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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1983)
Opportunities THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM ANNOUNCES UNDERGRADUATE ART SHOW All U of 0 undergraduate artists are encouraged to submit a maximum of ? pieces of their own original art work in any medium All work mOst be mount ed and ready tor display Submission will be accepted for jurying on Friday May 6 only, from 10 am to noon in room 167 EMU Call 686-437? for 'urther information824 Help Wanted ! NEUROPSYCHOLOGY CLINIC >S of fering a wide variety of interesting posi tions to work study students The posi tions pay a starting rate of $4 29 an hour, and include a wide variety of activities Contact Teal or Alyn at 686-4966 780 5-2 THE GAY AND LESBIAN ALLIANCE invites applications for director for 1982-84 Application deadline 5 pm Thursday May 5 to 218 EMU 686-2260 The ASUO is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer 816:5-4 GUITARIST: Lead rhythm plus vocals needed to complete 4 piece leaping rock band Must have own equipment 682-5027 or 244-9204 5-2 SUMMER WORK Work back east this summer and earn $2842 Must have entire summer free interviews Monday and Tuesday May 2 and 2, at the Green Tree Motel conference room (on Franklin Blvd )a1 ?. 6 and 9 pm 5-2 MANAGEMENT POSITIONS AVAILA BLE Aviation, Communications. Engin eering, etc , etc Technical degree not required Starting salary $17,000-$20,000 Interviews today. Placement Center. 10 am to 2 pm United Stales Marine Corps Officer Selection Team.__002:5-2 TWO WORK-STUDY positions in the Off-Campus Housing Office Pleasant personality needed to handle postings, phones, landlord-tenant counseling Good possibility to continue in the sum mer $2 70 hour to start, 10-15 hours per week Applications available in OCH Office, due 5 6 Off-Campus Housing is an Affirmative Action-Equal Opportunity Employer 001 5-5_ ARE YOU ENTHUSIASTIC? Full of ideas7 Eager to work hard? Then we want you for 1982-84 ASUO govern ment' We are now hiring directors tor Finance Student Events Program Development State Affairs University Affairs Job description is Suite 4 EMU Approx $180/stipend or $6'hr work-study Applications due May 6; interviews May 7-8 Other positions will be advertised soon ASUO is an Affirmative Action /Equal Opportunity employer Women, minorites and handicapped encouraged to apply 011 5-5 HELP WANTED: The ESCAPE Field Studies Program is currently seeking a Student Dlrecor for 1982-84 This po sition demands a minimum weekly com mitment to 40 hours beginning June 15 The ESCAPE Director must have exper ience in the following areas Vcilunteer ism, consensus decision-making, peer 1 and staff supervision, f roblem-solving. communciation skills, group process, leadership framing, policy making, cur riculum development, and experiential learning Highly developed orgamza tional and leadeship skills and a willing ness to be flexible are vital The Director must exemplify and be able to demon strate the following qualities Profes sionalism, trust, commitment, advocacy, chutzpay. perspicacity, and empathy In addition to training and experience in the above listed areas, this position will provide additional training in the follow ing areas: Budget preparation and negotiation, fiscal management, per sonal management, faculty and admin istrative collaboration and public rela tions procedures Compensation op tions are negotiable Application packets are available the ESCAPE Office, '227 EMU Completed packets are due by 5 pm. Wednesday. May 4 For more infor mation, contact deShauna Blankinship at 686-4351. Affirmative Action /Equal Opportunity Employer 006:5-4 .30 GTF, Crisis Center Director Ap plications and job descriptions available at Counseling Center, Rm 209 Due May 12 817 5-2 Roomates CAN MEN FIX DINNER? CAN WOMEN FIX FAUCETS? Can 24 to 40 women and men run a cooperative household with non-sexist principles9 Would you like to