Classifieds Clothing OLD FRIENDS STOREWIDE SALE To make room for our new Ime of im ports Bargains galore, half price and less New & used vintage fashions Sale starts Thursday. April 21 through Thursday April 28 1128 Alder, near 11th Open 10 20-5 20 957 4 22 For Sale ZENITH 13" COLOR portable televi sion, $295 Evenings till 9. 242-7248 _4-24 SCUBA SWAP May 6-8 Save 20-75 # ?4?-?7?2 (Consignments taken now) 5-6 VIDEO AND PINBALL GAMES For home fun or business profit Asteroids $295. Battlezone $295. PmbaHs $295 and up Availability is limited Call Great Western Games 726-181? days, 726-5492 eves Terry Leavitt 4-25 Pool Table tor sale. Call 485-2451 after 5 pm. 4-22 ORIGINAL THEATER LOBBY POSTERS Standee*, stills, and other Him memorlblllla. Sold singly and in complete collections Saturday, April 2? at the Comic Swap located in the National Guard Armory across from Autzen Stadium J 0 am-?pm_4-22 1976 DATSUN B-210 Runs well but needs bodywork Nice interior $700 or best otter 484-4199 evenings_4-22 SONY STEREO HP-169 $70 00 evenings at 485-6158 before May 1 st i-—i INVEST $1.50 AND EARN CASH! If you buy an Emerald Classified for Monday or Tuesday issue You pay $1 50 for 15 words insfead of 10 That's five free words lo help you sell something and make a profit Run your ad both days and pay only $2 70 Ads must be paid for in advance and placed by 1 pm Friday at ODE office. '•00 EMU. UO Bookstore EMU Mam Desk Offer ends May 17 4-22 PRO NATE? Call 484-246? right away Nike Odyssey Training Shoe. Mens size 7Vi worn once (too wide for narrow foot) $50 Also Nike lady leather cortez women's size 9 - Bra. id new $25 00 _6*2 1000 RECORDS Rock A Roll, excellent condition See Rick, 4-2? at Record Fan al National Sward Armory or 666-2688_4-22 19" color tv wilt attractive stand Excellent condition $?00 firm 484-6265 4 26 WHITE LEATHER motorcycle tacket Made m England Fully lined $150 call 242-2614 eves 4-22 BUY & SELL THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy-Sefl-Trede 1 Metronomes, music stands and accessories New ..ems discounted 361 Waal 5th 61? MF We buy and sell used merchandise SAK3 THRIFT AVE. Under the Overpark, 10th A Oak 420:4-22 Services FOR QUALITY TYPESETTING, DESIGN, layout, pasteup and camera work, come on up to the Oregon Dally Emerald Jobwork Department, 200 EMU 666-4361, ask for Annie Noon to 4 pm, Monday through Friday 101* discount on resumes lor UO students with current ID and fee card tin PRINTED SHIRTS Sleeveless tees and sweatshirts, hot errors' 343-2306, 342-1627. 956 4 2? EDITING Experienced, professional Dissertations theses term papers, etc 245-4261 4 22 Typing TYPING UNLIMITED 747-6266 QtrmtS School Annrnfart ifkiTantoaii Selectrlc Call lor pricing , _ , 246 Hr TYPING/EOT TING Can Judy of Sera 666-6736 HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Com puter system makes typing obsolete Theses reports resumes Free pick up. delivery 346-6165 224 Ho ~ PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS iffu Correcimg Setectrx. Cm Berber* 345-6747 TYPING: 15 years experience papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 688-3963 _ 514 tfn CUTE TYPING SERVICE Of astGuaranteed-Accurate Free pickup/delivery 484-1648 _748:Wn A PLUS TYPING $1 /ds pg/$ 05/line Call Syn 344-8735 TYPING /EDITING Sara 888-0739 Judy 344-8502_ FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Ce* Paula Demons - 484-9405 BRANDY’S TYPING SERVICE Professional, experienced Theses, resumes, reports, editing 484-6044 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable rales IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice. 042-5208 4 22 FAST accurate, editing included Close to campus. 