM ANNOUNCES UNDERGRADUATE ART SHOW Alt U of O undergraduate artists are encouraged to submit a maximum ot ? pieces ot their own original art work in any medium All work must be mount ed and ready for display Submission will be accepted for jurying on Friday, May 6 only, trom 10 am to noon in room 167 EMU. Call 686-437? for ’urther information 824 5-1 The San Francisco Mime Troupe in Factwino Versus Armageddon man The Final Conflict", an ALL NEW SEQUEL in their arms race, musical comic strip , Wednesday, May 4th, 8 00 p m.. EMU BaHroom $5 in advance at the EMU Main Desk and Everybody's Records, $6 at the door Call Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, for informa tion and $3 kid's tickets 5-4 Tuition and room charges are no’ getting any cheapter Why not invite your parents to spend a day on cam pus for Parent’s Weekend May 13 & 14 Let them see what they're paying for! 014-5-6 Fred Beckev presents his slide show on "Mountains ot North America " The show is 1 hr 50 minutes long, and will be in the EMU Ballroom, 7 70 pm, May 7 Free to the public For more information call the Outdoor Program at 686-4765 or 686-7770 968 5-7 Entertainment THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 686-BIJU (4 blocks from UO Bookstore) ENDS THURSDAY LIANNA The director ot “Return ot the Secaucus Seven" John Sayles-treats us to "an unusually Intelligent and compassionate view of a woman's coming to terms with her sexuality and herself, done with taste and under standing " Judith Crist FRI-SAT 7:15 A 9:30 pm SUN-THURS 8:15 A 8:30 pm Red Adm 6:15 show Red Adm Mat Sat 4 pm Catch a Class Act for a change.. The Eugene Opera presents DON PASQUALE Saturday, May 7 8 pm Silva Hall/HCPA Student Tickets at reduced prices through May 6 Try it - You’ll Like it! From Kw very cultured EMU Cultural Forum 782 4-2 ■ CINCMAT TONIGHT THRU MAY 5 A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE Marlon Brando-Vivien Leigh in Tenessee William's American classic at 7:30 pm. Red Adm Mat Sun 2 pm PLUS RICHARD GERE AMERICAN GIGOLO Don't miss Richard Gere's great performance as the LA male hustler at 9:45 pm. Also Sunday 4 15 pm EMU Cultural Forum and Lowenprat presents LITA FORD formerly of The Runaways •Ml BOYS CLUB MON. MAY 16 8 PM EMU Ballroom $3.96 UO students $4.96 general admission Tickets at Main Desk, Earthriver. Ever ybody's, Valley River Records_ BOMBSHELL Jean Hartow 9 pm KOZY cable TV 4 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents TIM WEISBERG and band with DAN SIEGAL and band EMU BALLROOM FRIDAY, MAY 6 8 pm Tickets available at Main Desk. Earth River, Everybody's, Valley River Records 977 5-' -TONIGHT KZEL ROCK NIGHT SEQUEL from Portland with THIN MAN $1.96 cover One night only -WED & THURS FROM SEATTLE The Allies Where else but... B.J. Kelly’s W 25-5 Song and Dance Troupe Spring Show ’83 May 6, 8:00 pm General Admission $2 Students $1 Bead Had, U ot O MUS 2 School 2? 5-6: Personals JflBBERWOCKY DON'T FORGET MOM! Mother's Day is May 8 and we have cards for mothers, grandmothers stepmothers, mothers-in-law and adopted mothers We also have all kinds of little gifts, such as our new Message Bears;" "I Love Mom" mugs, Address Books; Blank Journals. Refrigerator Magnets, Silk or Paper Wallets; Heart & Flower Soaps. Stationary; "Ms Personality" T-Shirts Love Coupons, Picture Frames Candy; Soft-Sculpture Heartflowers Rose Pins & Gift Bags. Boxes & Wrap 1308 HILYARD 484-0530 10-5:30 Mon-Fii 10-5 Sat. PLANNED PARENTHOOD has a preg nancy test that is 99% accurate Call tor appt 344-9411._389UH BECAUSE PEOPLE CARE Free preg nancy testing, confidential Birthright. 687-8651_ ?83H MAKE MONEY Recycling Your Clothes RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt.: 344-7039 360 E. 11th 360 UWF HAVE A DIRTY SLEEPING BAG? Find Dependable Service at Slegmund’s Cleaners 821 E 13th Ave 354:UW Your Dad walked five miles to school through the rain and the snow Show him what life is like at the U of O! Invite him to Parent’s Weekend May 13 & 14! _014:5-6 BAIBEES Congratulations On Quit Day & one Good Luck Zed _ 5-3 Brad Happy 21 st Love you, Diana. 5-3 ALL POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJORS: Attend a career oportunltlea work shop on May 4, 1983 In «te EMU 108 at 4:30pm. ___5-4 WE RE OUT FOR BLOOO! Drop by room 167 EMU today between 10 am and 4 pm_18 5-4 PIKES Thanks lor the wild beach bash And the tour bus limo was great1 Love, the Gamma Phta. 5-? CALVINS or No Name* donate your old clothe* to Sklpworth Juvinale Detention Home. Call, I'll pick them up 683-5189. __5-5 DAVE Last weekend was WAY FUN MAN! Thanks, Love JKty _ 5-n? Congratulations JIL FRANCK and MITCH McCOY on your pinning!! It’s about time Love, The PIPhis _S£ MALE STRIPPERS tor private parlies, birthdays and bacheloretle's last flings Call Carl at 485-6229 5-4 MARIANN SCHILDMEYER HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY! _Jh? PI BETA PHI Senior appreciation weak We will miss you next year! Best ot wishes tor the future Love Tha ••Younger" members. P.S. Be at the house Wed, at 5:00. 5-? BRAD DINGLER HAPPY 21 er!! What would Beef ‘n Brew say now? Love Always PRICELESS _5-? STEVE JOHNSON Good luck with the Dallas cowboys1 When are cheerleader tryouts9 Love, Your Harem 5-? SIG EP SCOTT: You stood me up last week, but out ot the goodness ol my heart I'm going to give you another chance: same time, same place Be there, you bum!_5-3 SOCIETY tor the legalization ot plural marriage Call us at 683-5257 5-5 IN FOUR YEARS OF COLLEGE, NOBODY TOLD YOU THIS. They couldn’t. There aren’t any words for it. It’s education in Togo, where you first build the school with your own hands. It's forestry in the West Indies, where forests have been leveled to make charcoal for cooking It’s home economics in the one-fifth of the world where per capita income is $70 a year. You measure results not in dollars and cents but in human lives. It’s hard work. In fact, it’s the toughest job you’ll ever love >*THE PEACE CORPS Group Meeting: Rm 112 EMU, May 3, 4-5 p.m. Information Table: UO EMU Lobby, May 3-5, 10-3 p.m. Film Seminar: Rm 101 EMU, May 4, 4-5 p.m. Interview by Appointment: Career Planning and Placement \ Wed. May 4, Thurs May 5 246 Campbell Hall CALL PEACE CORPS on the UO Campus, 686-3235 So You Thought You Were Done! M Telecommunications, Speech, Theatre Majors Vote Toddy (One More Time) for 5UAB Representative Poll located in V/illard hall Tuesday fit Wednesday