help us9 We are near campus, cook both vege tarian and. non-vegetarian, and at a reasonable cost Please check us out tor this term, summer term, or next tall Campbell Club 1670 Alder, 686-5189 (ask for Tom) or Janet Smith HoiAe 1790 Alder, 686-4261 (ask tor Murray) 792 tfn FEMALE roommate Nice apartment near U ot O Call 682-6489 alter 8 pm, Martha 5-4 Houses for Rent HOUSES FOR RENT U OF 0 PROFESSOR and family wish to rent furnished house for next school year CaH 686-4591 or 242-1624 5-6 Apts, for Rent NEAR MUSIC BUILDING 1 or 2 be droom furnished apartment, available immediately References 688-5769 790 tfn THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT Close to campus. $270 month 1825 Harris 485-8859 794 5-2 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus $175 to $250 485-0062.484-4016. _ ?32:tln IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY UO Family Housing Amazon two bedroom unfurnished apartments at $100/month and Westmoreland one bedroom fur nished apartment at $111 / month Also anticipate future openings tor Westmor eland two bedroom furnished apartment at $121 month Contact UO Housing Dept, 686-4277 861 .tfn WALK TO CAMPUS 625 East 16th One and two bedrooms furnished with patio and courtyard Laundry, off-street parking Now taking reservations IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 _ 482:t1n ALDERWOOD MANOR 1864-84 Aider One and two bedrooms with carpeting, drapes, appliances, laundry facilities, otl-street parking $199-$289 Manager 484-6112 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 ' _974:ttn FURNISHED STUDIO 1331 High St. Campus-downtown area Contemporary furnishings Private bath, share kitchen with one other UTILITIES PAID $155. Manager 244-0215 BENNETT MANAGEMENT 460 East 2nd 485-6991 221 tfn Plan Ahead For Summer 1 or 2 Bedroom Apartments For 150 MO. (June 15-Sept 15) Includes Furnished, fully applianced apt. parking, excellent campus loca tion -DROP BY The Emerald Apts. 1877 Emerald / . (2 Bedroom) or The Camelot Apts. 180QE 18th (1 bedroom) or call 343- 1491 344- 5440 ALSO Make Reservations Now for next fall TWO BEDROOM m small complex 145 N "A." Appliance, drapes, carpets, bus Stop $159 726-8491 or 244-8888 407 tfn WALK TO CAMPUS One bedroom at 1 ?45 Ferry Appliances, carpet, drapes, storage parking $169 242-1265 or 726-8491 408 tfn FIRCREST APARTMENTS 630 EAST 14th #9 Large unfurnished two bedroom, ap (Mianced, carpeted, laundry facilities $260 V I P 245-7268 . 549 tfn SUMMER RATES AVAILABLE from $140 per month 1414 E 18th Great location Quiet, clean 1 or 2 bedrooms Furnished or unfurnished Covered parking, laundry Call Sabin. 682-2160, Elliott Associates 601 ttn FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty__ 622 tfn CAMPUS SUNSHINE Dry out" on rooftop deck Two be droom, your furniture or ours 1892 Garden Ave 244-1042 692 5-4 433 WEST 8th #7 Studio, unfurnished, carpeted, ap plianced. water and garbage paid Laundry facilities $125 245-7268 ~_ _ 74 7 tfn 433 WEST 8th This 2 bedroom unfurnished townhouse style is applianced. carpeted, water and garbage paid with laundry facilities. $165 Drive by, then call VIP, 245-7268 ' 880. tfn 1441 FERRY *1 One bedroom in classic older home Carpeted, applianced. water garbage paid $185 VIPJ?45-7268 902 tin TWO WEEKS FREE Parkside apart ment in excellent condition One be droom $180'month Fully applianced on bike and bus route No pets please Can 245-9272, 485-4022. 