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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1983)
II et al. MEETINGS Bread lor the World moot today at 3:30-5 p.m at Ihe Koinonia Ctr. Polluck will follow at 5 p.m. Japanese Bible Study Is held at 560 E. 14th, Apt No. 21 every Sal. For more Information call 687-66B4 Druids Jr. Honorary will meet today at Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, 791 E 15th, to finalize membership selection. All members should attend LECTURES Arthur Macy Cox, author ol Russian Roulette and former SALT II consultant speaks cm Soviet Threat and nuclear arms control toady at 8 p.m. in Rm. 150 Geology. “Drink and Cafe Culture in Nineteenth-Century France,” a lecture with slide presentation by Prof Susanna Barrows. University of Califomia Berkeley to day at 4 p.m. in the EMU Forum Open to the public MISCELLANEOUS Eugene Symphonic Band will give a tree concert to day at Springfield High School Auditorium. Eugene YWCA needs your old books end magazines for their spring booksale Bring your donations to the YWCA at 841 E 18th, or phone 686-4439 to have your books picked up. Pre-JoumaNsm and Journalism majors: Want to register early next fall? Pick up a course request form from the J-school, choose courses from Preliminary Time Schedule, then consult a peer adviser or faculty ad viser Deadline: April 29 A nearly formed stuttering group will meet on the 2nd and 4th Thors, of each month at 7 p.m. The meetings are open to adults with speech dysfluencies or those in terested in Joining a support group. The meetings will be held at the Eugene Hearing and Speech Ctr at 1202 Almaden St. in Eugene For more Information call 485-8521. Druid applications can be picked up for all students who will be Juniors next year at Suite 4. library, or Hous ing Office. Criteria for choosing next years members will be academic, leadership, and general achievement. Ap plications due today Volunteers needed to help with research into legislative Issues which affect the future of Oregon's en vironment. Those interested please contact the Survival Ctr. at 686-4356, or drop by Suite 1. EMU. INTERVIEWS Sign up begins at 7:30 a.m. on Wed. in Rm. 246 Susan Campbell Hall for the following recruiters: April 25-26 — K-Mart Apparel (For Entry level Manage ment Trainee — F, W, Sp grads — Bachelor's — Any ma jor/Bus preferred). April 26 — Peat, Marwick, Mitchell A Company (For Winter '84 Acct Internship — Jr. — Bachelor's — Acct/Bus Admin). April 27-28 - U S Marine Corps - EMU April 28 — Jeld-Wen, Inc. (For Production Manage merit Trainee — W, Sp, So grads — Bachelor's — Any major w/interest in production management in plant situation/exper. in Wood Products Industry or mfg plant job). April 29 — UARCO, Inc. For (1) Production Mgmt Trainee — W, Sp, Su grads — Bachelor's — Bus; (2) Ac counting Mgmt Trainee — W, Sp, Su grads — Bachelor's Accounting). Sign up begins at 7:30 a.m. on Wed. at Susan Camp bell Hall, Rm. 246 lor the following FALL TERM intern ship sites Eligible students must be enrolled in the arts and sciences and be a junior or senior — Fall 1983. Fur ther information is available at Career Planning & Place ment, x3235 April 26 — The Cloak Room, women's retail clothing establishment. Washington University, School of Medicine, Occupa tional Therapy Program will hold a group meeting from 1-2 p.m. today in Century Rm. E, EMU. BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed T«NG& AREN'T COOKING GOOP on* urmMfcMBwwwr/ H6APQUARTERS . fW.T, MM) IS BBNGWb PI5ASTR0US N6W5 to m mveurm. camhugn COMMIT1U RIGHT NOW... r gentlemen. WEVE JUST LOST OUR CANPIPKIt. JOHN 6L6NN.1EI THE PEMXRHT5 Frazzle by Chris Bivins OF COJRSE ONCE I 5WRT GRACING SOUR WORK I'M SURE ZOO'LL DEVELOP A HOST CF (KKNAHES FOR Otl Si Classifieds For Sale ZENITH 13” COLOR portable televi sion, S295 Evenings till 9, CM? 7248 1*" COLOR TV with attractive stand Excellent condition $300 firm 484-6365 4-26 SCUBA SWAP May 6-6 Save 20-75% 343-3732 (Consignments taken now) VIDEO AND PINBALL GAMES For home tun or business profit Asteroids $295, Batttezone $295, Pmballs $295 and up Availability is limited Call Great Western Games 726-1813 