883-3888 Carol._5-18 MOONLIGHT TYPING Expert word processed typing Guaranteed 90 cents per page Call Denita after 5:00 pm 747-168? 4-28 EXPERIENCED TYPIST IBM Selectric Will do most typing jobs including papers, tables, theses, etc Have seven years experience 688-8124 Instruments FOR SALE: Fender F-65 acoustic guitar with h/case Like new $150 Call Peler 244-2888 4-25 Books II •0,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% off list prices New Books-Text Books-Cliff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 708 Eaet 13th EMERALD CITY COMICS Buy-Sell-T rade 770 E. 13th 345 2568 Ski Stuff SKIS CENTURY 4.5 190 cm, 2 weeks used $220 Skis Erbades Race-Cat, 190 cm, $110 Call 245-7705 or 244-4295 Recreation UO RECREATION A INTRAMURALS Volleyball Men's and Womens Volleyball Doubles Sign up by April 22, 5 00 in Gerlmger 102 944 4 22 UO RECREATION INTRAMURALS 4X4 B-Ball Post NCAA round robin tourney Mens and womens divisions Plenty of fun* No refs' Entries due Friday April 22 Play bsgins Saturday April 22 More info at 102 Gertmqer 967 4 22 Bicycles EISENTRAUT 21 and one fourth, handmade, 521 DB, Perfect condition and workmanship, Shimano, Strong Hght Spencer 24"-2925 4 22 FOR $1.50 YOU CAN SELL YOUR HOT PINK CLUNKER & MAKE MONEY! H you buy and Emerald Classified tor a Monday or Tuesday issue You pay *1 50 for 15 words instead of 10 Thai's five free words to help you sell the banana seat beauty and get a sleek racer Run your ad Monday and Tuesday and pay only $2 70 Ada must be paid for in advance and placed by 1 pm Friday at the OOE office. 200 EMU. UO Bookstore EMU Mam peak Offerjsnds May 17 4-11 SPECIALS THIS MONTH Centurion 15*pd $249.50 ChroMo tram* attoy wheels FUJI “Dot Ray*’ $299.50 N*w quadra butted frame Road test m March BICYCLING With Ihte ad 110 aft any Fuji or Centurton S’ ^ STL W)' STU B BIKE SHOP Monroe 344-2175 NICE 10-SPEED $65 firm 245-1487 evenings 4-22 BARGAIN! Schwinn "Traveler III" 10-speed in mostly greal shape Complete with Zefal hand pump $50 Call 484-246? SCHWINN CONTINENTAL 10-speed Fenders, Generator and new tires $85 00 Call after 5 00 Monday-Friday 461 -2269 4-25 Cars & Cycles \ 09 CORONA Flebuilt engine, 11.000 mi 25 mpg city, 20 mpg hwy Excellent condition $1600 244-0124 4-22 1981 Suzuki GS450L Black, Rack, Pegs Fairing, 683-2093 1962 FIAT ROADSTER Conv w/hardtop AM/FM cassette 45 mpg runs and looks great $1400/offer 242-2581_4-21 FIAT 131 Gold, 1976, 59,000 miles, AM-FM Cassette Clean, excellent condition Asking $2400 244-0048. 2-11 pm TERRIFIC BUG for sale 1965 VW. good interior, perfect mechanical condition, no major body damage $750 Call 245-0474 or 682-8228 4-22 •78 CAMERO at PS PB T-Top AM-FM cass 26 K mi 4700 682-6252 4-29 “T.E.A.M.” 1962 VOLKSWAGEN "BUG" $795 4-speed, runs excellent, nice interior THE ECONOMY AUTO MALL 7 A Grant 087-8326 “T.E.A.M.” 1975 PORSCHE 914 $6500 Red AM-FM cassette, 5-speed Only 61.000 miles THE ECONOMY AUTO MALL 7 A Grant 687-8326 Auto Repair SPRING TUNE-UP SPECIAL Honda Datsun, VW Toyota, Volva and others Includes tune-up complete, valve adjustment, oil change/filter $25 plus parts Call 345-9073 lor appointment. J.S. Fry Auto Repair. MWFS13 TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Why nol let a professional factory trained and certified mechanic give your car the "personal touch" in the privacy of his own home workshop1 Single parent responsibilities for two small children have forced me to quit my lucrative dealership |ob to bring you real savings on quality work for Volkswagen and Alta Romeo vehicles Jerry Berger. 