979:5-19 HI RISE STUDIO/1 BDR. Enjoy spacious and secure living in our twin tower Hi-Rise, walking distance from campus EUGENE MANOR Man aged by people who care Call 484-7441 for showing BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 460 E. 2nd 485-6991 ■_987 5-5 ONE HALF OFF Firsl month. Quiet 2 bedroom townhouse, dishwasher and courtyard $220 Summer rates available June 1 Elizabethan Mgt 245-1409 992 tfn 735 E. 14th FURNISHED STUDIO Quiet convenient location 1 block from campus, private bath, share kitchen with one other Laundry, facilities, covered parking available. $155. Manager 244-0219 Bennett Management Co. 460 East 2nd 484-6991 _ 767 :ttn REDUCED-GUARANTEED SUMMER-FALL RATES 500 E 18th. Large 2 bedroom Fur nished, diswasher, disposal Laundry facilities, no pets Clean, excellent con dition 242-1271 or 686-8667 792 tfn STUDIO UNITS 1 Vi blocks from cam pus Summer rates $145, laundry facili ties 484-0070 or evenings 484-0708 Quads NEWER QUADS All utilities paid $129 Near University 1866 Harris 244-2524 or 244-894127?:tfn 475 EAST 15th Clean, pleasant surroundings Fur nished. all utilitiespaid. $99 244-9425. IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Alder No. 65 Month-to-month $100 Tenant pays electricity 242-2612, 484-0804 222:ttn THE BROWN DERBY Super special: Spring/summer rates now in effect. 441 East 17th. 151 :tfn 1728 FERRY Newer, some with decks Clean, plea sant surroundings. $109 and $115. utilities paid. IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 465tfn Vi BLOCK FROM CAMPUS WEST UNIVERSITY QUADS 738 East 16th $124. Private bath, laundry facilities, refrigerator in room, reserved parking available Manager, unit 1,245-1540 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 429 tfn CLASSY QUADS 430 E 15th Handy to campus or town $134 includes utilities Manager. 345-9466 IPM CO , REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 _ 962tfh LARGE QUAD SI00 per month $75 deposit Utilities included For more information call 485-8859 981 tin HATE HOUSEKEEPING? L rve at the Campus Court Quads and get your weekly cleaning included m the rent - along with cable TV, utilities, private bath and lots of other goodie^ CALL TODAY' CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 686-1075 Lost/Found LOST: Women's college ring with light blue stone Please turn in to Lost and Found Dept Reward 5-6 LOST: Female cate, mostly black with white paws and belly, wearing red and white reflective harness Missing since April 26 near 15th and High Please call 682-2587 Reward it found 5-4 LOST: 4 27, near IM Field 1 Wildon softball glove (my brother's he'll kill me1) If found call 485 4574. reward 5-2 Food/Drink EAT COOPERATIVELY EAT WELL Contribute 2Vi hours wotk / week pay monthly at $2 80/day. enjoy all meals 8. snacks Choice of vegetarian or non vegetarian Very close to campus Janet Smith House 1 790 Alder 686-4261 ask tor Murray Campbell Club 1670 Alder 686-5189 ask tor Cory 778 tfn EVENTS ZOOT SUIT hay te watcho May 14 008 5-2 Fred Beckey presents his slide show on "Mountains of North America " The show is 1 hr 50 minutes long, and will be in the EMU Ballroom, 7 20 pm, May ?. Free to the public For more information call the Outdoor Program at 686-4265 or 686-2720_968:5-2 GREENPEACE SIERRA Whitewater McKenzie River benefit ratt trip Sunday, May 8, only $15 per person For more information call 687-8121 5-4 <30 YOU HAVE QUESTIONS about the German Greens? The Italian PCI? The French Socialist government? Why Regis Debray supports a French neutron bomb? The Spanish Socialist government7 The German SPDs bad showing in the recent elections? The future ot the British Labor Party? Come hear distinguished sociologist NORMAN BIRNBAUM speak on “The Future of Socialism in Europe.” MONDAY, MAY 2 8 PM ISO GEOLOGY FREE 819 5-2 YOU'VE BEEN MAJORING m Beer Garden 101 all year Let Mom & Dad see what life is like Invite them to PARENT’S WEEKEND May 13 & 14 Beer Garden if Friday at 4 see ya! _014 5-2 The EMU Cultural Forum Announcer , STUDENT FILM VIDEO COMPETITION All U of O graduate and undergraduate filmmakers are encouraged to submit one to three pieces of their own original works in super 8, 16 mm or Video (single or dual systems) Sub missions accepted on Friday, May b only from 10 am to 12 noon in room 167 EMU Selected submissions will be shown Sunday, May 8 at 7:20 pm Call 686-4272 for more information or stop by The Cultural Forum, Suite 2 EMU_77? 