days, 726-5492 eves Terry Leavitt 4-25 DAY COUCH $35. Full mattress & box spring $50, Large study desks $5, kitchen table $5 683-6503 4-26 Buy & Sell THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy-S«N-Trade 1 Metronomes, music stands and accessories New items discounted 341 West 5th Typing TYPING UNLIMITED 747-9296 Grad School Approved/Guaranteed Selectric Call lor pricing ?49 tin TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 688-3983. ELITE TYPING SERVICE OFast-Guaranteed-Accurate Free pickup/delivery 484-1646_ DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Ouality work Free pu/de livery 485-2914 188 ttn EXPERIENCED TYPIST using IBM Selectric III - Call Mina between 8 am and 11 pm at 726-9824 250 MW TYPING/EDITING Sara 686-0739 judy 344-6502 HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pick up/deliver 348-8186._??4:11n PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Setectric _Ca» Barbara 345-0747_ TYPING DONNA 344-1816 Graduate School Approved A PLUS TYPING $1 /ds pg, $ 05/line Call Syn 344-8735 FAST. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong - 484-9405 BRANDY'S TYPING SERVICE Professional, experienced Theses, resumes, reports, editing 484-6044 FAST accurate, editing included Close to campus 683-3668 Carol 5-18 Incidentally Did you know? Student Government ... In office to represent and serve you The Associated Students of the University of Oregon . . . The ASUO Legal Services and Office of Student Advocacy merged on April 20 as a part of an experiment seeking ways to better serve student’s legal needs. The merger will allow the offices to work more closely and also allow the combined organizations to produce more legal research for the ASUO Executive Office. Charles Spinner, director of Legal Services, and John Moore, OSA Director, announced the merger last week The main components of the merger will be Moore's move from EMU Suite 4 to Room 334A and his assumption of a legal assistant position. Moore’s office hours at Legal Services office will be 9 a m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, Spinner’s office hours and overall duties will remain the same. Legal Services, founded in 1971, was one of the first student “pre paid legal programs” in the United States and has served as the model for more than 30 similar organizations Legal Services annually provides UO students with about $250,000 worth of the legal services they most want or need MEChA will be celebrating "el Clnco de Mayo” with a three night festival of traditional folk music from Latin America, a fiesta beergarden, and the movie “Zoot Suit". Thursday May 5, the popular Eugene group Sandunga will kick off the festival at 8 p.m in the EMU Forum. Friday May 6, Manteca from Portland will be featured at a special fiesta beergarden at 4 p.m. in the EMU Dining Room The group plays Latin Salsa Music Also featured at the fiesta will be Mexican beer and cuisine Almandina from Chile will continue the folk festival with music from all of Latin America at 8 p.m. in the EMU Forum. Saturday, the groups will play at the Saturday Market with special guest Macchu Plcchu from California from noon till 2 p.m. At 8 p m in the EMU Forum, Macchu Picchu will perform a full show. All events are free to the public. Saturday May 14, the festivities commence again with the movie “Zoot Suit”, showing at 7 and 9 p.m., 138 Gilbert "Zoot Suit” retells the story of the 1943 Sleepy Lagoon murder trials from a Chicano perspective. There will be an admission charge. GROUND ZERO WEEK 1983: WHAT ABOUT THE RUSSIANS? April 25, 8:00 p.m., 150 Geology Arthur Macy Cox will discuss the Soviet threat and arms control. April 26 7-8:30 p.m., Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid The world comes to the brink of nuclear war in the last move of FIREBREAKS, a war/peace game. New players welcome April 27, 3:00p.m., 101 EMU Film “Countdown to America”, critique by Tom Lynch. April 28, 7:30 p.m. 303 Chapman Alan Kimball will discuss “Looking at Other Cultures: A Humanist Perspective on Russia and the Soviet Union”. “We’re Here To Help YouV Associated Students University of Oregon EMU Suite 4-Ground Floor 686-3724