344-4806 270:UF CAR TUNE-UPS at your home, foreign and domestic Professional work, full warranty, low prices 68? 8?72 or ?4? 9147 evenings 4 22 Travel 4 I |l I V V f- >1 I 1 AV( I BARGAIN ROUND TRIP FARES AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS EUGENE• NEW YORK $268 EUGENE - MINNEAPOLIS $228 SEATTLE Amsterdam $668 SAN FRANCISCO - AUSTRALIA $880 (children under 15 $99) 683-5577 Smith Family Book Btdg _952 Wf Wanted WILL PAY tor full set of notes from HMory of Christianity class ottered tail 1962 Call 74 7 9648 evenings or weekends 4-22 Opportunities The Undergraduate ART SHOW IS COMING medhrm w* be accepted May 6 Rm 167 EMU cm me CuBurai Forum tor further detaaa 668-4? 7'‘ 4 22 EARN S500 OR MORE each school year Flexible hours Monthly payment tor placing posters on campus Bonus based on results Prizes awarded as well 800-526-088? 4-26 NEW WEST AGENCY praised by the world's largest modeling agency tor talent development - starts new classes 4-2? 682-WEST4-22 Help Wanted j RESTAURANT Experienced Line Cooks needed for full-service family restaurant during summer season. Waitpersons also needed Excellent working atmosphere and renumeration Reply Lemon Tree Inn, P O Box 5?S, Cannon Beach, OR 97110 4-22 Students majoring in Business, Marketing. Pre-Law. Pre-Med interested in summer work and opportunity to make $?,840 Leave name, phone #, and major at 726-188?. 4-29 DID YOU MISS THE Peace Corps re cruiters last term? For information call 686-3235 _9?5 4-22 TEACHING POSITIONS Availble in residential training home for severly retarded adults Apply normalization and behavior management principles under supervision ol program director Shifts possible 7-10:20 am Monday-Friday. ?-11 pm Monday-Friday, 11pm-7am. and weekends $? 60 an hour Apply 189? Alder, weekdays 8 ? pm 978 4-25 CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Great income potential, all occupatons For informa tion call 602-8?7-?401 Ext ?22. 4-22 Roomates SCA COOP HOUSES ARE NOT EXPENSIVE $450 covers room, meals and utilities tor spring term Women, men, vegetarian, non-vegetarian, non-discriminating and democratically self-managed Janet Smith House, 1790 Alder, ask for Marlon Campbell Club, 1670 Alder, ask for Cory Meals only available also FIND A LASTING RELATIONSHIP FOR JUST $1.50 when you run an Emerald Classified on Monday or Tuesday You pay $1 50 for 15 words instead of 10 That's five free words to help you find the perfect roommate Run your ad Monday and Tuesday and pay only $? 70 Ads must be paid tor in advance and placed by 1 pm Friday at the ODE office, 700 EMU, UO Bookstore, EMU Mam Desk Offer ends May 17 4 11 WANTED roomate for large apartment Microwave, dishwasher. 