4-29 ZOOT SUIT coining May 14 a toda madre1 009 5-? Entertainment The Legendary Rock & Roll Quartet Ramones TONIGHT plus O.O.A. the real stuff MONDAY MAY 2 EMU BALLROOM „ 8 pm Tic* at Main Daak. Earth Rtvar. Everybody's, Diana*. DON’T MISS IT EUGENE! _ 8275-2 THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 686-BIJU (4 blocks from UO Bookstore) r LIANNA The director of '-Return of the Secaucus Seven” John Sayles-treats us to "an unusually Intelligent and compassionate view of a woman's coming to terms with her sexuality and herself, done with taste and under standing Judith Crlat FRI-SAT 7:15 A 9:30 pm SUN-THURS 6:15 *6:30 pm Red Adm 6:15 show Red Adm Mat Sat 4 pm —TONIGHT— J.WOOD and the Blues Commandos from California -TUESDAY SEQUEL with THIN MAN KZEL Rock Nite -WED & THURS THE ALLIES Where else but. B.J. Kelly’s 002 5-2 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents TIM WEISBERG and band with DAN SIEGAL and band EMU BALLROOM FRIDAY, MAY 6 8 pm Tickets available at Main Desk Earth River, Everybody's, Valley River Records 9775-J LANDSCAPE FILMS presents THE LAST PICTURE SHOW Dir. Peter Bogdonovitch MONDAY. MAY 2 7 A 9:30 PM 177 LAWRENCE $1.50 CINKMA7 TONIGHT THRU MAY 5 A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE Marlon Brando-Vivien Leigh in Tenessee William's American classic at 7:30 pm. Red Adm Mat Sun 2 pm PLUS RICHARD GERE AMERICAN GIGOLO Don't miss Richard Gere's great performance as the LA male hustler at 9:45 pm. Also Sunday 4 tSpm_ Personals 3ABBERW0CKY DON’T FORGET MOM! Mother's Day is May 8 and we have cards lor mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, mothers-Tn-law and adopted mothers We also have all kinds of little gifts, such as our new Message Bears:” "I Love Mom” mugs: Address Books, Blank Journals Refrigerator Magnets, Silk or Paper Wallets, Heart & Flower Soaps, Stationary: "Ms Personality" T-Shirts Love Coupons: Picture Frames Candy; Soft-Sculpture Heartflowers Rose Pins & Gift Bags, Boxes & Wrap 1308 HILYARO 484-0S30 10-5:30 Mon-Frl 10-5 Sat. LIBBY Thanks tor being there these past lew week Not even the Captyn could get me out ot this one! 11 days til Frisco!! Sa la vie!! JILL 5-? PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline 24 hours/7 days, strictly confidential Call 686-4488. 779 MF FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-222-0610, 7 am-2 pm M-F 468 MWF PLANNED PARENTHOOD loi PAP smears, birth control (pills, diaphragms, lUDs, condoms, foams) and counseling Day and evening appointments Call M-F 344-9411_•_ 158 WF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy testing Birthright. 687-8651._386M THE UO BLOOD DRAWING RE TURNS! Well be in Room 167 EMU May 2 & 4 from 10 am to 4 pm Drop by or call 666-2085 for an appointment. 812:5-2 CHI-PSi'S Thanks tor the great wake-up breakfast! Love, THE ALPHA CHI’S _005:5-2 TREAT SOMEONE SPECIAL to lunch today at the Faculty Club Open ,o student*! it's the big yellow house across from EMU. 449 5-2 SURPRISE YOUR MOM A DAD with a phone call. collect Invite them to PARENT’S WEEKEND May 13 & 14 You'll love it! 014 5-6 Tight schedule? No time lor a haircut? esupercutr is now open Sunday for your conven ience M-F 10 am-7 pm Sat 9 am-7 pm Sunday 10-3 pm 2526 Willamette 683-1405 782 HF MCAT LSAT • MCAT • GRE GRE PSYCH • GRE BIO • MAT GMAT • OAT • OCAT • PCAT VAT* SAT* ACT* CPA'TOEFL MSKP • NAT L MED BDS ECFMG • FLEX • VQE NDB • NPB I ■ NLE <=3Wfey4{ KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER Test Preparation Specialists Since 1938 for information. Please Call 485-5699 MIR 1DD4Y NATURAL HAIR DESIGNS FOR MEN AND WOMEN Save $10 May Perm Special $25 Reg. $30 -- Does not include haircut $9.00 Stylecut Mondays and Thursdays only 561 E. 13th No Appointment Needed 485-4422 3-HOUR PHOTO FINISHING Films in before 10 a.m. Ready by 1 p.m. No limit • Develop & Print C-41 only 12 Exp. 24 Exp. 35 Exp. ,.s2.29 ..s3.99 ,.s5.99 coupon must accompany order OREGON PHOTO LAB • 1231 Alder “Across from Sacred Heart Hospital”