1 H baths. $125 each. 12lh and Cityview Can Nancy days 667-2811 - evening 484 4572 HOUSEMATE DESIRED quiet 7 bedroom south of campus, large kitchen, garden with deck 484 4278. keep trying 4 22 Apts, for Rent FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus $17510 $250 485-00*2, 4*4 4018 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY UO family Housing Amazon two bedroom unfurnished apartments at $100-month and Westmoreland one bedroom fur nished apartment at $111 / month Also anticipate future openings tor Westmoreland two bedroom furnished apartment at $171 /month Contact UO Housing t)epl 686 4277 861 ttn WALK TO CAMPUS US East 18th On* and two bedrooms furnished with patio and courtyard Laundry, on street parking Now taking reservations IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST 488-8252 ALOE Ft WOOD MANOR 1M4-S4 Aider On* and two bedrooms with carpeting, drapes appliances laundry facilities on street parking $199 $289 Manager 484 611? IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST 4SS-I2S2 FURNISHED STUDIO 1331 High St. Campus downtown area Contemporary furnishings Private bath snare kitchen with one other UTILITIES PAID $155 Manager 744-0715 BENNETT MANAGEMENT 4*0 East 2nd 4«5«M1 TWO BEDROOM m small compter 145 N A Apptance drapes carpets, bus ■top $159 726-8491 or 744 8888 WALK TO CAMPUS One beoroom at 1745 Ferry Appliances carpet, drapes storage parking $169 742 1265 or 726 8491 408 tfn FIRCREST APARTMENTS 630 EAST 14th #9 Large unfurnished two bedroom, applianced. carpeted, laundry facilities $260 VIP 345-7368_549;tfn 1414 E. 18th Great location Quiet, clean 1 or 2 bedrooms Furnished or unfurnished Covered parking, laundry From $160/mo Call Sabin. 682-2160, Elliott Associates._601 ttn UTILITIES FURNISHED Garbage paid Laundry facilities Air-conditioned studio units Priveat bath Wet bar with refrigerator Balcony view of city 2494 Onyx Place 484-9662 or 485-5641 FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty622:ttn CAMPUS SUNSHINE "Dry out" on rooftop deck Two bedroom, your furniture or ours 1892 Gardent Ave 244-1042,_692:5-4 FURNISHED UNITS near Music Build ing Water, garbage included Two bedroom $280, one bedroom $195 and $205 References. 688-5769. 698:tfn 433 WEST 8th #7 Studio, unfurnished, carpeted, applianced. water and garbage paid Laundry facilities $125. 245-7268 Plan Ahead For Summer 1 or 2 Bedroom Apartments For 150 MO. (June 15-Sept 15) Includes Furnished, fully applianced apt. parking, excellent campus loca tion -DROP BY The Emerald Apts. 1877 Emerald (2 Bedroom) or The Camelot Apts. 1800 E 18th (t bedroom) or call 343- 1491 344- 5440 ALSO Make Reservations Now for next fall 854 ttn LARGE 2 BEDROOM furnished apartment 500 E 18th Coin-laundry, clean and excellent condition 242-12 71 or 686-8667. '_ 868 ttit 433 WEST 8ttl This 2 bedroom unfurnished town house style is applianced carpeted, water and garbage paid with laundry facilities. $165 Drive by. then call VIP. 245-7268 1441 FERRY *1 One bedroom in classic older home Carpeted applianced water garbage paid $185 VIP 245- 7268 902 ttn STUDIO UNITS t H blocks from campus Summer rates $145. laundry facilities 484-0070 or evenings 484-0706 __ 9054 26 TWO WEEKS FREE Parkside apartment in excellent condit’on One bedroom $190/month Fully applianced on bike and bus route No pets please Call 245-9272, 485-4022 979 5-19 HUGE OLD HOUSE 4 plus bedrooms 1825 Falrmount Blvd 6 blocks to campus Pets Ok $450 244-1146 4-22 HI RISE STUDIO/1 BDR. Enioy spacious and secure living m our twin tower Hi-Rise walking distance from campus EUGENE MANOR Manged by people who care Call 484 7441 for showing BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 460 E. 2nd 485-6991 STUDENT PLAZA LARGE one bedroom Carpet, drapes appliances and |ust $175 945 East 19th St Can us for showings Jennings 6 Co. Property Management. Inc. 683-2271 UTILITIES PAID: STUDIOS ft QUINTS Roomy A clean Private bath refrigera tor. cooking facilities, carpet, drapes laundry Furnished and unfurnished - from $114 Ca# Mike 242-2244 1027 West 4th Jennings 6 Co. Property Management. Inc. 468 East 11 Mi Aee. 663-2271 ONE HALF OFF First month Quiet 2 bedroom townhouse dishwasher and courtyard $220 Summer rales available June 1 Elizabethan Mgt 245-1409 Quads ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Aider No 66 Month to-month S100 Tenant pays electricity 242-2612 484-0804 222 tin THE BROWN DERBY QUADS Newer convenient location starting at $115, includes utilities 441 East 17th 343-5816.151 :tfn WOODSIDE MANOR 1810 HARRIS Enjoy total comfort in these individually heated and air-conditioned quads Private bath, $149 Shared bath. $124 Reserved parking available These are directly across the street from campus Resident manager, unit 129 Call 682-2005 IPM CO., REALTOR 111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 1728 FERRY Newer, some with decks Clean, pleasant surroundings $109 and $115. utilities paid IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 Vi BLOCK FROM CAMPUS WEST UNIVERSITY QUADS 738 Easl18tti $124 Private bath, laundry facilities, refrigerator in room, reserved parking available Manager, unit 1.245-1540 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 CLASSY QUADS 420 E 15th Handy to campus or town $124 includes utilities Manager. 245-9466 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 LARGE QUAD $110 per month $75 deposit Utilities included For more information call 485-8859 981 :tfn HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Quads and get your weekly cleaning included in the rent along with cable TV, utilities private bath and lots ot other goodies CALL TODAY! CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 686-1075 HEWER QUADS All utilities paid $129 Near University 1866 Harris. 244-2524 or 244-8941 _272 tin 475 EAST 15IH Clean, pleasant surroundings Fur nished, all utilities paid $99 244-9425. IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 ALL UTILITIES PAID ONLY $104. Roomy quads, close to campus Stop by 1750 Hilyard or call Terry at 245-9517 Jennings A Co. Property Management Inc. 488 East 11th Ave 683-2271 Houses for Rent ONE BEDROOM HOUSE Garage, walk-m close! $160/mo 245-2225, 6-11 eves 4-21 2 BEDROOM carport, corner lot Sum mer sublet $226 mo phone 242-6451, early mornings or evenings 4-25 Lost/Found FOUND 2-tone ski windbreaker in Straub Hall CaH Mike 242-7624 4-22 FOUND Black female puppy near Harris on 16th street Phone 245-0415 Keep lryiiig it n° answer _ _ _ 4-22 LOST Female wire haired terrier 8:20 am 4 19-82 vicinity ot Esslinger pool building Color grey and brown Answers to Tift or Tiffany Washington County License Reward $25 Call 1 642-5522_ 4-25 FOUND: Dark brown grey mix, small wire-haired terrier, female has license Call 682-7299 or 242-1502 4-26 Food/Drink EAT COOPERATIVELY EAT WELL Contribute 2V4 hours work/week, pay monthly at $2 80/day enjoy all meals & snacks Choice of vegetarian or non vegetarian Very close to campus Janet Smith House 1790 Alder 686-4261 ask tor Murray Campbell Club 1670 Alder 686-5189 ask tor Cory 778 ttn EVENTS WANTED-MAY DAY VOLUNTEERS CONTACT THE RCYB EMU - 12-2 COLLEGE LIFE featuring JAY CARTY Former NBA basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers, and former assistant coach for the UCLA Bruins FRIDAY, APRIL 22 7:30 PM CARSON DORM GOLD ROOM Music, entertainment and the ever mysterious door prize' Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ 4-22